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Unit1 The kings new clothes教学设计.docx

1、Unit1 The kings new clothes教学设计Unit1 The kings new clothes编写人: 审核人: 终审人:设计题目Story time (Period 1)执教日期教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:laugh, wear, little;2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组:long long ago, magic, clever, foolish, through;3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子和日常交际用语:Long long ago, there was a king. The king was very happy. He liked

2、new clothes. Two men visited the king;4. 能正确理解故事内容,有感情地朗读故事,体会故事中所蕴含的“不虚伪、敢于说真话”的道理。教学重点1. 四会单词和句型;2. 初步感知理解一般过去时的陈述句;3. be动词和规则动词的过去式及其发音。教学难点1. be动词和规则动词的过去式及其发音;2. 在正确理解故事的基础上,体会故事所蕴含的道理。教学策略1. 利用图片、多媒体课件教单词,音、形、义相结合,便于学生理解和记忆; 2. 通过联系生活实际,交流讨论等方法,帮助学生理解故事内容,体会人物性格。教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动

3、二次备课Step1 Pre-reading Step2While-reading Step3 Post-reading 322151. Free talkWhat do you like doing?Do you like reading stories?Do you know the story “The kings new clothes”? What do you know about it?Who are in the story?What happened in the story?【设计意图】让学生回忆、谈论这个耳熟能详的故事,激发兴趣,对本课的学习有很强的代入感。1. Long

4、long ago, there was a king. He liked new clothes.Teach: was, liked(注意读音)2. Who can make new clothes for the king?Teach: make for3. Really? How do they cheat the king?Read quickly, circle the sentences.Teach: clever, foolish4. Two men showed the king Teach: magic, showed5. Look, the king is trying on

5、 the new clothes. In fact, there arent any clothes at all. Why does the king do that? Because the king doesnt want to be foolish.No one wants to be foolish, so what happened?(1) Teach: walk through, point at, laugh, wear, little(2) Read the sentences.【设计意图】学生对故事结局已然了解,这里主要通过问题来引导学生关注细节,把握人物特点。1. Let

6、s read.(1) Read after the computer.(2) Work in groups of four, and read in roles.2. True or false.3. Read and write. Teach: could, laugh at【设计意图】通过朗读、判断、填空等一系列活动,巩固学生对课文的理解和掌握,为下面的复述课文做准备。4. Retell the story.5. Talk about the characters. What do you think of them? Who do you want to be?【设计意图】在充分理解课文

7、的基础上,引导学生对人物展开讨论,从而体会故事所蕴含的道理。6. You should know7. Make a recommendation card. T teaches Ss how to do it.【设计意图】介绍作者,激发阅读兴趣,拓展课外知识。Ss talk about the questions.Ss read and learn the new words.Ss learn the phrase and answer the questions.Ss read and circle.Ss read and learn.Ss read and learn.Ss talk in

8、 pairs.Ss read and learn.Ss read in different ways.Ss do the exercise, then check the answers.Ss retell the text according to the pictures and phrases.Ss talk about them freely.Ss learn how to do it.作业设计1. Read the story fluently and try to retell it; 熟读故事并且尝试复述;2. Complete the exercises of the stor

9、y time; 完成Story time 的相应练习;3. Make a recommendation card. 制作阅读推荐卡。板书设计Unit 1 The kings new clothesKing: foolish was liked visitedTwo men: clever, bad were walked shoutedOther people: foolish looked pointedBoy: honest showed laughed 教学反思设计题目Grammar time & Fun time(Period 2)执教日期教学目标1. 能理解并掌握Grammar ti

10、me中的动词过去式的用法及变化规则;2. 能用动词过去式描述过去发生的事;3. 能听懂、会读、会说Fun time中出现的新词汇:fit, fit well;4. 能表演Fun time。教学重点1. 动词过去式的用法及变化规则;2. 初步理解和掌握一般过去时的陈述句,能正确描述过去发生的事。教学难点1. 动词过去式的用法及变化规则,尤其是过去式词尾读音的变化;2. 初步理解和掌握一般过去时的陈述句,能正确描述过去发生的事。教学策略1. 通过小组合作,讨论交流,角色扮演等方法,丰富故事内容,深入理解故事;2. 通过对课文中句子的列举,引导学生发现规律,初步理解并掌握一般过去时。教学过程(可续页

11、)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动二次备课Step1RevisionStep2Fun timeStep3Grammar time51520Show some pictures and key sentences, let Ss try to recite the story.【设计意图】检查学生对上节课内容的掌握情况,回忆故事,再现一般过去时。1.Show the pictures of Fun time, let the Ss talk about them.Look at the pictures, what do they say?What else do they say?

12、How to read the sentences?Teach: fit, fit well【设计意图】通过师生谈论图片,补充对话,丰富故事,同时指导问句的朗读。2.Let Ss act the story in groups.3.What does the story tell us?Be clever. Dont be cheated.做一个聪明人。不要被人欺骗。Be honest. Dont cheat others.做一个诚实的人。不要欺骗别人。【设计意图】引起深层思考,深入理解故事。1.When we see “ago” in the text, what tense should

13、we use? 2.讲解一般过去时的定义。3.Look at the sentences, what can you find?4.Read and thinkRead grammar time, can you find more?5.讲解动词过去式的变化规则。Show some words, let Ss find the rules.6.讲解规则动词的读音变化。Ss read them in different ways.7.Summary: The simple past tense.8. Let Ss do some exercises. Then check the answers

14、.【设计意图】通过大量的例句、例词,让学生观察、发现语法规则,并辅以适当练习,加以巩固。Ss try to recite the story.Ss talk about the pictures freely.Ss learn to read.Ss learn the new words.Ss act the story in groups.Ss read the sentences.Ss think and choose.Ss read the sentences and find the past tense.Ss try to find more.Ss look and try to f

15、ind the rules.Ss listen and read.Ss talk about it with teacher.Ss do the exercises.。作业设计1. Recite story time and try to act it out;2. Finish the exercises.板书设计Unit1 The kings new clothes一般过去时:表示过去发生的事或存在的状态, 动词要用过去式。动词过去式 规则变化 不规则变化1. V(动词) + ed am/ is - was2. 动词以不发音e结尾的加d are - were3. 动词以辅音字母+y结尾变

16、y为 i加 ed4. 动词以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 ed读音变化/ d / / t / / id /时间状语: yesterday,last,ago, just now,before.教学反思设计题目Sound time, Culture time,& Cartoon time (Period 3)执教日期教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:say, tell, start, next, turn;2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组:each, sentence, quick, think hard;3. 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故

17、事,读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教 师的指导下表演故事;4. 能听懂、会说字母组合ar在单词中的发音,发音准确;5. 了解美国牛仔和苏格兰等外国服饰文化,并能用英语做简单的介绍。教学重点1. 正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,读懂其中的趣味之处;2. 掌握字母组合ar在单词中的发音。教学难点1. 正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,读懂其中的趣味之处;2. 掌握字母组合ar在单词中的发音。 教学策略1. 通过交流、讨论体会卡通的趣味之处,通过分角色朗读、表演来帮助学生强化语言知识,训练语言技能;2. 通过朗读,体会字母组合ar的发音规律和小诗的韵脚;3. 通过图片欣赏、录

18、音讲解拓展文化板块及学生的知识面。教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动二次备课Step1RevisionStep2Cartoon timeStep3Sound timeStep4Culture time51510101. Tell the story:The kings new clothes Each student says one sentence.2. Teach: each, say, sentence1. Watch and answerT: Miss Fox and her students are telling a story too. Lets w

19、atch and answer: Q1: How many people tell the story?Q2: Who ends the story?2. Check the answers:(1) Show Picture 1, check Q1.(2) Show Picture 2,3,4,5, check Q2. Teach: quick, next, told, tell, turn, think hard, start, have to(3) Why do they have to start the story again?(4) So who ends the story?3.

20、Read after the computer, then read in roles.4. Try to act the story.【设计意图】通过两个问题贯穿整个故事,在解决问题的过程中,细读文本,理解故事,并通过交流讨论来体会卡通的趣味性。1. Show the picture and ask: Whos he? Whats in his hand? What did the card say?Teach: got, said, getfrom2. Read the rhyme after the computer, then read it together.3. Look at t

21、hese words, what does “ar” say?“ar” says /a: /4. Can you find more words like this?5. Try to read some new words.【设计意图】看图,通过问答引出并理解小诗,在充分朗读的基础上,归纳字母组合“ar”的发音,并拓展例词、试读新词。1. Show the pictures:Where are they from?What are they wearing?Teach: an American cowboy, a Scottish man, jeans, a kilt2. Read afte

22、r the computer, then read together.3. Try to know:(1) American boy, Scottish kilt(2) Traditional Chinese clothing.(3) Different countries, different clothing. Different clothing, different culture.【设计意图】了解本国民族服饰,并与其它国家服饰对比,体会中西文化的异同。Ss tell the story one by one.Learn the new words.Ss watch and answe

23、r.Ss look at the pictures and read the story, then answer the questions. At the same time, learn the new words.Ss talk about the questions freely.Ss read the story in different ways.Ss work in groups, then act the story.Ss answer the questions and learn the new words.Ss read the rhyme.Ss read the wo

24、rds, and find the pronunciation of “ar”Ss try to say more words.Ss read and learn.Ss look, answer and learn.Ss listen, repeat and read.Ss listen to the teacher, and try to know more.作业设计1.搜索各国民族服装,了解各国服装文化;2.诵读Sound time,进一步了解 ar 字母组合在单词中的发音;3.进一步完善Cartoon time的小故事,并尝试把它写下来。板书设计Unit1 The kings new c

25、lothes/a:/ far star smart art large scarf sharp alarm market army pardonEach student says one sentence. each, say, sentenceWhats next? next, quick, told, tellWe have to start the story again. turn, think hard, have toDifferent countries, different clothing.Different clothing, different culture.教学反思设

26、计题目Checkout time & Ticking time (Period 4) 执教日期教学目标1. 复习、巩固前三课时所学单词、句型和日常用语;2. 能熟练掌握一般过去时相关语法知识,并能正确运用;3. 四会单词child,三会词组turn into;4. 能正确理解、朗读Checkout time中的故事;5. 能正确运用一般过去时创编故事。教学重点1. 熟练掌握一般过去时相关语法知识,并能正确运用;2. 正确理解、朗读Checkout time中的故事。教学难点1. 熟练运用本单元所学的词句谈论过去发生的事情;2. 正确运用一般过去时创编故事。教学策略1. 用游戏法帮学生回忆、操练

27、前面所学的知识;2. 用对比的方法帮学生辨析一般现在时和一般过去时,以达到正确运用;3. 通过小组合作的方法完成故事续编,加强语言输出训练,促进语用能的提升。教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动二次备课Step1RevisionStep2Read and writeStep3Circle and sayStep3Ticking time1020911. Brain storm 快速说出这一类的单词、短语。2. Lets compareThe things we usually do & The things we did 动词发生了怎样的变化?(复习动词的变化规则。)

28、3. Lets play(1) 游戏规则:小组内,每人抽一张纸条,用纸条上的单词造句,可以不止一句,数量不限哦。 (小组内分享)(2) Share in class.【设计意图】再现词句、语法点的基础上,通过游戏进行操练,加大语言输出的训练。4. Lets talk Did you remember story time? What do you think of the characters? What do you learn from the story?【设计意图】再次谈论故事,引出本节课的故事教学。1. Show some pictures and ask Ss to guess w

29、hat the story is about.2. Ask Ss to discuss in groups first and then to write answers.3. Check the answers in class. Teach the new words and phrases:walk by, pick, shout at, live with, sick, look after, turninto 4. Lets readLearning tip:要根据故事中的角色,揣摩人物的性格特点,有感情地朗读哦! 5. Let Ss retell the story according to the pictures.【设计意图】通过猜测、讨论、填空、检查、朗读、复述这几个环节展开教学,充分发挥学生的自主性,教学效果较好。1. Show the rules of this part, then give a model.2. Let Ss use their imagination to make up their own stories according to the pa

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