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1、模具术语中英文对照AD-Diameter The tread diameter at the centerline of the tread (EU); also: T-Diameter(GT) AD直径:指胎面中心线直径EU。又叫T直径GTAuto-lock Ear A Lug on the cone ring used to mount the mold/container in the top half of a 60“ NRM Auto-lock press.导环上的突缘,用于和60“ NRM Auto-lock 硫化机上半部连接。Bead Ring The tire bead for

2、ming ring (also: toe ring) 钢圈,也称 toe ringBead Ring Register The landing and tapered seat that the bead ring fits into钢圈配合:侧板上,和 钢圈配合的平面及锥面Bottom Container Plate The plate that the bottom sidewall plate is bolted to 模壳底座Bottom Container Plate Lifting Lug A lug attached to the Bottom Container Plate w

3、ith Horizontal holes used for lifting.模壳底座吊耳: 装配在底座上、有水平的孔,用来吊装的吊耳Bottom Container Plate Dowel Pin Lug A lug attached to the Bottom Container Plate that supports the Dowel Pin Bushing. 装配在底座上,用来支承定位销套的突缘Bottom Container Plate Hold Down A lug that is used to fix the Bottom Plate in the Press. 用来将底座装配

4、在硫化机上的突缘Breaker Hook A hook fixed to the bottom of the tread segment that catches the bottom container plate only when the segment will not release from the tire during de-molding.别离钩:固定在花纹块底部的钩子,轮胎硫化完后假设花纹块不能跟轮胎别离,就用此钩抓住模壳底座帮助花纹块和轮胎进展别离。Breaker Hook Guide PieceA block bolted to the breaker hook tha

5、t aligns the tread segment with a slot in the bottom container plate. 别离钩导块:用螺栓固定在Breaker Hook上,定位花纹块和模壳底座上槽的定位块。Bronze Wear Plates Any sacrificial metal plate placed under, over or behind a ponent to keep the ponents from wearing on each other (greasing) 青铜耐磨板(油润滑的)Casting An un-machined cast metal

6、 tread ring or Segment 铸件:未加工的金属花纹圈或花纹块铸件。Centering Ring The ring mounted on the bottom press platen to locate the mold/ container concentrically to the press; also: Press register定中环,也称“Press registerClamp Rings The bladder clamping assembly 胶囊夹盘Cone Ring The outer ring that transforms the axial mo

7、vement of the press in a radial one of the segments; also: Actuator ring, Squeeze ring (GT)导环,也称Actuator ring, Squeeze ringConicity Difference between tread radius over the width 锥度Container The mechanical parts that allow a segmented mold to operate; also: mechanism (GT) 模壳,也叫 mechanismContainer Ca

8、vity The space inside of the container that the mold fits into 模壳腔:模壳部放置模具的空间。DD-Diameter Nominal diameter of a bead ring (EU) Also: Heel diameter (GT) 钢圈的公称直径, 也叫Heel diameterDecoupler Rib A narrow rib that runs circumferentially around the mold and is located near the shoulder area在胎肩部位、窄的的圆周向的花筋D

9、EVA Metal Graphite impregnated bronze metal used for wear plates in segmented molds (un-greased)DEVA类耐磨板:石墨青铜金属,用来制作活络模具的耐磨板自润滑。Dowel Pins The pins that keep the mold halves and parts aligned (containers or HKK molds) 定位销:用来对模具的半模或零件定位的销模壳或HKK模具。Dowel PinBushing A replaceable sleeve used to register

10、 the Dowel Pin locations.定位销套:对定位销进展定位的可更换的衬套。DS 2-Diameter The junction diameter between the sidewall plate and the tread segments or tread ring and mould back cavity (EU); also: S Diameter(GT) 口径:侧板与花纹块、花纹圈与mould back 的配合直径. 也叫S DiameterEnd Gap The distance between cold mold segments (20C) that al

11、lows for heat expansion竖缝间隙: 20C时花纹块竖缝允许热膨胀的间隙Exterior Mold Identification PlateA removable plate fastened to the outside of the cone ring listing information pertaining to the mold parts (tread segments, side-plates) assembled in the container. 模壳铭牌Filler rings Full sidewall inserts for molds that

12、fills from the off shoulder area to the I.D. 嵌入式侧板:从肩部到径,全部嵌入模具的侧板Front of mould The reference point at which all dimensional locations are referred模具正前方Heel Diameter See: DD-Diameter 见 DD-DiameterGuide Piece A block fixed to the Top Container Plate that registers to a slot in the Cone Ring to keep

13、the Top plate from turning during operation. 导向块:固定在上盖上,和导环上的槽定位,防止操作过程中上盖转动Insert Metal plates pushed or screwed in the side wall plate for exchangeable information活字块(牌)Insulation Jacket Insulation placed around a container or 2 piece mold (GT) to retain heat 保温套Integral type mechanism A mold (tre

14、ad area) and mechanism that are one unit 整体式模壳: 花纹局部和模壳是一体的Ledge Height Bead ledge width on a bead ring 钢圈上凸出部位的宽度Lettering The inside lettering of the sidewall; also: Sidewall engraving (GT) 侧板字体图. 也叫Sidewall engraving Maxi Vent (GT) Vent Sleeve A removable insert for vent holes (Dia.:1,33 mm) to b

15、e trimmed.大气孔套(直径.:1,33 mm)Mechanism (GT) See: container or semi-container见container 或semi-containerMicro Vent A removable insert with vent slots ( 0.1 mm) 微型气孔套: 0.1 mmMini Vent (MV) A removable insert for vent holes (Dia.: 0,6 mm) 迷你气孔套(直径.:0.6 mm)Mold Back The part of a two piece mold machined to

16、 hold the tread ring and filler rings 除花纹圈和嵌入侧板外的两半模外壳Mold Cavity The inside of the mold that the tyre is shaped in 模具腔:形成轮胎外型的模具部曲线Mold Register The taper at the O.D. of a 2 piece mould that aligns the mold concentrically 两半模具上下半模的定位锥面Pitch length Repeated element of tread 节距长度Preload pression in t

17、he parts of the mold, which is proportional to a step off from the cone ring to the top container plate 预加载Press Drilling Any bolt holes to attach the mold/container to the press 模具和硫化机连接的螺栓孔Press Register See: Centering Ring 见 Centering RingPT-100 Hole A hole in one segment or the bottom half of a

18、two piece mold to accept a PT-100 feeler.在一个花纹块上或在两半模底部的孔,可以放置PT-100探针Radial Stroke The distance the tread shoe travels in and out 径向行程S Diameter (GT) See: DS 2-Diameter 见DS 2-DiameterSegment Stop Blocks Blocks or bolts through the Cone Ring that keep the segments from ing out 限位块Segmented mould Mou

19、lds consisting of multiple tread segments and a top and bottom sidewall plate and bead ring活络模具Semi-Container Container without segment shoes (profile segment and segment shoe are bined In花纹块和滑块一体的模壳Shim ring The removable ring on the top of the cone ring that allows for shims to increase or decreas

20、e Pre-load 安装环Shipping Bolt A device for the transfer to keep all parts of the container together 运输用固定螺栓Shipping Plate A plate used with the shipping bolt and placed on the top surface of the container to keep the container parts together during transfer. 运输用固定板Shoulder Area The area where the trea

21、d and sidewall meet ; also: Pennant area, Buttress area (GT) 胎肩,也称Pennant area, Buttress areaSidewall-Plate Ring, which is bolted at the container plate and contains the shape of the sidewall 侧板Sipe A small steel insert in the tread ;also: Blades or Kerfs (GT) 钢片嵌入式,也称Blades or KerfsSipe Tab The por

22、tion of the sipe that is buried in the mold. 钢片埋入模具的局部Slide Block Retainer T it connects the tread-shoe with the dovetail slide 导向条SMO (Segmented mould operator) The kit to rework a press for a segmented mold 活络模具动作Stamping The generic term for all mold indication. 标识Steam Baffle A plate welded in t

23、he steam chamber between the live steam inlet and outlet openings in the cone ring.(导环汽室中的)隔汽板Steam Chamber The chamber in the cone ring that allows live steam to circulate around the container (EU: also located in the bottom container plate)(导环)蒸汽室Steam Jacket A band welded at the outer diameter of

24、 the cone ring to enclose the steam chamber. (导环汽室的)围板T Diameter (GT) see: AD-Diameter 见 AD-DiameterThermo-Channel Slot A groove, usually located in the bottom plate, use to guide wires through for Thermo-couples. 测温槽,通常在下侧板上TIR (Total Indicator Reading(应该是run-out) The readings taken in a circle to

25、establish the shape of the plane measured跳动Top Container Plate The plate that the top sidewall plate is bolted to 上盖Transport Bushing A replaceable sleeve welded horizontally in the outer diameter of the cone ring for mold handling.Tread Rib The detail in the tread of a mold that makes the groove in

26、 the tire one piece)花筋Tread Ring The cast tread portion of a 2 piece mold (GT) 两半模的铸造花纹圈Tread Segments Shoulder to shoulder tread casting cut in several segments 花纹块Tread Segment Guide Piece A slide that fixes the tread segment to the top container plate to retract the segments with the SMO.上滑块Tread

27、 Shoe The portion of a segmented mold that moves the tread segment in and out. 滑块Tread Shoe Slide Slide that is fixed to the back of the tread segment and guides the segment with a slot in the cone ring. 滑块反面的耐磨板Two-Piece Mold A mold with a top and bottom half 两半模具Converter A removable block contain

28、ing tapped holes for fixing the mold/container in the top half of the press.过桥板一、入水:gate进入位:gate location水口形式:gate type大水口:edge gate细水口:pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size转水口:switching runner/gate唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runner,hot manifold热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate圆

29、形流道:round(full/half runner流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis流道平衡:runner balance热嘴:hot sprue热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug插座:connector socket密封/封料:seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker四、模具零件:mold ponents 三板模:3-plat

30、e mold二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing中托司:shoulder guide bushing中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate托板:support plate螺丝:screw管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针:ejector pin司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter模胚(架):mold base上模:cavity insert下模:core insert行位(滑块):slide镶件:insert压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate压条:plate撑头: support pillar唧嘴:sprue bushing挡板:stop plate定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar栓打螺丝:S.

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