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1、小学英语Module7Unit1Hespentabouttwentyonehoursinspace教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思Module7 Unit1He spent about twenty-one hours in space.教学设计课题:Module7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.授课时数:1教学目标一、知识目标1、理解运用词汇:spent, about, flew, October, video, proud, someday2、掌握句型:In October 2003, my father flew into

2、space in Shenzhou V. He spent about twenty-one hours in space. He did a lot of work there. I was very proud of him.二、能力目标1、 能够运用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事情,听懂并会说:In October 2003, my father flew into space in Shenzhou V. He spent about twenty-one hours in space. He did a lot of work there. I was very proud of him

3、.2、能够朗读课文,并完成相关语句的书写。三、情感态度1、通过本模块的学习,能够运用做学语言描述发生过的事情。2、能够乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识。四、学习策略 能够在情境中进行真实交际。五、文化意识 通过学习,了解中西方文化差异,增强学生跨文化交际意识。教学重难点运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事。教学方法情景教学、故事教学、分层教学、小组合作教学教学用具图片、单词卡片、贴画、多媒体课件学前活动预习课文,在课文里划出生词并自学认读。搜集神舟五号飞船的相关资料,课前小组内自学生词并交流搜集的资料。教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Lead in1、GreetingsGood morning, bo

4、ys and girls. How are you ?Good morning, Ms Xu.Im fine, thank you. 热身导入了解关于神州五号的更多信息2、Watch a video of Shenzhou V.First, a video for you.Watch the video carefully.Presentation1. 1)、Talk about the video: Whats the video about? Teach the word “video”, read and spell it. Make sure of the meaning of “ab

5、out”. Show the pictures lead to say. spaceship, Shenzhou V2)、Show the picture of Yang Liwei and ask: Who is he? Today lets learn more about Yang Liwei.Then show the topic of this class: Module7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.And stick the card on the blackboard. Answer the questionsI

6、ts aboutRead the word “video”, and try to say. Read and spell it. Read the word: about look at the screen and say together Look at the picture and answer the question:He is Yang Liwei.通过对视频内容的描述,让学生进一步认识航天英雄杨利伟,自然导入本课主题2、Show the picture of Yang Liweis son, ask: Who is he?Ask the students:What is he

7、 doing?Show and ask students to guess and fill in the blanks. Lets read Part 1 together.What did he do? Lets look.Look at the screen and guess who is the boy.Yang Liweis son.Answer the question:He is Fill in the blanks. Then read Part 1 together.通过图片创设情景,学习课文第一段,引出本课的故事3.Learn Part 21) Read and choo

8、seLets learn more about the great man. Show the cards.Teach the words: October, flew(fly),spent(spend),about2)、Read and underline Read the two sentences of Part2, and underline them.Who want to have a try?3)、Read and answerNow we know that Yang Liwei went into space.What did he do in space? Attentio

9、n to the words: did(do), made(make), video4)、Show a picture and lead to say: And then? 5)、Read and circle the past form of the words, then read them together.4. Now we know Yang Liwei came back. A question for you: Who met him? Show the picture Read and judge(T/F) Then check. I was very proud of him

10、. Teach the word: proud5、Lets matchNow please match the sentences with the right picture. Then check the answer together.Read and choose, then answer.Learn the words: October, flew(fly),spent(spend), aboutRead and underline, then check it.Hands up and read the two sentences.Read and answerHe did a l

11、ot of work there. He also made a video in space.Look at the picture and say: He came back to the earth.Read and circle the past form of the words, then read them together.Look at the screen and answer the question.My mother and IRead and judge(T/F) Then check.Learn the word: proudTry to say the sent

12、ence emotionally.Read and matchHands up and try to say.Then read the sentences by themselves.通过设计多样性的练习活动,引导学生继续关注故事的发展,并学习新的知识。通过对句子的有感情诵读,让孩子们体会到proud的含义通过连线,检查并巩固孩子们对本节课重点句子的掌握Text learning1、Listen and imitateLet the students watch the flash and try to imitate.Watch the flash and try to imitate.让

13、学生听并模仿动画的语音语调,训练学生的口语表达能力2、Read in groupsGroup A, B read the whole text. Group C read Part 3.Ok. Now Which group want to have a try?Read in pairsGroup A, B read the whole text. Group C read Part 3.Then hands up and show.分层设置任务,让不同层次的学生都能有所收获3、SummaryLets look what we have learnt today. Lead to conne

14、ct the pictures on the blackboard. Who want to have a try?Look at the blackboard and make a summary. Hands up and come to the blackboard to make a summary.通过思维导图,串联起本课整个故事4.Lets retellAsk students work in groups and retell the text.Then ask someone to tetell.Work in groups and retell the text.Then s

15、how in the classroom.通过小组合作复述课文,锻炼学生的合作意识和自主学习能力。Practiceand extension1、Now lets do another exercise.Group A: Fill in the blanksGroup B: choose the right wordsGroup C: Read the important sentencesGroup A: Fill in the blanksGroup B: choose the right wordsGroup C: Read the important sentences分组完成不同难度的

16、任务,体现分层教学理念,让不同层次的孩子都能体验到英语学习的乐趣2、Watch a videoHow great our country is!Lets read loudly.We are proud of China.Read the sentence together:We are proud of China.通过观看视频,培养学生的祖国意识Homework1. Read the text 3 times . Try your best to recite part 2 .2. Finish exercise book Page 29 1-3.3. Make a card of a f

17、amous person and talk about him/her.板书设计 Module7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.学情分析六年级英语在小学英语教学中起着承上启下的作用,既是五年级的衍生又是初中一年级的铺垫。六年级的学生已经掌握了一定的词汇量和日常交际用语。首先,学生进入六年级后,默写单词,词组的能力和正确率都有很大的提高。而且绝大部分孩子学习态度端正,随着他们认知能力的增强,大部分学生能在课堂上把书上部分单词当场消化,回去以后能自觉地根据老师的要求进行背诵和默写。其次,学生逐渐学会运用所学的语言知识。本学期我们开始进

18、行语言的读写运用训练,换句话说,就是开始有系统的书面练习。而且学生有了一定的预习基础,教师在教学时就能有的放矢,更多地让学生通过尝试来获取新知识,发挥学生的主体性。尽管如此,六年级的学生在英语学习中存在着两极分化严重的问题。有部分学生基础比较差,导致他们失去了英语学习的兴趣和信心。而且,这些学生课堂听讲效率低,就连最基本的词汇句型掌握起来都有很大的难度。因此,我们在教学中要采用分层教学的方式,设置不同层次的任务难度,尽量兼顾到全体学生。Module7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.效果分析我执教的这节课是外研社三年级起点六年级下册


20、形式的习题任务,学生基本全部都能够做对手中的练习。本节课由于个人能力不足,对于录播室的各种操作不熟悉,导致在课堂上没能很好的呈现对本课的教学设计,对于学生的关注太少,没能充分发挥学生小组合作、自主学习的能力,在以后的教学中我要严格要求自己,不断完善提高自己的教学能力。Module7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.教材分析本课是外语教学与研究出版社新标准小学英语三年级起点第八册Module7 Unit1 He spent twenty-one hours in space.学习内容是以杨利伟儿子的语气介绍自己的爸爸从进入太空到安全回

21、来的过程。本单元的重点是通过听、说、读、写等活动使学生进一步掌握一般过去时的用法,进而能过运用一般过去式谈论人物的生平事迹,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。Module7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.评测练习1、Look and match(连一连)1.In October 2003, my father flew intospace in Shenzhou V.2. Yang Liwei spent about twenty-onehours in space.3. Then he came back to the earth.4

22、. My mother and I went to the airport to meet him .5. I was very proud of him.2、Fill in the blanks(填空) A组In October 2003,my father into space in Shenzhou. He about twenty-one hours in space. He a lot of works there. Then he back to the earth. My mother and I to the airport to meet my father. I very

23、proud of him.2、Choose the right answer(选择)B组In October 2003,my father (flew/fly)into space in Shenzhou. He (spend/spent)about twenty-one hours in space. He (do/did)a lot of works there. Then he (came/come)back to the earth. My mother and I (go/went) to the airport to meet my father. I (was/is) very

24、proud of him.Module7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.课后反思我执教的这节课是外研社三年级起点六年级下册第七模块第一单元。针对这节课的特点,我设计了多样性的课堂练习活动,以期达到预定的教学目标。以下是我对这节课的几点反思:首先,在导入环节我用了神舟五号的一段视频为切入点,在观看完视频后,应该让学生先在组内交流一下,因为课前我已经布置了预习作业以及了解神州五号的更多信息,相信学生对这个话题已经有了一定的认识。但是在实际课堂中因担心时间紧张没能让他们展开交流讨论。其次,在语言的呈现环节中,由于内容较多,在设计本环节时


26、本课的教学设计,对于学生的关注太少,没能充分发挥学生小组合作、自主学习的能力,在以后的教学中我要严格要求自己,不断完善提高自己的教学能力。Module7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.课标分析本课是外语教学与研究出版社新标准小学英语三年级起点第八册Module7 Unit1 He spent twenty-one hours in space.通过学习本课使学生进一步复习一般过去时的用法,进而能过运用一般过去式谈论人物的生平事迹。新课程标准中指出,英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。六年级应该达到二级目标,即对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。学生通过本单元内容的学习,能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事;能用简单的英语互致问候,交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息;能根据图片或提示写简单的句子;能够根据所学表演小故事或歌谣;在学习中乐于参与,积极合作,主动请教;在学习中乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识。

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