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旅游英语课件Unit 5 Catering..pptx

1、旅游英语课件Unit 5 Catering,Unit Six Transportation,Warm-up Passage ReadingText A Text BTask-based ActivitiesSpecial Terms Assignment,Warm-up,Food is an indispensable part in our travelling.When we travel to a new place,many of us will go to taste some local food.Sometimes,local food is even a reason for

2、us to choose a place to travel.Therefore,food is really important.,Discussion:Can the local food become a reason for you to choose a place to travel?Which kind of food do you like better?Western food or Chinese food?,Text A Chinese Cuisine,Background Information:1.Yue(Guangdong,Cantonese)(粤菜)Dim sum

3、,literally touch your heart,is a Cantonese term for small hearty dishes.These bite-sized portions are prepared using traditional cooking methods such as frying,steaming,stewing and baking.It is designed so that one person may taste a variety of different dishes.Some of these may include rice rolls,l

4、otus leaf rice,turnip cakes,buns,shui jiao-style dumplings,stir-fried green vegetables,congee porridge,soups,etc.The Cantonese style of dining,yum cha,combines the variety of dim sum dishes with the drinking of tea.Yum cha literally means drink tea.,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese Cuisine,B

5、ackground Information:2.Su(Jiangsu,Huaiyang)苏菜Jiangsu cuisine,also known as Su(Cai)Cuisine for short,is one of the major components of Chinese cuisine,which consists of the styles of Yangzhou,Nanjing,Suzhou and Zhenjiang dishes.It is very famous all over the world for its distinctive style and taste

6、.It is especially popular in the lower reach of the Yangtze River.,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese Cuisine,Background Information:2.Su(Jiangsu,Huaiyang)苏菜(Continued)Typical courses of Jiangsu cuisine are Jinling salted dried duck(Nanjings most famous dish),crystal meat(pork heels in a brigh

7、t,brown sauce),clear crab shell meatballs(pork meatballs in crab shell powder,fatty,yet fresh),Yangzhou steamed Jerky strips(dried tofu,chicken,ham and pea leaves),triple combo duck,dried duck,and Farewell My Concubine(soft-shelled turtle stewed with many other ingredients such as chicken,mushrooms

8、and wine).,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese Cuisine,Background Information:3.中国菜系菜系,也称“帮菜”,是指在选料、切配、烹饪等技艺方面,经长期演变而自成体系,具有鲜明的地方风味特色,并为社会所公认的中国的菜肴流派。早在春秋战国时期,中国汉族饮食文化中南北菜肴风味就表现出差异。到唐宋时,南食、北食各自形成体系。发展到清代初期时,鲁菜、苏菜、粤菜、川菜,成为当时最有影响的地方菜,被称作“四大菜系”。到清末时,浙菜、闽菜、湘菜、徽菜四大新地方菜系分化形成,共同构成中国汉族饮食的“八大菜系”。,Sectio

9、n A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese Cuisine,Background Information:3.中国菜系一个菜系的形成和它的悠久历史与独到的烹饪特色分不开的。同时也受到这个地区的自然地理、气候条件、资源特产、饮食习惯等影响。有人把“八大菜系”用拟人化的手法描绘为:苏、浙菜好比清秀素丽的江南美女;鲁菜犹如古拙朴实的北方健汉;粤、闽菜宛若风流儒雅的公子;川、湘菜就像内涵丰富充实、才艺满 身的名士。中国“八大菜系”的烹调技艺各具风韵,其菜肴之特 色也各有千秋。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese CuisineBa

10、ckground Information:4.满汉全席满汉全席,满清宫廷盛宴。既有宫廷菜肴之特色,又有地方风味之精华;突出满与汉族菜点特殊风味,烧烤、火锅、涮锅几乎不可缺少的菜点,同时又展示了汉族烹调的特色,扒、炸、炒、熘、烧等兼备,实乃中华菜系文化的瑰宝和最高境界。满汉全席原是清代宫廷中举办宴会时满人和汉人合做的一种全席。满汉全席上菜一般起码一百零八种(南菜54道和北菜54道),分三天吃完。满汉全席菜式有咸有甜,有荤有素,取材广泛,用料精细,山珍海味无所不包。从中可见中国饮食文化的博大精深。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese CuisineBa

11、ckground Information:5.中国少数民族食物粉汤是回族群众喜爱的风味食品。每逢古尔邦节和肉孜节,家家户户都要烹制粉汤,恭敬贵客和亲友们到来。油馓子是信仰伊斯兰教少数民族的的风味名点之一。在古尔邦节和肉孜节,家家户户的餐桌上,都有一盘黄澄澄的多层的圆柱形的油馓子。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese Cuisine,New Word:cuisine kwizi:n n.烹饪,烹调法 treasure tre n.财富,珍品 mature mtju v.使成熟,使成长 ingredient inri:dint n.原料,要素nouri

12、shment nrimnt n.营养品,滋养品 extensive ikstensiv adj.大量的,广阔的 profound prufaund adj.深厚的,意义深远的 imperial impiril adj.帝国的,至高无上的 delicacy deliksi n.微妙,精密culinary klinri adj.厨房的,烹饪的,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese CuisineNew Word:territory teritri n.领土,领域 steamed sti:md adj.蒸的 staple food 主食attached g

13、reat importance to 重视 beverages bevrid n.饮料 prime praim adj.主要的,最好的indispensable,indispensbl adj.不可或缺的,绝对必要的pastry peistri n.油酥点心,面粉糕饼,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese Cuisine Language Points:China is a world-renowned“Culinary Kingdom.”中国是闻名世界的饮食王国。The people of northwest of China love sour

14、food;those of southwest China are fond of spicy food;and those from south and east China prefer sweet food.The people of north China mainly eat cooked wheaten food,such as steamed bread,steamed twisted rolls,pancakes and noodles;and the peopleof south China take rice as staple food.中国的东北人喜欢酸味的食物,西南地

15、区的人喜欢吃辣的食物,南部和东部的人则喜好甜味食品。中国北方人多数吃煮熟的小麦食品,例如馒头、花卷、煎饼和面条等,然而南方人则以大米为主食。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese CuisineLanguage Points:An old Chinese saying goes:“people regard food as their prime want.”中国有句古话叫“民以食为天”。In China delicious food is often linked with festivalsand celebrations.在中国,美食通常是和节

16、日庆祝联系在一起的。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Chinese Cuisine Language Points:5.At the Nadam Grassland Fair of the Mongolian ethnic minority,the Corban Festival of the Huis,the Water Sprinkling Festival of the Dais and the game of“Maidens Chasing Her Lover”of Uygurs,tourists from all over the country

17、may taste mutton and rice eaten with fingers,fried pastry and other deliciousfood.在蒙古族的那达慕大会、回族的吉尔邦节、傣族的泼水节及维吾尔族“少女追心上人”的游戏中,从全国各地来的游客都能品尝羊肉和手抓饭,油炸点心以及其他的美食。,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Western Table Etiquettes,Background Information:1.Table manners in UKIn the UK,the host or hostess takes the

18、first bite unless he or she instructs otherwise.The host begins after all food is served and everyone is seated.Eating Food-Manners and Etiquette Food should always be tasted before salt and pepper are added.Applying condiments or seasoning before the food is tasted is viewed as an insult to the coo

19、k,as it shows a lack of faith in his/her ability to prepare a meal.,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Western Table Etiquettes,Background Information:1.Table manners in UKIn religious households,a family meal may commence with saying Grace,or at dinner parties the guests might begin the meal by offer

20、ing some favorable comments on the food and thanks to the host.In a group dining situation it is considered impolite to begin eating before all the group have been served their food and are ready to start.,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Western Table Etiquettes,Background Information:2.西餐酒杯用法高脚水杯(

21、Goblet)多用于豪华西餐厅,主要用于盛载矿泉水或冰水。古典杯(Old Fashioned)多用于盛载加冰块的烈性酒和古典鸡尾酒。吉格杯(Jigger)多用于烈性酒的纯饮,故又称烈酒纯饮杯。海波杯(Highball)多用于盛载长饮酒或软饮料。坦布勒杯(Tumbler)多用于盛载长饮酒或软饮料。果汁杯(Juice)主要供盛载果汁之用。带柄啤酒杯(Mug)主要用于盛载生啤酒。,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Western Table Etiquettes,Background Information:2.西餐酒杯用法白兰地杯(Snifter)主要用于盛载白兰地

22、利口酒杯(Liqueur)用于盛载利口酒。甜酒杯(Pony)多用来盛载利口酒和甜点酒。酸酒杯(Sour)用于盛载酸味鸡尾酒和部分短饮鸡尾酒。鸡尾酒杯(Cocktail)短饮鸡尾酒专用酒杯。雪利酒杯(Sherry)主要用于盛载雪利酒。钵酒杯(Port)主要用于盛载钵酒。白葡萄酒杯(White Wine)主要用于盛载白葡萄酒和用其制作的鸡尾酒。红葡萄酒杯(Red Wine)主要用于盛载红葡萄酒和用其制作的鸡尾酒。,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Western Table Etiquettes Background Information:,3.餐桌语言继续用餐:

23、把刀叉分开放,大约呈三角形,那么示意你要继续用餐,服务员不会把你的盘收走;用餐结果:而当你把餐具放在盘的边上,即便你盘里还有东西,服务员也认为你已经用完餐了,会在适当时候把盘子收走;请再给我添加饭菜:盘子已空,但你还想用餐,把刀叉分开放,大约呈八字形,那么服务员会再给你添加饭菜。注意:只有在准许添加饭菜的宴会上或在食用有可能添加的那道菜时才适用。如果每道菜只有一盘的话,你没有必要把餐具放成这个样子;我已用好餐:盘子已空,你也不再想用餐时,把刀叉平行斜着放好,那么服务员会在适当时候把你的盘子收走。,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Western Table Et

24、iquettesNew Word:etiquette etiket n.礼节,礼仪,规矩 fancy fnsi adj.昂贵的,精选的 silverware sivw n.银器,镀银餐具 napkin npkin n.餐巾,餐巾纸continental,kntinentl adj.大陆的,大陆性的spread out 伸展,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Western Table Etiquettes,New Word:cruise kru:z n.巡航,巡游rundown rndaun n.概述 champagne mpein n.香槟,香槟酒 desse

25、rt diz:t n.餐后甜点,甜点心sherry eri n.雪利酒(西班牙产的一种烈性白葡萄酒),葡萄酒inverted inv:tid adj.倒转的,反向的 blade bleid n.叶片,刀片,刀锋 indicate indikeit v.表明,指出,象征,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Western Table EtiquettesLanguage Points:It is important when you are eating that you do not spread out your arms,and always keep it

26、close to your body.很重要的一点是吃饭时,不要伸开你的手臂,始终让你的手臂紧挨着你的身体。Your water glass will be very close to the knife.There is a small glass for your white wine,a bigger one for your red wine,and of course we have our champagne flute that will be served with yourdessert.喝水的杯子是紧挨着刀的那个。喝白酒的杯子是小个的,稍大点的那个杯子用来喝红酒,当然,上完

27、甜品后还会有香槟酒杯。,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Western Table EtiquettesLanguage Points:In that case you would place your silverware in almost an inverted V position on the plate very wide open(with the blade inwards)which says that I am resting,I am not finished.在这种情况下,你要将你的银餐具在碟子中放置成倒V型(刀锋向内),意为我暂且休息

28、下,但用餐还没结束。Well,the men will help the ladies with their chairs.这时,男士会帮助女士拉开椅子。,Section A Passage Reading,Column AColumn B,I.Match the words in Column A with the English equivalents in Column B.,etiquettefancycruiseinvertedrundownbeveragesmeticulouslytreasure,expensive and high-qualityan ocean trip ta

29、ken for pleasurea summarycarefullydrinksprecious objects;valuable objectssocial proprietybe put in an opposite direction,II.Decide whether the following statements are True or False based on Text B.,Section B Task-based Activities,(T)Chinese cuisine culture has a history more than 3,000 years.(F)The

30、 people of northwest of China love sour food;those of southwest China are fond of sweet food;and those from south and east China prefer spicy food.(T)Chinese food is one of the reasons why foreign tourists come to China.(F)In China delicious food has nothing to do with festivals and celebrations.(T)

31、Dumpling is a kind of food for celebrating the Spring Festival.,III.Answering the following questions according to Text B.Which hand do you hold your fork and which one do you hold your knife at a western table?The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right.Which glass is used for dr

32、inking water at a western table?Your water glass will be very close to the knife.How will you put your fork and knife to indicate that you have finished your meal at a western table?When you are finishing with your dining,you would put your silverware together at six oclock with your fork on the lef

33、t(tines facing up)and knife on the right,with the knife blade facing in.,Section B Task-based Activities,Is it polite for a guest to leave the table during a meal,or before the hostess gives the signal at the end?No,it isnt.What will a man do when the lady next to him finishes her meal and rises from her seat?The men will help the ladies with their chairs.,III.Answering the following questions acc

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