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非文学翻译口译 week 10.docx

1、非文学翻译口译 week 10 翻译讲评Diesel engine operating features (paragraph 2)Now let us compare the diesel engine with the gasoline engine. Firstly, the explosive mixture of the gasoline engine is provided by a carburettor, but in the case of the diesel engine the supply is effected by an injection or jerk pum

2、p which forces a shot of fuel into each cylinder in turn according to the correct firing sequence. explosive mixture爆炸性混合物/(可)爆燃混合气 the supply = the supply of the explosive mixture to effect = to bring about; to cause sth to occur 使产生;使发生 the supply is effected by = the mixture is supplied by an inj

3、ection or jerk pump = an injection pump or “jerk” pump injection pump喷射泵/喷油泵 jerk pump 高压燃油喷射泵 / 脉动作用泵 译:现在,让我们比较一下柴油发动机和汽油发动机。首先,汽油发动机的爆燃混合气是由化油器提供的,而柴油机的爆燃混合气则由喷油泵(即脉动作用泵)提供,由喷油泵按照正确的点火顺序将燃油依次“射”入各汽缸。Secondly, the fundamental difference between gasoline and diesel engines is that in the gasoline e

4、ngine the source of the heat for igniting the charge, namely, an electric spark, is generated outside the engine, and is taken, as it were, into the waiting charge at the required instant. a. the source of the heat热源b. the charge燃料/混合燃气c. the source of the heat = an electric sparkd. as it were: used

5、 when describing something in a way that is not quite exact可以说;可谓viz.,译:其次,汽油发动机与柴油发动机的基本区别在于:汽油机中用于点燃混合燃气的热源(即电火花)是在发动机外面产生的,可以说电火花总是在需要的时刻被引入待燃的混合气中。 In the diesel engine the source of heat for igniting the charge is created within the engine by compressing pure air to a degree that will initiate

6、combustion and then by injecting the fuel at the right time in relation to the movement of the crankshaft. a. The source of heat is created by compressing and then injecting theb. to initiate combustion 是什么在燃烧?是空气还是燃料(charge)?译:而在柴油发动机中,用于点燃混合气的热源是在发动机内部产生的,方法是将纯空气压缩,直到燃料可以被引燃的程度,随后,因应曲轴的运动,燃油适时地喷入。

7、 Both classes of engines are of very similar construction. But as the diesel engine is called upon to withstand very much greater stresses due to higher pressures in cylinders, it has to be of more substantial construction, and is thus heavier. a. construction结构b. stresses应力e.g. a stress of 240 MPa

8、/ a stress of 2001000 Pa / a stress of 2900 kg/cm2译:这两种发动机的结构是很相似的,但是由于柴油发动机汽缸内压强更高,它必须能够承受大得多的应力,因此它的结构必须更加坚固,重量也更大些。 In general, the diesel engine may weigh about 9. 25 kilograms per kilowatt. The most important advantage of the gasoline engine is its lower weight per kilowatt. The gasoline engine

9、 for automobiles weighs about 6. 17 kilograms per kilowatt, and gasoline engines for airplanes may weigh as little as 0. 77 kilograms per kilowatt. This advantage prevents the diesel engine from replacing the gasoline engine in some automobiles and airplanes. 一般来说,柴油机每千瓦重量可达9.25公斤。汽油机最重要的优点是每千瓦的重量较轻

10、。用于汽车的汽油发动机每千瓦重量为6.17公斤,而用于飞机的汽油发动机的每千瓦重量最轻仅有0.77公斤。汽油机的这一优点使柴油机无法代替某些汽车以及飞机上使用的汽油发动机。However, the diesel engine is more efficient, because it has a higher compression ratio. Its ratio may be as high as 16 to 1. Up to 40 per cent of the chemical energy of the burning fuel may be changed into mechani

11、cal energy. In addition, the diesel engine runs cooler than the gasoline engine. This advantage is especially obvious at lower speeds. Diesel oil is not only cheaper than gasoline, but also safer to store.Mechanical properties of a materialA mechanically sound structure like a bridge on the river然而,

12、柴油发动机的效率更高些,因为柴油机具有较高的压缩比,可达16比I。高达40%的燃料燃烧产生的化学能可转化为机械能。此外,柴油发动机比汽油发动机的工作温度低。这一优点在低速运转时尤为明显。柴油不仅比汽油便宜,而且储存更为安全。XIII文化负载词汇-中外翻译策略比较 1. 运动会吉祥物:1) 福娃、乐羊羊、盼盼2) Amik - Montreal 1976Amik in Indian language means beaver. The beaver has always been associated with hard work. (Note: The name Amik is not tra

13、nslated as “beaver” for use in English or “castor” in French.) 3) Hodori - Seoul 1988The Ho in Hodori comes from the Korean word for tiger, and Dori is a common masculine diminutive. 4) Naranjito, mascot of Football World Cup, Spain, 1982The name comes from naranja, Spanish for orange, and the dimin

14、utive suffix -ito5) Pique, mascot of Football World Cup, Mexico, 1986The name comes from picante, Spanish for spicy peppers and sauces6) Ciao, mascot of Football World Cup, Italy, 1990 7) Goleo V and Pille, mascot of Football World Cup, Germany, 2006Goleo is a portmanteau of the words goal and leo,

15、the Latin word for lion. In Germany, Pille is a colloquial term for a football2. 饮食1) 饺子,馒头,豆腐,汤圆,点心,茄汁,荔枝2) tofu, gyoza, sake, pizza, macaroni(通心粉), spaghetti, ravioli, pasta (面条类)cappuccino, saut (煎), mayonnaise(蛋黄酱), pt(酱;馅饼), foie gras(鹅肝酱), Vodka, Champagne, Cabernet Sauvignon pickle, oshinko,

16、sauerkraut, kimchi3. 体育运动 1) 武术,太极拳,咏春拳Wing Tsun,截拳道Jeet Kune Do,围棋,象棋,2) judo,taekundo,karate, go, Muay Thai, kabaddi, canoe, pe, sabre, fleuret,4. 音乐舞蹈1) 唢呐,琵琶,京剧,昆曲,粤曲,采茶戏Tea-picking Opera,客家山歌Hakka Folk Songs/Hakka mountain songs2) cello, concerto, allegro, andante, tempo, libretto, ballet, sopr

17、ano, scherzo, tango, samba, rumba, serenade, pas de deux, pas de quatre, encore, waltz, khoomei (khuumei)5. 称呼语3) 老张,小李,陈老师,王师傅,李司机,何书记,4) Monsieur Lafarge, Madame Curie, Signorina Mussolini, Signori Campanini, Seor San Antonio, Seora Nilda, Fraulein Maria, Fhrer, etc-Ah ! but Signore, the bottle ha

18、d a cork. A cork ! . Oh ! but signore just as you please! -Why, yes, Fraulein Maria WAS my governess before going to work for the von Trapp family. However did you know?PHANTOMS VOICE: Im here: The Phantom of the Opera . . .Im here: The Phantom of the Opera . . .RAOUL: You fool, I said only when the

19、 times comes!MARKSMAN: But, Monsieur le Vicomte . . .PHANTOMS VOICE: No buts! For once, Monsieur le Vicomte is right.Seal my fate tonight - I hate to have to cut the fun short but the jokes wearing thinLet the audience in . let my opera begin!Les Miserables-Good afternoon, Monsieur le Maire. The new

20、 inspector has arrived. - He wants to report. - Thats all right. He doesnt have to. -But Monsieur le Maire, if you dont permit the inspector to report. I think he will burst into tears. Monsieur le Maire, Im Inspector Javert. I have the honor of reporting to my post as your prefect of police. - Im s

21、orry. Whats your name? - Inspector Javert. - You were expecting me. Paris should. - You have papers? Yes, I apologize. I should have presented them immediately. -Good. Thank you for coming.4. 其它1) 阴,阳,龙,凤,风水,八卦,红卫兵,赤脚医生城管On Oct. 27th, when a Chengguan squad in Zhumadian County in Henan was tearing d

22、own a residential building by force, they came into conflict with the owners. 走资派 . was labeled a Zouzipai (capitalist-roader)大字报 Dazibao, or wall-mounted posters /Big-character posters / wall newspapers法轮功下岗the xiagang or laid-off workers, / xiagng (laid-off) workers上访 make a shangfang (an appeal t

23、o a higher judicial authority) / China has a way of lodging complaints via a petition known as a shangfang户口 to obtain a hukou, or residence permit / hukou (residence permit)2) sans-culotte, paparazzi, Ciao, edelweiss, blitz, diesel, Geisha, Kamikaze, Kanji, Kimono, Samurai, Sushi, Zen, Tsunami, Shi

24、nto, Aum Shinrikyo, Russian Duma, perestroika, gulag, Cheka. Cosmonaut, Czar, junta, ol, siesta, toreador, El Nio, La Nia回译与文献检索1. 孔子曰:“天无二日,民无二王。” 汉译英 Confucius said: “There cannot be two kings for the people just as there cannot be two suns in the heavens” 英译汉孔子说:“一国民众不能有两个帝王,正如天上不能有两个太阳一样”。 英译汉孔子

25、说过:“天无二日,民无二王。”2. “Revolution is not a dinner party, not an essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, considerately, respectfully, politely, plainly and modestly.”“革命不是一个晚餐会,不是一篇文章,不是一幅画,也不是一副刺绣。革命不能温和地推行,。”“革命不是请客吃饭,不是做文章,不是绘画绣花,不能那样雅致,那样从

26、容不迫,文质彬彬,那样温良恭俭让。” 3. 国际刑警秘书长罗秉义在2003年的一个国际反贪污会议上,赞扬香港为全球 “反贪典范之都”,并称许廉署是“顶尖儿的反贪污机构”。 At the International Anti-Corruption Conference in 2003, Ronald Kenneth Noble, Interpol Secretary General, praised Hong Kong as the “anti-corruption capital of the world” and rated the ICAC as “ the No. 1 anti-corr

27、uption agency”.3. 1924年,美国总统卡尔文柯立芝建议把父亲节作为一个全国性的节日,以便“在父亲和子女间建立更亲密的关系,并且使父亲铭记自己应尽的全部责任”。 In 1924, the then US President Calvin Coolidge moved that the Fathers Day be made a national holiday to “establish more intimate relations with fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full mea

28、sure of their obligations.” 岭南民族民间音乐概述前言岭南文化,以厚重凝实的历史底蕴,涌动不竭的文化活力,记载着千古岭南人的生存样态。作为中华文化圈的重要组成部分,岭南文化圈由广府文化、潮汕文化、客家文化、海南文化、桂系文化、港澳文化等几个子文化圈构成。 厚重凝实的历史底蕴rich historical heritage 涌动不竭的文化活力inexhaustible vitality/vigour 记载is the archive of / epitomizes 人的生存样态human conditions 岭南the region known as Lingnan

29、in Southern China/Southern Chinas Lingnan Region. 中华文化圈the pan-Chinese culture 岭南文化圈由广府文化文化文化文化等几个子文化圈构成Lingnan culture consists of several subdivisions at work in An Oveview of Lingnan Traditional Folk MusicForward Lingnan culture, blessed with its rich historical heritage and inexhaustible vigour,

30、 is the archive of thousands of years of human conditions in Southern Chinas Lingnan Region. As an important part of the pan-Chinese culture, Lingnan culture consists of several subdivisions at work in Guangfu, or Cantonese-speaking areas, in Chaozhou and Shantou in the eastern part of Guangdong, in

31、 Hakka-speaking areas, in Hainan Province, in Guangxi, as well as in Hong Kong and Macau. 翻译练习:(口译1班)在这一天,在所有的大陆上,所有的生命都在为生存而奔波,在这蒙昧之中的世界,它们不知道自己从哪里来,也不关心自己到哪里去,当白垩纪的太阳升到正空,当苏铁植物的大叶在地上投下的影子缩到最小时,它们只关心从哪里找到自己今天的午餐。 一头霸王龙找到了自己的午餐,它此时正处于冈瓦纳古陆的中部地区,在一片高大的苏铁林中的一块阳光明媚的空地上。它的午餐是一只刚刚抓到的肥硕的大蜥蜴,它用两只大爪把那只拼命扭动的蜥蜴一下撕成两半,把尾巴那一半扔进大嘴里,津津有味地大嚼起来,这时它对这个世界和自己的生活很满意。

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