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1、中考英语1600词汇A单词+词组+句型A1600(a)来自奇速英语00:0002:58a(an), e(n)art.一(个、件)用法:不定冠词的常见用法第一次提到,表示泛指。含有数量“一”的概念,但是不如one 强烈。abilitybltn.能力;才能a man of ability 有能力的人the ability to do sth 做某事的能力able eb()la.能够;有能力的be able to do sth有能力做某事about batprep. 对于,关于;大约;在.周围be about to do 即将.We were about to go when it suddenly

2、 rained.我们正要出发,突然天下雨了。look about 四处寻找run about 到处跑What/How about?above bvprep.在上面above all 最重要的是Above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourselves.最重要的是,工作必须在九点之前由我们自己独立完成。注意:above的反义词为belowabroad brdad.到(在)国外from abroad 从国外,从海外His parents have just come back from abroad.他的父母刚刚从海外回来,我们去看望

3、他们吧。go abroad 出国absentbsnta.缺席;不在accept kseptvt.接受近义词辨析:accept 和receiveaccept 是“接受、认可“的意思,是收到并接受;receive 有”收到“的意思,但不一定接受。I received a lot of gifts on my birthday, but I didnt accept any.生日那天我收到许多礼物,但是我并没有收下任何礼物。I received his invitation but I didnt accept it.(我收到他的邀请,但我没接受。)accident ksdntn. 事故; 偶然by

4、 accident意外地,偶然地a traffic accident 交通事故according to prep. 根据;依照according to根据,按照achievetivvt.达到;取得He hopes to achieve all the aims soon .(他希望很快达成所有目标。)across krsprep横过;穿过across prep.在.对面,横穿近义词辨析:across 和throughacross表示“横过,穿过”,着重指从路线或物体表面的一边到另一边(表面)。across the street 横过马路through “穿过,从中间通过”,着重指从空间的一头穿

5、到另一头(内部)。through the forest 穿过森林act ktn. v.法令;条例表演,扮演(角色);演出,行动act as担任(起.作用)词性转换:actor/actress n.男演员/女演员action k()nn.行动We must take action right now, otherwise well be late.我们现在就得采取行动了,否则就迟到了。activektva.积极的,主动的take an active part in 积极参加.I dont think everyone should take an active part in the socia

6、l activities.我认为并不是所有的人都应该积极参与到社会活动中去。activityktvtn.活动actorktn.演员,男演员,行动者actressktrsn.女演员adddvt.增添;增加add to 增加,增添add up 合计add up to 合计达addto 把.添加到.addressdresn.地址advantage dvntdn.优点;好处advertisementdv:tsmnt(ad)n.公告;启事;广告Have you read the want ad in the newspaper?你看过报纸上的招聘广告吗?Put an advertisement in t

7、he newspaperadvice dvasn.忠告;劝告;建议a piece of advice一条建议ask for advice寻求建议give advice提建议take/follow ones advice接受/采纳某人的建议advisedvazvt.忠告;劝告;建议advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事My teacher advised me to do more reading . (我的老师建议我多读。)afford fdvt.负担的起(的费用);抽的出(时间);提供Mary was not able to afford a new car.(玛丽买不起新车

8、。)afraidfreda.害怕的;担心的be afraid of 害怕.Dont be afraid of asking for help from others.不要害怕向别人求助。be afraid for 担心.Im afraid for my sister. 我担心我的妹妹。Im afraid so./Im afraid not. /Im afraid that.Africa n.非洲African a.非洲的,非洲人的after ft(r)adv./prep/conj. 在.之后;晚于after all 终究,毕竟It has turned out to be a nice day

9、 after all.天气终于转晴了。afternoon ftnunn.下午,午后in the afternoonon Monday afternoonon the afternoon ofagainenad.再一次;再,又again and again 一次又一次地,反复地,再三地I called him again and again, but he didnt answer the telephone.我一次又一次地给他打电话,可是他就是不接。now and again 有时He came to see me now and again.他过去有时来看望我。against enstpre

10、p.对着,反对对着,反对If no one is against this plan, lets carry it out. 如果没有人反对这个计划,那我们就开始吧。靠着,依着The policeman asked the young man to stand against the wall. 警察命令那个年轻人靠着墙站好。age edn.年龄;时代for ones age 论年龄He looks older for his age because of years of hard work.由于多年操劳,他看起来比实际年龄大。at the age of 在.岁时ago ad.以前long

11、ago 很久以前,从前Long long ago there was a king and he loved horses. 很久以前,有一位国王,他喜爱马。some time ago 不久前Some time ago,I heard he would come to see me. 不久前,我听说他要来看我。a while ago 刚才He was here a while ago.他刚才还在这儿。近义词辨析:ago 和 beforeago: 应注意两点:用于一般过去时;它所指的时间是从现在算起。before: 也应该注意两点:用于过去完成时;她所指的时间不是从现在算起,而是从过去某一时刻算

12、起。A short time before, tall trees had covered the country for many miles around. 在那时不久之前,高大的树木覆盖着方圆数英里。agree riv.同意;应允近义词辨析:agree to 和 agree withagree to: 意思 是“同意”,后面接表示计划、安排、意见、条件之类的名词或动词原形,表示愿意协助工作。Do you agree to this agreement? 你同意这项协议吗?He didnt agree to help us. 他不同意帮助我们。agree with: 意思是“与(意见)一致

13、”后面一般接人,也可接意见、看法等。但不含有协助的意思。I dont agree with what you said. 我不同意你说的话。I dont agree with your idea. 我不同意你的主意Her father didnt agree to buy him a computer. (她父亲不同意给她买电脑。)agree on 就.达成一致agreementrimntn.同意;一致;协定air e(r)n.空气;大气by air 乘飞机in the (open) air 在户外airport eptn.航空站,飞机场at the airport 在机场alive lava

14、.活着的,存在的all ladj.&pron.全部的,所有的all day 整日all kinds of 各种各样的all over 遍布all right 行,可以all along 一直,始终not at all 根本不in all 总共allow lavt.允许,准允allow sb to do sthFather allowed me to go to the cinema .(父亲允许我去看电影。)allow doingalmost lmstad.几乎,差不多alone lna.单独的,孤独的近义词辨析:lonely/alonealone 指“独自一人胡”,强调客观事实,通常只放在动

15、词、系动词之后,作表语He was alone in the room. 他独自一人在屋里。lonely 指“孤单的”、“孤独的”,表示主观感觉,在句中作标语或主语。用作定语修饰地方时。along l; (US) ladv. & prep沿着;向前;共同,一起;all along 始终,一直I knew the truth of the matter all long. 那件事情的真相我始终是清楚的。along with 于.一道Yesterday I went along with my brother to the shop.昨天我和我的弟弟一道去了那家商店。get along with

16、和.相处 。aloudladad.大声地read aloud 大声朗读already lredad.已经近义词辨析: already/yetalready: 用于完成时的肯定句中。yet :“尚(未),已经”(用于否定句、疑问句中,谈论将要发生的事情)also lsad.也although lconj.虽然;尽管always lwezad.总是;一直;永远America merkn.美国;美洲American merkna.n.美国人;美国人的;美国人among mprep.在中间;在(三个以上)之间近义词辨析:among/between这两个词都含有“在中间”的意思。among 用于“三者或

17、三者以上之间”He built a house among the forest. 他在树林中盖了一间房。between 则用于“两者之间”What is the difference between the two words?这两个词的区别是什么?ancient ennta.古代的;古老的and nd, ndconj.和;又;而and so on 等等This book tells about food, fruits, dishes and so on.这本书讲了有关食物、水果、菜肴等等有关的东西。angry nra.生气的,愤怒的be angry with/at/aboutanimal

18、nm()ln.动物another n(r)a.pron.再一;另一;别的;不同的;另一个answer ns(r); (US) nsrn.&v.回答;解决方案;反应I couldnt answer all the exam questions.我没能作答全部的试卷问题。the answer to sth .的答案/解决方案ant ntn.蚂蚁There are some ants in the tree. 树里有一些蚂蚁。any en wepron. 任何一个人/物adj.每一的;任何一个的anybodyenbd pron.任何人,无论谁anyone enwnpron.任何人,无论谁anythi

19、ng enpron.什么事(物);任何事(物)anywayenwead.不管怎样anywhere eniwe(r)ad.任何地方appearp(r) vi.出现It appears that hes lost interest in singing.(看来他对唱歌失去兴趣了。)apple p()ln.苹果April epr()ln.四月area ern.面积;地域;区域;范围;领域arm mn.臂,支架army mn.军队around randprep.围绕;环绕;在.四周arrive ravvi.到达;达到arrive at/inThey arrived in Huizhou on time

20、 .(他们按时到达惠州。)art tn.艺术,美术;技艺article tk()ln.文章;东西;冠词artist tstasz, zadv./conj./prep 同样地;与一样;作为asas(用于比较)与.一样.Tom is as tall as his brother. 汤姆和他弟弟一样高。as a result 结果He works hard all day, as a result, he got a good mark in his English exam. 他整日努力学习,因此在英语考试中取得了优异的成绩。as if 仿佛,好像He talks as if he knew ab

21、out it. 他说起来好像知道这件事似的。as long as 只要,和一样长:You will do well in your English study as/so long as you keep on.只要坚持下去,你一定能学好英语 。as well 也My class went to the cinema and I went there as well. 我们班去电影院了,我也去了那里。Asia en.亚洲Asian e()n, e()nn./a. 亚洲人;亚洲(人)的askskv.问,询问;请求,要求;邀请ask sb to do sth,ask for 请求,寻求He ask

22、ed a policeman for help when was in trouble yesterday. 昨天他有困难时向警察求助。asleepslipa.睡着的,熟睡fall asleep 入睡Though it is 12 in the night. I still find it hard to fall asleep.尽管已经是夜里12点钟了,我发现还是很难入 睡。词型转换:sleep/sleeping/sleepy/asleepat tprep.在(几点钟);在(某处)Atlantic Ocean n.大西洋attendtendv.参加,出席,上大学attentionten()n

23、n.关心;注意pay attention to 关注/注意.August stn.八月aunt nt; (US) ntn.伯母;舅母;审;姑;姨Australia streljn.澳洲;澳大利亚Australian strelna.n.澳洲的;澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人autumn tmn.秋天,秋季mid-autumn 中秋in autumnthe mid-autumn festivalavoid vdv.避免;躲开;逃避She should avoid eating too much chocolate.她应该尽量少吃巧克力。awake wekv.&a.唤醒;醒着的This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock. 今早我是被闹钟闹醒的。away wead.离开;远离awful a.可怕的,极坏的

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