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牛津译林版7B Unit5知识点语法详解课时练习含答案.docx

1、牛津译林版7B Unit5知识点语法详解课时练习含答案Study skills and Task (学习技巧和任务)一、你能找出每组四个单词中,划线部分读音不一致的选项吗?( )1. A. danced B. helped C. talked D. played( )2. A.lived B. answered C. carried D. shopped( )3. A. hated B. visited C. raised D. needed( )4. A. turned B. walked C. finished D. hoped( )5. A. organized B. stayed C.

2、 wanted D. studied二、英汉词组互译。1名字取自一个男人 _2到1935年为止 _3喜爱打牌 _4停下来吃饭 _5变得全世界流行 _6至少 _7和152英寸一样大 _8. 要了份三明治 _三、请把下列有关Sandwich的故事按顺序排列。AThey named the food after the man.BThe man loved playing cards.CThere was a man called Sandwich.DHe put meat between two pieces of bread.EPeople learnt to make this kind of

3、 food.FHe didnt want to stop to have dinner.GPeople loved to eat it very much. _四、完形填空。 Tolstoy (托尔斯泰), the great Russian writer, liked to 1 in a railway station near his home town. One day, when he was walking 2 , looking at people getting on and off the train, he 3 a lady shouting after him, “You

4、old fellow (同伴,伙计), go and get my handbag in the waiting room, I 4 it there.” Tolstoy hurried there, he 5 the bag and walked 6 along the platform(站台)。 The old lady 7 him there. At last, the old man gave the bag back to her. “Good , old man,” said the woman, “Youre just 8 I can expect (期盼).” She gave

5、 him some money. Tolstoy accepted (接受)it and 9 it into his pocket with a smile. But the woman felt sorry when she heard that he was Tolstoy. She 10 him and said, “Oh, excuse me! Oh, how silly (愚蠢). I took you for a porter (搬运工)just now.”( )1. A. walked around B. walk around C. walked to D. walk to(

6、)2. A. usually B. as usually C. as usual D. usual( )3. A. heard B. heared C. heart D. hear( )4. A. leaves B. leave C. leaving D. left( )5. A. picked B. picked up C. pick D. picks( )6. A. quick B. quickly C. quicker D. quicks( )7. A. waited to B. waited C. waiting for D. waited for( )8. A. as quickly

7、 as B. so quick as C. so quickly as D. as quick as( )9. A. put B. putted C. puts D. is putting( )10. A. turned around B. turns around C. turned to D. turns to五、阅读理解:Many people like to travel by plane,but I dont like it because an airport is usually far fromthe city.You have to get there early and w

8、ait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often cant open the window.You cant choose the food.Planes are fast,but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train.I think trains are safe.Railway stations are usually in cities.When you are l

9、ate for a train you can catch another one .you can walk around in the train and open the windows.You can see many interesting things on your way.I know it takes a little more time.I also like cars.You can start your journey when you want to, and you dont need to get to a railway station or a bus sto

10、p.Also you can carry many things with you in a car.But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.( ) 1.Why do many people like to travel by plane?A.Because it is fast. B.Because it is safe.C.Because you can walk around in the plane.( ) 2.Which is not the good thing about the train?A.It is safe.

11、B.It takes a little more time.C.You can open the windows.( ) 3.If you want to take a lot of things with you ,what do you take to go out?A bus B.A car. C.A train( ) 4.What is the bad thing about the car ? neednt go to a station can start your journey when you want to.C.There are too many c

12、ars on the road.( ) 5.What does the writer think of the plane ,train and car?A.he thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport.B.He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.C.He likes to take a car because he has a car.六、书面表达。 七年级一班正在举行一个作文比赛,你也想参加比赛,你想写一篇关于可爱的袋

13、鼠的文章,以下是你能够收集到的信息,现在就动手吧!要求:语句通顺,条理清楚,不少于50词。Kangaroo1. a kind of lovely animals, eat grass and leaves2. have strong tails, jump quickly and high3. mother kangaroos , pockets, carry their sons and daughters4. protect(保护) the animals, make our world more beautiful and lovely_Study skills and task一、15

14、 DDCAC二、1. get its name from a man. 2. by 1935 3. like playing cards 4. stop for meals 5. become popular all over the world 6. at least 7as large as 152 inches 8. ask for a sandwich三、C B F D E G A四、15 BCADB 610 BDDAC 五、15 ABBCA六、Kangaroos are a kind of lovely animals. They eat grass and leaves. They

15、 have very strong tails. They can jump quickly and high. There is another amazing thing. Mother Kangaroos have pockets in their bodies. They can carry their sons and daughters in the pockets. Animals are lovely. We should protect the animals to make our world more beautiful and lovely.Grammar(语法归纳)一

16、、写出下列动词的过去式。1. give_ 8. want_ 15. wear_2. look _ 9. talk_ 16. have_3. show_ 10. borrow_ 17. study_4. use_ 11. start_ 18. help_5. plan_ 12. dress_ 19. stop_6. walk_ 13. cost_ 20. put_7. make_ 14. send_ 21. get_ 二、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1Kate _(not be) at school this morning. She _ (have) a cold yesterday. She

17、_(stay) at home now.2. My father _(meet) mother thirty years ago. They _(get) married in 1970.3. Sarah often _(wear) a blue blouse. She seldom _(wear) dresses , but yesterday she _(wear) a beautiful dress.4. I usually _(get ) up at six oclock in the morning. But I _(get) up at five oclock this morni

18、ng.5. Last month David Copperfield _(give) a magic show in Nanjing. It _(be) really amazing.三、根据短文意思,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 One day, Helen and her family 1 (go) to the Quanjude Restaurant in Beijing. It was built in 1864. Helen 2 (be) very excited. The restaurant 3 (be) famous for Beijing Roast Duck. Helen 4

19、 (can)smell the Duck when they went into the restaurant and she 5 (feel) very hungry. Eating Beijing Duck can be difficult! First, Helen 6 (use) her chopsticks (筷子)to take a pancake(薄煎饼)and then 7 (put)a little plum sauce on the pancake. Next, she added (添加)some duck meat to her pancake. Then she pu

20、t some leeks. Finally, she 8 (roll) the pancake up.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 四、阅读理解A woman drives to work every day.She usually parks her car in the street outside her office. One day after work,she got into her car and started driving home.Suddenly,she found a yellow car following her.

21、The driver was a big man.When she turned left,the yellow car turned left. When she turned right , the yellow car turned right .When she stopped at the traffic lights , theyellow car stopped behind.She was so afraid that she drove very quickly to the police station.She was very surprised to see that

22、the yellow car also stopped behind her car.She jumped out of the car quickly and ran to a policeman in a police uniform.She asked for help and told everything to the policeman.The policeman quickly ran to the yellow car.Just then the driver in the yellow car came out and said to the policeman,“I wan

23、t to give back this wallet to her. I think she lost it on the street.”The womans face turned red. She thanked the big man and the policeman.( ) 1.The woman drove to work every day.A.a car B.a bus C.a motorcar D.a bike( ) 2.The woman was when she found a yellow car following her.A.happy B.afraid

24、rprised D.excited( ) 3.The woman drove to the police station to .A.ask for help for help C.look for her wallet D.look for her child ( ) 4.The woman thought the big man was a .A.driver B.robber C.policeman D.teacher( ) 5.The driver gave to the woman at last.A.a car B.a bike C.a wallet D.her lo

25、st childCrammar一、1. gave 2. looked 3. showed 4. used 5. planned 6. walked 7. made 8. wanted 9. talked 10. borrowed 11. started 12. dressed 13. cost 14. sent 15. wore 16. had 17. studied 18. helped 19. stopped 20. put 21. got 二、1. wasnt, had, is staying 2. met, got 3. wears , wears , wore 4. get, got

26、 5. gave, was三、1. went 2. was 3. is 4. could 5. felt 6. used 7. put 8. rolled 四、15 ABABCIntegrated skills (综合技能)一、根据首字母提示及句意,写出动物的名称。1. A g_ has only seven bones in its long neck.2. A s_ can eat nothing during the winter.3. Each c_ can live without water for a long time4. A_ can smell things as well

27、 as dogs can.5. A baby p_ is only 100 grams at birth.6. You can see lots of model d_ in Changzhou Dinosaur Park.二、从方框中选择合适的词或短语填空。 be afraid of , without, at the same time, each of, most of, notany more, boring, hear of1. Do you know some girls _the little insects?2. _ the students has a book. All the students can read the story now. 3. Can you wrtie with your right hand and draw with the other _?4. I just _ the strange man, but I couldnt see him with my own eyes.5. He often tells a lie, so Mr. Lu can _believe him _.6. Man cant live _ water.7. If our teachers classes are _ , nobody will love

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