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高口真题 单词整理.docx

1、高口真题 单词整理2008年3月Mute pain 减弱疼痛Biochemical compounds 生物化学成分Delicacy 特产Feminization and white-collarization 女性化和白领化Slicer 切片机Stack n. 一堆,一摞;粮垛,草堆; v. 成堆,堆放,把什么堆放在.A stack of / stacks of 大量,大批,许多Jake hammer 凿岩锤,掘路钻机Day-care center 日托所Deterrence 威慑力 Rehabilitation 改过自新Bridge program 桥梁项目Disdain n/v 鄙视,轻

2、视,不屑的态度 disdain to do sth / treat sb with disdain Disdainful 鄙视的,轻视的Pituitary= pituitary gland 脑垂体Stigma 耻辱,羞耻;(植物花朵的)柱头Obesity 肥胖 diabetes 糖尿病 stroke 中风 epidemic 流行病Job security 工作稳定性,职业保障 Good perks 福利待遇Keep watch on 监视Computer surveillance 电脑监视Video cameras 摄像头 tape recorder 录音机Divorce Act 离婚法案Cu

3、rrency 货币Float against 对浮动Daily band 每日范围The Yuan to float against the U.S. dollar within a daily band of 0.3%. 人民币对美元进行0.3%区间以内的日浮动率。Cognitive and emotional development 认知和情感发展Consumer price changes 消费物价变化The law of economics 经济学法The law of physics 物理法则Strike a balance 两者兼顾Calibrate 敲打,作出调整;校对,校准Po

4、tent 有效的,强有力的Three-fold 三方面江河纵横 network of waterways航标 lighthouse 海上贸易 overseas trades因利乘便 take advantage of/make use of/depend on蔚然兴盛 flourish/boom/thrive商贾云集 be thronged/swarmed with merchants烟火千家 densely populated日盛一日 with each passing day历史文化含韵 historical and cultural heritage县级 county-level 米业兴

5、起 the upsurge/rise of the rice trade衣被天下,粮油江南 supply cloth and quilts for the whole country, grain and oil for the regions south of the Yangtze River有了.之美誉 earn/win the reputation/prestige/acclaim as多姿多彩 present a colorful and diverse picture伴随着 accompanied by水木清华 has always been a land of tranquil

6、waters, serene flowers and bushes文儒辈出 scholars and intellectuals came forth/emerge in large numbers雄踞一方的 prominent/outstanding/powerful历史已逝 what is gone is gone forever随着时间的变迁 with the change of the timesRungs 梯级Gradient 坡度,梯度Decouple 分离Altruism 利他主义Props 道具,小道具Virility 有男子气,男性雄风Gag 笑话或滑稽故事;限制言论自由的任

7、何事物Wig 假发Spurn 拒绝,摈弃Unshaven 为刮过脸的2007年9月Socio-economic backgrounds 社会经济背景Career counselor 职业顾问Couldnt do without 没有不行Beware 小心提防So the saying goes 俗话说Integrated 整合的,一体化的Serious implications 深刻的含义Cultural phenomenon 文化现象Be viewed as 被视为Little room 几乎没有时间Household activities 家务活Verse 与.相比Martial stat

8、us 婚姻状况Address 发表演说Frontline 前线。前沿Time is not on our side. 时不待我Crucial point 关键点,关键时刻Fellow human beings 同样的人Leisure activities 休闲活动Disclose 揭示,公布Dystopian 反面乌托邦的,反面假想国的Divulge 泄露,透露Scrutinize 审议,细查,彻查Blitz 闪电战Cupid 丘比特Spank 打屁股,打,打人Cred=credit Abate 减轻,减少,消除; 减轻,撤销(法令等)Tweak 1.扭;捏;拧2.稍稍调整(机器、系统等)To

9、w 拖Belatedly 延误的,来迟的Nip 快走;赶快;快速去(某处);急忙赶往; 将扼杀在萌芽状态;防患于未然; (比赛或竞赛中)势均力敌;不分上下;并驾齐驱Conundrum 谜;谜题;谜语Flummox 1.使困惑,使慌乱 +byMalaise 不适,不舒服,乏力A mine of information 知识宝库Mines of personal information 个人信息来源Ground oneself 着陆Lend itself to sth 适合Romes earliest days 罗马建立时期Misgiving 疑惧,忧虑Extravagant 过度的,放肆的Mak

10、e extravagant claims 大放厥词Is,and always has been 一直以来Look down ones nose at 轻视,看不起Bring sth to light 发现,揭发Pass unnoticed amongst 湮没在之中;默默无闻Comfort sb with sth 聊以自慰,用某物安慰某人Ramification 1.(众多复杂而又难以预料的)结果,后果;分枝Turn my eyes from 不关注2007年3月Jeopardize 使.处于危险境地Make a scene 争吵,吵嘴Unassertive people 不武断的,谦虚的,害

11、羞的Melatonin 褪黑激素Captivate 使着迷,迷住,吸引Spontaneous 瞬间的Gassed 喝醉的Reaction time 反应时间Chieftain 族长,酋长In aggregate 总计,共计Rally 反弹Ascent 上坡;上升,攀登;进步,前进Outpost (通常作为军营或贸易点而建立的)边远村落,边缘居民区Dock with 对接Intricate 错综复杂的Streak 飞速的跑;使布满条纹的;裸奔 n./ v.Task force 工作小组;特别行动小组,特遣部队Psychiatric hospital 精神病院Power outage 电力断供期F

12、oul weather 恶劣的,有风雨的,Foul language粗话,骂人话,脏话Foul air/ water 肮脏的,污浊的Foul smell/ taste 难闻的,恶臭的,难吃的Sturdy 健壮的,强键的;结实的,坚实的;坚定地,坚决的Sewer 污水管,下水道,阴沟Second-guess 猜测,预测,预言;事后批评,放马后炮Meteorologist 气象学家Seagull 海鸥Posse 帮派,歌友会;a posse of 一群,一队,一批Frazzled 疲惫躁怒的Retaliatory 报复性的Vigilante 治安维持会成员Smear n. 污斑,油渍;污蔑,诽谤

13、v. 涂抹+with,沾染,涂污Grease 动物油脂;润滑油Prolific 多产的,丰富的Renaissance Man 文艺复兴时期的人物;博学多才的人Triumph over 击败,战胜Champion 支持,拥护Grave doubts 深深地怀疑Corporate America 美国去企业制度Conglomerate 联合公司Be the rage 非常流行;时髦;风行;流行Preach against 反对Empire-building 扩张疆域,扩大领土;扩大企业规模Merge and acquisition 合并及收购The rank and file 普通员工;普通老百姓

14、Implore 乞求,恳求,哀求Severance package= pay 离职补偿金;遣散费;解雇费Pervert 妨碍;反转,倒转Reckless 鲁莽的,直率的,不顾一切的;不计后果的Swirl 旋转,打旋Mull 及物动词 vt.1.将(葡萄酒、啤酒等)制成热饮(加糖、香料等) 2.思索或思考(某事物)3.认真琢磨,反复思考(计划、建议等)Information hoarding to sharing由信息保留转向信息分享Roundabout 名词 n.1.绕行路线, 绕道, 环状交叉路 形容词 adj.1.绕道的, 不直截了当的Rudderless 形容词 adj.1.无指导者的,

15、无舵的Detriment 损害,伤害;造成损害的事物Barrister 名词 n1.(可在高等法院出庭的)大律师;专门律师据说 It is said that= sth is said to be 讨某人欢心 please sb/bring happiness to sb其乐融融 harmony/harmonious从某种程度上讲 in a sense社会安定和谐 social security and harmony戏谑,戏称 jokingly call妻管严 hen-pecked husband/whipped man一笑置之 laugh/smile away 发火 lose temper

16、毫不疑迟 without hesitation圆滑 sophisticated 事业上有进取心 ambitious/aggressive in career有时 once in a whileCongenial 宜人的, 适宜的;意气相投的Pollen 花粉Irk 使烦恼,激怒Laggard 落后者Ascertain 弄清,确定,查明Chaff 谷壳,糠/无价值的东西/识别优劣;分清好坏;去芜存菁Voluminous 1.宽松的,肥大的 2.大的,容量大的3.著作多的4.多卷的;篇幅长的Ambivalent 对某物、某人或某境况具有或显示矛盾情感的对有影响 exert influence/im

17、pact on中国现代化建设 Chinas modernization drive坚持 insist on/persist in/adhere to/persevere in坚持预防为主、综合治理、全面推进、重点突破 adhere to the principle of prevention first, comprehensive control, entire push-on and key-point breakthrough创新体制机制 institutional innovation发挥社会各方面的积极性 bring into full play the initiative of

18、various sectors of the society初见成效 achieve some initial success生态破坏 ecological destruction2008年9月Blossom n./ v. 开花;=blossom out 变得更快乐/漂亮/成功Short-change 欺诈,欺骗,少给应得的东西Exuberant 兴高采烈的,精神焕发的;茁壮的,茂盛的Fragile 脆弱的,易碎的Be obsession with 着魔,迷念,困扰人的想法Reinforce 增强,加强;加固;增援,加强的力量Regressive 退步的,退化的,倒退的,回归的,递减的Vali

19、dity 有效性,合格Courier 信使;旅游团领队,导游Go-ahead adj. 开拓进取的,有创新精神的 n. give sb. the go-ahead/ get the go-ahead 给予某人许可/得到准许Dengue fever 登革热Mosquito-borne illness 有蚊子引起的疾病AP:Associated Press 美联社Abduct 劫持,绑架,诱拐Blunt adj. 钝的,不锋利的;不客气的,直言不讳的 v. 减弱;把.弄钝barrel of a gun 枪管Presenteeism vs. absenteeism 故意加班/经常旷工Respirat

20、ory 与呼吸有关的,呼吸道的Droplet 液体的小滴Doorknob 球形门把手Viral 病毒的,病毒引起的Pathetic 无用的,差劲的,令人生厌的;招人怜悯的,可怜的Pledge allegiance to 宣誓对效忠,忠诚Tweak 扭,拧;对作小小的改进Iron out 烫平(衣服);消除(困难等);杀掉Encapsulate 压缩,概括+in encapsulation n.An apocryphal tale 可疑的,杜撰的Ambit = range 界限,范围Venerate 尊敬,崇拜,敬重 veneration n.Plagiarism 剽窃,抄袭Cartograph

21、y 地图制作法,制图Dawn v. 破晓,天亮;开始;开始明白Preserve v. 维护,保护,保存;腌制,保存食物;维持,保持 n. 果酱;(某群体)独有(专有)的活动;私人渔猎区hypochondria 疑病症 hypochondriac 疑病症患者hilarious 极好笑的,极有趣的Herald 预示的发生;公开称赞Contagious 疾病接触传染的,触染的;有感染力的,蔓延的Rationale (决定,计划,信念等的)理论基础,基本原理,依据Subsidiary 子公司,附属公司分公司Branch office 办事处With respect to 至于,谈到某个方面Tax tr

22、eatment 税收待遇Non-U.S. corporation 美国以外的企业Be subject to 从属于,受的支配或管理Federal regulation 联邦政府规定的约束Doing business 经营,做生意Impose on 把施加于Technical term 技术术语Substantial presence 实际存在,实质性存在的The ownership or leasing of real property 拥有或者租赁房地产Real property= real estate 不动产,房地产An independent sales rep. or distrib

23、utor 独立的销售代表或经销商In itself 其本身Exercise control over sth 对.予以控制Other than 而是Notarized 经公证了的 notary 公证Articles of incorporation 公司条例,公司章程Qualification 资格审查In English or a certified translation 英文版或经过鉴证的英译本Saga 圣人心力 mental perplexity劳力 physical labor地位等级的划分 the demarcation of social status劳心者治人,劳力者之于人。

24、He who rules lives by mental perplexity; he who is ruled lives by physical labor.现代意义上的 in the modern sense羡慕的对象 be the envy of有压力 under the pressure of 白领阶层 the white-collar employees有一句流传甚广的话 as a saying goes/there is a saying going like this无商不奸 no businessman trades without fraud唯利是图 be solely O

25、riented towards profit君子 noble men重义轻利 spiritual integrity should always outweigh monetary consideration背道而驰 discard,run counter to 下海 venture into the world of business现代意识 modern mentalities/thoughts/consciousness2006年3月Withhold vt. 保留,不给;隐瞒;抑制vi. 忍住;克制Marginally adv. 少量地;最低限度地;在栏外;在页边Decry dikrai

26、 vt. 责难,谴责;诽谤Traumatic adj. 外伤的;创伤n. 外伤药Switches 开关,交换器,铁道的岔道Status quo 现状Phenomenal adj. 现象的;异常的;显著的;能知觉的Hygienic environment 卫生的环境Envelope 信封,封皮;生包膜;天包层;数包迹Up for grabs 供人竞购Cream n. 奶油,乳脂;乳酪;精华;面霜Homework opponents 反对布置家庭作业的人Physical 生理的 emotional 情感的 mental 精神的Embark on 开始,从事Be hosed 有麻烦Corporate

27、 reconstruction 公司重组Reorganization 重组Affiliate 加盟; 联号;隶属的机构等vt. 接纳;使附属;使紧密联系vi. 参加,加入;发生联系profit-earning power 盈利能力obsolete 过时的 humanity 人类destructive capacity 破坏能力economic performance 经济表现inhabitants 居民知识产权 intellectual property rights启动法律修改 Start the modification of law查处大批侵权案件 investigation of in

28、fringement cases显著成效 fruitful results光阴似箭 time flies like an arrow一诺千金 a promise that can be counted on;keep commitment国际舆论world press 世贸规则 WTO code2006年9月Inextricable inekstrikbl adj. 逃脱不掉的;解不开的Instill instil vt. 徐徐滴入;逐渐灌输Reignite ,ri:inait vt. 再次点燃;重新激起;再点火Malleable mlibl adj. 可锻的;有延展性的;易适应的;可塑的tu

29、rn over移交给;翻阅;把翻过来;发动;营业额达到;反复考虑scale back相应缩减;按比例缩减Pastoralists 牧民;放牧者;田园诗的作者(pastoralist的复数形式)Encapsulate vt. 压缩;将装入胶囊;将封进内部vi. 形成胶囊Time and again= again and againViable vaibl adj. 能养活的;能生育的;可行的Vent vent n. 出口;通风孔;(感情的)发泄vt. 发泄感情;放出;给开孔vi. (通过排泄等)减轻压力;放出flyby, fly-by 定点起飞;编队低空飞越;进行飞近天体探测的航天器run ag

30、round 搁浅Kindle vt. 点燃;照亮;激起vi. 发亮;着火;激动起来Birthright citizenship 与生俱来的公民权Provide for 规定Naturalize vt. 移植;使入国籍;采纳vi. 归化;加入国籍Thereof ,rv, -v adv. 在其中;关于;由此;将它;它的advocacy group 游说团体,倡导者的团体crack down镇压;取缔;劈啪击下make a fuss 大题小做,大惊小怪,不断抱怨Pervasive p:veisiv, p- adj. 普遍的;到处渗透的Indict indait vt. 控告,起诉;揭发Probe n. 探针;调查vi. 调查;探测leadership vacuum 领导真空Derail direil n. 脱轨;脱轨器vt. 使出轨slush fund(美)行贿基金Lobbyist lbiist n. 说客;活动议案通过者high-level dismissal 高层解雇Piquant pi:knt, pi- adj. 辛辣的;活泼的;痛快的

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