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1、大学英语六级考试阅读解析及复习策略新东方版2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读部分解析1、选词填空 思路建议:选词填空的解题步骤分三步走第一步:将15个备选词按词性进行分类,分词自成一类;第二步:根据前后词判断所考点的词性;第三步:在该词性分类内选择意思适当的词汇(用逐一代入法即可) 真题解析:1. 将备选词按词性分类:备选词分类情况:形容词:A)dependent G)handful N) unchecked O)untouched名词:C)emergency H)multitude J) reduction L)security M)terror动词:E)grazes K) reprod

2、uces 分词:B)Embarking D)feeding F)halted I)originated 2. 根据前后词判断所考点的词性,并在该词性分类中选择意思适当的词汇:题号前后词特点所在句含义26题.a state of 26.该题位于of结构中,后置修饰名词state,因此应为名词,表明是处于何种状态之中。所在句说昆虫摧毁了高达80%的农田,因而导致政府宣布其处于一种状态中,根据所在句意思,较为适当的为C,紧急状态。27题.devastates crops by27 on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks.所考点处于一个

3、并列结构中,与digging into并列,所以27应该为现在分词形式。所在句说的是昆虫摧毁农作物的方式是什么,因此选择D为宜,以水果为食。28题It28 incredibly quickly,考点所在的句子很明显缺乏谓语,因此选择动词为宜。根据所在句说如果条件允许可繁殖达12代之多,故推断出选择K。29题it is believed to have29 in South America.根据前后词可判断跟在have后共同构成完成时态的应为过去分词。根据所在句含义,早在20世纪初期就在南美出现,故推断出选择I词,起源于。30题Retail prices for a30 of tomatoes.

4、根据所考点前面的冠词a可推断其词性为名词。根据所在句的含义,及a multitude of的固定搭配,故选择H,大量。31题a new $20 million tomato-paste factory has31 production.根据前后词可判断跟在has后共同构成完成时态的应为过去分词。根据所在句的含义,由于短缺工厂必然要减产或停产,因此选择F,停止。32题the pest maycreate serious problems for food32 in the country.根据前后词可判断此处应为名词,即名词修饰名词。根据所在句含义,虫害会制造的问题主要是在食物安全方面,因此选L

5、词。33题which has gone largely33 until now.根据其所在句及前后词,它是被副词修饰的形容词,跟在联系动词go后,表示从一种状态变为另一种状态之意。根据所在句含义,虫害问题直到今日实际上没有得到有效控制,因而选择O,未改变的。34题Nigeria is34 on $1 billion worth of tomato-paste imports,这个考点属于六级中的固定考法,即Be+形容词+介词的固定搭配,因此此处为形容词。根据所在句含义,由于缺乏合适的储藏设施而导致了大量的浪费,因此选择A,依赖于进口。35题A further35 in local suppli

6、es.根据冠词a可判断此处为名词。根据所在句含义,对于本地产品供应的进一步再生,因此选J。2、长篇阅读 思路提示:长篇阅读的解题步骤为第一步,从题干中选择至少两个独特的名词成分做关键词;第二步,带着所选关键词逐段扫描定位关键词,定位到某题的两个关键词后,即可断定该题与该段存在对应关系;第三步,某些关键词定位没有找到的题目,留到第二轮,通过再次阅读题干含义将其定位到某个段落上,在第二轮寻找时可优先考虑没有出题的段落,加快寻找速度。 真题解析:题干段落36.Online services are so designed that the more they are used, the more p

7、rofit they generate.E.Online services like Facebook, twitter and the like, are called out of manipulable-son-making,products so good that people cant stop using them. . The more frequently you use money they make.I37.The author admits using technology as an escape from the task at hand.L. thats when

8、 i discovered an uncomfortable truth. i use technology as an escape. when Im doing something Id rather not do, or when Im someplace Id rather not attention was often a good thing, like when passing time on public transportation, but frequently my tech use was not so benign.38.Checking phones at dinn

9、ers is now accepted as normal but not belchingI.Now imagine the same dinner,but instead of checking their phone, the person belches(打嗝)-loudly.39.To make proper use of technology, we should not only increase our awareness of how it is changing but also how it is impacting us.O.These improvements don

10、t mean we shouldnt attempt to control our use of technology.we must be conscious not only of how technology is changing, but also of how it is changing us.40.Most of us find it hard to focus on our immediate tasks because of internet distractionsB. Theres little doubt that nearly everyone who comes

11、in contact with the net has difficulty concentration than it takes to post a status update. .41.when one person starts checking their phone, the others will follow suit.J.once one person looks at their phone,other people feel compelled to do the same, starting a chain reaction. the more people are o

12、n their phones, the fewer people are talking until finally you are the only one left not reading email or checking twitter. .42.The great majority of smart phone users don t take the trouble to adjust their settings to suit their own purposes.F.According to adam marchick, ceo of mobile marketing com

13、pany kahuna, less than 15 percent of smartphone users ever bother to adjust their notification setlings-meaning the remaining 85 percent of us default to the app makers every preset trigger.43.The internet is regarded by some as designed to distract our attention.D.Nicholas Carr,author of The Shallo

14、ws: what the internet is doing Our brains, wrote, The net is designed to be an interruption system, a machine geared to dividing attention.44.The author attributes his tech addiction chiefly to his habit of putting off doing what he shouldM.If were honest with ourselves, tech is just another way to

15、occupy our time and minds,if we werent on our devices.Wed likely do similarly unproductive.45.White-collar workers check email round the clock because it is required by their employersG.We check email at all hours of the day-were obsessed, but why? Because thats what the boss wants.For almost all wh

16、ite-collar jobs, A slow response to a message could hurt not only your reputation but also your livelihood.3、仔细阅读 思路提示:仔细阅读的解题分为四步第一步,阅读题干,选出关键词并判断题型;第二步,浏览原文,定位关键词;第三步,阅读定位句,依次做题;第四步,结合排除法,锁定答案。 真题解析:题号题干定位句选项46what do we learn about chemist john pemberton?(推理题)Chemist john pemberton, mixed with hi

17、s sugary syrup. At the time coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic, and Pembertons sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol.d)he risked breaking local law to make a drink with coca leaves47what does the passage say about kola nuts?(细节题)By the late 1

18、9th century, kola nuts were being shipped by the tonne to Europe and the us Many made their way into medicines, intended as a kind of energy boost.c) many were shipped to Europe in the late 19th century for medicine.48how come kola-extract colas became popular?when cocaine eventually fell from grace

19、 as a beverage ingredient,kola-extract colas became popular.a)cocaine had become notorious49what is known about the taste of coca-cola?today about 1. 9 billion cokes are purchased daily its become so iconic that attempts to change its taste in 1985- sweetening it in a move projected to boost sales p

20、roved disastrous, with widespread anger from consumers.a)it was so designed as to create addiction in consumers50what is the passage mainly about?(主旨题)不对应细节内容,总结全文信息作答a)the evolution of coca-cola题号题干定位句选项51what do we learn about American cities twenty years ago?(推理题)Twenty years ago, the urban land

21、institute defined the two types of cities that dominated the us landscape: smaller cities that operated around standard 9-5 business hours and large metropolitan areas that ran all 24 hours of the day. c)there was a clear divide between large and small cities52what can be inferred from the passage a

22、bout 18-hour cities?(推理题)these18-hour cities are beginning to make waves in real estate rankings and attract more real estate investment.b)they have seen a rise in property prices.53years ago, many downtown cores in small to mid-sized cities().for decades, many downtown cores in small to mid-sized c

23、ities were abandoned after work hours by workers who lived in the suburbs.d) looked deserted in the evenings54what characterizes the new downtown areas in 18-hour cities?Transforming downtown areas so that they incorporate modern housing and improved walk-ability to local restaurants, retail and ent

24、ertainment-especially when combined with improved infra structure for cyclists and public transit-makes them appeal to a more affluent demographic.c) housing and improved infrastructure55what have 18-hour cities brought to the local residents?These 18-hour cities are rapidly on the rise and offer gr

25、eat opportunities for homeowner investment. In many of these cities such as Denver, a diverse and vigorous economy attracted to the urban core has offered stable employment for residents.d)Better job opportunities2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读部分解析一、选词填空 思路建议:选词填空的解题步骤分三步走第一步:将15个备选词按词性进行分类,分词自成一类;第二步:根据前后词判断所考

26、点的词性;第三步:在该词性分类内选择意思适当的词汇(用逐一代入法即可) 真题解析:1.将备选词按词性分类:备选词分类情况:形容词:c)commercial f)exclusive g)independent j)secure k) solitary名词:b) celebrities d)communities e)essential L)spectacle m)sponsor n)stocks o)territory动词:a)allocate h) indulge i)permit2.根据前后词判断所考点的词性,并在该词性分类中选择意思适当的词汇:题号前后词特点所在句含义26题.will-26

27、- no fishing or mining.根据前词will可判断此处为动词。根据句意,选择I词,允许。27题The tiny island nation has set aside 500,000 square kilometres-80 percent -of its maritime -27-, for full protection.根据前词maritime为形容词,可判断此处为名词。根据句意,选择O词,领土。28题.thats the highest percentage of an-28 -economic zone.根据前词an及后面的部分economic zone,可判断从此

28、处为形容词,与economic共同修饰名词zone,且为元音字母开头的词汇。根据句意,选择F词,独有的。29题.and small-scale- 29- fishing businesses with limited exports.根据前后词可判断此处为形容词,修饰fishing businesses。根据句意,选择C词,商业的。30题island -30-have been among the hardest hit by the threats facing the ocean.所考部分在句中做主语,因此可判断词性为名词。根据句意,选择D词,群。31题.creating this san

29、ctuary is a bold move that the people of palau recognize as 31 to our survival.所考点作介词as的宾语,因此可判断为名词。根据句意,选择E词,必需品。32题Palau has only been an_ 32 nation for twenty years.根据前词an及后词nation可判断此处为形容词。根据句意,选择G词,独立的。33题Senator hokkons baules lead 33 of the palau national marine sanctuary act.根据前词lead以及后词of,可

30、判断此处为名词。根据句意,选择M词,赞助商。34题he sanctuary will help build a- 34 future for the palauan people.本题与32题考法一致,因此仍然是形容词。根据句意,选择J词,安全的。35题.in order to give fish 35 an opportunity to replenish.根据前后词可判断此处为名词,fish修饰这个名词。根据句意,选择N词,fish stocks鱼类。二、长篇阅读 思路提示:长篇阅读的解题步骤为第一步,从题干中选择至少两个独特的名词成分做关键词;第二步,带着所选关键词逐段扫描定位关键词,定

31、位到某题的两个关键词后,即可断定该题与该段存在对应关系;第三步,某些关键词定位没有找到的题目,留到第二轮,通过再次阅读题干含义将其定位到某个段落上,在第二轮寻找时可优先考虑没有出题的段落,加快寻找速度。 真题解析:题干段落36. astronomer david hogg doesnt think scooping is as serious a problem as generally thought.M.hogg says that scooping is less of a problem than many think. the two cases im familiar with didnt involve open data or code, he says.37. some researchers are hesitant to make their data publi

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