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1、电子科大18春大学英语1专科在线作业1() 1: The lines in her face have been earned one _.A: at one timeB: for one timeC: at a timeD: for a time() 2: I regretted _ taken a bath and dressed in my Sunday best.A: having notB: not haveC: have notD: not having() 3: If someone had the fine things all above his fortune, he wo

2、uld have_ debt.A: involvedB: running intoC: involvingD: run into() 4: _their degrees, they refuse to do what they think is low work.A: As a result ofB: As a resultC: As a matterD: As a matter of fact() 5: Such a company collects _ information about such man or woman.A: a great number ofB: a great ma

3、nyC: a great dealD: a great deal of() 6: My sisters and brothers asked me _ I had paid for the whistle.A: how muchB: how manyC: how wasD: however() 7: So the young people are encouraged to _ such companies _ a perfect match.A: pay.forB: paid.forC: pay.toD: 8: It was always on at the same t

4、ime every day _ Saturday and Sunday.A: except forB: besidesC: except thatD: except() 9: She has worked _that body and face for more than sixty years.A: forB: onC: toD: with() 10: In wanting nothing, he _ nothing.A: needB: need forC: lacksD: lack() 11: We are even told _ is our duty to clean the clas

5、sroom.A: thatB: itC: whoD: whom() 12: It is an exciting experience just _ down a New York street.A: walkingB: being goingC: to walkD: to be going() 13: We laughed and cheered, _ our victory over the white in the fight.A: celebratedB: celebrationC: celebratingD: having celebrated() 14: . I managed th

6、ose four years _ ever having a friend visit my house.A: withB: withinC: withoutD: of .() 15: Actually, the busier he is, _ he feels.A: happierB: the happyC: the happierD: happier more() 16: They were always looking for a house just a little better _ the place we were living _.A: more as.inB: than.on

7、C: as.onD: 17: I watched him from the _ of my eye.A: sideB: cornerC: lightD: outside() 18: The sharp hearing of a fish _ by two scientists.A: have been provedB: have provedC: has provedD: has been proved() 19: Louis keeps _ the blows to him.A: fightB: rainingC: beatingD: box() 20: It is re

8、ported that the fish can _the difference between colors.A: tellB: makeC: sayD: talk() 21: The pupils laughed and shouted _ they played ball games in the schoolyard or _ the stadium.A: when.atB: that.inC: as.onD: 22: The King cried, I command that all spindles in my kingdom _ burned!A: are

9、 to beB: will beC: beD: shall be() 23: He was paid _ the rate of 6 dollars a day.A: inB: withC: onD: at() 24: - You dont have to have the radio so loud, do you? - _A: Oh, thats nothing.B: Its very kind of you to say so.C: Oh, I do apologize.D: Be careful.() 25: She had carried home her babies who we

10、re _ sleepy to walk.A: tooB: toC: soD: such() 26: The USA _ a great advanced country without the labor of the newcomers.A: could becomeB: can becomeC: couldnt have becomeD: couldnt become() 27: He dropped the pennies _ the two dimes I had hidden in my hand.A: out withB: inC: in withD: with() 28: - T

11、hanks a lot. Youve gone through so much trouble. - _A: I dont think its a trouble.B: Thats good.C: Its no trouble at all.D: Thats very kind of you.() 29: On the quiet waters _ a dark outline of the Statue of Liberty under the pale moonlight.A: are castB: is castC: were castD: being cast() 30: He oft

12、en _ ideas and even stole most of his clothes from others.A: borrowedB: lentC: borrowD: lend() 31: The kings daughter saw an old blind woman _ a stick around between her hands.A: to turnB: turningC: being turningD: turned() 32: - Shall we have another cup of tea? - _A: Do you like tea?B: Why not?C:

13、Good tea.D: Im thirsty.() 33: His favorite saying was Do not do to others _ you would not have them to do to you.A: whatB: whoC: whichD: that() 34: His father _ shout at his mother, _ couldnt do anything to change the conditions.A: used to. whichB: was used to.whomC: used to.whoD: was used to. that(

14、) 35: What was the use of having such high heels, when people seemed to _ a blind eye to them.A: giveB: turnC: makeD: take() 36: A good command of English depends upon _ practice.A: a lot ofB: a great dealC: a number ofD: a good many() 37: The child _ cold if he had put on more clothes.A: were to ca

15、tchB: should catchC: wouldnt have caughtD: caught() 38: - _ - Thank you, I certainly will.A: Happy birthday to you.B: Let me help you with your Math.C: Please remember me to your mum.D: Dont forget to post the letter.() 39: He _ his hat on the side of his head like an Englishman and hurried back.A:

16、takeB: woreC: dressedD: made up() 40: He put his hands in the worn-out jeans and took out _ pennies.A: a handful ofB: the hand ofC: a hand ofD: the handful of() 41: We grew _ as the fight was coming to an end.A: having uneasyB: be uneasyC: to uneasyD: uneasy() 42: The pride of his color was in his _

17、.A: voiceB: soundC: loudD: quiet() 43: I should have gone to the opera yesterday. It was very good. I wish I _ yesterday off.A: have hadB: hadC: haveD: had had() 44: With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read _ as they could the year before.A: as twice fastB: as fast as

18、twiceC: as twice as fastD: twice as fast() 45: She must arrange to lose time _, but not to lose her jo#A: for workB: at workC: in workD: on work() 46: Who is responsible _ the education of the children?.A: toB: onC: atD: for() 47: Their son dreamed that he could succeed _ they had failed.A: whenB: w

19、hileC: whereD: that() 48: As soon as the ship docksthe passengers _ to landA: were allowedB: allowedC: will allowD: will be allowed() 49: The porter helped Mark Twain a lot, so he gave him _he usually paid for a porter.A: as twice more asB: twice as much asC: twice as many asD: as twice much as() 50: If the story ended there, one could say that the fish _ itself by change.A: had freedB: has freedC: were freedD: was freed

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