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GMAT Verbal Test for Practice.docx

1、GMAT Verbal Test for PracticeGMAT Verbal TestQuestions 1- 8 are based on the following passage.I want to criticize the social system,and to show it at work, at its mostintense. Virginia Woolfs provocativestatement about her intentions in(5) writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly beenignored by the crit

2、ics, since ithighlights an aspect of her literaryinterests very different from thetraditional picture of the poetic(10) novelist concerned with examining statesof reverie and vision and with followingthe intricate pathways of individualconsciousness. But Virginia Woolf was arealistic as well as a po

3、etic novelist,(15) a satirist and social critic as well asa visionary: literary critics cavalierdismissal of Woolfs social vision willnot withstand scrutiny.In her novels, Woolf is deeply engaged(20) by the questions of how individuals areshaped (or deformed) by their socialenvironments, how histori

4、cal forcesimpinge on peoples lives, how class,wealth, and gender help to determine(25) peoples fates. Most of her novels arerooted in a realistically rendered socialsetting and in a precise historical time.Woolfs focus on society has not beengenerally recognized because of her(30) intense antipathy

5、to propaganda in art.The pictures of reformers in her novelsare usually satiric or sharply critical.Even when Woolf is fundamentallysympathetic to their causes, she portrays(35) people anxious to reform their societyand possessed of a message or programas arrogant or dishonest, unaware ofhow their p

6、olitical ideas serve theirown psychological needs. (Her Writers(40) Diary notes: the only honest peopleare the artists, whereas these socialreformers and philanthropists.harbor.discreditable desires under the disguiseof loving their kind.) Woolf detested(45) what she called preaching in fiction,too,

7、 and criticized novelist D.H.Lawrence(among others) for working by this method.Woolfs own social criticism isexpressed in the language of observation(50) rather than in direct commentary, sincefor her, fiction is a contemplative, notan active art. She describes phenomenaand provides materials for a

8、judgmentabout society and social issues; it is(55) the readers work to put the observationstogether and understand the coherentpoint of view behind them. As a moralist,Woolf works by indirection, subtly undermining officially accepted mores, mocking,(60) suggesting, calling into question, ratherthan

9、 asserting, advocating, bearingwitness: hers is the satirists art.Woolfs literary models were acutesocial observers like Checkhov and(65) Chaucer. As she put it in The CommonReader. It is safe to say that not asingle law has been framed or one stoneset upon another because of anythingChaucer said or

10、 wrote; and yet, as we(70) read him, we are absorbing morality atevery pore. Like Chaucer, Woolf choseto understand as well as to judge, toknow her society root and branch-adecision curcial in order to produce art(75) rather than polemic.1. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title

11、for the passage?(A) Poetry and Satire as Influences on the Novels of Virginia Woolf(B) Virginia Woolf: Critic and Commentator on the Twentieth-Century Novel(C) Trends in Contemporary Reform Movements as a Key to Understanding Virginia Woolfs Novels(D) Society as Allegory for the Individual in the No

12、vels of Virginia Woolf(E) Virginia Woolfs Novels: Critical Reflections on the Individual and on Society2. In the first paragraph of the passage, the authors attitude toward the literary critics mentioned can best be described as(A) disparaging(B) ironic(C) factious(D) skeptical but resigned(E) disap

13、pointed but hopeful3. It can be inferred from the passage that Woolf chose Chaucer as a literary model because she believed that(A) Chaucer was the first English author to focus on society as a whole as well as on individual characters(B) Chaucer was an honest and forthright author, whereas novelist

14、s like D, H, Lawrence did not sincerely wish to change society(C) Chaucer was more concerned with understanding his society than with calling its accepted mores into question(D) Chaucers writing was greatly, if subtly, effective in influencing the moral attitudes of his readers(E) her own novels wou

15、ld be more widely read if, like Chaucer, she did not overtly and vehemently criticize contemporary society4. It can be inferred from the passage that the most probable reason Woolf realistically described the social setting in the majority of her novels was that she(A) was aware that contemporary li

16、terary critics considered the novel to be the most realistic of literary genres(B) was interested in the effect of a persons social milieu on his or her character and actions(C) needed to be as attentive to detail as possible in her novels in order to support the arguments she advanced in them(D) wa

17、nted to show that a painstaking fidelity in the representation of reality did not in any way hamper the artist(E) wished to prevent critics from charging that her novels were written in an ambiguous and inexact style5. Which of the following phrases best expresses the sense of the word contemplative

18、 as it is used in line 51 of the passage?(A) Gradually elucidating the rational structures underlying accepted mores(B) Reflecting on issues in society without prejudice or emotional commitment(C) Avoiding the aggressive assertion of the authors perspective to the exclusion of the readers judgment(D

19、) Conveying a broad view of society as a whole rather than focusing on an isolated individual consciousness(E) Appreciating the world as the artist sees it rather than judging it in moral terms6. The author implies that a major element of the satirists art is the satirists(A) consistent adherence to

20、 a position of lofty disdain when viewing the foibles of humanity(B) insistence on the helplessness of individuals against the social forces that seek to determine an individuals fate(C) cynical disbelief that visionaries can either enlighten or improve their societies(D) fundamental assumption that

21、 some ambiguity must remain in a work of art in order for it to reflect society and social mores accurately(E) refusal to indulge in polemic when presenting social mores to readers for their scrutiny7. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?(A) Have literary

22、critics ignored the social criticism inherent in the work of Chekhov and Chaucer?(B) Does the author believe that Woolf is solely an introspective and visionary novelist?(C) What are the social causes with which Woolf shows herself to be sympathetic in her writings?(D) Was D. H. Lawrence as concerne

23、d as Woolf was with creating realistic settings for his novels?(E) Does Woolf attribute more power to social environment or to historical forces as shapers of a persons life?8. One of the truisms of the advertising industry is that it is rarely necessary to say something of substance in an advertise

24、ment in order to boost sales. Instead, one only needs to attract the potential customers attention; memory does the rest, for it is more important for sales that people know of a product than that they know something about it.Which of the following is assumed by the argument?A. People can remember a

25、 product without having much information about it.B. Advertisements, in their own way, function to improve peoples memories.C. Attracting a potential customers attention is a simple matter.D. The advertising industry knows little of substance about the products it promotes.E. Advertisements seldom t

26、ell the truth about a product.9. The company announced that its profits declined much less in the second quarter than analystshad expected it to and its business will improvein the second half of the year.(A) had expected it to and its business will improve(B) had expected and that its business woul

27、d improve(C) expected it would and that it will improve its business(D) expected them to and its business would improve(E) expected and that it will have improved its businessDirections: For each question. select the best of the answer choices given. (Critical Reasoning)10. Affirmative action is goo

28、d business. So asserted the National Association of Manufacturers while urging retention of an executive order requiring some federal contractors to set numerical goals for hiring minorities and women. “Diversity in work force participation has produced new ideas in management, product development,

29、and marketing,” the association claimed.The associations argument as it is presented in the passage above would be most strengthened if which of the following were true?A. The percentage of minority and women workers in business has increased more slowly than many minority and womens groups would pr

30、efer.B. Those businesses with the highest percentages of minority and women workers are those that have been the most innovative and profitable.C. Disposable income has been rising as fast among minorities and women as among the population as a whole.D. The biggest growth in sales in the manufacturi

31、ng sector has come in industries that market the most innovative products.E. Recent improvements in management practices have allowed many manufacturers to experience enormous gains in worker productivity.11. The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush withextinction; its numbers are now five times greater thanwhen the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970s.(A) extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than(B) extinction; its numbers are now five times more than(C) exti

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