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1、语篇总复习训练附答案九年级总复习专项训练一、完形填空部分(一)About once a month I have to go to Degford for my work. One day I went into a hotel there to have something to 1 . The waiter 2 my coat and put it in a small room.About an hour later I was ready to go. The waiter 3 me my coat. 4 something fell out of the pocket onto th

2、e floor. It was a small white box. Then I took a good look at the 5 . “Oh, youve brought someone 6 coat,” I said to the waiter. “It looks very much like mine, 7 it is quite new, and this isnt my box, either.”“Oh, then I 8 someone has taken your coat and left this,” said the waiter. “This kind of thi

3、ng 9 sometimes.”I opened the box. There was a beautiful gold ring in it. So I went along to the police station.“ 10 lost a ring?” I asked.“Yes,” said a policeman. “A young man who came in this morning lost a ring. He lost it in London.”He 11 the young man. A few minutes later, the man arrived.“Yes,

4、this is my ring,” he said. “How can I 12 you, sir? You see, I paid a lot of money for this ring and yet I lost it on the train!”After I told him the 13 of the coat, he said, “You havent been on the train. I havent been in the hotel, so how did my ring 14 in the coat?”“Did anyone sit or stand next to

5、 you on the train?” asked the policeman.“Yes,” said the young man. “But I dont remember his face.”“You may remember this coat,” said the policeman. “Was it like this one?”“Yes, it was,” said the young man. “But my friend here isnt the thief.”The policeman laughed. “ 15 ,” he said. “The thief on the

6、train stole your ring, and like our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food. Only he didnt take the right coat away with him.”( )1. A. doB. buyC. eatD. deal with( )2. A. tookB. foundC. likedD. watched( )3. A. showedB. returnedC. broughtD. dressed( )4. A. LuckilyB. SuddenlyC. ObviouslyD.

7、 At once( )5. A. ringB. boxC. coatD. pocket( )6. A. lostB. missedC. newD. elses( )7. A. butB. andC. insteadD. for( )8. A. knowB. wonderC. supposeD. find( )9. A. appearsB. happensC. meetsD. changes( )10. A. WhoB. Has sheC. Has anyoneD. Have you( )11. A. wrote toB. rememberedC. telephonedD. knew( )12.

8、 A. returnB. thankC. findD. help( )13. A. modelB. priceC. storyD. size( )14. A. comeB. putC. setD. get( )15. A. Im afraid notB. YesC. NoD. SurelyCACBC DACBC CBCDC(二)I was tired and hungry after a long day of work.When I walked into the living room, my 12-year-old son looked 1 at me and said, “I love

9、 you.” I didnt know what to say. For several seconds all I could do was to stand there and stare down at him. My first thought was that he must need 2 with his homework or he was trying to prepare me for some news. Finally I asked, “What was that all about?”“ 3 ,” he said. “My teacher said we should

10、 4 our parents that we love them and see what they say. Its a(n) 5 .”The next day I called his teacher to find out more about this “experiment” and how the other parents had reacted(反应).“Basically, most of the fathers had the 6 reaction as you did,” the teacher said, “when I first 7 we try this, I a

11、sked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble.”“The 8 is,” the teacher explained, “feeling loved is an important part of health. Its something all human beings 9 . What Im trying to tell the children is that its too 10 that w

12、e dont all express those feelings. A boy should be 11 to tell his dad that he loves him.”The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how 12 it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say.When my son came to me that evening, I held on to him for a(n) 13 second. And just 14 he

13、 pulled away, I said in my deepest, most manly voice, “Hey, I love you, too.”I dont know if saying that made either of us healthier, but it did feel pretty good. Maybe next time one of my children says “ I love you”, it would not take me a whole day to think of the right 15 .( )1. A. downB. awayC. o

14、utD. up( )2. A. patienceB. timeC. helpD. paper( )3. A. NothingB. OKC. SomethingD. Love( )4. A. helpB. tellC. askD. make( )5. A. thingB. experimentC. wordD. sentence( )6. A. sameB. differentC. usualD. ordinary( )7. A. suggestedB. agreedC. allowedD. planned( )8. A. pointB. ideaC. wayD. cause( )9. A. h

15、aveB. knowC. takeD. requite( )10. A. badB. goodC. lateD. early( )11. A. fitB. politeC. niceD. able( )12. A. easyB. muchC. oftenD. difficult( )13. A. moreB. fullC. exactD. extra( )14. A. beforeB. afterC. becauseD. if( )15. A. answerB. keyC. reasonD. experimentDCABB AAADA DDDAA(三)A few months ago, I w

16、orked for a short time as a cashier(出纳员)in a restaurant. I also helped to clean the tables when it was 1 busy. One night, just before Christmas, I found a large black wallet 2 on the floor near one of the tables. I supposed I should 3 it for the owners identification(身份证明), but I was very busy at th

17、at time putting thing back 4 I could go home. I thought that if the wallet contained anything valuable, the owner would be back to get it. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later a man came to the 5 to ask if a wallet had been handed 6 . I asked him to descried the lost wallet, and after he had done so,

18、I gave it to him.He seemed very 7 when I handed it to him. He asked me if had opened it, and when I told him “No”, he immediately opened it and said that it contained nearly $1, 000 in cash. He took out a twenty-dollar 8 and handed it to me. I 9 it back. “Bless you for 10 my Christmas plans. Its peo

19、ple like you who 11 everything in the world look good,” he said warmly, shaking my hand.Thinking about it later, I began to 12 whether I would have been so 13 if I had known what was in the wallet! I suppose if there had been no way to identify the owner and no one had returned to get it, I might ha

20、ve kept it. But it also happened to me that I had make his Christmas a happy one by finding and returning the wallet. The good 14 it gave me was worth much more than anything money could 15 .( )1. A. especiallyB. alwaysC. neverD. exactly( )2. A. stayingB. layingC. fallingD lying( )3. A. searchB. che

21、ckC. examineD. test( )4. A. beforeB. afterC. soD. or( )5. A. tableB. doorC. counterD. owner( )6. A. upB. toC. outD. in( )7. A. worriedB. pleasedC. puzzledD. surprised( )8. A. billB. prizeC. moneyD. message( )9. A. pushedB. pulledC. drewD. brought( )10. A. givingB. havingC. savingD. getting( )11. A.

22、showB. bringC. doD. make( )12. A. worryB. realizeC. guessD. wonder( )13. A. foolishB. honestC. interestedD. satisfied( )14. A. luckB. thoughtC. feelingD. deed( )15. A. makeB. buyC. worthD. shareADBCC DBAAC DDBCB(四)Maureen stood by the lake. Suddenly the other children came running through the trees

23、with sharp cries of the excitement. They rushed up to the 1 , leaning over the crystal-clear water, and 2 the crowds of tiny fish. Some children demanded loudly to go to the boats, but all at once those who had been 3 behind at the ice cream stall(小摊)came running up to 4 some announcement or other,

24、and they all left the water and dashed back the way they had come. With growing excitement, Maureen 5 after them.When she saw 6 they had been running for, she stopped running. They were buying things again. The toy stall was open and they were crowded around it. Behind the stall a calm middle-aged w

25、oman was selling a great variety of small rubbish. She took money from the 7 of small hands in exchanging for little boats, plastic dolls, yellow pencils and rubbers, anything. Maureen leaned(靠) 8 a tree, looking on. the idea of spending washed against her face like a strong current, trying to draw

26、her in.Nona Parker pushed out to the edge of the group and laid what she had bought on the ground 9 she could see what money she had left in her white purse. Under Maureens eyes 10 a boat, a mouth organ, and little plates of dolls food in colored plaster a brown load of bread, a joint of beef, a pin

27、k pudding(布丁) 11 tiny and terribly desirable. Maureen was so full of the wish for the thins like that she 12 bear to look at it. She turned her head sharply. Her face against the tree, she shut her 13 and prayed eagerly for some money, for the price of a set of toy plates.In a moment she opened her

28、eyes, but she didnt turn back to the stall. It was too 14 to see the others buying whatever they wanted. She rubbed almost round the tree, her eyes on the ground. And 15 at her very feet was a ten pence piece.( )1. A. treeB. lakeC. stallD. boat( )2. A. watchingB. catchingC. feelingD. feeding( )3. A.

29、 leftB. forgottenC. arrangedD. told( )4. A. makeB. getC. takeD. send( )5. A. walkedB. ranC. stoodD. looked( )6. A. whyB. howC. whatD. that( )7. A. amountB. waveC. forestD. number( )8. A. itB. herC. moneyD. toys( )9. A. so thatB. such thatC. becauseD. in case( )10. A. putB. laidC. layD. saw( )11. A.

30、allB. bothC. someD. many( )12. A. mustntB. shouldntC. needntD. couldnt( )13. A. mouthB. eyesC. white purseD. toy box( )14. A. usefulB. painfulC. shyD. interesting( )15. A. thereB. whereC. theseD. thenBAAAB CCDAC ADBBA(五)Once, in a small village, lived a family with eight children. Two of the children loved 1 very much, but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send 2 of them to study at the art college at the same time. After m

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