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1、南京工业大学工程硕士专业学位研究生英语课程讲义南京工业大学工程硕士专业学位研究生英语课程讲义Unit One My First Job1. The new hospital benefited us enormously. We benefited enormously from the new hospital.2. She is a noted doctor. He is noted for his collection of china.3. He has compiled enough information for his new book. It takes years of ha

2、rd work to compile a good dictionary. 4 .The museum has managed to acquire an important work by Dali. I look on it as an opportunity to acquire fresh skills.5. She has lived through two world wars. The old man is not likely to live through the winter.6. She puts in an hour at his studies every day.

3、You have to put in a lot of effort to learn a new language.7. I mean to go tomorrow. Missing the train means waiting for an hour.8. He polished up the old copper coins. Polish your shoes with a brush.9. Will you make sure of his return? Will you make sure ( that ) he returned ? We have made sure of

4、our seats for the movie. Make sure ( that ) you pick me up at six.10. I like to have everything in place. These books and office records are all out of place.11. Please take off the hot cup from the piano at once. He took off his raincoat. The plane took off at 10 a.m.12. He wore warm clothes so ( t

5、hat ) he wouldnt be cold in the winter snows.13. She replaced the book on the shelf. He has replaced Mr. Brown as President.14. Turning around, she saw an ambulance driving up. Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.15. She came into the room with an armful of flowers. I picked up a handful of l

6、etters and began to open them. He had had enough, and couldnt eat another mouthful of dinner.16. I saw the taxi bump into a parked car. I bumped into George on my way to the factory.17. Greatly interested, I asked how he played these new works. Absorbed in the work, he neglected food and sleep.18. T

7、he company fired him for not coming to work on time. Three workers were dismissed ( fired ) for being lazy.19. If you become noisy, you must leave on the spot. He bought the expensive car on the spot.20. He felt ashamed of his bad behavior. You should be ashamed to tell such lies. Your cowardice has

8、 shamed us all.21. He stayed single all his life. The weather stayed sultry.22. Afraid of difficulties, they prefer to take the easy road. Curious, I looked around for other guests.23. He wanted to find an opening for an accountant. There are many openings for business.24. She is going to hire a pri

9、vate detective to trace her husband. Lets hire a car for the weekend.25. Does he always persist in his opinion? She persisted in taking her dog with her.26. It doesnt matter if I miss my train. Does it matter who goes first?27. She outlived her husband by ten years. They outdid our team in every cat

10、egory. Toms flowers outshone all the others in the competition.28. Can you help me with my homework, Tom? She helped me ( to ) hang the curtains. I helped ( to ) wash the car. The government has set up a fund for the victims of the disaster. Do you know how to set up a tent?29. I watched her go ( go

11、ing ) out of the room. Forgetting the past means betrayal. Talking mends no holes.30. How can I reward your kindness? She rewarded the boy with $10 for his services.31. Who can best handle the problem? A clerk must know how to handle difficult customers.32. I will finish paying for my house by the t

12、ime I retire.33. It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street. It was so cold that the pond has frozen. I ran so fast that Id got a pain in my side.34. The boss promoted him to the post of chief accountant. The instructor was promoted to professor.35. Even though I fail, Ill keep on tr

13、ying. I wont hire him even if he is quite a capable man.36. We translated the novel from English into Chinese. Will you translate your theory into simpler terms?37. The meeting ended up with the singing of the national anthem. You will end up getting burnt if you dont keep away from the fire.38. I c

14、ant see my old mother left alone in the house. I saw the man knocked down and the driver driving away. I saw the train come ( coming ) into the station.II. Getting Information:1. They couldnt understand those people.2. He wrote to Henry Ford II and got help from him.3. She preferred to save money. T

15、he evidence: “ Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.”4. To be a successful salesperson, one needs to be a great listener.5. Toy making.III. Vocabulary and Structure:A. 1. regular 2. promoted 3. ended up 4. handing 5. replace 6. favorable 7. (have) put in 8. Mak

16、e sure 9. on the spot 10. desperateB. 1. opening 2. persistence 3. success 4. valuable 5. importance 6. promotion 7. depression 8. valuable 9. loyalty 10. favorable/favoriteC. 1. acquire 2. loyal 3. noted 4. startled 5. responsibility 6. rewarding 7. genuine 8. bumped into 9. purchased 10. eventuall

17、yIV. Translation:A. 1. 两位美国名人解释为什么不是你所挣的而是你所学的更重要。2我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活儿别人都赶不上。 3看着存款数增加比我当时原本可以买到的任何东西都更让我满足。4我发自内心地关心她们的问题,并能理解她们的愿望,给她们出些该如何化妆的点子。 5结果我创下了化妆销售量的最好成绩。B. 1. She plans to set up her own business.2. Attitude also matters.3. She had polished all the furniture before the guests

18、arrived.4. Some managers have no idea how to handle people.5. We finished the work in record time.6. She likes everything to be in place before she starts working.7. She often puts in 12 hours work a day.8. He acquired the information from the newspapers.9. Theres an opening for an assistant in our

19、department.10. The organization works to promote friendship between nations.Part B Grammar1. (1) have seen (2) started (3) had escaped (4) said (5) had fallen (6) have arrived (7) will have left (8) has come (9) had bought (10) has been burning (11) could go (12) has taught (13) has not eaten (14) w

20、ill be planting (15) were repairingPart C Supplementary ReadingI. Reading Comprehension:1. Because he had walked away from her.2. Words like that have a far-reaching influence: it seems that people to whom such words are said would hear them again and again in their future life.3. 24.4. He was terri

21、bly insecure and shy (and he had few friends and no self-confidence).5. She asked them to write their own chapter that would follow the last chapter of the novel.6. Writing a short story.7. She evaluated those short stories for him.8. The four words that Mrs. Brauch wrote in the margin of his paper“

22、This is good writing.”9. Because he was a writer (and she respected him).10. Mrs. Brauch, by giving confidence to Dalkoff, had also influenced some other peoples lives. Such an influence was unbelievably far-reaching.II. Vocabulary and Structure: 1. evaluate 2. evident 3. name 4. echoed 5. start off

23、 6. enormous 7. horizons 8. insecure 9. recalled 10. turn to 11. fulfill 12. convince 我的第一份工作 两位美国名人解释为什么不是你所挣的而是你所学的更重要汽车清洁工 我从父母那儿获得了很强的工作道德观。他们俩都经历过大萧条时期,对不是按常规工作的人感到难以理解。我曾经告诉我妈妈,西尔维斯特 史泰龙工作l0周挣1200万美元。”那他在一年其余的日子里干什么呢?”她问。 我把父母的工作道德观带入了我在故乡马萨诸塞州安多佛镇附近的威尔明顿镇福特汽车专营店于的第一份工作。那时我16岁。学期当中我干活干到五、六点,暑假

24、期间则每天干12个小时。我干的是汽车清洁小工的活儿,也就是清洗、擦亮新车,并确保纸地板垫的位置合适。还有一项职责是在夜里将汽车轱毂盖取下来以免被偷,第二天再还回原处。这是一项很费劲的工作,因为我们有占大约七英亩地的汽车。 一天,我抱着一大捧毂盖转过一个角落,几乎与我们新任总经理撞了个满怀。我吓了一跳,结果把毂盖全掉在了地上。他当场就解雇了我。 我羞愧万分,不愿让父母知道这件事。大约有两周的时间,我每天都忙到晚上,然后我会回家说工作干得很愉快。 走投无路之下,我写了一封信给亨利福特二世,告诉他所发生的事情。我说我们家是福特车的忠实用户,并说我长大成年后打算买一辆野马车。最后,汽车专营店的店主给我

25、打来了电话,“我不知道你在底特律认识谁,”他说,“但如果你还想要回你原来的工作的话,这工作就归你了。” 后来在大学期间,我想在一家劳斯莱斯(罗尔斯-罗伊斯)的专营店于活,但店主说他们不缺人。即便如此,我还是开始在那儿清洗汽车。当店主注意到我时,我说我会一直干到他雇我。他雇了我。 成功需要毅力。态度也很重要。我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活儿别人都赶不上。出纳员 第一次与我祖母坐在她位于曼哈顿的药店的现金出纳机后时,我10岁。不久之后,她就让我一个人坐在那儿,很快我就知道了礼貌对待顾客以及说“谢谢”的重要性。 起初我的报酬是糖果,后来我每小时得到50美分。每天放学后我都工

26、作,暑假、周末和假期则从上午8点干到下午7点。我父亲帮我在银行立了个账户。看着存款数增加比我当时原本可以买到的任何东西都更让我满足。 祖母是一位严厉的监工,从不给我任何特殊照顾。她像鹰一样注视着我的一举一动,不过却放手让我应付像在午餐高峰时干活这样压力很大的场面。她的信任教会了我如何对待责任。 等我到了12岁时,她认为我的工作干得很出色,因此提拔我去卖化妆品。我培养出了直视顾客眼睛的能力。尽管我只是个孩子,妇女们会问我“你认为我该用哪种颜色?”之类的问题。我发自内心地关心她们的问题,并能理解她们的愿望,给她们出些该如何化妆的点子。结果我创下了化妆品销售量的最好成绩。 这项工作教给了我宝贵的一课

27、:要做成功的销售者,你不必是一位火箭科学家你需要的是当一个令人满意的倾听者。今天我仍牢记着这一课:聆听顾客的倾诉。只不过他们不再是从我这儿买化妆品的妇女,而是些孩子们,他们对我说他们喜欢哪些设计和开发出来的玩具。Part C 改变了一生的四个字 “你是不是笨得什么都干不好”一位妇女对一个显然是她儿子的小男孩这样说。她说这话是因为他从她身边走开了。这位妇女说话的声音大得连附近的陌生人全都能听得到。受到责备的男孩静静地回到了妇女的身边,耷拉着眼皮。 不算什么大事,也许吧。然而像这样的小事有时候会有很长远的影响。几个字尽管当时对说话的人意义不大可能会产生巨大的力量。“你是不是笨得什么都干不好?” 像

28、这样的话以后是有反响的。 我最近从一位名叫马尔科姆达尔科夫的人那儿听到了一个故事。他48岁,近24年来他一直是一位专职作家,主要从事广告方面的写作。以下是他告诉我的故事: 在伊利诺宜州洛克岛度过的童年时代中,达尔科夫非常胆小,很害羞。他没有什么朋友,也没有自信。后来在1965年l0月的一天,他的中学英语老师鲁思布劳奇给全班布置了一篇作业。学生们一直在读杀死模仿鸟,现在他们要给小说的最后一章再续上一章。 达尔科夫写好了他的那一章,交给了老师。现在他已记不起他写的那一章有什么特殊之处,也记不起布劳奇夫人给他的是什么分数,但他确实记得也永远不会忘记的是布劳奇夫人在文章旁边空白处写的四个字:“写得很好

29、。” 四个字,它们改变了他的一生。 “在看到那几个字之前,我不知道我是谁,或是我将来干什么,”他说。“看了她写的评语后,我回家写了一篇短篇小说,这是我一直梦想要做却又不相信自己可以做到的事。” 在那一年剩下的在校日子里,他写了很多短篇小说,并且总是把这些小说带到学校请布劳奇夫人评阅。她给人以鼓励、要求严格而又实事求是。“她的帮助正是我当时所需要的,”达尔科夫说。 他被任命为中学校报的编辑之一。他的自信增强了;眼界开阔了;他踏上了一条成功的、自我实现的人生之旅。达尔科夫确信,要不是有那位女士在他文章旁边空白处写的那四个字,这一切都是不可能发生的。 达尔科夫在第30次中学聚会时回去拜访了布劳奇夫人

30、,她已经退休了。他告诉她,她的四个字对他的影响。他告诉她,因为她给了他成为作家的信心,他才能将这份信心传递给日后成为他妻子的一位女士,她也成了一名作家。他告诉布劳奇夫人,他办公室里的一位晚上攻读中学同等学历证书的年轻女士找他寻求建议和帮助。她尊重他,因为他是个作家正是因此她才向他求助的。 布劳奇夫人在听到帮助那位年轻妇女的故事后尤为感动。“我想那时我们俩都意识到了布劳奇夫人给我们留下了难以置信的深远影响,”他说。 “你是不是笨得什么都干不好?” “写得很好。” 就这么几个字。它们可以改变一切。 (一) Tense (动词时态)I. 一般现在时:一.构成:用动词原形,当主语是第三人称单数时,其谓

31、语动词词尾须加-s或-es. 该时态常与表示频度的时间状语连用.如: often, usually, always, every day, seldom 等。二.用法: 1.表示现在时间内经常性的动作,习惯性动作或现在时间的状态。We have meals three times a day. It seldom snows in the south.She often goes to school at seven. Tom loves sports.You are very healthy. This coat fits him very well. 2.表示客观事实或普遍真理。The sun always rises in the east. Actions speak louder than words.Light travels faster than sound. London stands on the River Thames. 3.表示现在瞬间的动作: (常见于表示短暂的动作动词.) Here comes the bus! There goes the bell! I send you my best wishes. 4.表示将来时间: (常用动词有go, come, leave, begin, start, arrive, return, be

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