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1、第四册教案Unit 1 Leisure ActivitiesTeaching Aims: In this unit students are required to :1) get to know some useful information concerning the topic of the reading passages in this unit and to know more about English culture;2) do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc. to practi

2、ce their spoken skill and communicative skills;3) grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them to enrich their vocabulary;4)read the in-class reading passage in a limited time and grasp some expressions and grammatical points in the in-class reading passage to improve their readin

3、g comprehension;5) do some post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to practice what they have got to know in class to improve their English comprehensive skills.;6) translate some typical sentences into Chinese or English by using some expressions learned in the reading passages to acqui

4、re some translating skills and better their translating abilities.Teaching Methods: Lecture, DiscussionTeaching Hours: Six periodsTeaching Focuses: In-Class Reading, Post-Reading ExercisesTeaching procedures: Part I Preparation 1. Presentation There are some people in society who either have to or w

5、ant to work all the time. Most people, however, seek ways to relax or to have fun during their leisure hours. In recently years, the house entertainment industry has grown all over the world. Instead of going out to see a movie or taking a walk to a park, people of all ages prefer to turn on the tel

6、evision or stay at home. Young people spend hours sitting in front of their computers, surfing on the Internet or playing computer games.Despite the rise in home entertainment, there are still many people who enjoy spending some of their leisure time attending sports events or participating in compe

7、titive sports or other physical activities such as dancing and tai chi. Exercise not only contributes to good health but also takes the mind away from worries and troubles.2. Class activities (1) Group discussion work in groups to make a list of a) the things you do for fun in your leisure time; b)

8、the things your parents do for fun in their leisure in groups to talk about your favorite film and explain why you like it so much.(2) Recognizing Puns Read the following sentences (P2) and find out the humor.1 They pray for you today and prey on you tomorrow.2 A bicycle cant stand on its

9、own because it is two-tyred.3 He is not a grave man until he is a grave man.4 Whats the longest sentence in the world? ( prison for life)5 Which is the longest word in English? (smiles)6 Whats the worst kind of fish? (selfish)7 What table does not have legs? (timetable)8 -You missed the game yesterd

10、ay, didnt you?-Not quite, I missed my girlfriend.Part II In-class Reading1. Explanation of some new words (1) entertaining adj. amusing e.g. an entertaining speech/evening拓展:entertain v. to invite people to eat or drink with you as your guests, esp. in your home e.g. Barbecues are a favorite way of

11、entertaining friends. to interest and amuse sb in order to please them e.g. He entertained us for fours with his stories and jokes. entertainment n. films, music, etc. used to entertain people e.g. Local entertainment are listed in the newspaper. 本地的娱乐活动刊登在报上。 entertainer n. a person whose job is am

12、using or interesting people e.g. a street entertainer 街头表演者 (2) humorist n. a person who is famous for writing or telling amusing stories 拓展: humour n. the quality in sth that makes it funny or amusing e.g. He has a good sense of humour. the state of your feelings or mind at a particular time e.g. T

13、he meeting dissolved in ill humour. 会议不欢而散。 v. to agree with sbs wished, even if they seem unreasonable, in order to keep the person happy 迁就,顺应 e.g. She thought it best to humour him rather than get into an argument. 她想最好是顺他的意,而不和他争吵。 humorous adj. funny and entertaining; showing a sense of humour

14、e.g. Bill is a humorous guy and tells jokes well. humorless adj. not having or showing the ability to laugh at things that other people think are amusing e.g. a humorless person 缺乏幽默感的人 (3) laughter n. U the act or sound of laughing 笑,笑声 e.g. Their laughter filled the corridor.拓展:laugh v. 笑,发笑 e.g.

15、He always makes me laugh. n. C 笑声 e.g. to give a laugh 大笑一声 a short/hearty laugh 短促的/开心的一笑 laughing adj. 笑的,带笑意的 e.g. his laughing blue eyes 他含有笑意的蓝眼睛 laughing faces 笑脸laughable adj. 荒唐可笑的 e.g. He was a laughable figure. 他是个荒唐可笑的人。(4) tempt v. 搭配:tempt sb into sth/into doing sth tempt sb to do sth e

16、.g. Nothing would tempt me to live there.拓展:temptation n. e.g. I couldnt resist the temptation to open the letter. tempting adj. e.g. That cake looks very tempting.2. Text analysis (1) Organization of the passage Para. 1-3 Humor is universal, but peoples sense of humor varies. Para. 4 Even animals h

17、ave a sense of humor. The authors dog is a good example. Para 5 The typical three parts of a joke: 1) set up, 2) body, 3) punch line. Para 6-12 Different forms of humor: 1) slap-stick, 2) Chinese cross-talk, 3) a play on words, 4) puns and double entendres. Para 13 Humor will persist even though som

18、e professional humorists think todays humor is not very intelligent or sophisticated.(2) Language points diverse (l.6)adj. very different from each other and of various kinds. e.g. My interests are very diverse. a labour of love (l.9): sth that is hard work but that you do because you want to e.g. F

19、or Mavis and her team of volunteers furniture removal is a labor of love. be sensitive to sth (l.13)a) aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings e.g. She is very sensitive to other peoples feelings. b) easily offended or upset e.g. She is very sensitive to criticism. c) that yo

20、u have to treat with great care because it may offend people or make them angry e.g. My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. classic (l.50) adj. a) describes sth that is accepted as being of very high quality and one of the best of its kind e.g. a classic work a classic movie b) it is also used to

21、 describe a typical example of sth e.g. a classic example/mistake compare: classical adj.: describe things that are traditional in style e.g. classical music 古典音乐 classical dance value n.价值,准则, v. a) 重视,珍视 e.g. I really value him as a friend. b) 给估价,给定价 e.g. The property has been valued at over $2 m

22、illion. valuation n. 估价,估定的价值 e.g. Experts set a high valuation on the painting. valuable adj. a) 很重要的,宝贵的 e.g. valuable experience 宝贵的经验 b) 贵重的,值钱的 e.g. valuable jewellery 贵重的首饰 valueless adj. : without value or worth 不值钱的,没有价值的 (=worthless) invaluable adj. : extremely useful极有用的,极宝贵的note (l.74) So

23、me phrases with “note”a) make a note of sth: write sth down so that you can look at it later e.g. I made a note of her address and phone number.b) take/make notes: write notese.g. I read the first chapter and took notes.c) take note: pay close attention to sth e.g. Take note of the weather condition

24、s.In this sentence, note is used in the meaning as a particular quality in sth, e.g. in sbs voice or the atmosphere at an event. 特征,口气,调子e.g. There was a note of amusement in his voice.听他的口气,是觉得很有意思。 blame (l.102) Some phrases with “blame”a) blame sb for sthe.g. Police are blaming the accident on da

25、ngerous driving.b) be to blamee.g. You are not to blame for what happened.c) only have yourself to blame: used to say that someones problems are their own fault e.g. If he fails his exams, hell only have himself to blame.3. Exercises of in-class reading Post-reading (P.13-17)Part III After-class Rea

26、dingPassage Fatal Attraction)1. New words:1) aristocracy n. 拓展:aristocrat n.(一个)贵族 aristocratic adj. 贵族的 e.g. an aristocratic name/family/lifestyle2) clockwork n. go/run like clockwork: with perfect regularity and precision; smoothly e.g. The operation went like clockwork.3) detection n.拓展:detect v.

27、: to discover or notice sth, especially sth that is not easy to see, hear, etc. e.g. The tests are designed to detect the disease early. detective n.: a person whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals 侦探 e.g. a detective story2. Questions for text understanding:1) Why Agatha Christies book

28、s are so popular both in Britain and abroad? 2) What do most of Christies books start with?3) What are the features of characters in Christies books?4) Why does the author say “Agatha Christies world is not quite a real world”? What “a real world” should be according to the author?5) What are modern

29、 writers more interested in?3. Grammatical points 1) go away (l.13) here means “disappear” or “fade” 2) “bury ones head in sth” means “focus your attention on sth and ignore what is going on aroundyou” (埋头于).An idiomatic expression “bury ones head in the sand” means “逃避现实,采取鸵鸟政策”. 3) affection (l.50

30、)Here “affection for someone or sth” means “a warm gentle feeling of caring for or loving (someone or something)” “school” means “a group of people that share an opinion or way of thinking about sth” (学派,流派).Passage Wow, Would I Love to Do That1. New words:1) announcement n.拓展:announce v. sth to sb:

31、 to tell people sth officially, especially about a decision e.g. They havent formally announced their engagement. 2) hasten v. make sth happen faster or sooner e.g. We hastened back to school. haste n. speed in doing sth,esp. because you do not have enough time e.g. In her haste to complete the work on time, she made a number of mistakes. 拓展: en: suffix, 1 (in verbs): to make or become, e.g. fasten, blacken, sadden2 (in adjectives): made of, looking like e.g. wooden, golden3. Grammatical points1) When a sentence begins with “Would (that)”, it expresses the speak

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