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1、北京地区成人本科学位英语讲义北京地区成人本科学位英语讲义前 言大家好!今天是我们这个班开课的第一讲。以前呢,我们比较注重考前的强化辅导和串讲,但从考试的结果看,总有一部分同学屡考不过,可以说屡败屡战,三番两次地在60分的门槛前徘徊逗留。究其原因,就是基础过于薄弱,短文都看不懂,能答对题吗?大家都工作多年了,英语也丢得差不多了,现在重新拾起,难免生疏。所以我们今年这个班就是要从基础抓起,当然不是讲ABC,重点讲解的是词汇和语法,突破阅读和答题方面的瓶颈。从历年的考题统计来,词汇和语法的考核大致占到40分,各占一半。同时,词汇和语法也是解答阅读理解等其他题型的基础。针对基础部分的辅导,我们共安排1


3、起讲,可以让大家区别记忆,明白每个词的用法;第二、通过语境学习和运用,对提高大家的解题能力和答题技巧也有一定的帮助。学习上我提几点要求,希望同学们一周至少抽出一天的时间来学习,并坚持下来。听课的时候,对着讲义要认真听,集中精力;讲义可以下载下来反复看;课后呢,要把练习题做一做,对对答案,不懂的地方可以把问题在线提交上来;再就是利用零碎时间熟识一下后面补充的常考词组和重点单词,达到“见其词,知其义”的程度即可,无须背记读写。只要同学们把我们的教研内容充分消化、吸收,过关就有把握。好了,言归正题,今天我要讲的是词汇部分的名词、形容词、副词和代词。第一讲 名词 形容词 副词 代词名词据统计,名词在历

4、年的考试当中,平均每次考试都要占取2分,最多的时候考过4分。名词简单,也容易理解,主要考核的是名词的辨析。下面我们通过例题来掌握这些词汇。1Your sister has made an for you to see the dentist(牙医) at 3 this afternoon. A. appointment B. interview C. opportunity D. assignment 解析:本句意思:你姐姐为你约好了下午三点去看牙医。再来看这四个选项,appointment名词,“约会、约定”,make(fix) an appointment“预约”,固定搭配;intervi

5、ew名词,“面试,会见”;opportunity名词,“机会”;assignment名词,“作业,任务”。根据其意思,assignment应该首先排除;opportunity意思牵强加上搭配有问题也应去除;interview偏于访谈,且一般用于have an interview,显然appointment符合题目要求。答案:A2He took the medicine(吃药),but it didnt have any .A. answer B. cause C. effect D. work解析:题意应该是:他吃了药,但不起作用。answer回答,cause 原因,都不合题意;effect名

6、词,作用,take effect开始实行;work作动词时,有“起作用”的意思,但any后面要求用名词。答案:C3Since you wont take advice(听从建议),there is no in asking for(要求) it. A. place B. point C. reason D. way 解析:题意应该是“既然你不听建议,再那么要求就没什么意义了”。Place地方;way道路,方式,方法;point点,观点,意义;“no point in doing”,做没有意义; reason原因。答案:B4The of the play is so great that man

7、y people want to see it. A. attention B. attraction C. attempt D. attack 解析:“这个演出太棒了,很多人都想观看。”attention注意力,常用于pay attention to注意;attraction吸引力,sun attraction太阳引力;attempt努力,尝试,she made an attempt to cook the supper.;attack名词,动词,进攻,a heart attack。 答案:B5He has been teaching for 2 years, but being a tea

8、cher is not his . Achance B. character C. attitude D. choice 解析:chance机会,偶然性,by chance碰巧;character性格、特点,a character actor性格演员;attitude态度,attitude towards sth,对某事的态度;choice名词,选择,动词为choose。 翻译:他教了两年书,但是当教师并非他的选择。 答案:D6The doctor said that you needed in your diet(日常饮食). A. variety B. vanity C. spur D.

9、reservoir 解析:variety多样性a variety of toys各种玩具;vanity虚荣,a vanity press为作者自费印书的出版社;spur鞭策,spur sb On激励某人;reservoir水库。题意:医生说你不能偏食。 答案:A7There are no simple(简单的) _ to the unemployment(失业) problem. A. methods B. ways C. solutions D. measures. 解析:method、way、solution、measure(测量,措施,方法)都有方法的意思。solution to为一固定

10、搭配,“解决的方法”。 答案:C8The country is rich in(富有) natural (天然的) ,such as (比如)oil, metal and coal. A. sources B. resources C. wealth D. causes 解析:sources来源;resources资源;wealth财富;causes事业,原因。 翻译:这个国家的油、金属、煤等天然资源丰富。 答案:B9I always couldnt finish the recitation(朗诵,背诵) work and to my it is cancelled(取消)now. A. s

11、urprise B. disappoint C. relief D. distress 解析:surprise惊奇,in surprise ;disappoint动词,使失望; relief缓解、解脱、救济,I felt great relief;distress悲痛、苦难,in distress。固定搭配“to ones surprise”,令某人吃惊的是; “to ones relief”,“令某人感到解脱,轻松”。 翻译:我总是不能完成背诵的作业,现在这项作业取消了,我松了口气。 答案:C10The of 10 to 5 is 2 to 1. A. rate B. proportion

12、C. portion D. ratio 解析:rate比率,如:birth rate;proportion比率,常指两个事物大小、数量、重要性的比较,如:the proportion of men to women;portion部分,常与of连用,如:the first portion of the book;ratio比率,指两个数值之间的比率,direct ratio正比。 答案:D11. His theory is based on(基于) the that things go in pairs. A. principle B. principal C. procedure D. sp

13、ecimen 解析:principle原则,原理,in principle原则上,on the principle of按照 原则;principal负责人、英国大学校长,形容词意思是首要的;procedure程序,手续;specimen范例,标本,wool specimen羊毛样品。 翻译:他的理论建立在事物都有两面性的基础之上。 答案:A12She spilled(溢出) the paint(油漆,涂料) on . A. purpose B. intention C. goal D. aim 解析:purpose目的,意图,on purpose故意地;intention目的,如:at le

14、ast(至少),he has good intentions;goal目标,ones goal in life;aim瞄准,常用于aim at词组,表示“对瞄准”,或“打算做什么”。 翻译:她故意把涂料溢出。 答案:A13Her at the party made some excitement(兴奋,骚动). Aexistence B. pressure C. absence D. presence 解析:existence 名词,存在,exist动词,生存、存在;pressure压力,常用词组under pressure;absence缺席,a long absence长时间缺席;pres

15、ence在场,in the presence of sb在某人面前。 翻译:她的出席引起了一阵骚动。 答案:D14Oil has the of floating(漂浮) on water.A. capability B. property C. prescription D. provision解析:capability能力,可能性,the capability of metal to be fused 金属的可熔和性;property财产、特性,common property公共财产,Many plants have medicinal properties植物药性;prescription

16、指示,命令,处方,prescription drug处方药;provision准备,供应;如:make provision for为做准备。翻译:油具有漂浮在水面上的特性。答案:B15Cant you see this is a job with excellent(极好的) ?A. prospects B. perspectives C. respects D. aspects解析:prospect景色,a beautiful prospect over the valley山谷上的美景,prospects前景;perspective远景、观点;respect尊重,respects问候,Gi

17、ve my respects to your family.;aspect外表,方面,only one aspect of the thing。翻译:你看不出这是个有前途的职业吗?答案:A形容词、副词形容词在以前的考试当中一般占1分,近年一般占3分,副词平均占2分。1、Do you think they have food for all these people here?A. subsequent B. beneficial C. sufficient D. average解析:subsequent随后的,并发的the period subsequent to the war;benefi

18、cial有益的be beneficial to;sufficient充足的,be sufficient to sbs need;average平均的,on average。翻译:你认为这里的人们都有充足的粮食吗?答案:C2、This is a very situation(形势) and we dont know how to face it yet.Acomprehensive B. compound C. complicated D. competent解析:comprehensive综合的、理解的,comprehensive knowledge ;compound混合的、复合的,comp

19、ound interest;complicated复杂的,a complicated machine;competent能力强的,a competent typist。翻译:这是一个非常复杂的形势,我们还不知道如何面对。答案:C3、It is for a person in his position(岗位) to make such a mistake.A. rare B. less C. little D. few解析:rare罕见的。Less ,little的比较级,Try to shout less.翻译:对于一个人来说,处在他这样的职位犯这样的错误是很罕见的。答案:A4、Do you

20、mean this is the decision(决定) you have made after thinking for hours?A. upright B. ultimate C. total D. tight解析:upright挺直的、垂直的,正直的,合乎正道的,an upright man;ultimate最终的,an ultimate truth;tight紧的,程度深的,sleep tight。答案:B5、After a three-hour heated(激烈的) discussion ,all the members in the jury(陪审团) reached the

21、 conclusions(结论) that the man was of murder(谋杀).A. criminal B. charged C. guilty D. faulty解析:criminal(名词)罪犯,(形容词)犯罪的,criminal act犯罪行为;charge(动词)控告、指责,charge sb. with murder指控某人犯谋杀罪;charge(名词)主管,in charge of 负责。guilty有罪的,如:be found guilty(被发现有罪),“be guilty of”,犯有罪;faulty有缺陷的,错误的,a faulty design,有缺陷的设

22、计。 翻译:通过一场三个小时的激烈讨论,陪审团全体成员得出结论是这个人犯有谋杀罪。 答案:C6、Professor Smith is always very to the reaction(反应) of the audience(听众,观众) when he gives lectures(演讲,讲座). Asentimental B. sensitive C. sensible D. positive解析:sentimental多情的,深情的,感伤性的,sentimental music伤感音乐。sensitive敏感的,如sensitive to。sensible明智的,That was s

23、ensible of you。positive肯定的、赞同的,a positive answer。翻译:史密斯教授演讲时对听众的反应总是很敏感。答案:B7、I must go now. , if you want that book Ill bring it next time. AIncidentally B. Accidentally C. Occasionally D. Subsequently 解析:incidentally相当于by the way,即“顺利提一句”;incidental附带的,incidental expense。accidentally碰巧,偶然的,意外的;acc

24、idental意外的,accidental death意外死亡occasionally有时,相当于from time to time;occasional偶然的,a occasionally writer 应时作家。subsequently后来。 翻译:我得走了,顺便说一下,你需要那本书的话,我下次带给你。 答案:A8、After having gone far, George did not want to turn back. Aenough B. much C. such D. that 解析:far此处只能用so或that修饰,此处的that是副词,相当于so或to that exte

25、nt;enough作副词,应置于所修饰的形容词或副词之后,如good enough,well enough; 答案:D9、The patients(病人) believe that the doctor knows exactly(确切地) how to put them . A. correct B. straight C. right D. well 解析:put sth or sb right为固定搭配,right此处是形容词,作宾语them的补足语。 翻译:病人相信医生确切地知道如何处理他们的病情。 答案:C10、He speaks English , but not his youn

26、ger sister does. A. as good as B. so well like C. so good as D. as well as 解析:good作为形容词不能修饰动词speak;so well like是错误的搭配;so well as中的副词well可修饰动词speaks;as well as 与一样好. 翻译:他说英语,但没有他妹妹说得好。 答案:D11、The heart is intelligent(聪明的,有才智的) than the stomach(胃),for they are both controlled(受约束的) by the brain. A. no

27、t so B. not much C. much more D. no more 解析:本题句子中的than,则空白处应选与more有关的答案。如果把much more放进空白处,句子不通,因为“心脏比胃更有智力”是说不通的。no more(than)和not anymore than含“和一样”之意。 翻译:心脏和胃一样不具有智力,因为它们都受大脑控制。 答案:D12、You are just the same you were the day when I first meet you. A. that B. like C. to D. as 解析:the same as是固定搭配,意思为

28、“和一样”。翻译:你跟我刚遇见你时一模一样。答案:D13、-Do you regret(后悔) paying five hundred dollars for the painting(油画)? -No, I would gladly have paid for it. A. twice so much B. twice as much C. as much twice D. as twice much 解析:twice as much固定搭配。A、C、D词序均不对。 翻译:你后悔花了五百元买这副油画吗?不,我宁愿花两倍的钱去买它。 答案:B14、You song well last nigh

29、t. We hope youll sing . A. more better B. still better C. nicely D. best 解析:more better是双重比较级,是典型语法错误。 翻译:你昨晚唱得很好,我们希望你还会唱得更好。所以,C、D应当排除。 答案:B15、She was that she had failed(考试不及格)the exam. A. ashamed B. shameful C. shamed D. shameless 解析:ashamed感到羞耻的,后可接of或that引导的从句;shameful羞耻的事;shameless无羞耻感的。 答案:A

30、 翻译:她为考试不及格感到羞耻。16、All customers are treated(治疗、对待) . A. alike B. as well C. likely D. the same manner 解析:alike同样地,相当于in the same manner;likely是形容词,意为可能的。 翻译:所有顾客一律平等。 答案:A17、The reference books on this shelf(架子) are to teachers alone(单独的). A. concerned B. available C. related D. evident 解析:concerne

31、d for关心的,如:Im concerned for your health. concerned with关于的,如:This story is concerned with the conflicts;available可利用的、可得到的;relate使联系,to relate 2 ideas联系两个观点,related有联系的,叙述的.evident明显,显然的,statistically evident统计上显著的. 翻译:这个书架上的参考书只供老师使用。 答案:B18、She is such a person, always asking how Im feeling. A. considerable B. considering C. considered D. considerate 解析:considerable相当的、可观的,a considerable distance一段相当大的距离;consider考虑、认为,如:I consider him a first-rate mechanic;considerate体谅的,周到的。 翻译:她真够体谅人的,总是问我感觉怎样。 答案:D19、Im tired of his co

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