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1、山东高考英语 答案解析2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(山东卷)英语第I卷(共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上;录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15B. 9.15C. 19.18答案是B1. How much will t

2、he woman pay id she buys two skirts?A. $18 B. $19 C. $20答案:B2. What will the speakers discuss?A. A report B. A computer C. A report on computer答案:A3. What are the speakers talking about?A. A child B. A room C. A present答案:C4. What can we learn from this conversation?A. The woman does not get along w

3、ell with the man.B. The woman does not get along well with her roommate.C. The man will talk with the womans roommate.答案:B5. Where are the two speakers now?A. On the first floor B. On the fourth floor C. On the fifth floor答案:C第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷

4、的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. What was the woman doing before she went A. Typing a report B. Rewriting a report C. Reviewing a report答案:A7. Where did the woman have her dinner?A. In a restaurant B. In her office C. At home答案:B听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8.

5、 Why does the man feel surprised?A. The woman has found a new job.B. The woman doesnt feel like leaving.C. The woman disagrees with him.答案:A9. What does the woman say about her department?A. There is a lack of trust.B. There are serious problems.C. There is too much pressure.答案:B听下面一段对话,回答第10和第12三个小

6、题。10. What are the speakers talking about?A. Popular sports events.B. TV programs people like best.C. Things people do after work.答案:C11. How did the woman do the research?A. She talked to people.B. She sent letters to peopleC. She collected information from newspapers答案:A12. What do most people do

7、in their spare time?A. Go to movies B. Read books C. Watch TV答案:C听下面一段对话,回答第13和第16四个小题。13. Where does this conversation take place?A. At the airport B. In a restaurant C. On the street答案:A14. Why does the woman like San Francisco?A. It has less trafficB. It has the best food and musicC. People there

8、 are friendlier答案:B15. Where does the woman come from?A. Pennsylvania B. San Francisco C. China答案:A16. What does the woman think of the mans English?A. Excellent B. Acceptable C. Strange答案:A听下面一段对话,回答第17和第20四个小题。17. How many people are in the womans family?A. Three B. Four C. Five答案:C18. What did th

9、e children think about having dinner together at home?A. They thought it was funnyB. They disliked the idea at firstC. They preferred eating with friends答案:B19. How often did the family finally decide to have meals together?A. Every Sunday B. Twice a week C. Three times a week. 答案:B20. Who finally s

10、et the time for these family dinners?A. The children B. The father C. The woman speaker答案:C第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wheneve

11、r答案是B。语法点;考查疑问词+ever构成的连接词;however,whatever,whichever,whenever的用法区别it is generally considered unwise to do 这是一个形式主语引导的句型 to引导的不定式做句子的真正主语,考察点放到了这个不定式当中 to give a child _ he or she wants 根据与主句的逻辑关系,应该是认为给孩子一切他们想要的 被认为是不明智的 更准确地说是无论他们需要什么,都会给予,“无论什么都”用whateverwhatever做连接词,通常引导让步状语,however whichever wh

12、erever 和它词性一致,语法意义一致,表达的意思和后接的成分不一样。Whatever一般后接物,翻译;无论什么,A选项;however一般后接形容词,副词,有时后接动词不定式,比如,however to do无论怎么做,however to struggle 无论怎样努力 B选项;whichever一般后接物,有时接人,比如,whichever person you meet 无论你遇到哪个人 C选项;whenever 表时间,无论什么时候,比如;whenever you come up, I will wait for you.21. Have you been to New Zeala

13、nd?- No, Id like to, _ .A. too B. though C. yet D. either答案:B解析:too, either“也”不符题意;yet作副词“还,仍然”用于陈述句,位于句中或句末,不用逗号隔开,作为“已经”位于疑问句句末,不用逗号隔开,做连词“然而”往往位于句首,学生易于因汉语意思而选此答案;答案B(though),意思是“然而,但是”位于句末,用逗号隔开。所以答案应是B.问句,你去过新西兰吗?答句是,不,我没有去过,虽然我想去。Though位于句末通常表示但是,表示逻辑的转折.A选项too;副词,表示也,通常放在肯定陈述句的句尾。-I like play

14、ing football. -I like it,too.C选项yet:1表示也,用于陈述句:I am going to wait for some time yet. 2表示还,用于疑问句; Arent you ready to go yet?D选项;either,副词放在句末,否定的也,也不怎样怎样通常和前面的否定句做搭配使用例句:You dont like him,do you? I dont either.22. Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office?- Yes, _ .A. for pleasure B.

15、I could C. my pleasure D. with pleasure答案:D解析:for pleasure“为了取乐,作为消遣”;I could语气不对,应为I can; (Its) my pleasure“不用谢”回答Thank you; with pleasure“好的,十分愿意”,用于回答请求。所以答案是D。A for pleasure为了取乐,作为消遣:She had not traveled for pleasure for a long time.B I could,我能,Could you ride the bicycle when you are a pupil?Ye

16、s, I could.C my pleasure愿意为你效劳,对感谢的答语 Thank you so much. _My pleasure.23. I knew _ John Lennon, but not _ famous one. A. 不填;a B. a; the C. 不填;the D. the; a 答案:B 解析:“我认识一位John Lennon,但不是非常出名的那个。”a John Lennon表众多同名同姓人中的其中一位,而the famous John Lennon则是指著名的那个。正如:He is a Lei Feng in modern times, but not t

17、he famous one in the 1950s or 1960s. “他是当代的雷锋,而不是二十世纪五、六十年代非常出名的那个”。所以选B。a 表示其中的一个 B 通常是特指,这里是指有名的那个。24. It was some time _ we realized the truth.A. when B. until C. since D. before答案:D解析:此题考查句型惯用法。“It is (was)(not)一段时间+before ”“很长一段时间才;不久就”等。另,此题许多学生易错选B. until但until前往往用实义动词,如:He had been waiting u

18、ntil I came back. C项句型结构应是It is +一段时间+since(从句谓语一般过去时)/it is some time since we realized the truth.或it was +一段时间+since(句中谓语过去完成时),/It was some time since we had realized the truth.故上句用since时态不对。所以答案是D。解析补充:A选项,when,表示什么什么时候,It was very late when you realized the truth.当你搞明白的时候,已经晚了/已经来不及啦。B选项until直到

19、 直到。I didnt finished my homework until yesterday evening.C选项since 自从 I havent tasted the old wine since your wedding ceremony last year.25. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ each year.2005山东卷A. is washing away B. is being washed away C. are washing away D. are being

20、washed away答案:D解析:此题考查了主语与谓语的一致。谓语应与quantity的形式一致,故本题应确定为复数谓语are, 另,根据前文的being destroyed,可判定为被动进行时态。所以答案为D。句子的意思是,随着更多的森林遭到破坏,每年都有大量的水土被冲刷。这里考察了主语与谓语的一致,主语是以huge quantities of引导,of后面的成分并不重要,谓语的形式取决于huge quantities它是复数,所以谓语形式应该是复数 A. is washing away ;He is washing away the guilt to the utmost of his

21、power.B. is being washed away ;With more forests being destroyed, the good earth is being washed away each year.C. are washing away ;All the people are washing away the humiliation26. The shopkeeper did not want to sell for _ he thought was not enough.A. where B. how C. what D. which答案:C解析:此题考查名词性从句

22、中的宾语从句。What历来是高考考查的热点和难点。此处what引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语(其它三个不可或意思不符)。本句的大意是“店主不想以达不到他心目中的价钱出售物品。”或“达不到店主心目中的价位,店主不愿出售。”A. where;可以接修饰性从句,比如状语从句,一般表示地点,方位,例句,He was looking for where is more suitable to detect the suspect.B. How, 可以接修饰性从句,比如状语从句,一般表示方式,如何做某事,例句;The students doubt how to solve this problem.D.w

23、hich, Which one do you like? Which 可以引导定语从句,不能引导名词性从句。例句;This is the book which interests me a lot (which做主语,指代the book)27. Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _ a record US$57,65 a barrel on April 4.A. have reached B. reaching C. to reach D. to be reaching答案:B解析:本题考查非谓语

24、动词的用法。此处作结果状语。V-ing形式作结果状语表顺其自然的结果,且常常前面用逗号与主句隔开;to do sth.往往表示出乎意料之外的结果,且多数不用逗号与前面的主句隔开。此处是自然的结果,故用v-ing形式作状语,大意是“结果达到了每桶57.65美元”。A选项;主句已经拥有了一个完整的主谓宾形式,此处应该出现一个非谓语动词形式,所以A 选项错误C选项:to do sth.往往表示出乎意料之外的结果,且多数不用逗号与前面的主句隔开。此处是自然的结果D选项;当reach表示达到某个数字、某种程度,某种水平时,通常没有现在进行时,如果reach表示“用手臂够或者抓拿的时候,可以使用现在进行时

25、,不过这里的reach只是表示达到。28. Mr. Smith owns _ collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.A. larger B. a larger C. the largest D. a large答案:B解析:此处考查了形容词的比较级及词汇惯用法。collection 常有习惯用法a collection of +名词复数;而根据后面的than又可知用larger.故答案为B。A. larger 前面没有a,不对。Cthe largest 最大的,是large的最高级形式 句中有表示比较的介词than,应用比较级

26、,所以不用最高级形式。Da large 不是比较级,所以错误。29. Modern plastics can _ very high and very low temperatures.A. stand B. hold C. carry D. support答案:A解析:此处考查词汇的用法。此处需用“耐,承受,经受,顶住”的意思。故选A。而support是“支撑住”的意思,与重力有关。B. hold;也可以表示承受,但这里承受的对象一般是重量,The branch seems likely to hold my weight.C. Carry;可以表示支撑,承载某种重量、负荷,the brid

27、ge can carry the heaviest loads. 可以表示承担,接受责任或者责备,They must carry the management responsibility for this failure.D. Support,表示支撑住,与重力有关,The dome was supported by a hundred white columns.30. He was educated at a local grammar school, _ he went on to Cambridge.A. from which B. after that C. after which

28、 D. from this答案:C解析:此处考查非限制性定语从句。此处如果选B项,则缺少并列连词,因after that只能做第二句话的时间状语;而选after which此处which指代前面整句话的内容。故选C。A. from which从那时候起; It is my desire to study architecture in a city from which a previous artistic movement was originated.B.after that在那之后;It was not long after that i found the answerC.after

29、 which在那之后; Hearing the sound,the animal disappeared into the bushes, after which Mrs. Stone picked up her basket and ran all the way home.D.from this从这里,从这个:不能引导定语从句,this后面要接名词,表示简单的时间状语 比如 From this moment, I allow you out of my world.31. - _ that he managed to get the information? - Oh, a friend

30、of his helped him.A. Where was it B. What was it C. How was it D. Why was it答案:C解析:此处考查强调结构的特殊疑问句形式。根据a friend of his helped him.可知应是方式状语,用how。故选C。A选项是提问地点,方位 B选项式提问什么事物D选项是提问原因,为什么。32. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _ ?A. given out B. put out C. held up D. used up答案:A

31、解析:此处考查动词短语辨析。Give out “用光,耗尽,精疲力竭”是不及物动词;而use up “用光,耗尽”则是及物动词。此处应用不及物动词,故选A。B.put out 扑灭,熄灭,The fire brigade soon put out the fire.逐出,赶走;If you keep talking in class, I have to put you out.,C. hold up;1保持领先,保持强劲, The Labour vote held up well.2举起,抬起;Hold up your hand! 3证明属实,证明准确;The weather dont always hold up.D.use up;1.用完,耗尽;They had used up their money. 2.使筋疲力尽;After running for a long time, I have been used up.33. - Lets go to a movie after work, OK?

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