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1、牛津英语七年级下册Unit1教案牛津英语七年级下册Unit1教案 牛津7B Unit1 第四时教案 教学内容(Teahing ntent): 牛津初中英语7B第一单元词汇部分第四时 教学目的和要求(Teahing Ai and Requireent): 复习阅读部分内容及其知识点和句型表达;要求学生对词汇部分有全面的掌握 本类型(the Tpe f the lass) : 教授+操练教学方法(Teahing ethd): 启发式教具准备(Teahing Aid Preparatin): 图片教学重点、难点和关键( Teahing e Pints, Diffiult Pints and Iprt

2、ant Pints):用英识别家具名称并能灵活使用为重点 家具在一个家中的角色 通过学习这部分, 如何使学生更深地理解家的概念是关键 教学过程(Teahing Press):复习(Revisin): Asing the students t tell hse he he r she lies best and h B ansering this questin, e an get the students t revie the Reading part hile thining abut hat his r her ideal he isIt is pssible t get an anse

3、r lie this: I lie adees he best beause it is fun t live in a huse ver a river and lib a ladder int the huse ever daAsing five r six students t tell abut their ideas引入(Leading-in): Q:He is iprtant t everne in the rld hat d u thin he is ? I ight get an anser lie this: I ant feel afraid r hungr at he L

4、etting the students tal abut the questin and have a shrt disussin Q:hat aes up f a he? Letting the students disuss and then piing se students t tell abut their ideas Next, b shing the a piture f fail ebers, a piture f a huse and a piture f different rs and furniture, I an ae the students understand

5、that peple, huses and furniture ae up f a he And the are all iprtant PEPLE + HUSE + FURNITURE= HE授内容(Teahing ntent)及练习(Pratise): f urse, ithut fail ebers,theres n he Besides fail ebers, huses are the send st iprtant In a huse, e usuall have different rs Basiall, hat rs d need in a huse fr a he? sitt

6、ing r dining r bathr bedr ithen stud baln e als need different furniture in different rs Shing the students se pitures f furniture( bedside table, lap, ffee table, sfa, upbard, arhair) hih r d the belng t? Asing the students t nae ut the furnitures arding t the r pitures shnSitting r: sfa ffee table

7、 arhair lap TV Dining r: dining table hair napin paper dinner setBathr: tilet basin sher irrr tel Bedr: bed bedside table lap dressing table ithen: upbard er irave ven fridge Stud: bshelf (ase) lap puter Next, ling at Part B Sin is aing a table shing the bets in different rs in Neils huse,but there

8、are se istaes Help hi find the istaes and irle the Asing the students t tae ut their fail pitures and tal abut ur he ith their desate Asing se students t e t the frnt and tal abut his r her heDisussin:Suppse u have an ept huse But u have nl ten thusand uan, hat furniture uld u lie t bu first? And h?

9、小结(A Brief Su-up):Asing the students t rite as an naes f furniture as the an hile ne student rites n the blabard At least five fr eah r Then heing the riting n the blabard ith the students作业布置(Assignent): Please rite sething abut the furniture u need r hange in ur huse right n and h At least 80 rds板

10、书设计(Blabardriting): PEPLE + HUSE + FURNITURE= HEbedside table, lap, ffee table, sfa, upbard, arhair bedr sitting r sitting r ithen sitting r bedr bedr教学后记(Teahing Pstsript):本容量大, 并有很大扩展,听、说、读、写都兼顾到; 师生互动性强; 在授期间, 要节奏快, 引导和启发到位, 确保学生的知识和能力都有收获7B Unit1 第2时教案 Reading 1常州市第二十四中学英语组 岳茵教学内容: 7BUnit1 第2时Re

11、ading 1教学目的及要求:1 了解不同国家居住环境的情况。 2 获取有关不同生活方式的信息。 3 学习描述家,描述他人的生活方式。本的类型:多媒体教学方法:任务型教学教具准备:多媒体、录音机(或直接作为声音导入),一幅绘有两层楼的木制别墅图片。教学重点及难点:1 有关住宅各部分的名称,并且能了解各国不同的住宅情况。 2 学完能简单描述:Stephen,adee,Neil,Anna 的家 及他们的生活方式。 3词汇share 的用法不需详尽的在这一时讲解,只需一带而过,但要让学生会说:shareith sb 4 此外, n the baln/n the beah/in a flat/ver

12、a river等包含介词的短语, a den huse, get int/ get ut f, be friendl t sb≈句型:hile教学过程及时间分配:(所用时间注在每个环节的后面)1复习:国家名称和它的形容词以及首都。(1in)2引入:观看世界上各国不同的家园并请学生发表自己的见解最喜欢哪种,不喜欢哪种,为什么?哪一种是你的梦想家园?(讨论)(3ins)3呈现授内容:(1)教师展示一幅图片,图上绘有一栋两层楼的木制别墅。教师通过介绍自己的梦想家园,呈现部分与相关内容。将这些内容写在黑板上,并带领学生朗读。(3ins) (2)教师提问:hat rs d I need in dr

13、ea he?启发学生开动脑筋并联想已学过的知识。教授bedr、sitting r、dining r、ithen、baln等。以及re things abut hes(拓展) (2ins)4 练习: (1) 向学生展示卧室、客厅、餐厅、阳台、厨房的图片。教师向学生提问:(ins)D u live in a flat r in a huse?hat rs d u have?hat d u d in eah f these rs?教师与学生进行示范交流后组织学生两人一组按照示范问答进行交流阅读: 第一遍是快速阅读, 整体感知四个不同国家的小朋友的家园描述(fasting reading) 在之后对有

14、些ntes略做提醒 (学生自学+尝试着找到答案) (3ins) 第二遍是精读: 分段听, 然后讨论问题(Stephen与adee的问题在幻灯片上出现, Neil 与 Anna 的问题就不用幻灯呈现, 而用教师的口头提问形式(详细讨论每个问题) (8ins)6小结(或者也可说是反馈): Fill in the blans并领着学生大声朗读这两段, 其余两段如有时间也可安排他们去填, 然后老师带领着再读, 甚至还可让能力强的学生复述四段, 老师还可在黑板上出示一些关键词或词组引导,这都看当时的时间由教师灵活安排(ins)7拓展: (1) Desribe ur n he t ur penfriend

15、 (ins)(2) 能力强的学生还可以自由描述自己心中的理想家园(9ins)8家作: 几句日常小练习(1ins)板书设计:n the beah be friendl t sb n the baln shareith sb in a flat get int/get ut f ver a river l ut at the beah n a bus street hat ith n the seventh flr 句型: hileeg I ften sit in the ithen hile ther aes dinner教学后记: 本活动有明确的目的并具有可操作性,以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发

16、点, 学生通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。此外,本注重学生整体感知的能力培养,同时也加强对学生阅读策略的指导,为他们终身进行英语阅读学习奠定基础。 牛津7B Unit1 第三时教案 教学内容(Teahing ntent): 牛津初中英语7B第一单元阅读部分的第二时 教学目的和要求(Teahing Ai and Requireent): 梳理阅读内容中的知识点和句型表达;要求学生对阅读部分有更深的掌握 本类型(the Tpe f the lass) : 教授+操练教学方法(Teahing ethd): 启发式教具准备(Teahing Aid Preparatin)

17、: 图片教学重点、难点和关键( Teahing e Pints, Diffiult Pints and Iprtant Pints): 六个短语及句型表达是重点 hile的使用是难点 介词的使用是重点教学过程(Teahing Press):复习(Revisin): Asing the students t udge hse huse it is arding the e rds giving BEAH RIVER ITHEN FLAT And then taling abut the huse arding the e rds lie this: Stephen lives in a larg

18、e huse in Lng Beah,alifrnia,the USA He and his friends lve t sit n the baln and l ut at the beah and the sea He an als see the sea and the beah fr the bedr inds 引入(Leading-in):Asing the students t pa attentin t these sentenes: 1I live in a large huse in Lng Beah, alifrnia, the USA 2The huse is ver a

19、 river I lib a ladder int huse 3 fail and I ften sit in the ithen hile ther aes dinner in the evenings 4I share a bedr ith sister授内容(Teahing ntent)及练习(Pratise):1如何准确表达地点I live in large huse in Lng Beah, alifrnia, the USAAsing the students t tr t tell the plae here Anna lives in ne sentene(I live in

20、the entre f s I live ith fail in a flat n a bus street The flat is n the seventh flr)I, ith fail, live in a flat n the seventh flr n a bus street in the entre f sSuppse the students have t rite a letter t their penfriends abrad, the have t tell the exat plaes here the are livingGetting the students

21、t spea ut their addresses rretl中国江苏常州花园路花园小区别1幢丙单元102室R102, Unit3, Building1, Hua uan Residene n Hua uan Rad, hangzhu, iangsu, hinaAsing the students t pratise in a fr f hainr Speaing as fast as pssible2如何使用介词intI lib a ladder t get int huseIn 表静态,意为 “在之内”; int表动态,意为 “进入”Eg I a in the hall N I ant t

22、 get int the liftAsing the stuents t give as an exaples as pssibleIt started t rain and the ent int the huse She uped int the ater He hanged int his unifr The red far int the night u ill get int truble if u d that“Int” ant be replaed b “ in” in the abve sentenes3如何使用 “hile”Anna and her fail ften sit

23、 in the ithen hile her ther aes dinner“hile” 有时用对主从句中动作进行对照或表示两个动作同时进行Enuraging the students t use “hile” t desribe se situatins in their dail life and stud lie this:I d her in the stud after dinner hile ther leans up in the ithenHe sits quietl in lass hile thers are exited abut the teahers questins

24、4如何使用shareI share a bedr ith sistershare sething ith Asing the student t thin abut the questin:hat uld u lie t share ith ur best friends(teaher, parents)?It is nderful if u an get suh an anser:Id lie t share as ell as srr ith best friend小结(A Brief Su-up): In ter f a brief su-up, the flling exerises

25、an be a gd hie: Fill in the issing rds arding t the eaning f the sentenes:1uld u lie_ the buisuits ith ur unger brther?2_he is aa fr his htn, his ife taes are f the he3a ust be _ the par Lets bu tiets and get _it t eet hi4 aunt lives _a den huse _a river _ a tn _Thailand 作业布置(Assignent):As a hinese

26、student, u ant t let freigners n re abut a hinese he Tae ur he as an exaple and rite sething in at least 80 rds板书设计(Blabardriting): BEAH RIVER ITHEN SHARE 1 I live in a large huse in Lng Beah, alifrnia, the USA 2 The huse is ver a river I lib a ladder int huse 3 fail and I ften sit in the ithen hile

27、 ther aes dinner in the evenings 4I share a bedr ith sister教学后记(Teahing Pstsript):本属教授,为避免枯燥,要充分使用好设疑、反馈和讨论的环节,做到松弛有节,提高知识点的掌握程度。Unit1 Drea hesele t the unitTeahing ais and deands:Ne rds: drea, palae, apitalTeahing ethds: tas-based apprahTeahing tas: 1 T tal abut ities and untries2 Have a disussin i

28、n grups, and tal abut their drea hes 3 rite artiles abut students drea hesTeahing aids: tape rerderTeahing predures: ar-up (presentatin) 1 As if an students have lived in anther untr Eliit fr students ideas abut an ideal plae t live2 D a ini-surve As students hih is their favrite plae t live Listeni

29、ng Listen t the tape, anser questin, hih is Eddies favrite plae t live? Help the Ss t anser Listen again, Ss read after the tape rerder, then at it utLanguage pints:1Id lie t live next t a restaurant uld lie sth= ant sthuld lie t d sth = ant t d stheg uld u lie se ater?= D u ant se ater?uld u lie t

30、g ith us? es, Id lve/ lie t=D u ant t g ith us? es, I d next t =besideeg Ts huse is next t ine a ants t sit next t e2 Learn abut hes in different untries learn abut I ant t learn re abut the rld learn fr e shuld help eah ther and learn fr eah ther different saein different lasses in the sae lass unt

31、ries and apitals 1As students t stud the pitures n page 3 2Sa: The apital f hina is Beiing The apital is the st iprtant it in a untr As students t d Part B As the t he ith thers Disussin (tas) Have a disussin in grups f fur t tal abut their drea hes Eah grup ill hse a student t tell us abut his / her drea he h? Language pints: The apital f the USA is ashingtn D the apital f eg Naning is the apital f iangsu Prvine The apital f hina is BeiingSu-up G thrugh the

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