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届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the sea单元学案25页word版.docx

1、届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the sea单元学案25页word版2019届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the sea单元学案【一】单元基础词汇语法搜索.重要单词聚焦1 adj.每年的;按年度计算的 n. 年刊;年鉴2 vt. 当场见到;目击 n. 目击者;证人;证据3 n. 住所;住宿4 n. 岸;海滨5 vi.& vt. 逃避;逃跑;逃离6 vt. 拖;拉;扯annualwitnessaccommodationshorefleedrag7 adv. 其间;同时8 vt. 催促,极力主张9 vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃10 n. 关系;血缘关系;交往11 n

2、. 目标,靶,受批评的对象12 vi. 映射,反射vt.& vi. 思考13 adj. 纯的;纯洁的14 adj. 意识到的;知道的15 adj. 生动的,鲜明的meantimeurgeabandonrelationshiptargetreflectpureawarevivid16 adj. 狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的17 adj. 锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的18 vt.& vi. 恐吓;受惊吓19 adj. 浅的;肤浅的;浅湿的20 n. 养老金;退休金narrowsharpscareshallowpension.重点短语扫描1in the 在此期间;与此同时2be/become of 对知道、明白

3、;意识到3(be) to death 吓死了4draw 靠近5Hold 阻挡6help (.) 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难7upside 上下翻转meantimeawarescarednearupoutdown8Sort 整理;分类;收拾9 at 瞄准10be to do sth. 正要做某事outaimabout.课文原句突破1The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding mepurples,reds,oranges,yellows,blues and greens.信息提取be/become

4、aware of意识到,明白,知道。例句仿写大家都知道他们相处不和睦。_ _ _ _they didnt get along well.【答案】Everyone was aware that2It was a time when the killer whales,or “killers” as they were then called,helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.信息提取It was a time when.这一段时期。例句仿写这是一段妇女没有选举权的时期。_

5、_ _ _ _women had no right to vote.【答案】It was a time when3I saw James being firmly held up in the water by Old Tom.信息提取hold up举起,抬起,使耽误。例句仿写我举手表示有问题。I _ _ _ _ _ _that I had a question.【答案】held up my hand to show4Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the ba

6、y.信息提取head vt.& vi.朝方向移动。例句仿写我们将船驶向岸边。We_ _ _ _ _ _.【答案】headed the boat for the shorewitness(1)vt.当场见到;目击Many people were shocked by the violent scenes they had witnessed.很多人被亲眼目睹的暴虐场面吓呆了。The year 2008 has witnessed increasing unemployment.2008年是失业日益加剧的一年。He witnessed to having seen the man enter th

7、e room.他证明看到那个人进入房间。(2)n.目击者,证人,证据bear/give witness作证;证明One witness to the accident said that the driver appeared to be drunk.一位事故目击者说,司机好像喝醉了。His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment.他身体健康证明这种疗法是成功的。1Many people_the car accident,so it was not difficult to investigate.AwitnessedB

8、urgedCswallowed Ddrugged【解析】句意为“许多人看到了那起车祸,所以不难调查”。在这个句子中,witness意为“目睹”。urge催促;swallow淹没,吞下;drug使服毒品,此三个词不符合句子的意思 。【答案】Aflee (fled;fled) vi.& vt.(1)逃走,逃避The family fled from the buring house.那家人从燃烧的房子里逃出了。He fled his hometown during the war.战争期间他逃离了家乡。Why does he always flee any kind of responsibili

9、ty?他为什么总是逃避任何责任?(2)消失,消散His hopes fled when he lost the election.当他落选时,他的希望就破灭了。2The thieves have already_the city,so it is difficult for the police to arrest them.Afled Bran awayCescaped Dgot rid of【解析】表示“逃离某地”时,ran away和escaped后需加from,got rid of则不合句意。【答案】Aabandon vt.(1)(不顾责任,义务等)离弃;遗弃;抛弃We cant ab

10、andon our hope.Everything will go well.我们不能放弃希望,一切会好的。The child was abandoned/deserted by his parents.这孩子被父母遗弃了。Hong Zhanhui brought up a girl abandoned by her parents.洪战辉抚养了一个被父母遗弃的女孩。 The match was abandoned because of bad weather.比赛因为天气恶劣而取消了。(2)陷入;沉湎于(某种感情)abandon oneself to sth.陷入;沉湎于某种感情The yo

11、ung man abandoned himself to despair.这个年轻人陷入绝望。3A good mother would not_her baby.Aabandon BleaveCadapt Dquit【解析】句意为:一个好母亲是不会丢弃自己的孩子的。【答案】Areflect(1)vt.反射,映射Seans strong love for his country is reflected in his recently published poems.肖恩对祖国的强烈热爱之情在他最近出版的诗歌中反映出来。His face was reflected in the mirror.他

12、的脸映照在镜子里。Does this letter reflect how you really think?这封信是否反映你真实的想法?(2)vi.& vt.思考reflect on/upon sth.思考某事She sat reflecting on how much had changed since she had bought the farm.她坐着,在思考自从她买下这个农场以来发生了多少变化。Im reflecting on what to do next.我正在考虑下一步做什么。reflection n反射;反照;反映;映像be lost in reflection陷入沉思中A

13、fter long reflection we decided to buy that house.经过长时间的慎重考虑,我们决定买下那所房子。The moon looks bright because of the reflection of light.月亮由于光的反射看上去很亮。4The likely reactions of the market need to be_before we acted.Aconsidered on Bbased onCrelied on Dreflected on【解析】句意为:在我们采取行动前要仔细考虑市场上可能出现的反应。reflect on/upo

14、n意为“考虑,沉思”,符合句意。若选A项,则应去掉on。【答案】Dhelp (.) out帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难;协助;使(某人)脱离困境Can you help me out with the maths problem?你能帮我解出这道数学题吗?He helped the old man out of the car.他帮助那位老人从汽车里出来。(1)cant help (to) do sth.不能帮着干某事(不定式为目的状语)cant help doing sth.禁不住做某事cant help but do sth.不得不做某事(2)help oneself (to sth.)自用

15、,自取所需(食物等)help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事I cant help wondering what happened to that little girl.我忍不住想知道那个小女孩出了什么事。5The passengers had a chat with the college students_as conductors during the summer vacation.Ahelp out Bhelped outCto help out Dhelping out【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。动词不定式作后置定语表示一个将要发生的动作,过去分词表示一个已经发生了的被动

16、的动作,故B、C两项均不符合题意。句意为:旅客们同那几个在暑假临时帮忙充当列车员的大学生聊天。【答案】Dbe/become aware of对知道,明白;意识到Most people are aware of the dangers of driving after drinking.大多数人知道酒后开车的危险。I dont think youre aware of how important this means to me.我想你还不知道这对我有多重要。be aware thatclause知道,体会到make sb.aware that.提醒某人注意make sb.aware of.使某

17、人注意到as far as Im aware据我所知She became aware that something had been stolen.她发觉东西被偷了。6Most parents are not_the danger of their babies eating jelly,which causes most unfortunate incidents to happen.Awell aware to Bvery aware ofCaware that Dwell aware of【解析】考查形容词用法。空白处后面不是句子,故排除C项;aware后面接of,故排除A项;另外表示“

18、清醒地,充分地认识到”时,表语形容词aware的修饰语应使用well,不用very。【答案】Dahead of(1)(时间、空间)在前面I finished the work several days ahead of the deadline.我在最后期限的前几天完成了工作。(2)领先Shes always been ahead of the other students.她一直领先于其他学生。As a writer,Sterne was ahead of his time.作为一个作家,斯特恩领先于他所处的时代。go ahead 干吧,说吧,开始干,进行May I use your bik

19、e?我可以用用你的自行车吗?Go ahead!用吧。Even if the weather is bad,the performance will go ahead.即使天气不好,演出也会照常进行。7(2008年全国卷)Could I ask you a rather personal question?Sure,_.Apardon me Bgo aheadCgood idea Dforget it【解析】句意为:我可以问你一个私人问题吗?当然可以,说吧。pardon me请再说一遍;go ahead干吧,说吧,用吧;good idea好主意;forget it没关系,不必在意;(表示不想重复

20、说过的话)别提它了;住嘴。【答案】Bhold up(1)举起,抬起I held up my hand to show that I had a question.我举手表示有问题。(2)承受住,支撑The chair was too weak to hold him up.椅子支撑不住他的体重。(3)阻挡,使耽误We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.我们在前往机场的路上因为堵车而延误了。(4)提出(作为榜样)The teacher held him up as an example to the class.老师选

21、他作为全班的榜样。hold down 压制,抑制,缩减,垂下hold back 踌躇,阻止,抑制,隐瞒hold on 继续,不挂断,停止hold out伸出,提供,维持,阻止,制止Could you hold on?Ill just see if the managers in.你不要挂断电话好吗?我去看一看经理在不在。The boss was unable to hold back his anger any longer.老板再也抑制不住怒火了。8(2008年辽宁卷)You have to be a fairly good speaker to_listeners interest for

22、 over an hour.Ahold Bmake Cimprove Dreceive【解析】hold ones interest使某人保持兴趣。B项“制造;做”;C项“改善,提升”;D项“接收”。【答案】A9(2008年福建卷)_a moment and I will go to your rescue.AGo on BHold onCMove on DCarry on【解析】go on继续;hold on抓住不放,坚持;move on继续前进;carry on继续进行;根据后句的I will go to your rescue可知,这里应是“坚持住”“别松手”。【答案】B10What a

23、pity!I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was_in the traffic jam.Abroken up Bkept backCheld up Dkept up【答案】CThere were other creatures that I didnt want to get too close toan eel with its strong sharp teeth,with only its head showing from a hole,watching for a tasty fish (or my tas

24、ty toe!);and the giant clam half buried in some coral waiting for something to swim in between its thick green lips.还有一些其他的动物,我不想太靠近它们一条带有利齿的海鳗,从洞穴里探出头来,望着可供美餐的鱼过来(或者在等着我美味的脚趾伸过去!);一个巨大的蛤蜊半掩在珊瑚礁中,等待着有什么东西游过来,游到它宽厚的绿嘴唇中去。“with复合结构”表示动作或伴随情况,在句中一般作定语或状语。它的构成形式为with名词形容词/副词/现在分词/过去分词/动词不定式/介词短语。(1)with

25、n.介词短语The teacher entered the classroom with a thick dictionary in his hand/under his arm.老师进了教室,手里拿着一本厚词典/胳膊底下夹着一本厚词典。(2)withn.adj.I like sleeping with all the windows open.我喜欢开着窗子睡觉。(3) do sth.With all the clothes to wash,I will be very busy today.所有的衣服都要洗,今天我将会很忙。(4)withn.doing sth.With t

26、he boy leading the way,they had no difficulty in finding the house.有那个男孩领路,他们很容易就找到了那栋房子。(5)withn.doneWith his homework finished,the boy went out to play.做完作业后,那男孩出去玩了。(6)withn.adv.With her mother away,the little girl left lonely.由于妈妈离开了,小女孩感到孤独。11(2008年福建卷)You have no idea how she finished the rela

27、y race_her foot wounded so much.Afor BwhenCwith DWhile【解析】句意为:你根本就无法体会,在脚伤得那么厉害的情况下她是怎样完成接力比赛的。这里是一个withn./pron.done/adj.的复合结构。要注意her foot wounded so much不是一个完整句子,所以不能用连词when,while,for引导,选B项可以这样改When her foot were wounded so much for。【答案】C12(2007年安徽卷)John received an invitation to dinner,and with hi

28、s work_,he gladly accepted it.Afinished BfinishingChaving finished Dwas finished【解析】“with宾语宾补”结构中,宾补表示完成用过去分词。【答案】A13With a lot of difficult problems_,the newlyelected president is having a hard time.Asettled Bto settleCsettling Dbeing settled【解析】本题考查with复合结构。句意为“新当选的总统有很多问题要去解决,要面临一段困难时期”。根据题意可知问题还

29、未解决,故用不定式来表示,且用主动代被动。【答案】B14With some books he needed_,he went out of the bookstore quickly.Ato buy BboughtCbuying Dbuy【答案】B15It was a pity that the great writer died_his works unfinished.Afor BwithCfrom Dof【解析】该题要表达这位伟大的作家没有完成他的著作就死去了。with his works unfinished在这里构成复合结构,表示伴随情况。【答案】B.单词拼写1He_(逃跑) to London after an argument with his family.【答案】f

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