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大学英语 作业已核对.docx

1、大学英语 作业已核对大学英语 作业1. He asked me what _.A. was the matter B. the matter was C. is the matter D. the matter is2. Teachers need to be _ the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience.A. aware of B. understood of C. known of D. clear of3. Each culture has its own _ featur

2、es.A. distinct B. different C. distinctive D. particular 4. Teenagers need the _ that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are acknowledged by others.A. assistance B. guidance C. confidence D. tolerance 5. In Britain, ministers (大臣) are appointed by the Queen on the _o

3、f the Prime Minister.A. suggestion B. urge C. advice D. recommendation 6. He finally gave in to an _ urge to smoke and lit up a cigarette.A. overcoming B. overwhelming C. defeating D. conquering 7. He took the lead, and _ it until the end of the race. A. attain B. retain C. maintain D. contain 8. Th

4、e teacher asked us to get online to search for _ reports of the Watergate Scandal (水门事件丑闻). A. contemporary B. temporary C. current D. modern 9. The girl _ the alarm (发出警报) the moment she saw the smoking rising from the cottage. A. rose B. raised C. arose D. increased 10. The study _ the pattern of

5、shocks delivered by automatic heart defibrillators (起搏器) implanted in (植入) 347 patients. A. estimated B. calculated C. evaluated D. assessed 11. No longer feeling up to his work, the manager had no choice but to_ from his position. A. resign B. remove C. withdraw D. move 12. Having been found _ of t

6、he kidnapping, the accused was given a severe sentence. A. innocent B. naive C. ignorant D. guilty 13. My parents have been _ pressure on me to break up with my boyfriend. A. executing B. exercising C. exhibiting D. exerting 14. The republication of the poets most recent works will certainly _ his n

7、ational reputation. A. emphasize B. strengthenC. enlarge D. enhance 15. Fierce competition forced some companies to produce products cheaply. _ the quality problem was getting increasingly serious. A.Frequently B. Consequently C. Consciously D. Overwhelmingly BACCDBCABCADDDB1. Married bachelor is a

8、_in terms. A. contrary B. contradiction C. conflict D. contract2. Business negotiation is _ communication between people of mutual interest. A. Professionally B. essentially C. effectively D. properly3. Their discussion only _ me as to (关于) what measures to take next.A. confuse B. contradict C. conv

9、ince D. confirm4. Some experts believe that girls are more _ in language than boys.A. abused B. related C. Talented D. predicted 5. The company has _ their operation to the 12 major cities along the coast.A. extended B. explored C. exploited D. expanded6. The bottle of water is the only thing to _ t

10、hem when buried in the coalmine.A. retain B. contain C. sustain D. detain 7. My grandma would always have her steaks cooked to _. A. media B. medium C. middle D. mixture8. Some Internuts have even tried _marriage for excitement beyond real life. A. Virtual B. practical C. vertical D. vicious 9. Many

11、 teenager drop-outs have suffered some kind of physical _at home. A. misuses B. mistakes C. misunderstandings D. abuses10. Life would be half as enjoyable for us if it were _ .A. predictable B. prevalentC. proper D. positive11. She is under heavy pressure with an apartment and a car to _ all by hers

12、elf.A. manage B. maintain C. sustain D. entertain 12. The essay was written on the basis of related _of cloning.A. element B. character C. literature D. truth13. It is terrible to have no one to _ on in times of personal crisis.A. refer B. reply C respond D. rely14. They eventually succeeded in the

13、debate mainly because of their _ attitude. A. negative B. positive C. exclusive D. extensive15. I can still _ his voice on the phone although we havent talked to each other for years. A. make for B. make it C. make out D. make of BBACDCBADABCDBCPart I Vocabularies 1. To survive the harsh winter, the

14、 early settlers traded copper _ corn with the native people.A. in B. at C. of D. for2. Here are some tips to try when you have no _ in summer.A. mood B. taste C. appetite D. emotions3. You need to improve the transitional sentences to make the essay more _.A. cooperative B. coherent C. conclusive D.

15、 colorful4. What punishment does the law _ for corruption?A. prescribe B. describe C. subscribe D. testify5. Some children depend on _ in order to stay healthy enough to benefit from education.A. tradition B. concentration C. relation D. medication6. A recent study carried out in Birmingham suggests

16、 that women of Asian origin are as likely to experience winter _.A. depression B. assure C. pressure D. oppression7. President shall _ office on the first day of the calendar.A. presume B. assume C. resume D. consume8. The official in the tax office _ that the shopkeeper was innocent.A. extended B.

17、sustained C. contended D. was content9. The vast majority of drug _ cases involve the use of more than one drug.A. overdue B. overdose C. overall D. overhear10. There is no point trying to _ with a man like him.A. run B. make C. reason D. treat11. She felt great _ when she heard the operation was su

18、ccessful.A. reliance B. relief C. response D. rest12. We offer professional advice for teenagers who seek healthy _ for frustration.A. inlets B. output C. input D. outlets13. The children stared quietly, fully absorbed by the _ tricks performed by the magician.A. amazing B. shocking C. surprised D.

19、astonished14. Steven never worked hard; if he is fired, he has got only himself to _A. scold B. curse C. criticize D. blame15. Only club members are _ to use the facilities for workout.A. entitled B. enjoyed C. ensured D. enrolled16. The speaker urged us in ringing _ to support his cause and vote fo

20、r him.A. tones B. tunes C. sounds D. voices17. Every month the committee met so that its members could _ their views on the latest issues.A. argue B. exchange C. trade D. maintain18. Arrest warrants (逮捕令) for four suspects involved in the drug trafficking case were recently _.A. published B. release

21、d C. launched D. issued19. All the children in Smiths family wear eyeglasses except Tom, the youngest one, who is blessed _ good eyesight.A. for B. in C. with D. from20. In his keynote address the chairman examined the factors _ competitiveness for the corporation in the next five years.A. deciding

22、B. determining C. establishing D. contributingPart II Reading Comprehension Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage: Mrs. Brown had a small garden behind her house, and in the spring she planted some vegetables in it. She looked after them carefully, and when the summer came, they looked

23、very nice.One evening Mrs. Brown looked at her vegetables and said, “Tomorrow I am going to pick them, and then we can eat them.”But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen and shouted, “Mother, mother! Come quickly! Our neighbors ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetabl

24、es.”Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late! All the vegetables were finished! Mrs. Brown cried, and her neighbor was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables!Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbor brought Mrs. Brown a parcel. In it was a beautiful, fat duck, and on it was a piece

25、of paper with the words, “Enjoy your vegetables!”21. Where was Mrs. Browns garden?A. In front of her house. B. In the middle of her house.C. Behind her house. D. On the left side of her house.22. What was she planning to do with the vegetables the next day? A. To feed ducks. B. To sell then in a mar

26、ket. C. To throw them away. D. To pick them.23. Why did Mrs. Browns son shout the next morning?A. He saw their neighbors ducks in their house.B. The ducks ran out of the garden.C. He was afraid of the ducks.D. He saw their neighbors ducks eating their vegetables in the garden. 24. What did Mrs. Brow

27、n do when she heard her son shouting?A.She ran out of the house.B.She still stayed in the house.C.She was shouting, too.D.She called her neighbor.25.What words were written on a piece of paper? A. Enjoy your vegetables. B. Thanks for your vegetables. C. Merry Christmas. D. Happy birthday.Questions 2

28、6-30 are based on the following passage:This library is an English language teaching and learning library. Unfortunately our resources are limited and so not everyone can join. Teachers of English, University students and professionals who are in the medical, engineering and managing fields can all

29、join the library. Those from other professions are welcome to apply, but your application will not necessarily be approved. You must fill in a library application form, and put it in the box on the librarians desk. Because of the high number of applications we receive each week, you must wait one we

30、ek. You may borrow one video at a time. The video must be returned in one week. If you cant return it on time, please call. Otherwise your video library card will be cancelled. You may borrow three items at one time, that is, three books or three cassettes. Items must be returned within one month.26

31、. Which of the following groups of people can join the library? A. All teachers. B. High school students. C. University students. D. Army officers.27. Why cant the library issue library cards to everyone who applied?A. Because it takes too long to process all the applications.B. Because its resources are limited.C. Because there are not enough staff members.D. Because it is a library for special purposes.28. What wo

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