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1、安徽省桐城二中八年级英语上学期期中考试试题安徽省桐城二中2012-2013学年八年级英语上学期期中考试试题温馨提示:1、本试卷共四部分满分150分。考试时间120分钟。2、全卷共有试卷4页,答题卷1页。请将答案填写在答题卷上。3. 请在答题时认真、沉着、冷静,预祝你取得优异的考试成绩。第一部分 听力(共五大题,满分30分)、关键词语选择(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1. A. spell B. spend C. spirit2. A. twelve B. twentieth C. twelfth3. A. Selina B. Sam C. Sally4. A. foot B. food C

2、. feet5. A. go on B. come on C. get on 、短对话理解(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)6. Which is Jims house?7. How did the boy sleep last night?8. What are on the table?9. How does Limei go to school every day?10. What does the woman need to make a chicken sandwich?11. What does the boy mean? A. They arent going swimmin

3、g. B. They want to do homework at home.C. They dont want to stay at home.12. Where are they talking?A. In a store. B. In a house. C. In a school.13. Whats Jacks favorite subject?A. Chinese B. Math. C. History.14. What kind of movies does Nick like?A. Thrillers B. Comedies C. Action movies15. When is

4、 Mikes birthday?A. December 21 B. December 23 C. December 25、长对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题。16. What month does the boy think is the best time to visit Hong Kong?A. July B. August C. May17. How many things does the boy mention that travelers can do in Hong Kong?A. Three B. Four C. Five听下面

5、一段对话,回答第18至20小题。18. What are they talking about?A. Their weekends B. Their relatives(亲戚) C. Their homework19. What did Frank do on Saturday?A. He did his homework. B. He played tennis. C. He visited his relatives.20. Why did Kate feel more fun in the evening?A. She cleaned her room herself. B. She w

6、ent to movies with her friends.C. She had a party.、短文理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)21. Where was the old womans house?A. In a town B. In a village C. In a city22. Who did the old woman usually have dinner with?A. Bill B. Her children C. By herself23. When did the young man come back again to the old womans hou

7、se?A. The months later B. Ten days later C. Ten years later24. What was the young man later?A. A cook B. A farmer C. A worker25. What do you think of the old woman?A. Kind B. Sick C. Bad 、信息转换(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分First of AllWaysGo out and try to find themJoin the people who have 26 interestsBeing good a

8、t a certain 27 can help you win friends on the 28 Work as a volunteer. It lets you meet people of all 29 and working together will Make you build 30 with others little by little(逐渐的).第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分55分).单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。31. do you play tennis? I play it t

9、hree times a week. A. What B. How C. How often D. Whats32. Whats with you? I have a sore throat. A. matter B. the wrong C. wrong D. trouble33. You shouldnt anything for 24 hours. A. eat B. ate C. eating D. to eat34. Whats she for vacation? A. does B. do C. did D. doing35. is he leaving ? In a week.

10、A. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon36. Thanks for me to your home. A. ask B. inviting C. to invite D. asks 37. Jim is going to _ me _my English.A. give, for B. help; with C. help; to D. do; with38. Going to school by boat must be a lot more fun than a bus! A. by B. take C. taking D. in39

11、. Maria is _ quieter and smarter than her sister. A. more B. very C. a little D. lots of40. could I ask you _questions about your party? Yes,you_. A. any, could B.some,could C.any, may D.some, can41. Im going to the beaches for vacation. _A. Congratulations. B. Please go. C. Have a good time. D. Bad

12、 luck.42. I have a lot of homework to do today. _ do it earlier?A. Why dont B. Why not you C. Why do you D. Why not43. He is in good _. Hes pretty _. A. health, health B. healthy, healthy C. health, healthy D. healthy, health44. I want you to say _ about this concert.A. anything different B. somethi

13、ng different C. different anything D. different anything45. The number of students in Class Ten _ sixty-six, and a large number of them _Jay Chou. A. are; like B. is ; likes C. is; like D. are; likes46. How _ is the subway station? About three miles _. A. far, far B. away, away C. far, away D. away,

14、 for47. Li Wei with his friends _ work on the farm every week. A. goes to B. go to C. are going to D. is going to48. It is necessary_us _keep a balanced diet. A for, in B of, to C for, to D of, about49. My school is about twenty _ walk from here.A. minute B. minutes C. minutes D. minutes50. How long

15、_it take you_ home from school? About half an hour.A .is ,to get B.does, get C.does, to get D. is, getting.完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWe 51 a survey about different 52 transportation last week. We asked students 53 their favorite kinds of transportation. 54 are some

16、of the results. Most students come to school 55 bike and they like 56 bikes. Of course, bikes are 57 than cars and buses. Some students like cars 58 they are safer than bikes. Cars are also faster than bikes and buses. Among some students, buses are not popular, because they often have 59 passengers

17、. Buses are also dirtier and more crowded(拥挤). However, not many people 60 afford(买得起) a car.51. A. did B. make C. have D. give52. A. kind of B. all kinds C. kinds of D. a kind of53. A. from B. with C. about D. for54. A. Here B. There C. Those D. They55. A. on B. by C. ride D. riding56. A. by B. on

18、C. riding D. ride57. A. cheaper B. more expensive C. cheap D. more cheap58. A. though B. so C. but D. because59. A. too much B. a lot C. a few D. too many60. A. can B. could C. May D. cantBA young man and an old man were waiting for a bus at a stationThey sat next to each other“Whats that in your ba

19、g?”asked the young man,pointing to(指向) the big bag beside the old 61 “Money”answered the old manThe young man could 62 believe his own ears“What?”he said to himself in surprise“So much money? My God! How I 63 to be able to get so such money!” Then he began to think about how to get the money The old

20、 man 64 tired and it seemed(看起来) that he could hardly keep his eyes open“Are you tiredSir?”asked the young man“Then youd better lie down on the chair and have a good restDont worry 65 the busI ll wake you up in time” “All right,Its very kind of youyoung man”The old man lay down and by and by he fell

21、 asleep The young man took the big bag carefully 6 6 when he was just going to run awayhe found a corner of his expensive coat was 67 the old mans bodySeveral times he tried to pull it out,but he couldntAt last he took off his 68 and went away with the bag The young man ran out of the station as qui

22、ckly as his 69 could carry himHe reached a placewhere he thought the old man couldnt 70 himthen he stopped and quickly opened the bag To his surprise,there was nothing but old news papers in itHe hurried to the stationBut when he got there,he found the old man was gone(不见了)61Aman Bstation Cdriver Dc

23、orner62Asurely Breally Cnearly Dhardly63Alike Blove Chate Dwish64Awas Bfelt Clooked Dbecame65Aof Babout Cfor Dat66ASo BAnd CBut DBecause67Aabove Bunder Cover Din68Ashoes Bshirt Ccoat Dcap69Alegs Bfoot Cfriend Dbike70Awatch Bnotice Cfind Dmeet.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项

24、为多余选项。A、Whom do you usually go with.B、Would like to go with us?C、Have a good time with your friend!D、What do you usually do on weekends.E、It doesnt matter.F、When do you do to the movies.G、How often do you go to the movies?A:Tomorrow is Sunday . 71 B:Go to the movies .What about you?A:Me too. 72 B:On

25、ce a week. A: What is your favorite film? B:Its hard to say.But I like American movies.A : 73 B:My friend ,Sally.A:Are you going to the movies this weekend?B:Sure. 74 A: Id love to, But I have to shop then. 75 B: Thank you. 71._72._73._74._ 75._第三部分 阅读理解(共一大题,满分40分)IX阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每

26、小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThere are forty-eight students in our class. There are twenty-three boys and twenty-five girls. Some students live near the school, and some others live very far from the school. About half of the students come to school by bike. They often get to school at a quarter to seve

27、n. About ten students often come to school by bus. They often go to school very early, too. Another ten students come to school on foot. Their homes are near the school, but they are often late for school, because they get up very late. 76. More than half of the students usually come to school . A.

28、very late B. very early C. by bus D. on foot77. Some students are often late for school because . A. their homes are far from the school B. they go to school on footC. they get up very late D. they dont like going to school78. About students go to school by bike. A. forty-eight B. ten C. twenty D. t

29、wenty-four79. About ten students often come to school by bus because .A. their homes are near the school B. they dont have any bikes C. they cant ride bike D. they want to go to school very early80. How many students get to school by bus and on foot?A. About thirty-eight B. About twenty C. About ten

30、. D. About twenty-fiveBQuantity (数量) Item (物品) Price (价格)1 magazine $3.753 pen $0.50 each (每个)1 tape $1.251 pencil case $2.501 notebook $1.00Subtotal (小计) $10.00Tax (税) $0.50Total (合计) $10.50Seller: The total is $10.50. How will you pay?Mrs. Green: Do you take credit cards (信用卡)?Seller: Sorry, I dont. Cash only (只有现金).

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