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1、英语经典语句Regardless of what the obstacles in this life may be, I will run my race to the best of my ability. 无论生活之路上会遇到多少障碍,我会竭尽所能地跑完这一程。No matter how far youve traveled, one day you might find that youre back to the starting point. So long as theres still ray of light in the heart, thered be courage t

2、o resume. 不管走的多远,也许有一天发现你回到了原点。只要心中还有一点微光,就有勇气从新出发。A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.真正的朋友就是,当你蒙蔽了所有人的眼睛,也能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。【口语短句】Make it quick! 长话短说!No doubt about it! 勿庸置疑!You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃!Dont be so fussy! 别挑剔了!Youre full of cra

3、p. 你废话连篇!Cat got your tongue? 怎么不说话了?The truth hurts. 现实总是残酷的。What the hell!搞什么?!Most of the problems in life are caused by two reasons. First, we act without thinking. Second, we keep thinking without acting生命中的大多数困难都是两个原因所致,其一,光做不想,其二,光想不做。You know that even if the downpour turned the city upside

4、down, Id still embrace you. 你知道就算大雨让这座城市颠倒,我也会给你怀抱。Sometimes, we gotta shut up, swallow our pride & accept that were wrong. Its not giving up, its growing up有时候,我们必须闭上嘴,放下骄傲,承认是自己错了,这不是认输,而是成长。People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you. Pay attention. 人们不总会

5、告诉你他们对你的感觉,但他们总会表现出来。注意了。Confidence doesnt come when you have all the answers. But it comes when you are ready to face all the questions自信的来源并非是你知道所有问题的答案,而是来自你敢于面对任何问题。As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.Johann Wolfgang vo Gogthe 只要你相信自己,你就会懂得如何生活。Sometimes the greatest rewards

6、in life come from doing the things that scare me the most有时候,做自己最畏惧的事,就能获得最大的收获。Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.生活,就该有些阳光,有点自由,还有一些花朵。Things always find time and opportunity when they are really desired; Things always find excuses when they are rejecte

7、d .要做的事情总找得出时间和机会;不要做的事情总找得出藉口。If you have been missing someone all the time, then hide the feeling in the heart. Neither to bother yourself nor to let others know. It is an enjoyment of beauty to miss. 如果你一直在想一个人,就在心里默默地想念吧。不要去打扰自己,也不必让别人知道! 想念,其实是一种很美的享受。Distance doesnt ruin relationships. doubts

8、do!毁掉爱情的不是距离,而是怀疑。Miracles sometimes occur, but you have to work terribly for them奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命的努力!Time goes by. People come and go. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.时光流逝,人来人往。不要错失机会告诉ta们在你生命中的意义。Its the rule of life that everything you have al

9、ways wanted comes the very second you stop looking for it.人生就是这样,你想要的东西总要到你不再指望的那一刻,才姗姗来迟。Action speaks louder than words. Remember, well done is much better than well said.事实胜于雄辩。请记住,“做得好”总是比“说得好”更重要。 Benjamin FranklinIf you obey all the rules, youll miss all the fun.人若只是规规矩矩,便会错失很多乐趣 。Dont hide yo

10、urself in regret, just love yourself and youre set.不要把自己深陷在悔恨中,爱你自己,你就会成功。 Lady GagaDont tell lies because those who believe your lies are the ones who believe in you.不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是信任你的人。The 3 Cs in life: Choices, Chances and Changes. You must make a choice to take a chance, or your life will n

11、ever change. 生活中的三个C:选择,机会和改变。你必须作出选择,才能抓住机会,否则你的生活将永远不会改变。Its better to have an enemy who honestly says they hate you than to have a friend whos putting you down secretly! 当面说恨你的敌人,要好过背后捅你刀的朋友。Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen , as by little a

12、dvantages that occur every day .与其说人类的幸福来自偶尔发生的鸿运,不如说来自每天都有的小实惠。【鬼 ghost】1) 魔鬼 demon 2) 懒鬼 lazybones 3) 酒鬼 alcoholic 4) 醉鬼 drunkard 5) 烟鬼 chain smoker 6) 调皮鬼 naughty child 7) 捣蛋鬼 troublemaker 8) 吸血鬼 vampire 9) 胆小鬼 coward 10) 赌鬼 gambling addict 11) 色鬼 lecher 12)洋鬼子 foreign devil【与鱼有关的常用短语】 in t

13、roubled waters混水摸鱼 2.feel like a fish out of water感到如鱼离水不适应 3.swim like a fish识水性, 象鱼一样善于游泳 a needle out of the ocean大海捞针 for information探听消息 6.neither fish nor fowl 非驴非马的,不伦不类的Life is like playing chess with God. Your moves are called Choices; His moves are called Challenges. 生活就像是

14、跟老天对弈,对你而言,你走棋,那叫选择;老天走棋,那叫挑战。You will succeed because most people are lazy. 你会成功,因为大多数人都很懒。Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. - Oprah Winfrey 没有奋斗,就没有力量。奥普拉温弗瑞The more you worry about a thing the more probability you have of making it worse. 担心越多,越容易把事办坏。We lie the loudest when we li

15、e to ourselves. 欺骗我们自己的时候,我们总是喊的最大声的。The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is immutable.记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。Lots of people want t

16、o ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. 没有人不想和你同坐一辆豪华轿车,但你需要的,却是轿车坏了还会和你一起搭巴士的人。I feel that I look more and more like Stephen Hawking-curling up in bed or on a couch every day, tilting my head, staring blankly ahead, and mov

17、ing my fingers once in a while. 觉得自己越来越像霍金了,每天窝在椅子或床上,歪着脖子,呆滞地望着前面,然后偶尔用几下手指.Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.幸福是一只蝴蝶,你要追逐它的时候,总是追不到;但是如果你悄悄地坐下来,它也许会落到你身上。You are a part of a puzzle 0f someon

18、es life. You may never kn0w where you fit, but always remember that someones life may not be complete without you!你是某人生命拼图中的一小块,也许你永远都不知道自己的位置,但请记住:没有你,他的生命是不完整的。You all laugh at me because Im different, I laugh at you because youre all the same. 你们笑我与众不同,我笑你们千篇一律。It doesnt matter if you are kinda t

19、ired when you keep going long as you Persevere in your efforts and you will surely succeed.努力的向前飞,再累也无所谓 .只要坚持梦想,便会成功在望!Life doesnt consist in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.生活不在于拿得一手好牌,而是把你手中的牌打好When one is in love, one always begins by deceiveing ones self, and on

20、e always ends by deceiving others. That is what would calls a romance.爱,始于自我欺骗,终于欺骗他人。这就是所谓的浪漫。Dont be so egotistical. Because you are now living for the future of you. Dont make the one in the future hate the current one.不要太任性,因为你是活给未来的你。不要让未来的你讨厌现在的你。The purpose of life is to live it, to taste exp

21、erience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. 生命的意义在于尽情生活,拼命体验,勇往直前、无所畏惧地去追求更新更丰富的人生经历。Eleanor Roosevelt“It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices.” 决定我们成为什么样人的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。哈利.波特与密室,邓布利多Every time you smile at someone,

22、it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”- Mother Teresa 对别人微笑一次, 实际上就用行动爱了一次, 送了一件爱的礼物, 一样美妙的东西。5.Lets hope for the best.让我们往好处想吧Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries.请坚信,美好的降临并非不可能,失误也许是成功的前奏。The s

23、ign of maturity is not when you start speaking big things, but, actually it is, when you start understanding small things.成熟的标志不是会说大道理;而是你开始去理解,身边的小事情。We ignore those who adore us, adore those who ignore us, love those who hurt us, and hurt those who love us我们总无视于爱慕自己的人,却爱慕无视我们的人;爱上伤害我们的人,却去伤害爱着我们的人

24、。nighty-nightLife is like a TV with many channels. Hold the remote control firmly in your own hand, and youll get the best shows.生活像台电视机。你要做的就是把遥控器牢牢掌握在自己手中,这样才能欣赏到世间最精彩的节目。Dont be so depressed when youre at the lowest point in your life. Because theres nowhere to go but up.当你处在人生低谷的时候,莫过于沮丧,因为无论朝哪个

25、方向努力,都是向上的。When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.只有夜色足够黑的时候,才能看得见星星满天。Im proud of my heart. Its been played, burned, and broken, but it still works. 我为自己的心感到骄傲。它曾受戏弄,曾经心焦,曾遭破碎,却依然鲜活跳动。There is always the way out. There is a light somewhere.出路总会有的,光明也会有的。The fastest pace is not cross over, bu

26、t continued; the slowest pace is not small, but wander. 最快的脚步不是跨越,而是继续;最慢的步伐不是小步,而是徘徊。Everything happens for a reason. 这个世界,没有偶然。Life isnt about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.生命的意义不在于发现你自己,而在于创造你自己。【夸赞必备词汇】excellent 超棒的;fantastic 妙极了;brilliant 有才;bravo 好极了;outstanding 出众;superb 超

27、赞;impressive 令人印象深刻的;intelligent 聪明机灵的;incomparable 无与伦比的。When you cannot make a decision, let time decide. If this still doesnt work, just go with one direction. Its better to make mistakes than to regret. 做不了决定的时候,让时间帮你决定。还是无法决定,做了再说。宁愿犯错,不留遗憾。Honey, growth and comfort do not coexist. 亲爱的,发展和舒适,是不

28、能并存的It is not work that kills,but worry.工作不会伤身,伤身乃是忧虑。Life can be unfair sometimes, but theres no reason to give up on it.有时候,生活是不公平的,但我们却没理由对此绝望。Happiness is always knocking on your door and you just gotta let it in.幸福总会敲响你门,你只需要开门让它进来。【常用法律英语口语词汇大全】1、案子 case;2、被告 defendant;3、辩护律师 defense lawyer;4、

29、出庭 appear in court;5、传票 summons;6、当事人陈述 statement of the parties;7、调解 mediation;8、人民法院 Peoples Court;9、宣判 pronounce judgement .Friendship is love without his wings! - Lord Byron友谊是没有翅膀的爱情。In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.想发现新大陆,就得做好很

30、长时间看不到岸边的准备。You can learn great things from your mistakes when you arent busy denying them.当你不再急于否认错误时,你就学到了重要的一课。He who does not advance loses ground.逆水行舟,不进则退。Sometimes you have to get rid of old feelings to make room for the new ones.有些时候,你得摆脱了旧日情怀,才能为新的感觉腾出空间。If you can t handle me at my worst,

31、then you sure as hell dont deserve me at my best.如果你不能应付我最差的一面,那么你也不值得拥有我最好的一面。When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss half the fun of getting there.当你匆忙赶到目的地时,也就错过了旅途中一半的乐趣。Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb. 大胆挑战,世界总会让步。

32、如果有时候你被它打败了,不断地挑战,它总会屈服地。Dream whatever you desire to dream. Go wherever you wish. Seek whatever you desire. Because life is unique and is dependant on how you shape it. 梦想你想要的梦。去你想去的地方。追寻你所渴求。生命是独一无二的,就看你怎么去塑造它。Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算Dont wait for the best job, to begin to work; Dont wait to have a lot, to share a bit.不要非要等到一份最

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