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1、新标准小学英语五年级第五册单词句子练习新标准小学英语五年级第五册单词、句子、语法、练习汇总要掌握的单词:Module1when什么时候 back(回来,回到) home(回家,到家)t hose那些 ice cream(冰激凌with(和一起 finish(吃完 hurry(赶紧,匆忙 hurry up(快点 wait(等待drop(落下,掉下dear(亲爱的 met(meet过去式) 遇见ran(run的过去式) 跑Module2need(需要 food(食物 shopping list(购物单 cheese(奶酪 how much(多少用于不可数名词)kilo(千克,公斤 juice(果汁

2、 box(盒 bottle(瓶 Module3 the British Museum(大英博物馆 the London Eye(伦敦眼 wheel(轮,轮状物 wonderful(令人惊奇的 understand(明白,理解 postcard(明信片 hour(小时 mountain(山Module4mine(我的 yours 你(们)的 argue(争吵 matter(麻烦事,困难 wear(穿 hers(她的 his(他的 line(绳子 clean(干净的 whose(谁的Module5enough(足够的 give(给 every(每个,每一 everyone(每人,人人 them(它

3、(他,她)们careful(小心的Module6 well(好地 team(队,组 control(控制 badly(不好地 really(真正地,确实地 catch接住抓住 fantastic(极好的,极出色的Module7programme(节目 useful(有用的 blind(盲的,失明的 deaf(聋的 hear(听到 firemen(消防员(复数)mum(妈妈 sausage(香肠 sit(坐 sit down 坐下 chick(小鸟Module8exercise(体操,运动 playground(操场 before(在前 skip(跳(绳) coffee(咖啡 tea) 茶 be

4、ll(铃 rang(ring过去式)鸣,响Module9feel(感觉到 sad(难过的 miss(想念 bored(无聊的 angry(生气的 nothing(没什么 secret (秘密 tell(告诉 surprise( 使人意外的;意外 tired(疲倦的,劳累的 grandfather(外)祖父 farm(农场 game(比赛 lost(lose的过去式)丢失smell(闻到Module10should(应该 cross(穿过 dangerous(危险的 hold抓住,握住 hand手 say说话,讲话in a hurry(匆忙要掌握的句子:1.When did you e back

5、?你什么时候回来?We came back last Sunday我上星期回来2.How many bananas do you want?你想要多少条香蕉 ?Five , please.五条3.How much cheese do you want? 你想要多少奶酪?Half a kilo, please.一公斤半4.How much milk do you want?你想要多少瓶牛奶?Five bottles,please五瓶5.It was sunny, so we could play basketball.天气晴朗所以我们打篮球6.It rained yesterday, so we

6、 couldnt play basketball.昨天下雨,所以我们不能打篮球7.Is this your cap? 这是你的帽子吗?Yes, its mine.是的它是我的/ No, it isnt. 不它不是我的Its hers.是她的8.Whose book is this? 这是谁的书Its hers.是她的There arent enough pencil.没有太多的铅笔9.There are too many books有太多的书There isnt enough food.没有足够的食物.Be careful当心,小心10.How well do you play footbal

7、l/basketball .你打足球/篮球怎么样?I can do it very well我打的很好I cant it at all我一点都不会11.I can play football well.我踢球很好 Yes, I can. 是的,我能/ No, I cant.不,我不能12.Can you control the ball?你能控制球吗?(回答)Very badly,sorry 非常差对不起yes ,I can是的我能13This man is blind. 这个男人是瞎的He cant see 他不能看. This dog helps him.这条狗帮助他14.This gir

8、l is deaf. 这个女孩是聋的She cant hear他不能听 This dog helps her.这条狗帮助她15.Can we have a dog,please.我们能咬一条狗吗?No,we can t不,我们不能16.These firemen cannot find people. 这些消防员不能找到人.These dogs help them.这些狗帮助他们17.What time does school start?学校几点上课?My school starts at nine oclock我的学校九点钟上课18.What time do you get up?你几点起

9、床. I get up at half past six.我六点半起床19.Are you feeling happy?你感觉快乐吗? (回答)Yes, I am.是的,我快乐 / No, Im not.不,我不快乐20.What did you do at the weekend?周末你干什么?I watched TV 我看电视。21.You should look. 你应该看Then cross the road.然后在穿过马路What s the matter?22. You shouldnt walk in the road.你不应该在马路上走.Whats the matter?什么事

10、?Nothing没事23.Should she do his homework? 她应该做作业吗?Yes, she should.是的,她应该24.Should she watch TV?.她应该看电视吗? No ,she shouldnt.不她不应该25.Whose bag is this?这个包是谁的?Its Damings(mine,yours,his,her)它是大明的/我的/你的/他的/她的26.Did you go home by bike?你骑自行车回家吗?Yes I did是的我骑No I didnt不,我不骑27.Where did you go? 你去了哪里?I wen t

11、o Haikou.我去了海口28. How long did they walk.他们走了多久?They walked for one hour他们走了一个小时要掌握的语法:一般过去时态1.表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用 “last week,上星期 just now,刚刚 yesterday昨天” in 1982,an hour ago一小时前last year去年 2Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am 和is在一般过去时中变为was.(was not=wasnt)are在一般过去时中变为were.(were not=werent)带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am

12、, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。Was there a TV?有一台电视机吗?Were they students?他们是学生吗?3句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子 否定句:didnt +动词原形,如:Jim didnt go home yesterday.一般疑问句:有was或were用was或were提问,没有在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。There were any buses many years ago.许多年前有一些车.Were there any buses many years ago.许多年前有一些车

13、吗?回答:yes,there were是的有 No,there werent不没有There was a TV many years ago许多年前有一台电视机Was there a TV many years ago? 许多年前有一台电视机吗?回答:yes,there was是的有 No,there wasnt不没有如:Tom went home yesterday. 汤姆昨天回家Did Tom go home yesterday?汤姆昨天回家吗?回答:yes,he did 是的她回 No,he didnt不他没回I watched TV yesterday.我昨天看电视Did you wa

14、tch TV yesterday?你昨天看电视了吗?回答:Yes, I did 是的我看了No, I didnt不我没看特殊疑问句:疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如:What did Jim do yesterday?疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went to home yesterday?动词过去式变化规则:有did- 和 did nt有这两个词出现所有的动词都要原形。1一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked2结尾是e加d,如:livelived 3末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如

15、:stop-stopped4以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:study-studied cry- cried. 不规则动词的变化:原形 过去式原形过去式原形过去式原形过去式原形过去式win 赢 wonsweep扫sweptteach教taughthave有hadgo走wentwear 穿 worekeep保持keptthink想thoughtdo做didfind发现foundSell卖 soldsleep睡觉sleptbuy买boughteat吃ateSay说saidsend发送 sentfeel感觉feltdrink喝drankis/am是wastake拿tooklos

16、e失去 lostread读readgive给gaveare是weremean意思meantbee成为 becameput放putsing唱sangdrive驾驶drovemeet遇见metfall落下 fellcut砍cutbegin开始beganspeak说spokemake制作madeforget忘记 forgotLet让letring响rangwrite写wrotesee看见sawLeave 离开 leftfly飞flewrun跑ranride骑rodee来camespend度过 spentdraw画drewsit坐Sathear听heardtell告诉toldgrow生长grewlea

17、rn学learned/ learntget得到gotknow知道knewHow many(多少)后接可数名词(加s,es)how much(多少)后接不可数不加s.How many fish(sheep,peole,Chinese,Japanese, deer) how many children 多少个孩子how many women 多少个女人how many people 多少个人how many men多少个男人。这些词不加s如:How much cheese多少奶酪 how much bread多少个面包练习一、选择题( )1.When you e back? Next week.

18、A.did B.will )2.Did you in London yesterday? A.lived B.lives )3.When you e back? Last Monday. A.did B.will )4.When you e back? Every week. A.did B.will )5.Please _ careful. C.are( )6.There _ _ enough time. A.are B.arent C.isnt( )7.I control the ball_ _. A.well B.b

19、ad C.good( )8.He likes _ on the bed. A.jumps B.jumping C.jump( )9.Tom is _ a cake. A.making B.makes C.make( )10.Thank you very much. A. No, you dont. B.Its wrong. C.Thats all right( )11.Yesterday, I _ to the park. A.go B.went C.when( )12.I _ an ice cream last Sunday. A.bought )13.How _

20、 bananas do you want? A.much B.many )14.How _ juice do you want? A.much B.many )15._ _ go there with you? B:My mother go there with me . A.Where B.Who C.What( )16._ book is this. Its Damings. A.What B.Whose C.When( )17.Is this Jimmys sweater? A.Yes, it is his. B.No, thery arent. C.Yes,

21、 it isnt.( )18.This is _ pen . B.mine C.I( )19.This pen is _. B.mine C.I( )20.There are _apples on the box. A too much B.too many much( )21._ you play the football well? Yes, I can A.Do B.Did C.Can( )22.This man cant see. He is _. A. deaf B.blind )23.Do you feel happy? A. Yes,

22、 I do . B.Yes, I did. C.Yes, I can.( )24.Do you want to be our football team ? A.Yes, I do B.Yes, I don,t C.Yes ,I did( )25.How well do you play football ? A.Yes , I do B.I can , t play football it at all C.No, I don , t( )26.Can we have a dog ,please ,mum ? A.No,we can , t B.No, I can C. Yes,we can

23、 , t( )27.I can swim ,can you ? A.badly B.Yes , I can C.No, I can( )28.Would you like to e to school with us ? A.I , m ten B.It , s mine C.Yes , please( )29. time is it now ? It , s 3 o ,clock. A.What B.When C.How( )30. dress is this ? It , s Amy , s dress .A.How B.Whose C.Should( )31.Do you like ap

24、ples ? A.Yes, I do B. Yes ,I don , t C.No , I do( )32.Are you happy ? A.nine B.Yes, I am C.Yes, I do( )33. bananas do you want ? 5 kilos, please A.How many B.Where C.How much( )34.The man cant see. He is _ _ A.deaf B.blind C.fireman( )35.Can you jump high? A.Yes,he can. B.No,you cant. C.Yes,I can.(

25、)36.The little girl cant walk .Her father _her. A.helps C.helping( )37.Whose chair is this? Its _. A.Mary B.her C.hers( )38. _did you go ? I went to the park. A.What B.Who C.Where( )39.Yesterday I _ to Amys school. A.go B.going C .went( )40.They all play _the playground. C.of( )41_t

26、hey meet their friends? Yes, they did. A.Did B.Do C.Will( )42.I like Lingling skipping_me. A.and B.with C.but( )43.Do you want to _in our football team? B.are )44.How are you?Im_, thanks B.fine, thank you C.old ,thanks( )45.I _TV yesterday. A.watching B.watched )46.Did th

27、ey buy ice cream? A.Yes, they did B.Yes, they didnt C.No, they did( )47 ._bananas do you want?. A. how many much C.what( )48._did you go to school? By bike. A.What B.Where C.How( )49. bread do you want ? A. How many B. How much C.What( )50. you wash your shirt ? No, I didnt . A.Are B.Did C.Do(

28、 )51.I want two of cheese . A.kilo B.kilos C.half a kilo( )52. did you see in China ? Lingling . A.Who B.Where C.What( )53.This is my book . That book is . A.yours B.mine C.your( )54.They_lots of places last week. A.visit B.visited C.visiting( )55.There _ a teacher in the class . A.are )5

29、6.Are there enough pencils ? A. Yes , there arent . B.No, there arent .C.Yes, there is .( )57.How many _ do you want ? A.oranges orange( )58.Look_ this photo .This is me . B.or )59.I had _ _ English breakfast yesterday. B.the C.a( )60.Sam _ _ hamburgers very much. A.lik

30、e B.liked C.likes( )61._ _ did you _ last night? A. What, ate B.What,eat C.When,eat( )62.I _ some fish yesterday. going to eat C.ate( )63.Mum is _ to cook English food. A.goes B.went C.going( )64.Yesterday I _one apple to Ben. A.give B.gave )65.What _ _ you _ _ to drink tonight? A.did,went B.are,go C.are,going( )66.I am _ _ to _ _ some juice. A go, drink B.going,drink C.go,drank( )67.Lingling _ _ like sandwiches. A.did B.does C.doesnt( )68.We all _

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