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1、课堂补充小对话场景词精华小对话10大场景场景词1.学习A.人a. Student学生本科生 undergraduatefreshman 大一sophomore大二junior 大三senior 大四研究生 postgraduate/ graduate studentgraduate v.b. teacher老师教授professor 导师tutorsupervisor讲师,演讲者lecturer院长 deanthe dean of foreign language institute 校长 president(区别headmaster)全体教职员工faculty B课程course class

2、 eg. This term I chose the course of American literature, but I didnt attend that class this week. seminar 讨论课(研究生)briefing 概述、短课初级课程 introductory course 高级课程 advanced course 必修课: required/compulsory course选修课:selective course / elective course /optional course 讲座:lecture做讲座 give a lecture 听讲座 atten

3、d a lecture选课:take sign up forregister for退课:quitdrop the course上课:go toattend a course逃课:skip the course旷课:truancya.课程意外(上课推迟或者取消)推迟: delay、 postpone、 put off取消: cancel、call offb.课程评价赞同: agree、think much of、make a lot of sense否定:disagree、nonsenseC作业作业 homework、schoolwork 、 assignment 、project书单 rea

4、ding list 读书报告 book report课堂发言展示 presentation小论文 essay 学期论文 termsemester paper大论文、毕业论文 thesis 论文要求:requirement (长度length 主题 theme 格式 format)开题报告proposal实验 experimenta. Preparationcollect datainformation( library、internet) 搜集资料do researchb. Draft 写作业是一个很困难的过程The man thinks the essay is easy.难:have a

5、hard time with have a difficulty with have a trouble with It is a real challenge. get nowhere with it 寸步难行 be all at sea 茫然 cant make heads and tales of it 理不清头绪 解决:熬夜stay up latestay up the whole nighthave a sleepless nightIve been working around the clockburn the midnight oil day in and day outIve

6、 been working thirty-six hours a day.合作cooperate work togetherput our heads togetherjoin our feet together 两个学生出现分歧矛盾时一定是中庸之道,互相妥协come to a compromise、 win-win situation stick to his original plan、proceed in his own wayc交作业hand inturn in submitdeadline 截止日期 meet the 赶上截止日期the is drawing nearer截止日期临近

7、the proposal is due 提交作业时间已到期apply for an extension 申请延期道路是曲折的,前途是光明的,有可能完成作业累exhausted、overwhelmed、wear out、out of energysteamtutor 审查好 topic, idea不好 details( revise 修订 retype 重打 e-copy 交电子版)D图书馆library期刊periodical杂志 magazine(娱乐) journal (学术) 通常二者可混用季刊quarterly参考书reference book 只能看不能借的书(馆内阅读图书) boo

8、ks on reserve 过期 back numberissue当期 currentlatest numberissue图书卡library card 自习室 study lounge借书(lend borrow 朋友之间用,图书馆很少用)let out、check out 还书 return续借 renew到期 due 过期 over-due罚金 fine pay the fine subscribe to 订阅购买eg. The library recently subscribed to lots of journals from the bookshop. 订阅、购买杂志 想借的书已

9、经被借出或者只能在馆内阅读E考试a.考试exam期中考试 mid-term exam 期末考试 final exam 测验quiz pop quiz 不提前通知的考试b.分数grade 等级(ABC 优秀 良好)score、mark 分数(具体数字)挂了 failing grade 过了 6070分 passing grade 8090分 perfect score 满分 full marksHes got an A.Hes got straight As.他得了全Apass the exam with flying colors对比 she is fly. she is a fly.考的好学

10、分 credit (一词多义 信用)earn the 奖学金scholarshipaward 奖品(不是钱)比赛中判断: congratulations, you deserve it(你应得的你活该考砸)考的好的情况很少出现。考试很难,经常考砸a.同学之间安慰,不会相互攻击dont be upset. you will be benefit from the effort you put in.b.找原因:没有主观因素,都是客观因素a. noisy (dorm) quiet placeb. cozy (lounge) (lab library) 2.餐厅restaurant 高档餐厅cafe

11、teria、dining hall 食堂(形象不好,在选项中不会夸食堂)snack bar 小吃部 have a snack 吃小吃a.进餐厅 make a reservation 预定 book a table 定桌位 想坐的位置订不到或根本订不到位置I am sorry all the tables have been booked out. 好不容易订到位置,上菜还很慢,顾客没耐心经常抱怨b点餐 order侍者 waiter waitress 看菜单 bring me the menu 点菜 order ones food/dishes 招牌菜 recommendation c用餐开胃菜

12、appetizer汤鱼或肉蔬菜沙拉或奶酪 甜食或水果咖啡或茶。汤 soup主菜 main dishes 甜点 dessert diz:t 易混词 desertdezt apple pie(一定是好吃的,美国文化的代表)coffee (have a cup of coffee= have a break)tea break 茶歇 break 咖歇 Am.d结账请客 let me treat you (不地道)Its on my treat. 帐算我身上its on me 最地道Ill get itI will pick up the table/bill. let me pa

13、y the bill 买单let me take care of the bill 埋单let me foot the bill 签单(签在单子的角上)AA制lets go Dutch. Dutch荷兰 Holland Anglo-Dutch War 17世纪 英荷战争后,荷兰不仅丢掉了海上马车夫的殊荣,而且在英语中也成了贬义词,抠门,狡猾。eg. Im a Dutch if 如果我就He is in Dutch= He is in trouble. 在水深火热中ones old Dutch口妻, 老婆 Lets go fifty-fifty. (只在六级中用,外国人听不懂)lets spli

14、t/ separate it .3.租房a. why?noisy messy dormexpensive 贵 can not afford it beyond ones reach in the red(财政赤字) my budget is tight 手头紧b见房东房东 landlord 、landlady房客 renter / tenant 房租 rent 学生永远是穷光蛋常租unfurnished apartment 无家具无装饰的公寓c.买家具furniture 家具second-handed furniture不用cheap 廉价且质量不好用bargain 物美价廉的东西 Its a

15、 real bargain. 真是物美价廉的好东西reasonable price橱柜 cabinet 书架 book case / shelf painting 油画/油漆 (一词多义 c.n/ u.n)a little painting 油漆a few paintings 几张油画d入住后 入住后房子经常出问题the heater doesnt get any power 暖气电出毛病the pipe leaks 管道有裂缝修理 fix / repair 修理工 maintenance man / repairman 管道工 plumber电工 electrician4.出行旅游 trip

16、 tour 去度假 leave for a vacation 观光 go sightseeing 旅行社 travel agency sign the contract 签合同A.交通方式 transportationa.飞机 by plane 最喜欢的出行方式航班 flight 机场 airport 起飞 take off 降落 landcheck in 办理登机手续(机票换登机牌、托运行李)行李 luggage 丧人定律:行李不是丢了就是坏了过安检 go through the security check 登机 boarding 登机门 gate= boarding gate/depar

17、ture gate头等舱 first-class 商务舱 business class 经济舱 economy class b.火车 by train railway station 火车站schedule 火车时刻表定律:飞机火车不是晚点就是取消取消:cancel推迟:late, behind schedule, delay, put off, postpone c汽车 by car (second handed)自驾游出行前进行检查 check the brakes and tires 路上经常出问题,不是坏了就是违章汽车修理行 garage fix the cargas station

18、run out of oil 没油 refuel 加油get a ticket 汽车罚单 ticket(一词多义)原因:闯红灯run a red light 超速 speeding 堵车:be held up in the traffic jam拐错弯: turn at the wrong intersectioncar accident(车毁人不亡 只是 slightly injured)B照相 take photos相机词汇:automatic 自动的focus on the scene 聚焦景象press/crack the shutter 按快门smile a little, plea

19、se笑pose 摆造型C旅行评价好: landscape、 view坏: weather、 hotel and hotel food、 accomodation出去旅游总怀念家的美好East, West, home is best!5.医院A.医生 doctor内科医生 physician外科医生 surgeon 牙科医生 dentistB.医院 hospital候诊室 waiting room急诊室 emergency department小诊所 clinic医疗中心 health center病房 wardC.常见疾病及症状疾病 disease, illness, sickness, ai

20、lment(小病)症状 symptoma.内科感冒 catch a cold 发烧 fever 流感 flu体温 temperature 咳嗽 cough 流鼻涕 running nose 肚子痛 stomach ache 头痛 headache 区别:ache 内科 hurt 精神上 pain 外科 过敏 be allergic to 心脏病 heart attack 高血压 high blood pressureb.外科流血 bleeding 止血 stop 扭伤、脱臼 twistIve got a twisted ankle. 我扭伤了脚踝骨折 fracturec.牙科牙疼 tootha

21、che牙医 dentist牙洞 cavity fill the cavityD.病因及治疗病因:lack of sleep long work hours long exposure to the sun 中暑治疗: treatment吃药 take some medicine/ take the pill药物 drug drug-store药方prescription 抓药 fill the 打针 injection手术 surgeryE.医嘱 advice戒烟quit smoking减肥 lose/ reduce weight 、watch your weight吃健康食品 eat hea

22、lthy food不喝咖啡 off caffeine 多锻炼 take more exercises预约医生 make an appointment确认预约 confirm an appointment打电话预约医生经常找不到 he is out he is not in.he is busy he is not availablehe is with a patient.6.银行银行 bank 户头 account 开户 open an account 支票帐户 check account 支票 check 旅游支票 travelers check 存折 bank book存钱:deposi

23、t money 取钱 draw信用卡 credit card学生贷款 student loan= financial aid申请贷款 apply for a 7.求职A.找工作 look for a job/position/vacancy/opening(一词多义 洞/空缺)全职 full-time 兼职 part-time Newspaper头条headlines版面 section/page section 部门/版面 market research sports 编辑 editorialB.申请工作 apply for a job申请信 letter of applicationint

24、erview 面试 dress up professionally/ formally=in a suit and tie简历 resume polish润色简历教育背景 education background工作经验 work experienceC. offeraccept the offerturn down the offer好工作:high salary、well-paid、enough bucks (美元) short-work hours= long paid-vacation full of exploration/ challenge a full scope to sho

25、w my ability坏工作: no fair treatment frequent business trips 常出差(男生不喜欢)辞职: resign/quit 跳槽: job-hopping 退休:retire 失业: lay off人物关系:上下级 注意语气1. interviewerintervieweeask question -answer 有标答inquiry -respond 无标答2. employer(staff)employeebusiness 各种公务raise 加薪promotion 提升3.bosssecretary打印copy打字type发邮件 send a

26、n E-mail 安排行程 arrange the schedule(conference, back, return )8.购物A商店:bookstore, drugstore , department store, grocery store杂货店, shopping mall supermarketB付款方式:by installment 分期付款 by credit card 信用卡结算pay in cash 现金结算C打折促销:on sale 廉价出售discount 打折bargain 物美价廉的商品9.展会展会,博览会 fair 摊位,展区 stand, booth展览 display10.访谈节目 program嘉宾 guest演播厅 studio话题 topic开头、结尾客套话: welcome to our program.Our guest today is Today, we have sb. to talk about.Thank you for inviting me to the program.

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