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本文(高考英语 分类题库 解析第26集 完形填空命题点6 议论文01.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语 分类题库 解析第26集 完形填空命题点6 议论文01.docx

1、高考英语 分类题库 解析第26集 完形填空命题点6 议论文01高考英语 分类题库 解析第26集 完形填空命题点6 议论文01本类考题解答锦囊 议论文是高考完形填空中较难的一种题材。议论文由三种要素组成:论点、论据、结论。大家要做好议论文题材的完形填空最重要的是抓住作者的论点。不同的议论文论点的提出方式往往不同,大体有以下三种情况: 1开门见山地提出论点。有些议论文在文章的一开始就提出论点,然后再通过具体的论据去说明论点,论据有时候既有正面的论据,也有反面的论据,最后总结全文。 2导入式提出论点。有些议论文会先通过叙述生活中的一个具体的事情或描述生活中的现象,然后根据事情或现象所反映的问题提出自

2、己的见解。最后再用具体的论据去说明自己的论点。 3最后提出论点。有些议论文一开始作者仅仅是列举生活中的现象,而不表明自己的观点,而是通过对具体现象的分析,自然得出一种结论,这种结论往往就是作者的论点。 高考最新热门题 1.(典型例题卷) Surrmg: Its Not Just for Boys Anymore If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few g

3、irls who would 1 :surfing(冲浪运动). But isnt that a boy thing? Some people 2 . Most certainly not. I started surfing about five years ago and 3 in love with the sport on the very fist day. Riding that first 4 was the best felling I had ever experienced. When I try to 5 surfing with other things,I find

4、it very difficult because,in my 6 ,theres nothing like it. It involves (牵涉到)body, 7 , and soul. Theres sand between my toes and cool, salt water all 8 us. The feeling I get when Im surfing across that 9 ,becoming one with the 10 ,is like Im weightless. The one thing I can 11 from surfing and not any

5、 other sport is endless challenge (挑战). You can never be the best surfer because the ocean 12 an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some surfers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive (活跃有力的) and 13 . All of these thing

6、s attract me to surfing and make it 14 from any other sport. Ive 15 to tell every girl I know to do something that people dont think girls can do. Its part of being human to adil vance to new 16 , so shouldnt it be expected that girls should step up and start 17 the limits of things boys ant men use

7、d to dominate (主宰)?Therere women 18 side by side with the President of our country,so why not side by side with the boys 19 the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to 20 ,and they will. 1. A. tell B. answer C. give D. realize 2. A. wonder B. understand C. reply D. believe

8、3. A. stayed B. came C. dropped D. fell 4. A. wave B. storm C. sail D. boat 5. A. bring B. connect C. compare D. tie 6. A. work B. study C. holiday D. life 7. A. mind B. effort C. health D. time 8. Pt. along B. above C. around D. by 9. A. beach B. water C. board D. lake 10. A. sky B. world C. earth

9、D. ocean 11. A. take B. get C. make D. keep 12. A. catches B. includesC. offers D. collects 13. A. sharp B. great C. hard D. calm 14. A. known B. right C. far D. different 15. A. chosen B. tried C. learned D. promised 16. A. levels B. points C. steps D. parts 17. A. reaching B. acceptingC. pushing D

10、. setting 18. A. sitting B. walking C. fighting D. working 19. A. of B. from C. on D. with 20. A. think B. succeed C. perform D. feel命题目的与解题技巧:本文是完形填空中的议论文体裁,考查学生的逻辑能力与对文章的整体把握。此类题材一般是直接提出论点,通过论据论证,最后作者提出自己的看法或提出另一个论题供大家讨论,本文论点是Surfing:Its NotJust for BoysAnymore”作者通过自己的亲身经历出发,论述此论点,从而表达了作者一种积极进取的人生

11、态度,做好此类型题的关键是抓住论点,有条理性的去论证,得出结论。答案:1B 解析:一问一答,answer与ask相呼应。 2A 解析:wonder意为feelsurprised”,冲浪运动一般是男孩喜欢的运动,有些人就奇怪,她是一个女孩,怎么也喜欢它?wonder与文中的“?”相呼应,其他三个选项不合题意。 3D 解析:fall in love with意为“爱上”是个固定短语。 4A 解析:ridethewave意为“漂行于水上”,冲浪运动就是一项“漂行于水上的”运动。第一次在水上漂行是我经历过的最好的感觉。很多考生误选n很明显,这里作者指的是一种乘风破浪的感觉,而不是驾船的感觉。 5C 解

12、析:首先从搭配上可将选项A、D排除;再从意义上看,connectwith与下文theresnothinglike it”不符。故答案只能选C,意思是“把与进行比较”。 6D 解析:从上文的withotherthings可以看出,答案应选D(生活),因为冲浪只能说是生活中的一部分,而不应该是工作或学习中的内容;而选项C(假日)又太狭隘,因为,冲浪不一定只能在假日中,平常工作之余也可进行。 7A 解析:mind意为“心智”。在此句中,body,mind,soul分别代表人的三个方面。冲浪运动能增进身体健康,能启迪心智,能陶冶心灵。这是一种很美的境界。 8C 解析:人在冲浪,四周都是水。 9B解析:

13、这里指在水上冲浪。 10D解析:在The feeling I get when Im surfing across that water,becoming one with the 10 ,is like Im weightless这个句中,去掉定语从句I get,去掉状语从句when Im surfing across”后,原句变成了:ThefeelingthatislikeImweightless这就容易理解了。冲浪时,人与海融为一体,这种感觉就像身轻无重一样。 11B 解析:getstkfrom意为“从得到”。本句话意思为:从冲浪而不是其他的运动中,我可以得到无穷的挑战。其他三个选项在此

14、不合题意。 12C 解析:挑战无穷是因为大海提供了千变万化的波浪,谁都无法主宰。catches意为“抓住”,includes意思为“包括”,offers意为“提供”,collects意为“收集”,只有offers符合题意。 13A 解析:sharp在此意为“敏捷的,生气勃勃的”;aggres sive and sharp(积极主动,勇敢征服)与上文的free a nd flowing(自由放松,随波逐流)相呼应。 14D 解析:由上文可知,冲浪运动给我所带来的乐趣,让我觉得它不同于其他运动,而不远离(farfrom)其他运动。 15B 解析:trytodosth意为“努力做某事”。我设法告诉每

15、一个我认识的女孩去做别人认为女孩子不能做的一些事情。 16A 解析:advancetonewlevels:提高到新的水平。 17C 解析:作者认为女孩子应勇敢地向以前只局限于男人的领域推进。此题很多考生误选九reach意为“到达”,表达的是一种结果,与前面的start(开始)明显矛盾。 18D 解析:在我们的国家有女性与总统肩并肩地工作。A、B、C明显不合题意。 19C解析:on有“从事于”之意,如:I am on China Daily我在人民日报工作。onthefootballt team意为“从事足球运动”。 20B解析:给女孩子一个成功的机会,她们就会成功的。有考生误选C,perfor

16、m意为“表演”,强调的是过程,succeed 强调的是结果。作者意指男孩子能做成功的事女孩子也能做好,而不仅是去做而已。题点经典类题 1.(典型例题 Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldnt have done or something you didnt do which you should have? At one time or another we probably all have. Theres no 1 in getting depressed about it now- its no 2 crying over

17、spilt milk. However, there may be some gain in thinking about exactly whathappened and why 3 we might be able to draw some conclusions for the future. One thing we all do now and again is to lose our 4 with a friend or close relative. The odd thing is that we more often display great 5 towards someo

18、ne we are fond of than towards 6 . The explanation may be that we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunity to 7 a bit of steam in a safe environment, while the consequences (后果) of 8 a stranger could be far more serious.Being honest is usually thought of as a virture (美德) an

19、d undoubtedly this is the 9 . On the other hand, we have all experienced occasions when spoken our minds to someone, telling them exactly what we feel, and then have found ourselves filled with feelings of 10 . Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut? 1. A. reason B. purpose C. point D. result 2

20、. A. use B. help C. value D. benefit 3. Pt. so B. because C. but D. though 4. A. mind B. memory C. manner D. temper 5. A. anger B. interest C. love D. respect 6. A. strangers B. friends C. relatives D. colleagues 7. A. run through B. throw away C. give up D. let off 8. A. inviting B. insulting C. sp

21、eaking D. believing in 9. A. issue B. case C. event D. factor 10. A. excitement B. happinessC. pride D. guilt答案:1.C 解析:there is no point in doing sth. 是固定句式,意为“干事情没有意义”,此处是说做了事情再去难过已经没有意义。其他选项不符合这一固定句式。 2.A 解析:its no usedoingsththereisnOpoint indoing sth本句是承接上句进一步说明后悔没有用。其他选项都不符合这一句型。 3B 解析:此处作者建议我们

22、应该想一想事情发生的原因等,因为我们可以从中吸取经验教训。故用because引导原因状语从句。其他选项不能引导原因状语从句。 4D 解析:loseonestemper为固定用法,意为“发脾气”。此处指我们经常会对自己的亲戚朋友发火。loseones mind “精神失常”,loseonesmemory失去记忆”都不合题意。 5A 解析:从前面的“发脾气”,可推断出此处应用anger,还是表示我们更容易“把怒气、脾气发泄在我们喜欢的人身上”。 6A 解析:从前后文的对比关系,我们可以推断出此处指的是“陌生人”。前面已经出现了“我们喜欢的人(熟人)”,由此可排除其他选项:“朋友”、“亲戚”和“同事

23、”。 7D 解析:letoff为固定短语,当“发泄”讲,相当于giveoutoff后面是比喻的说法,意为:在安全的环境中发脾气。run through从中间跑过;throwaway扔掉”;8iveup放弃”。 8B 解析:从后面后果严重程度看,此处指“冒犯”陌生人。 insultmake 5bangry 9B 解析:说明“情况”就是如此:诚实是一种美德。issue问题”,event事件”,factor因素”都不合题意。 10D 解析:当我们对别人直言不讳而冒犯了别人时,我们会感到后悔,有“负疚”感。guilt当“内疚”讲。 新高考命题探究 Gloze 1 My ears are recentl

24、y full of joyous remarks from my friends such as,Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I cant help falling in love with him! Orwhat perfect skills he has!. Yeah, I 1 to some degree, though I sometimes do want to 2 them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his 3 and how much they know abo

25、ut football apart from 4 goals. It seems funny that we are 5 for things, with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are 6 , but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of lifes 7 We need these pleasures to 8 our liveres But that doesnt 9 to craziness or nonsense. As an old saying goes

26、: Dont judge a book by its cover. We 10 not judge anything from its appearance. We should all know, it is ones good 11 and great contribution that makes one a star and unforgettable. There fore wed better say 12 about Beckhams good looks. If we close our eyes, falling in deep 13 we can find that the

27、 things that move us to be really happy or sad have a 14 meaning. If we dont go deeper and are just satisfied with 15 things, sooner or later we will find that we have not re ally gained anything because our first 16 has blinded and misled(误导) US, and well remain ignorant (无知的) 17 realize that and m

28、ake some changes.It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before 18 of great progress. If one day we are willing to go deep into everything, no matter how much it 19 us, we will finally prove how much we have 20 up, how much more sen; sible, mature (成熟的) , and intelligent (智慧的) we have be

29、come. 1. A. like B. agree C. hope D. think 答案: B 指导:作者先说在一定程度上“同意”上述人对贝克汉姆相貌和球技的看法,为下一步阐述自己的观点做好铺垫。此处后面的tosomedegree对答案有提示作用,而且议论文讲究逻辑严密,因此作者首先说:在一定程度上同意。其他选项“喜欢”、“希望”和“认为”,都不能表达此处作者此处的用意。2. A. ask B. tell C. teach D. doubt 答案: A 指导:从后面的句式how much看,作者是在“质问”对方对贝克汉姆和足球究竟知道多少。把握作者的反问语气,可排除其他选项。3. A. sk

30、ills B. fame C. team D. appearance 答案: D 指导:从前面看,有些人喜欢贝克汉姆仅仅是因为他的“外貌”。作者认为有些人仅仅是以貌取人,由此排除他的“球技”、“声誉”和“球队”。4. A. kicking B. hitting C. scoring D. controlling 答案:5. A. thankful B. crazy C. curious D. anxious 答案: B 指导:这儿作者指出人们为一些自己并不了解的事情而疯狂,be crazy for意为“为而疯狂、着迷”。如果表达“对感到好奇”,应用be curious about;be anx

31、ious about 意为“对担忧”;be thankful for意为“对感激”。6. A. uncertain B. unhappy C. displeased D. careful 答案: A 指导:uncertain和前面的unfamiliar相互补充,说明人们对待事情的盲目性。此处主要是把握前面be unfamiliar with对后文的限制作用,前而是“对不熟悉”,后面应是“对不肯定”。be unhappy with/be displeased with意为“对不满意”;be careful with“对很小心”。7. A. aims B. qualities C. pleasures D. truths 答案: C 指导:这儿人们把盲目追星当作生活的乐趣,pleasure当“生活的乐事”讲时是可数名词。追星不可能是生活的目标,故不选A;quality可以当“质量”讲时,是不可数名词,另外,追星与生活的质量并无多大关系,故不选B;truths当“真理”讲,追星也不可能是“真理”。8. A. keep up B. brighten up C. find out D. bring about 答案: B 指导:brighten up 当“照亮、为增添光彩”讲。我们需要这些快乐使生活丰富多彩。此处主要是理解原文。由此很容易排

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