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裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第31课.docx

1、裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第31课Lesson 31 Success Story成功者的故事 What was Franks first job? Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to rep

2、air bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory

3、 which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandsons bicycle!参考译文昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经

4、理,但他小时候却在一家小铺里做工。他那时的工作是修理自行车,并且通常是一天工作14个小时。他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。20多岁的时候,弗兰克曾生产飞机零配件。那时他有两个帮手。几年之后,小铺子已经发展成了一个雇有728人的大工厂。弗兰克回想着他早年的艰难经历和走过的漫长的成功之路,微笑了。他正笑着的时候门开了,他的妻子走了进来。她叫他去修理孙子的自行车。【New words and expressions】(8)1 retire ritai v.退休2 companykmpni n.公司3 bicycle baisik()l n.自行车4 saveseiv v.积蓄5 w

5、orkshopw:kp n.车间6 helper help n.帮手,助手7 employ impli v.雇佣8 grandsongrnsn n.孙子一、单词讲解retire) vi退休,退职give up one s regular work ,esp. because of age例: He retired from his directorship at the age of 60.他60岁的时候从主管的职位退休了。2)v(正式用语)就寝retire for the night就寝3)V退下例: The ladies retired into the drawing room.女士们到

6、客厅里去了。drawing room客厅(尤指私人大宅中的)retired adj退休的例: I am retired now so I have time to learn English.我现在退休了,有时间学习英语了。retirement n。退休,退职a graceful retirement 体面的退休compulsory retirement 强迫退休resign vi辞职例: I was tired of my boring job, so I resigned yesterday.我对那枯燥的工作感到厌倦,所以我昨天辞职了。employ 雇佣employer 雇主employe

7、e 雇员hire 雇佣recruit 招募,征募解雇:dismiss fireet the axe get the sack失业:be out of worklose one s jobhired,tired and fired被雇佣了,累的半死又被解雇了。company1)n公司,商号firm: 指两个人以上合资经营的商业机构a trading firm 贸易公司corporation (美)股份有限公司 (略为corp)a limited(liability)company有限责任公司2)陪同,同座的人,交际,交往例:I enjoyed his company ! 有他为伴真是愉快!be

8、fond of company 好交际3)伙伴,朋友,同伴例: A man is known by the company he keeps.(谚)近朱者赤,近墨者黑。bicycle自行车(口语成为bike)构成: bi(两个)+cycle(轮子)get on a bicycle/mount a bicycle 上自行车get off a bicycle 下自行车例:Can you ride a bicycle? 你会骑自行车吗?motorcycle摩托车(口)motorbikesave1) v挽救,救save sb/save sthsave one s life挽救某人的生命save one

9、 s face保全面子lose ones face丢脸SOS: save our soul/save our ship例: She saved an old man from the fire.她在大火中救出了老人。2)储存(钱),储蓄,节省,保留,省去(劳力,时间,花费等)例: He saved money for years and bought a real bed.他攒了很多年的钱买了一张床。He saved money for years and bought an apartment.他攒了很多年的钱买了一个公寓。Its wise to save part of our salar

10、y each month.每个月把丁资存起来一部分是很明智的。Save your strength for the hard work you ll have to do later.为了你后面要做的工作你省省力气吧。Don t read in the sun .Save your eyes (保护视力)不要在阳光一下读书,保护你的视力。Computers save a lot of time and energy.计算机为我们节省了很多时间和精力。That saved me going out 那我就不用出去了。savings n积蓄save V挽救rescue V(从危险,囚禁等中)搭救或

11、拯救出。ooworkshopn车间, 工作场所,作坊,小工厂(亦可简称为shop)plant 工厂a chemical plant 化学工厂power plant 发电厂helper n帮手,助手a household helper佣人,家仆help V帮助:Help me! 救命!cannot help doing忍不住做某事On hearing the news, I can t help laughing.一听到这个消启、我忍不住笑了。Heaven helps those who help themselves, (谚语)天助自助者。so help me 我对大发誓I really sw

12、am across the river, so help me.我真的游过那条河了,我发誓。God help you上帝帮助你(用于对别人的安全表示担心)例: God help you if the teacher finds out.要是老师发现你就惨了employ vt.雇佣例: The director employs two interpreters.主管雇佣了两个口译人员。She is employed in a bank 他就职于一家银行。employ oneself in/be employed in 从事,做,忙于例: She was busily employed in pr

13、eparing dinner for five guests 他忙于给五个客人准备晚饭。employer 雇主employee 雇员a government employee 公务员a white collar employee 白领员工interviewer 面试官:采访的人员(记者)int9vju:ainterviewee 参见面试的人;被采访者examiner主考官examinee 考试的人employment n雇佣unemployment n.失业full employment 充分就业employment agency (民间的)职业介绍所grandson n孙子,外孙子grand

14、-用以构成复合名词,表示家族关系granddaughter 外孙女,孙女9randmother 祖母,外祖母grandfather 祖父,外祖父9randpa 祖父,外祖父grandma 祖母,外祖母granny 老奶奶great-grandson 曾孙子great-grandfather 曾祖父例: Every potter praises his pot王婆卖瓜卖弄自夸。grandfather clock落地式大摆钟。二、关键句型Key Structuresl、过去进行时和一般过去时:两者都是过去发生的动作,但是前者强调过某一时刻正在进行的动作,其结构为was/were + V-ing;而

15、一般过去时是过去发生完的动作或情况,强调一种结果或状态。两种时态经常配合使用。例: When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.我正在给花园浇水的时候下雨了。As I was getting on the bus, I slipped and hurt my foot.当我上公车的时候,我摔倒了并弄伤了脚。2、过去进行时和一般过去时:1)used to do“过去常常做.”, 现在已经不这样了,可看成是一般过去时的特殊形式。相当于oftenDid-(was/were .)例: I used to go to work by bus. Now

16、 I go by car.我过去总是乘公共汽车上班,现在我开车去上班。Before, I often went to work by bus.例: He used to be a postman a long time ago. He s a taxi driver now很久以前他是一个邮递员,现在他是一个出租车司机。He was a postman a long time ago.例: I have given up smoking. I used to smoke very heavily.我现在戒烟了,我过去吸烟吸的很重。I often smoked very heavily befo

17、re.例: I used to collect stamps when I was a boy.当我还是小男孩的时候我收集邮票。My uncle used to live in New Zealand but he s now living in Australia.我的叔叔过去住在新西兰,现在住在澳大利亚了。2)be used to doing习惯(于)做become used to doingget used to doing例: I used to go to work by bus, but I am used to going by bus.我过去总是坐公共汽车上班,而现在我习惯开车

18、去上班。He is used to this kind of job.他已经对这种工作习惯了。I am not used to getting up early.我不习惯于早起。Youll soon get used to our way of living.你很快就会习惯我们的生活方式。Exercise:用正确的时态填空。l) While my wife _ (work) in the kitchen, I _ (sit)in the garden.I _ (look) at cars which(pass) in the street, when a small car _ (stop)

19、outside my gate and man _ (get) out.2) I was most surprised to see that the man was Ted Hale. We _ (be)at the same school years ago. In those days, Ted _ (come) to our house nearly day and we often _ (go) out together.3) We _ (be) great friends, but one day we _ (quarrel) and I never _ (see) him aga

20、in. As he _ (get) out of his car, I _ (call) my life and we both _ (hurry) out to greet an old friend.答案:l) was working was sifting was looking were passing stopped got2) were/had been used to come /came used to go/went3) were quarreled saw was getting called hurried三、课文讲解TextYesterday afternoon Fra

21、nk Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young a young man/when he was a young man时间状语,交代叙述时间为过去时experience1) u经验,体验例 : Experience is the best teacher. I know it from experience.经验是最好的老师,我凭经验知道的。2)C经验之事,经历have a pleasant experience有一个愉快的经验例: Please tell us of your experiences whil

22、e in Africa.给我们讲一下你在非洲的经历。experienced adj有经验的例:He is an experienced worked 他是一个有经验的工人。a skilled worker 技工Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.head1)头 I am taller than my sister by a head.我比我妹妹高一头。2)头脑,智力Two heads are bet

23、ter than one.)三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮。3)头目the head of a firm 公司总裁4)首位,最高位例: Who is at the head of your class?你们班第一名是谁?5)人头数,人数ten dollars per head 每人10美元。above one s head (深奥得)使人无法理解例: The novel is a little above my head.这个小说我无法看懂。used to do过去常常做.例:I used to drink 我过去常常喝酒。I didnt use to drink 我过去不常喝酒。Did you us

24、e to drink? 你过去常常喝酒吗?美有时用:Used (you)to.例:Used you to drink?你过去常喝酒吗?I used to ride a bicycle, but now I drive a Cadillac.我过去常常骑白行车,但是现在我开卡迪拉克。I used to ride a bicycle, but it was stolen yesterday. so I came here on foot.I used to like Mary, but now I like Rose.我过去喜欢Mary,但是现在我喜欢Rose。I used to be a tax

25、i-driver 我过去是一个出租车司机。Oh, really? I didnt even know you could drive.哦,真的吗?我不知道你会开车呢。I used to be a long-distance runner, but Im so fat now.我过去是一个长跑运动员,但是现在我太胖了。It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day.it是形式主语,不定式才是真正的主语。在英语中。为避免头重脚轻,保持句子整体平衡,用形式主语it来代替真正

26、的长主语:例: It is quite impossible to finish this large book in a mouth 一个月看完这本大书是不可能的。It is necessary for you to recite all the passages.背诵所有的课文是必要的。I t is interesting to talk to you和你谈话真有意思。He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.a small workshop of his own(强调)/his o

27、wn small workshopown放在所有格代词之后,强调特有,固有的意味。my own ideas 我自己的主意with my own eyes 亲眼目睹Do so for your own sake 为了你自己去那样做。one s own 目已阴尔四例:The three children grew up and had families of their own.那三个小孩长大成人,并且结婚生子。on one s own/alone独自,靠自己例:He runs a factory on his own他独自经营那家工厂。In his twenties Frank used to

28、make spare parts for aero planes. At that time .he had two one s twenties 在.二十几岁的时候in one s early twenties 在.二十出头的时候in ones late twenties 在.快三十岁的时候at the age of twenty 在二十岁in the twenties 在二十年代in the 1920,S 在二十世纪二十年代粟配件,备件aeroplane 飞机In a few years the small workshop had become a large fa

29、ctory which empoyed seven hundred and twenty eight people.定语从句修饰factoryFrank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success.remember: recall; think backhard1)坚硬的(反义词: soft)hard wood:坚硬的木头hard rock坚硬的岩石:2)困难的(difficult)a hard task to carry out 要执行的艰难任务3)刻苦的,勤奋的a hard work

30、er一个勤奋的工人4)艰苦的例 These are hard times 那时是艰难的时期。5)严厉的,无情的a hard teacher 一个严厉的老师the long road to success 漫长的成功之路He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in*still adv仍旧,仍然例: He was still smiling.She wanted him to repair their grandsons bicycle!repair修理repair /mend /fixrepair a watch 修表 repair a bike 修车mend shoes 修鞋 mend the road 修路,补路fix the watch 修理手表fix the air-conditioner 修理空调Special difficultiesexperience例:Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences.Frank Hawkins正在给我讲他的人生阅历。This job requires a lot of experience.这种工作需要

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