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1、中国式词汇的英文翻译方法11过劳死 die from overwork ( Its employees are always under severe stress and some even died from overwork. 。该公司员工长期压力过大,曾出现员工过劳死事件。) 男性车厢 Men-only metro train cars(Seibu Holdings, which runs trains in the Tokyo area, is considering to introduce some carriages reserved for men only. 东京轨交运营商

2、西武集团日前考虑在列车中开设男性专用车厢。) 野鸡大学 bogus colleges(UK Immigration Minister Phil Woolas speculated there could have been more than 2000 fake colleges in the UK, allowing tens of thousands of bogus students who in reality are economic migrants using the student visa route to enter the country every year. 英国边境

3、及移民事务大臣菲尔伍勒斯日前透露,英国估计有2000多所野鸡大学,每年帮助数万名非法移民持留学护照进入英国。)冒名顶替 identity theft防卫过当excessive defense自卫/正当防卫self-defense故意伤害罪crime of intentional injury工龄 length of service答辩 (oral) defense选举舞弊 / 贿选 electoral fraud电视真人秀 television reality shows (Television reality shows are losing their audience appeal in

4、 China, according to a market research.一项市场调查表明,在中国,电视真人秀逐渐失去了对观众的吸引力。)海选 auditions (Auditions start later this month, with the show set to go on air in late August. 海选将于本月晚些时候启动,比赛将于8月底正式播出。)型男 stylish man (Move aside Brad Pitt, US President Barack Obama has beaten all the usual male style icons to

5、 be named the worlds most stylish man in an online poll. 一项在线投票显示,美国总统奥巴马力压知名影星布拉德皮特,在全球时尚型男排行榜上独占鳌头。) 软环境 soft environment 粮食最低收购价 crops minimum purchase prices 保八 Eight Percent Protection 以人为本 Put People First 农民企业家 Farmer-turned-entrepreneur 窗口指导 window guidance 下岗再就业 Re-employment after being la

6、id off 登记失业率 registered unemployment rate 扩大内需 propel/expand domestic demand 分组讨论 panel discussion 连环相撞 rear-end collision (A rear-end collision of at least 30 vehicles occurred at 10 am Monday morning at the Jianyang section of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, local media reported. 据当地媒体报道,15日上午10

7、时许,成渝高速简阳段发生特大车祸,至少有30辆车连环相撞。)屏蔽 to block. ( 3 major telecommunication operators in China will jointly launch a technical platform to block junk cellphone messages. 我国三大电信运营商将正式上线运行网间垃圾短信联动处理平台,联手进行垃圾信息自主屏蔽。)富二代 affluent 2nd generation (The rapidly expanding affluent 2nd generation is seeking to def

8、ine their identity and quality of life via luxuries.越来越多的富二代开始加入奢侈品消费者行列,以显其社会地位和生活品质。) 停运 drivers strike. (Related departments are working on a plan to settle the drivers strike. 相关部门正着手处理停运事件。) 沙雕 Sand sculpture (An annual sand sculpture festival kicked off in Berlin. 一年一度的德国柏林沙雕节日前在柏林拉开了帷幕。)女性车厢

9、woman car (The Beijing Subway Company said they are considering the feasibility of creating womans section on the cars running Line 1 and Line 2. 北京市地铁公司表示可考虑在1、2号线的少数车厢试点女性专用。)拼车 carpool (The city government wants citizens to organize car pools for transportation. 该市政府希望市民拼车出行。) 中空装 belly shirt. (W

10、hen I became pregnant, I found I can no longer wear the belly shirt. 当我怀孕以后,我发现不能穿中空装了。) 顺风车 free ride. (John is expecting me to give him a free ride to work every day.约翰每天都想搭我的顺风车上班。) 跑腿 run errands (I dont mind run errands for you occasionally, but Ive got my own work to do.我并不介意偶尔为你跑腿儿,但是我还有自己的工作

11、要做。)分摊买单 go Dutch (The Dutch are notorious for their thriftiness, maybe thats why we say “go Dutch” when we split the bill荷兰人非常节俭,这可能解释了“go Dutch”分摊买单这个短语的由来。)网络瘾 cyberaddiction. (In this article we will give you a brief explanation about Cyberaddiction . 在这篇文章里我们会给你简要地介绍一下网络成瘾)网络沙皇 cyber czar. (US

12、President Barack Obama said he would appoint a cyber czar to oversee efforts at beefing up Internet security. 美国总统奥巴马发表讲话,表示他将指定一位网络沙皇,专门负责互联网安全的监管。) 忽悠 sweet-talk, coax, wheedle. (You cannot sweet-talk me into helping you! 你别想用好话哄我帮助你。)夜猫子 night owl,burn the midnight oil. (US President Barack Obama

13、 has admitted to frequently burning the midnight oil.美国总统奥巴马称自己好似夜猫子。) 光棍儿节 Singles Day. Every year at 11:11pm on November 11, fun-seeking male college students will have rowdy parties by screaming out their desire to find a girlfriend and use whatever is available to make big noises. The timing, co

14、nsisting of eight Arabic number of 1, is deliberately selected to personify many single gossip, gossipy.Originally the name of an eight-side diagram derived from the famous Chinese classic “Ching”(Book of Changes), it is now often used to describe gossip or gossipy people. 家庭窘照 Awkward fam

15、ily pics.(Set up a couple of months ago, Awkward Family Photos is getting more than 2m hits a day, attracting major publishers to line up offering potential book deals. 网站成立不足2月,日点击量已逾200万。各大知名出版商纷纷排队抢购照片出版权。) 劈腿 two-timing. This term is frequently used by young people to describe someone whos not f

16、aithful to his/her spouse or lover.水货 grey import. It is also know as a parallel import, which is made available in the local “grey market” by retailers who order the trademark goods directly from overseas wholesales at a lower price and without going through official import channels.相亲航班 cupid flig

17、ht, matchmaking flight. (The airline announced Friday it will offer a lonely hearts trip for US singles to New Zealand in what it is billing as the worlds first matchmaking flight.老鼠仓 rat trading. The term has recently come into the spotlight as some mainland brokers were believed to have made illeg

18、al profits by conducting so-called “rat trading” or a kind of scalping scheme in the stock market by cheating their clients. 玉米虫 domain investor. This term, literally “corn worm,” refers to people who earn money by registering valuable Internet domains. (A domain investor reportedly sold to the sear

19、ch engine giant for more than US$1 million. 据报一个玉米虫以100多万美元的价格将他注册的域名 卖给了这家搜索引擎巨头。)空中飞人 frequent flyer. This Chinese term, “man flying in the sky,” is sometimes used to refer to trapeze artists. But here it refers to frequent plane travelers. 大小人 kidult. The Chinese term which translates literally “

20、adult-aged child” derives from the English word “kidult,” a portmanteau of “kid” and “adult.” The term refers to middleaged people who refuse to be denied the freedom and pleasure of youth by doing or buying things designed for children. 砸星运动 star-bashing campaign. After the father of an Andy Lau fa

21、n committed suicide in Hong Kong early this year, some young people on the Chinese mainland smashed CDs and tore down posters of pop stars in an attempt to reason with infatuated fans.鸡仔文学 Chick lit. This Chinese phrase is a translation of the English term “Chick lit,” which refers to the kind of fi

22、ction created for young women, particularly single, working women in their twenties and thirties. 跨行转帐 inter-bank transfer service. (Do you offer an inter-bank transfer service? 你们有提供跨行转帐的服务吗?)挂失 report the loss. (Id like to report the loss of my credit card and cancel it. 我要办理信用卡挂失并取消那张卡。) 无性夫妻 “se

23、parate” couples, couples dont share bedroom. (the “separate” couples only unite on weekends. 无性夫妻只在周末团聚)自杀未遂 unsuccessfully attempted suicide. (Ex-chairman of Gome Appliances Huang Guangyu, who remains in police custody for alleged illegal share trading, has unsuccessfully attempted suicide. 因涉嫌操纵股价

24、而被拘押的国美电器前主席黄光裕不堪压力,日前在看守所自杀未遂。)棋牌室 chess and card room. (A chess and card room in Yangzhou city caught fire at about 8:30 pm Monday leaving at least 6 dead and many injured. 周一晚8时30分许,江苏省扬州市一家棋牌室突发火灾,造成至少6人死亡,多人受伤。) 电话勒索 telephone extortionist. (Many Chinese-American business owners in California h

25、ave been targeted by a telephone extortionist. 加州爆发专门针对华人商铺的电话勒索潮。) 猪流感 swine flu. (A swine flu virus that has killed up to 81 people in Mexico could start a global epidemic, the WHO warned Saturday night. 世卫组织于周六晚宣布,死亡人数达81人的墨西哥猪流感疫情有在全球广泛爆发的可能。科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development双拥 Double Suppo

26、rt 保持党员先进性教育 Campaign to Educate Party Members to Preserve Their Vanguard Nature 社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace 三讲 教育 Three Emphasis Education 党务公开 Open Management of Party Affairs 南巡讲话 South Tour Speeches 两岸直航包机 Direct Chartered Flight Across the Taiwan Straits自杀式袭击者 suicide bomber

27、s. (Iraqi forces arrested 4 children, all under 14, who are allegedly linked to al-Qaida and training to become suicide bombers.伊拉克安全部队近日抓获4名接受基地组织自杀式袭击训练的儿童。) 不折腾 avoid self-inflicted setbacks; dont get sidetracked; buzheteng 大部制 Super-Ministry System 以物易物 barter. (As the recession bites, many peop

28、le and enterprises in Singapore are turning to the age-old practice of barter to pay bills and cut costs.水刑 waterboarding. (CIA interrogators used waterboarding, the near-drowning technique that top Obama administration officials have described as illegal torture, 266 times on 2 key prisoners from A

29、l-Qaida.美国中情局审讯人员曾对两名基地关键头目使用水刑(一种模拟囚犯溺死的酷刑)多达266次。水刑被奥巴马政府高官称为非法酷刑。) 社区货币 Communities print cash. (A small number of communities are printing their own money, communities print cash,aiming to help consumers make ends meet and support struggling local businesses. 美国有一小部分社区开始印制自己的钞票,以帮助消费者收支平衡,同时支持当地

30、陷入困境的企业。) 陪聊 chatting service.红衫军 the red-shirted protesters.(4 of the protest leaders have surrendered to police with most of the red-shirted protesters calling off their action Tuesday. 其中4人已主动向警方自首,绝大多数反政府红衫军示威者周二开始解散集会. ) 驴友 travelers.(A brand new tiny-roomed hotel will open in the center of Sha

31、nghai at the end of April, targeting travelers from home and abroad for the World Expo in 2010 and young people thereafter. 一种新型袖珍旅馆将于4月底在上海市中心开张,主要用以满足世博会期间来沪的国内外驴友和年轻人的需求。) 手足口病 hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD). (The number of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) cases is rising swiftly in Beijing. 北京市手足口

32、病发病数呈快速上升趋势。) 非法闯入 trespassing (It is unclear why the woman entered the bear habitat, but police issued her a citation for trespassing. 当地警方以非法闯入罪对该女子提出指控,她跳池的原因正在调查之中。)赝品 counterfeit or shoddy ( The criminals had promoted high-end products, such as 3G mobile phones, jewelry and Rolex watches, that cost significantly lower than the market price which eventually turn out to be counterfeit or shoddy.这些团伙向消费者低价推销所谓高端产品,如3G手机、珠宝、劳力士手表等,结果消费者买到的不是赝品就是次品。

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