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新人教版必修二Unit5 Music 同步复习巩固练习题带答案.docx

1、新人教版必修二Unit5 Music 同步复习巩固练习题带答案必修二 Unit5 Music一、课前自主预习【教材词汇要记牢】(一)阅读单词我会认1classical adj.古典的;经典的2hip-hop n嘻哈音乐;嘻哈文化3stringed adj.有弦的4composition n成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品5studio n演播室;(音乐的)录音棚;工作室6composer n作曲者;作曲家7conductor n(乐队、合唱团等的)指挥;(公共汽车的)售票员8phenomenon(pl.phenomena) n现象9rap n快速敲击;说唱音乐 vi.& vt.敲击;(说唱歌中

2、的)念白10unemployed adj.失业的;待业的11romantic adj.浪漫的 n浪漫的人12album n相册;集邮簿;音乐专辑13outline n& vt.概述;概要14repetition n重复;重做15lean vt.(leant/leaned,leant/leaned) 依靠;倾斜16simile n明喻(二)重点单词我会写1soul n灵魂;心灵2virtual adj.很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的3opportunity n机会;时机4onto prep.(朝)向5ordinary adj.普通的;平凡的6award vt.授予 n奖品7stage n(发展或进展

3、的)时期;阶段;(多指剧场中的)舞台8altogether adv.(用以强调)全部;总共9thus adv.如此;因此10band n乐队;带子11nowadays adv.现在;目前12gradual adj.逐渐的;渐进的13capable adj.有能力的;有才能的14previous adj.先前的;以往的15impact n巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力16aim n目的;目标 vi.& vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt.目的是;旨在17piano n钢琴18addition n添加;加法;增加物19disease n(疾)病20ache vi.& n疼痛21moreover ad

4、v.而且;此外22being n身心;存在;生物23somehow adv.以某种方式(或方法);不知怎么地(三)拓展单词我会变1energy n能源;能量;精力energetic adj.精力充沛的2composition n成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品compose v作曲,谱写composer n作曲家3perform vi.& vt.表演;履行;执行performance n表演;演技;表现performer n表演者;演员4enable vt.使能够;使可能able adj.有能力的ability n能力disable vt.使不能; 使残疾disability n残疾;缺陷un

5、able adj.不能的;没有能力的5prove vt.证明;展现proof n证据6original adj.原来的;独创的;原作的n.原件;原作originally adv.最初;起先origin n起源7relief n(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱relieve vt.使减轻;缓解relieved adj.轻松的;解脱的8cure vt.治愈;解决(问题);治好(疾病) n药物;治疗;(解决问题的)措施curable adj.可治愈的incurable adj.不可治愈的9unemployed adj.失业的;待业的employ vt.雇用;利用employ

6、ment n使用;工作employer n雇主employee n雇员10equipment n设备;装备equip vt.装备;配备11talent n天才;天资;天赋talented adj.有天赋的;天才的12assume vt.以为;假设assumption n假设;推断13treatment n治疗;对待;处理treat vt.治疗;对待;招待 n请客14satisfaction n满足;满意;欣慰satisfy vt.使满意satisfied adj.满意的satisfactory adj.令人满意的15various adj.各种不同的;各种各样的variety n多样性vary

7、 v变化(四)核心短语1fall in love with爱上2be absorbed in sth./sb 被吸引住;专心致志3set sth.up安装好(设备或机器)4try out参加选拔(或试演)5in addition (to sb./sth.) 除以外(还)6from (then) on从(那)时起7get through (设法)处理;完成【高频词汇来助力】1charming adj.迷人的;有魅力的2circulate vt.& vi.(使)循环;(使)流通3circumstance n情况;形势;环境4civilization n文明;教化5classic adj.经典的6c

8、lassical adj.传统的;古典的 7clarify vt.澄清;阐明8classify vt.分类经典句式需悟通1Moved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.”他被这段音乐打动了,他说:“那种(兴奋的)感觉就如同是第一次看见色彩一样。”2Its an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life.非常荣幸来到这里与大家分享音乐是如何影响了我的人生的。

9、3Have you ever faced a time when things looked dark and you had no hope at all?你是否曾经经历过黯淡无光、万念俱灰的一段时光?4The song made me feel so much better that from then on I began to listen to music all the time.这首歌让我感觉好多了,从那以后我开始一直听音乐。5During those times,music can help you in the same way that it helped me.在那时,音

10、乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。【过关检测】(一)单词拼写(根据汉语提示或首字母提示写单词) 1When classical music,rather than pop music was playing,dinners spent more.2She has a teenage daughter from a previous(先前的) marriage.3I would be grateful if you could offer me an opportunity to attend your university.4Human beings will continue to ada

11、pt to the changing climate in both ordinary(普通的) and astonishing ways.5But in order to stay,she has to prove her language skills by taking a test.6Altogether(总共),there are some ten thousand such volcanoes on the earth;all but a few hundred of them extinct.7She smiled in relief after she heard her so

12、n had been admitted to Tsinghua University.8We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made an impact on our lives in many ways.(二)词形变化填空(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空)9Boys of five to eight years old are very energetic and they seem to have limitless energy.(energy)10The performer performed so well t

13、hat we all applauded his performance.(perform)11The disabled person was often laughed at for his disability because he was unable to move freely.However,his new facility enables him to be able to walk better.(able)12Originally the book described the origin of hip-hop;however,he canceled it from the

14、original.(origin)13Some people thought the disease was incurable,while others thought it curable.At last,an old specialist found a cure for it and cured him of the disease.(cure)14Mr Johnson is unemployed.How he wishes an employer can employ him!(employ)15The patient is under medical treatment now a

15、nd is treated with a new drug.(treat)(三)经典句型仿写16尽管在还是个孩子的时候被父母抛弃了,他仍然对未来乐观。(过去分词做状语)Though deserted by his parents as a child,he still remains optimistic about the future.17受邀参加这次的毕业典礼是我莫大的荣幸。( it is + 名词+ to do)It is a great honour for me to be invited to attend the graduation ceremony.18我们中的每个人都不得

16、不面临必须做出抉择的时刻。(when引导的定语从句)Every one of us has to face a time when we must make a choice.19我是如此沉迷于读这本小说以至于忘记了吃午饭。(absorb)I was so absorbed in reading the novel that I forgot to have lunch.20我特别喜欢他教我们的方式。(the way 作先行词的定语从句)I especially like the way (that/in which) he teaches us.(四)课文语法填空While they are

17、 at home alone,many people imagine 1.having(have) the opportunity sing(sing) together with others,3.which was realized by a virtual choir.Any-one can take part in from anywhere and does not need a studio.It has proved to be 5.a positive influence on the lives of many people.Award-winning c

18、omposer and conductor Eric Whitacre came up 6.with the idea of a virtual choir,who began studying music in 1988.7.Moved(move) by Mozarts classical music,he received a masters degree in 8.musical(music) composition in 1997.In 2009,his first virtual choir received 9.millions(million) of views on the I

19、nternet and 10.has become(become) a worldwide phenomenon since then.In 2014,he formed the Virtual Youth Choir for UNICEF,and 2,292 young people from 80 countries sang his song “What If”二课堂考点突破提示:题干中加底纹词汇为本单元词汇1. award n奖,奖品;奖金;助学金vt.授予;判给;奖赏先练基础单句语法填空(1)I often dream of performing on a wonderful sta

20、ge and winning an award for my performance.(2)The Nobel Prize in medicine of 2015 was awarded to Tu Youyou for her great contributions in treating an award for sth.因而得奖take up an award接受奖项award sb.award sb.sth.授予/判给某人某物再提能力完美写作单句写作背诵(3)接受这个奖的时候,我是如此的激动以至于我热泪盈眶。(读后续写之动作

21、心理描写)When taking up the award,I was so excited that tears welled up in my eyes.2. cure n治愈;痊愈;治疗方法vt.治愈;治疗;纠正/去除(弊端等)先练基础单句语法填空(1)Music has a magic power to bring relief and satisfaction and even cure people of diseases.(2)It is widely believed that there is no effective cure for cold except a good

22、rest.(3)The daily number of newly cured and discharged(出院) patients exceeded that of the newly confirmed cases.(2020江苏)a cure for.的治疗方法;治愈的方法cure sb.of sth.治愈某人的某种疾病;矫正/改正某人的不良行为再提能力完美写作单句写作背诵(4)看到病人们遭受如此大的痛苦,医生们尽最大努力寻找治疗这种疾病的新疗法。Seeing patients suffering great pains,doctors tried their best to seek

23、 a new cure for the disease.3.aim n目的;目标vi.& vt.瞄准;力求达到;力争做到;目的是先练基础单句语法填空(1)My aim is to try try out for a talent show to prove that even a person with no arms is capable of playing the piano.(2)The activity is aimed at enriching our school life and improving the relationship between students.(3)In

24、 writing Paragraph 1,the author aims to present(present) an argument.(2020天津)take aim at瞄准with the aim of有的目的aim at瞄准;目的在于aim sb./sth.用某物朝向/瞄准某人或某物aim to do./at doing.旨在做;力求达到be aimed at目的是;旨在aimless adj.无目的的再提能力完美写作句式升级背诵(4)We will have an English drama competition.The aim of it is to enrich

25、 our extracurricular activities.We will have an English drama competition whose aim is to enrich our extracurricular activities.(用whose引导的定语从句改写)We will have an English drama competition,the aim of which is to enrich our extracurricular activities.(用which引导的定语从句改写)4.treatment n.治疗;处理;对待先练基础单句语法填空(1)

26、Later,he worked in Africa,where many people suffered from blindness for lack of proper treatment (treat)(2020江苏)(2)Police say theyre treating it as a case of attempted murder.(3)It was summer,and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before.(2018浙江)(4)Weve got to treat people with respe

27、ct and dignity because all are born equal.under treatment在治疗中treat n招待;款待 v对待;治疗;款待;请客treat把某人看作treat sth.用招待,以款待treat sb.with.以方式对待某人再提能力完美写作单句写作背诵(5)经过了好几个月的定期治疗之后,他终于恢复了健康。(强调句,强调时间状语)It was after months of regular treatment that he finally became healthy.5.satisfaction n.满足;满意;欣慰先练基

28、础单句语法填空(1)I think of one friend who couldnt arrange flowers to satisfy(satisfy) herself.(2020天津)(2)To my satisfaction,my son finally found a satisfactory/satisfying(satisfy) job.(3)However hard I worked,never did my parents seem to be satisfied with me.(4)Finally getting the answer he wanted,the tea

29、cher smiled with satisfaction.with satisfaction满意地to ones satisfaction令某人满意的是a sense of satisfaction满足感satisfy vt.使满意satisfy ones needs/demands满足某人的需要satisfied adj.满意的 be satisfied with sth./sb.对某事/某人感到满意be satisfied to do sth.对做某事感到满意satisfactory adj.令人满意的satisfying adj.令人满意的再提能力完美写作完成句子背诵(5)你的旅行社曾

30、作出保证满意的承诺,可是事实上没有一个游客对你们的服务满意。(应用文之抱怨信)Your travel agency had promised “Satisfaction Guaranteed”,but as a matter of fact,none of the tourists was satisfied with your service.6. be absorbed in sth./sb.被吸引住;专心致志先练基础单句语法填空(1)Absorbed in the previous romantic stories of her former boyfriend,she was unable to fall in love with another guy.(2)To become transparent(透明的),an animal needs to keep its body from absorbing (absorb) or scattering light.(3)As we all know,plants can absorb nutrients from the earth around it.absorb v吸收(液体、气体等);吸引全

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