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本文(新人教版高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 阅读理解 第Ⅲ题 完形填空重点推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新人教版高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 阅读理解 第Ⅲ题 完形填空重点推荐.docx

1、新人教版高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 阅读理解 第题 完形填空重点推荐第题完形填空在高中学业水平测试中,完形填空的体裁以记叙文为主,有时也涉及说明文。完形填空主要考查考生对篇章的理解,对词汇、习语的辨认、搭配等基础知识的综合能力和对短文的阅读理解能力,以及灵活运用语言知识的能力,并且根据试题内容进行正确的上下文逻辑推理,综合判断的能力。方法技巧记叙类:重视首尾句,把握开篇;速读全文,掌握大意;理清人物事件,把握作者态度;理顺事件的发生、发展和结局。说明类:分清说明对象,对症下药;把握说明顺序,顺藤摸瓜;代入空格,推敲最佳选项。议论类:注重首段,结合尾段,把握论点;理清论点、论据、结论;结合背景

2、,观点正确,态度积极,优选答案。设空方式常见考查词汇的词性为名词、动词、形容词、副词、连词、介词,个别题考查同义词组的辨析对比。记叙文Cloze 1From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch,I_1_a note.Often written on a napkin (餐巾), it might be a thank you for a_2_moment, a reminder of something we were happily expecting,

3、or a bit of_3_for the coming test or sporting event.In early grade school they_4_their notes. But as children grow older they become selfconscious (有自我意识的),and_5_he reached high school,my older son,Marc, informed me he no longer_6_my daily notes. Telling him that he no longer needed to read them but

4、 I still needed to write them,I_7_until the day he graduated.Six years after high school graduation, Marc called and asked if he could move home for a couple of months. He had spent those years well, graduating from college,_8_two internships(实习) in Washington,D.C.,and_9_,becoming a technical assist

5、ant in Sacramento.Except for short vacation visits, however, he had lived away from home. With his younger sister leaving for college, I was_10_happy to have Marc back. Since I was still making lunch for his younger brother, I_11_one for Marc, too. Imagine my_12_when I got a call from my 24yearold s

6、on,_13_his lunch.“Did I do something_14_? Dont you love me any more, Mom?” were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I _15_asked him what was wrong.“My note, Mom, ”he answered. “Where s my note?”【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是作为母亲的“我”在为孩子准备午餐时,总要在饭盒里放一张表达感谢、提醒或鼓励的小便条的事。短文告诉我们,浓浓的母子情也许会被孩子暂时忽略,但随着时间的推

7、移,这份亲情会越来越浓。1A.carried BfoundCincluded Dheld解析:从每个孩子开始上学的那一刻起,“我”就为孩子们准备盒式午餐,并在午餐盒里放一张小纸条。carry“携带”;find“发现”;include“包括,包含”;hold“拿着”。所以答案是C。答案:C2A.difficult BspecialCcomfortable Dseparate解析:由空前的thank you及后面的“a reminder of something we were happily expecting”(一个我们高兴地期待的事情的提醒)可知,应该是一个特殊的时刻a special mo

8、ment。答案:B3A.congratulation BimprovementCexplanation Dencouragement解析:纸条的内容包含了“the coming test or sporting event”即将到来的考试或体育赛事,所以内容应是鼓舞性的话语。所以答案是D。答案:D4A.loved BansweredCwrote Dexamined解析:从后面的“But as children grow older they become selfconscious”可以知道当孩子们长大时,他们自我意识就强了,不再喜欢这种方式了。可以推出以前他们是很喜欢这种方式的,所以本题应该

9、是loved。 答案:A5A.lately Bby the wayCby the time Dgradually解析:lately“近来”;by the way“顺便一提”;by the time“到某个时间为止”,后面一般跟从句;gradually“逐渐地”。由语境可知答案应为C。答案:C6A.received BunderstoodCenjoyed Dcollected解析:句意:长大了,不再愿意看那些小纸条了。receive“收到”;understand“理解”;enjoy“喜欢,欣赏”;collect“采集,收集”。根据语境本题的答案是C。答案:C7A.held up Bgave up

10、Cfollowed Dcontinued解析:hold up“举起,支撑”;give up“放弃”;follow“跟随,沿着”;continue“继续”。句意:虽然孩子不愿意看,但“我”还是继续写了下去,直到他毕业。所以本题的答案是continued。答案:D8A.organizing BplanningCcomparing Dcompleting解析:organize“组织”;plan“计划”;compare“对比”;complete“完成”。这里指的是,他完成了在华盛顿特区的实习工作。所以是completing。答案:D9A.hopefully BfinallyCparticularly

11、Dcertainly解析:实习结束后,他找到了一份工作。承接上文,表示“最终”,所以用finally。答案:B10A.especially BimmediatelyCequally Dgenerally解析:especially“特别地”;immediately“立即,马上”;equally“公平地”;generally“一般地”。句意:当“我”听到儿子要回来时,非常高兴。用副词especially来表达高兴的程度。答案:A11A.packed BfetchedCbought Dfilled解析:文章第一句有提示,用pack。答案:A12A.fear BsurpriseCanger Ddisa

12、ppointment解析:fear“恐怖,害怕”;surprise“惊奇,诧异”;anger“怒,愤怒”;disappointment“失望”。接到儿子的电话时,不可能是fear,anger,disappointment。所以本题的答案是surprise。答案:B13A.waiting for Bworrying aboutCcaring for Dasking about解析:wait for“等候”;worry about“担心”;care for“关心”;ask about“询问(某事)”。从下文提出的疑问可知选D。答案:D14A.wrong BfunnyCstrange Dsmart解

13、析:句意:当“我”笑着问他有什么事情时,他反问道,“难道我做错了什么吗?难道妈妈不再爱我了?”答案:A15A.interestingly BbitterlyCpolitely Dlaughingly解析:前面的话是妈妈笑着说的。答案:DCloze 2The True Story of Treasure IslandIt was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson s imagination.However,recent research has found the true

14、story of this exciting work.Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived_1_for many years. In 1881 he returned to Scotland for a_2_.With him were his American wife Fanny and his son Lloyd.Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long_3_over the hills. They had been_4_this for several days before the wea

15、ther suddenly took a turn for the worse.Kept indoors by the heavy rain, Lloyd felt the days_5_To keep the boy happy, Robert asked the boy to do some drawing.One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island. Robert_6_that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of the islan

16、d.“Whats that?” he asked. “Thats the_7_treasure,” said the boy. Robert suddenly_8_something of an adventure story in the boys_9_While the rain was pouring, Robert sat down by the fire to write a story.He would make the_10_a twelveyearold boy, just like Lloyd.But who would be the pirate (海盗)?Robert h

17、ad a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the_11_of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to_12_such a man in a story.Thus Long John Silver, the pirate with a wooden leg, was_13_So, thanks to a_14_September in Scotland, a friend with a wooden leg, and the imagination of a twelveyearold

18、boy, we have one of the greatest_15_stories in the English language.【语篇解读】本文告诉我们金银岛一书背后鲜为人知的故事:人们一直认为金银岛一书是史蒂文森凭空想象出来的。然而最近的一项研究披露了这部作品出笼的细节。1A.alone Bnext doorCat home Dabroad解析:前句中的a Scotsman和下句中的returned to Scotland暗示他长期在国外生活。答案:D2A.meeting BstoryCholiday Djob解析:第三段第一句介绍他们每天早上爬山游玩,由此可判断他们一家一起回国是为

19、了度假。答案 BrestCwalk Dgame解析:当时的时间是1881年,地点是over the hills,因此他们三人只能是在山间漫步,因此填walk。答案:C4A.attempting BmissingCplanning Denjoying解析:由于他们在度假,因此他们从游山玩水中得到了极大的快乐,故选D。答案:D5A.quiet BdullCbusy Dcold解析:Kept indoors by the heavy rain暗示在下雨天待在旅馆很乏味,故填dull。答案:B6A.doubted BnoticedCdecided Drecognized解析:句意:父

20、亲注意到儿子在岛的中间画了一个大十字符号。notice“注意到”。答案:B7A.forgotten BburiedCdiscovered Dunexpected解析:宝藏应该是被人藏在岛中的某个隐秘之处,因此选buried。答案:B8A.saw BdrewCmade Dlearned解析:see有“设想,想象”之意,与imagine同义。句意为:突然Robert从他儿子的画中设想出一个探险故事。答案 BreplyCpicture Dmind解析:上文谈到儿子拿来一幅画给父亲看,因此父亲从儿子的绘画中得到了艺术创作的灵感。答案 BheroCwriter Dc

21、hild解析:句意:他想让像儿子这样的一个12岁的孩子作为故事的主人公。hero“主人公,英雄”。答案 BproblemCuse Dbottom解析:固定短语with the help of“借助于,利用”。答案:A12A.praise BproduceCinclude Daccept解析:句意:Robert一直想在书中写这样一个人。include“包括”。答案 BbornChired Dwritten解析:句意:这样一个带有假腿的海盗就横空出世了。换言之,这部小说的主要人物之一海盗就诞生了。答案:B14A.rainy BsunnyCcool Dwind

22、y解析:文章的第三段谈到由于天一直下雨,在苏格兰度假的Stevenson一家被迫待在宾馆,于是有了后面的故事。由此可见人们可以享受金银岛一书带来的快乐,多亏了那个下雨的九月。答案 BloveCreal life Dadventure解析:8空后的an adventure story有暗示,而且根据文学常识可知,金银岛一书是探险小说。答案:DCloze 3In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic (技工). One day while walking

23、 along the bank of a lake, the girl_1_to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose. After some time the girl_2_the mother would not return to her eggs and she decided to take them home. There she carefully_3_the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days later the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the_4_

24、Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother.Thus,to these young geese,the girl was their mother.As they_5_,the girl was able to_6_her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to_7_. The girl became increasingly worried about this,both when _8_and in her

25、 dreams. Later, she had an_9_:She would pilot a plane to guide them in _10_She asked her father for a plane and he assembled(组装) a small aircraft for her.Caring about her safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not _11_or follow him, and instead slept in the gra

26、ss.One day, the girl_12_into the plane, started it and soon left the_13_. Seeing their mother take to the air,the birds_14_flapped (拍打) their wings and_15_. She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following.【语篇解读】本文记叙了一位小姑娘被小野鹅认作“妈妈”的趣事:一天,小姑娘在湖边捡到20枚野鹅蛋,孵化出来的小鹅将小姑娘误认为“妈妈”。后来,在父亲的帮助下,小

27、姑娘教会了小鹅飞翔。1A.managed BattemptedChappened Dsupposed解析:句意:小女孩在湖边散步时偶然看见20枚野鹅蛋。happen to碰巧,偶然。答案:C2A.realized BexpectedCimagined Dadmitted解析:句意:过了一些时间小姑娘“认识到,意识到”鹅妈妈不会返回了。答案:A3A.placed BprotectedCtreated Dexamined解析:placen.prep.(小心或有意)放置、安放某物在答案 BlakeChome Dworld解析:come into the world“出生,降生”

28、。答案:D5A.increased BimprovedCrose Dgrew解析:句意:随着小鹅的“成长”。答案:D6A.ask BleadCwant Dallow解析:句意:女孩能够带领鹅在草地上穿行。答案 BraceCswim Dsing解析:从下文“她不得不驾驶小飞机教鹅飞翔”可知,她不会教它们“飞翔”。答案:A8A.asleep BawayCaround Dawake解析:由both.and可知,空格处应与in her dreams对应,说明女孩日夜都在担心。答案:D9A.idea BopinionCexplanation Dexcuse解析:have an idea“

29、有了主意”。答案 BheavenCflight Dplane解析:排除法。in flight相当于when it is flying。其余选项前常加冠词。答案:C11A.respect BrememberCrecognize Dreceive解析:由空格前的not和其后的or可知,应为承接关系,小鹅没有“认可”父亲的身份,也没有追随他。答案:C12A.climbed BlookedCreached Dfell解析:“爬进”小飞机,其余选项意思不对。答案 BfloorCwater Dground解析:飞机起飞,自然是离开地面(ground)。答案:D14A

30、.secretly BdisappointedlyCpatiently Deagerly解析:句意:看到“妈妈”离开地面飞向空中,它们“急切地”拍打翅膀。答案:D15A.looked away Bset outCwent by Dturned back解析:and承接上文,由此可知小鹅出发并飞上了天。答案:BCloze 4Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone became more_1_waiting for the final school bell. Upon its_2_everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David.David was a small boy i

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