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1、辽宁省大连市中考英语试题解析版附答案616753大连市2015年初中毕业升学考试英语注意事项:1. 请在答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效。2. 本试卷共七大题,73小题,满分140分。考试时间100分钟。第卷 选择题(共68分).单项填空(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.The giraffe is a tall animal a long neck.A. on B. of C. with D. around【答案】C【考点定位】 考查介词辨析。2.In China, many people often take _ own bag

2、s when shopping.A. they B. their C. them D. theirs【答案】B【考点定位】 考查代词辨析。3.MmYour pizza_ so nice.-Thanks! Would you like to try some?A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:嗯你的比萨闻起来真香。谢谢,要试一些吗?A. smells闻起来;B. feels感觉,摸起来;C. sounds听起来;D. tastes品尝,尝起来。食物要么闻到香味,要么尝到味道,根据语境,这里是闻到,故选A。【考点定位】 考

3、查连系动词辨析。4. My cousin likes reading. I often buy _ for his birthday.A. candies B. toys C. stamps D. books【答案】D【考点定位】 考查名词辨析。5.Our coach is pleased _ we are playing better as a team now.A. so B. if C. because D. before【答案】C【考点定位】 考查连词辨析。6.Too much fast food is bad for us. We should only have it _.A. a

4、ll the time B. from now on C. at the moment D. once in a while【答案】D【考点定位】 考查副词短语辨析。7.In America, you can open your presents immediately. You dont have to _!A. pay B. wait C. check D. prepare【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:在美国,你可以马上打开你的礼物。你不必等待。A. pay付款,支付;B. wait等候,等待;C. check检查,核对;D. prepare准备。可以马上打开礼物,不必等待。故选B。【

5、考点定位】 考查动词辨析。8.The Science Museum is popular because people _ do experiments there.A. can B. must C. would D. should【答案】A【考点定位】 考查情态动词。9.Thanks to better health care, more people are living _ lives today than before.A. longer B. richer C. busier D. easier【答案】A【考点定位】 考查形容词辨析。10. -_ are you going back

6、 to London, Tony?-At the end of July.A. How B. When C. Why D. Where【答案】B【考点定位】 考查疑问词辨析。11.There is lots of interesting work to do here, so I _ feel bored.A. always B. often C. usually D. never【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:这儿有许多有趣的事情做。因此我从不感到无聊。A. always总是,一直;B. often经常;C. usually通常;D. never从不,绝不。因为有许多有趣的事,所以从不无聊

7、。故选D。【考点定位】 考查副词辨析。12. Mike, shall we watch a cartoon after school?-_Lets watch Superman.A. Good luck! B. Never mind. C. Good idea! D. Dont worry. 【答案】C【考点定位】 考查交际用语。.完形填空(一)(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 This story is about Mrs. Jones, an 82-year-old lady. 13 her lif

8、e was hard, she was always nicely dressed every day. This morning Mrs. Jones was moving to the nursing home(养老院). The nursing home was very 14 . After hours of waiting, Mrs. Jones still smiled sweetly when she was told that her room was ready. 15 the way to her room. I told her what the room was lik

9、e. Suddenly she said, “I love 16 !” “ 17 Mrs. Jones, you havent seen the room yet!” I was surprised at her reply. She stopped and said, “Whether I like my room or not doesnt depend on how the furniture is 18 . It depends on how I decide to 19 the room. I have already decided to love the room before

10、I 20 see it .” Then she continued, “I have a 21 . I can spend the day in bed and consider how tiny my room is. Or I can just get out of bed and be thankful that I can 22 enjoy a new day. Each day is a 23 , Ill enjoy my life and all the happy memories that I have stored in my bank account(帐户) before.

11、” Life is like a bank account. You can take out what youve put in. If you have put a lot of 24 in your bank account, you can take out some of it when you feel sad. Attitude(态度)is everything.13.A. When B. Since C. Although D. If14.A. busy B. beautiful C. old D. small15.A. On B. In C. By D. Through16.

12、A. them B. her C. you D. it17.A. So B. But C. And D. Or18.A. repaired B. made C. bought D. placed19.A. take up B. think about C. tidy up D. ask for20.A. clearly B. carefully C. actually D. nearly21.A. habit B. dream C. choice D. suggestion22.A. also B. still C. ever D. only23.A. gift B. mess C. less

13、on D. journey24. A. love B. courage C. kindness D. happiness【答案】13.C14.A15.A16.D17.B18.D19.B20.C21.B22.B23.A24.D16.D考查代词及语境理解。句意:突然她说:“我喜欢它”。根据语境,谈论的是房间,指事物,用it指代。故选D。21.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:我有一个梦想,我可以在床上度过并且想着我的房间是多么小啊。也可以起床,感恩生活,我还可以享受新的一天。A. habit习惯;B. dream梦想;C. choice选择;D. suggestion建议。老人谈论的是对待生活的不同的梦

14、想。故选B。22.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:我可以起床并且感激我还可以享受新的一天。 A. also也;B. still还,仍旧;C. ever曾经;D. only仅仅,只。老人感恩生活,因为还可以享受新的一天而心存感激。故选B。23.A考查名词及语境理解。句意:每一天都是一个礼物,我会享受我的生活及我以前存入帐户里的所有的快乐的记忆。A. gift礼物;B. mess脏乱;C. lesson功课,教训;D. journey旅程。八十多岁的老人觉得每一天都是上苍给予的礼物。故选A。24.D考查名词及语境理解。句意:如果你的银行帐户里存有大量的幸福,感到悲伤时你就可以取一些出来。 A. lov

15、e爱;B. courage勇气;C. kindness和蔼;D. happiness幸福。与sad(伤心的)含义相反是“快乐”,作put的宾语,用名词形式:happiness。故选D。【考点定位】 考查故事类短文阅读。. 阅读理解(一)(本题共17小题,每小题2分,共34分)A.阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Passage 1Stay Fitness Clubthe Club with a DifferenceGet off the sofa! Its summer! Lets spring into action! We want to help you

16、get fit and stay fit.Join our fitness club and become a member. Then, you can enjoy our classes for free. You can enroll(注册) for as many classes manage.We offer classes in: Yoga Indoor cycling Dancing Taekwondo Chinese kong fuWe also have fantastic facilities(设施): MachinesThey use the very latest te

17、chnology. Changing roomThere are excellent showers and lockers to keep your things safe. Lounge areaYou can relax and enjoy a cooling drink and a healthy snack.The membership fee(会费)is very low. You can pay weekly or monthly. It is up to you. When you have paid the fee, you can come as often as you

18、want. Our friendly staff(工作人员)will be glad to answer your questions.Come to Stay Fitness Club. You are never too old or too young to start a fitness programme.Look after you body and it will look after you!25.There are _ kinds of classes in Stay Fitness Club.A. three B. four C. five D. eight26.Membe

19、rs can _ in the lounge area.A. have a rest B. use machines C. store things D. change clothes27.What can we know about the club?A. It offers free classes. B. It is open for 24 hours.C. It has experienced staff. D. It is for people of all ages.28.The passage is _.A, a diary B. a poster C. a menu D. a

20、letter.【答案】25.C26.A27.D28.B27.D 推理判断题。题意:关系这家俱乐部,我们可以知道什么?A. It offers free classes.提供免费的课程;B. It is open for 24 hours.24小时开放;C. It has experienced staff.拥有经验丰富的员工;D. It is for people of all ages.为所有年龄段的人们提供。根据该俱乐部提供的健身课及健身设施可以看出,各年龄段都可以参加该俱乐部。,故选D。28.B 推理判断题。题意:这是一篇什么样的短文?A. a diary日记;B. a poster海报

21、;C. a menu菜单;D. a letter.信。本文是一则广告,以海报形式发出的广告。故选B。【考点定位】 考查广告类短文阅读。Passage 2Just as I came back home. I heard a sound coming from the bedroom upstairsit was from my favourite violin.“Thief (小偷)!”I rushed upstairs and saw a boy in dirty clothes pulling my violin down. At first sight, I found a new pa

22、ir of shoes missing. It seemed he was surely a thief.However, when I saw his eyes full of fear, my anger disappeared. I smiled and asked, “Are you Mr. Rams student Rubens? Im his butler(男管家). Ive heard Mr. Ram say his student will come. It must be you.”“Has my teacher gone out ?” the boy said, “I th

23、ink Id better visit him again in a while/”I nodded and asked him, “Do you like playing the violin?”“Yes, but Im too poor to afford one.” the boy replied. “Then, Ill give you this violin.” The boy looked at me surprisingly, but he picked up the violin. While going out of the room, he suddenly saw a h

24、uge photo of me playing the violin at the Grand Theatre of Sydney on the wall. His face turned pale. He stood there for a moment and ran out. He must have understood what had happened because no master(主人)would put up the butlers photo on the wall of his living room.A few years later, at a music com

25、petition in Melbourne, I was invited to be the judge (评委). Finally, a violin player called Merritt won the first prize.After the prize-giving, Merritt ran to me holding a violin box, his face red, and asked, “Mr. Brian, do you still know me? You gave me the violin, which I have treasured ever since!

26、 Today, I want to say sorry and give back this violin to you without regret”He was just the “Mr. Rams student”!29.The writer felt _ when he saw the boy pulling his violin down.A. afraid B. angry C. sad D. disappointed30.In fact, the boy was _.A. Mr. Rams student B. a visitor to the Ram familyC. the

27、butlers friend D. a thief to the writers home31.The boys face turned pale probably because he realized_.A. the butler was a great musician B. he would be found as a thief soonC. the master had come back home D. the butler was just the master32.The passage mainly wants to tell us that _.A. Its never

28、late to say sorry B. the future is what we make itC. kindness can bring one power D. success depends on trust and support【答案】29.B30.D31.D32.C【考点定位】 考查故事类短文阅读。Passage 3If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers?To remember 11 numbers is not difficu

29、lt. However, because of the smartphone, many of us are losing this ability. Whats more, smartphones weaken(削弱)our skills at giving directions, as well as killing face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together, its common for most to check their phones.According to a report

30、 by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, an American company, Chinese people spend about 170 minutes on their smartphones daily.Many students are addicted to using smartphones. It does no good to their study. Research by Japans Education Ministry showed children who spend more than four hours a day on th

31、eir phones perform much worse in school test than those who play with their phones for 30 minutes.Its true that the smartphone has made our lives easier. But many also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study or work. People are trying to change that. A new app(应用软件)called Forest was introduced this month. It lets users plant a seed that grows into a tree over the next 30 minutes. During the half hour, users

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