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1、雅信达语言系统新闻课件2015-2016学年第三学期三级班雅信达互动语言学习内容目 录社会热点 1Why Do We Need More Affordable Homes 1Texting While Driving Is Illegal? 1Michelle Obamas Slave Ancestry 3Blast in New Taipei injures hundreds of people 4Hollywood Superstar:Its Unfair to Put Pressure on Unprocreated 5New York State Buried in Snow 6Two

2、 dead, after student opens fire Washington state high school 6Western food ban in Russia leaves bad aftertaste 7Inquiry focuses on ferry crew 8Italys Renzi sworn in as prime minister 9文化艺术 10The Royal Princesss Name 10Madonnas music Has Been Leaked 12China-Russia WWII photo exhibition opens in Russi

3、a 13Princess Charlotte Baptised At Intimate Service 14Times Square Crowds Brave The Cold to Wait for Midnight Celebration 15Berliners Welcome Wall of lights 16Berliners Welcome Wall of lights 17Actress Lauren Bacall dies at 89 17Royals visit New Zealand winery and get a jet ride 18Facebook sued over

4、 private messages 19科技咨询 19Apple Watch on sale in China Friday 19TechnologyWill Google Be a Next Microsoft Case 22Assembly of amphibious plane AG600 underway in China 22Chinas Experimental Spacecraft Tests Lunar Probe Docking 24Europe Makes Space History as Philae Probe Lands on Comet 24Search for I

5、ndonesia boat victims 25Investigation underway into fiery North Dakota train derailment 26Technologys Impact on Peoples Lives Mixed 27Zhang Cunhao and Cheng Kaijia have won Chinas top science award 31Scientists Develop App That Eliminates Bra-Size Guesswork 32社会热点Why Do We Need More Affordable Homes

6、Everyone agrees that weve got a shortage of affordable homes in England. But we need to solve that by building more of every type of home, because there are different people living in different circumstances. We definitely need more of those lower rent social homes, so the people who are on low inco

7、mes dont find it difficult to pay their housing costs. But there are also people who have a genuine expectation that they should be able to buy a home. We need to build more market homes so that house prices dont just keep going up and up and running away from them. And then there are the people in

8、the middle who dont need the full support social renting, but also probably are never going to be able to buy a home of their own. For them we need things like shared ownership, which is where you buy a bit of your home and rent a bit of your home. And thats not as cheap as a social rented home. But

9、 its also not as expensive as buying a home on the market. If we dont build more of all these different types of home then house prices are just gonna go up and up and ordinary people are going to be forced out. So what type of home do you think is most needed in your area? 英格兰需要更多适用性住房大家都赞同,英格兰适用性住

10、房短缺。但是我们需要建筑更多各种类型的房屋来解决这个问题,因为我们的社会有许多人生活在各个阶层。我们需要更多低租金的房屋,这样低收入阶层不会无力支付住房费用。但是也有一些人真诚地期望他们有能力购买房屋。我们应该建造更多商品房,这样房价不会持续上涨,离低收入阶层越来越远。还有一些中等收入人群,他们不需要全额支持,但是或许也没有经济能力购买房屋。对他们来说,我们需要推出共同产权等政策,可以部分购买,部分租赁。不像租赁房屋那么便宜。但也不像购买房屋那么贵。如果我们不建造更多各种类型的房屋,那么房价会不断上涨,普通人会被逼出房屋市场。你所在地区最需要哪种类型的房屋?Texting While Driv

11、ing Is Illegal?Texting while driving. Statistics say its the number one driver distraction. And its also something Karol Smith fears everyday. Its kinda scary. As the mother of a teenage driver, its not her son shes most worried about texting. Its the other drivers on the roads who have admitted sen

12、ding text messages while driving. When he first started out on his own, its the most sickening feeling because, you know, you see all the people out there. You know, I hate to say it, but you see all the mums out there on their cell phones, not paying any attention to anybody. And 22 year-old John H

13、enderson knows the story all too well. One of my friends texted me, and I looked down there for a split second, and then I just before I knew I hit him. But his wreck is the only one of the thousands related to cell phone use. Anytime your full concentration is not on driving that vehicle, you becom

14、e a danger. Andand all (it) really takes is to go to one tragedy accident scene and sees people that are seriously injured, worse yet, killed and understand that accident could easily have been preventable. Text-messaging while driving may seem like the best opportunity to multitask. But studies sho

15、w that text-messaging while driving could be as much as four times more dangerous than drunk driving and now law makers are cracking down. This bill simply says you can not send, or read text-messaging while operating a motor vehicle on public highways in Alabama. Representative McClendon wrote the

16、bill which was approved by the Health Public Safety Committee and will now go to the rest of the House for consideration. But back to this Midwest residence, Karol is skeptical that the legislation will work. I would love for it to work, I really would. But I think its just gonna be one more law the

17、y cant enforce. Even that doesnt take away the worry of a mother. I think Im probably like a lot of mums, you just pray for your children that they wont hurt anybody, and nobody will hurt them.驾车时发短信是否该被禁止驾车时发短信统计数据显示,这是导致司机分心的元凶。也是KarolSmith每天担心的事情。“非常可怕。”作为一位青少年司机的母亲,关于发短信最让她担心的不是她的儿子。而是道路上承认自己驾车时


19、击措施。“这条法案表示,在阿拉巴马州的公共高速公路上驾驶机动车辆时不准发短信或看短信。”众议员McClendon书写的这条法案由公共安全委员会通过,将送往众议院审议。但是在中西部这个居民区,Karol怀疑这条法律是否行得通。“我希望这样的法案能够奏效。但是我认为这只是增加一条不能执行的法律罢了。”即使这样也不能缓解母亲的担忧。“我认为,我应该像许多母亲一样,只祈祷自己的孩子不伤害任何人,也没有人会伤害他们。”Michelle Obamas Slave AncestryIt is moving, it is sobering, it is a reach back into history. T

20、he tales about the family tree of first lady Michelle Obama and an American map that traces her back to the slaves and slave owners that were in her past. This woman who made it all the way to the White House. ABCs Yunji de Nies has more on the first of this journey. The rock of our family, the love

21、 of my life, the nations next first lady, Michelle Obama. Here is a journey that began more than a century ago with the death of a slave holder who left all of his property to relatives including a six-year-old girl named Malvinia valued at 475 dollars. She worked on a farm that grew wheat, corn and

22、 cotton living an unimaginable life of labour. She was one of three slaves. There was a very small farm. It wasnt kind of the notion of a plantation that we have. With so few slaves, Malvinia likely worked in the house and laboured in the field. As a teenager, she gave birth to a son with a white ma

23、n. The child is listed in this 1870 census as a mulatto, the term used to describe a person of mixed race. His name was Dolphus Shields, Michelle Obamas great-great-grandfather. Many families have stories like Mrs. Obama did about white ancestors. This is a good memory of him. Shields grew up a free

24、 man and became a carpenter. Barbie Helld was his informally adopted daughter. He was just a beautiful person, full of love. Three generations later, Marian Shields Robinson would give birth to little Michelle. In Mrs. Obama Holt sees Shields. She seems to be a very loving person, and so was he. And

25、 they were just a good match. A family that went from slavery in the south to the halls of the White House. Its just an amazing journey. An amazing uniquely American journey.米歇尔的传奇家谱从奴隶到第一夫人这是非常感人,非常严肃的,我们回顾一下历史。这个故事是关于第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马的家谱和一份美国地图,将她带回家族过去的奴隶和奴隶主时代。米歇尔奥巴马一路入主白宫成为第一夫人。ABC记者YunjideNies报道米歇尔成为


27、祖先都有着和奥巴马夫人一样的故事。对他来说这是很好的回忆。Shields作为自由之身长大,成为一名木匠。BarbieHelld是他非正式收养的女儿。他是一个很好的人,很有爱心。三代以后,MarianShieldsRobinson生下米歇尔。在奥巴马夫人身上,Holt看到了Shields的影子。她看上去也是很有爱心的人,他也是。两人非常般配。这个家庭从南方的奴隶一路走进白宫。这是非常振奋人心的旅程。这是非常振奋人心的独特的美国梦历程。Blast in New Taipei injures hundreds of peopleWe begin from New Taipei where an ex

28、plosion turned a colored powder party into an inferno. More than 510 people, including 4 tourists from the Chinese mainland, were injured. Nearly 200 suffered serious injuries. The explosion hit a water park Saturday after coloured powder being sprayed onto a crowd ignited. Footage shows crowds danc

29、ing as music played. Clouds of powder suddenly turned into a ball of fire and tore through the spectators. Terrified partygoers ran for their lives, screaming, as they were overtaken by flames. According to the police, around 12 thousand people had attended the Color Play Asia event at the Formosa F

30、un Coast waterpark that night. City authorities shut the park down and are investigating the incident. Five people responsible for the event have been detained by police for questioning.台湾游乐园爆炸 数百人受伤在台北市,彩虹派对活动现场发生爆炸,瞬间变成炼狱。现场超过510人受伤,其中包括四名来自中国内地的游客。有近200人重伤。此次爆炸发生在周六上午水上乐园举行的彩虹派对现场,因向人群喷射彩色粉末起火造成。

31、视频显示当时人们正在随着音乐起舞。彩色粉末瞬间变成一团火球冲向了观众。着火时游客们受惊逃命,尖叫着。根据警方回应,当晚有将近12000人参加了在八仙海岸举行的彩虹派对。台北当局关闭了这个乐园并对事故进行调查。该活动的五名负责人也被带往警局拘留调查。Hollywood Superstar:Its Unfair to Put Pressure on UnprocreatedJennifer Aniston opening up in a new issue for Allure magazine about the pressure she feels to become a mom. ABCs

32、Reena Ninan has the details. ennifer Aniston, Hollywood superstar and Americas sweetheart, now shes opening up like never before to Allure magazine, dishing on love and motherhood. When asked to name the most difficult thing shes had to battle in the press, she says, so many people think the accusation that I put my career before the want, the desire to be a mother, going on to say I dont like the pressure that people put on me, on women, that youve failed yourself

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