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1、上海教育版牛津英语7b全册教案共124页牛津英语7B教材介绍本册书共有4个模块,15个单元,在本学期学完,期中考试为前两个模块,期末考试为全书。为了一线教师教学的方便,我们为教师提供了教案。我们提供的教案分以下几个环节:1. 应掌握词汇(1600词汇中所含的词汇)2. 认知词汇 (1600词汇中不含的词汇)3. 应掌握的短语4. 应掌握的句型5. 教学过程6. 板书设计7. 课上练习和课后练习Module 1 Unit 1 Page 2沈学超应掌握的词汇1.control v. 控制 Controlling fire is important.控制火情是重要的。2.injure v. 伤害 T

2、om was injured in fire.汤姆在火中受伤。3.cigarette n. 香烟;纸烟 Cigarettes are harmful for our health.香烟对我们的健康有害。4. end n. 终点;末端 He is down at the end of the garden. 他在花园的尽头的那边。5. project n. 项目;专题研究 It is an impossible project 这是不可能实施的计划 6. question n. 问题 You havent answered my question.你还没有回答我的问题。7. informatio

3、n n. 信息 His information is inaccurate.他的消息不准确。8. happen v. 发生 , 碰巧 I happened to see Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday.昨天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。9. kind n. 种类 Try to find out what kind of people have the most need of help?研究一下看看哪种人最需要帮助。10. cause v. 引起 The heavy rain caused the flood.大雨引起了洪水。11.hil

4、l n. 小山 I climbed up the hill.我爬上了小山。认知词汇1.Natural adj. 自然的;天然的 2.element n. 要素 3.screen n. 屏幕 n. 页 5.answer n. 答案 6.above adv. 在上面应掌握的短语1.the natural elements 天然要素 Fire is one of the natural elements.火是一种天然要素。2.controlling fire 控制火情 Controlling fire is important.控制火情是重要的。 injured 受伤 Tom

5、was injured in fire.汤姆在火中受伤。4.cigarette ends 烟头 Thoughtless people drop burning cigarette ends everywhere. 粗心的人们将正燃烧的烟头随处乱扔。 a project about 做一个关于的专题研究 We are going to do a project about fire.我们将做一个关于火的专题研究。6.think about 考虑 Miss Guo has given them some questions to think about.郭老师给我们一些问题考虑。7.get

6、 some information about 得到关于的信息 Ive got some information on my computer about fire.我已经从电脑上获得了关于火的相关信息。8.early men 早期人类 9.make a fire 生火 Early men used a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leave to make a fire.早期人类用木棒,大块木头和干树叶生火。10.use to do sth. = use for doing sth. 使用做某事 11.cook food 做饭 we use fi

7、re to cook food.=We use fire for cooking food.我们用火做饭。 careful with 对小心 We have to be careful with fire.但我们用火时,我们应该小心。13.what kind of 什么样的 What kind of coats do you need?你需要什么样的外套?14.hill fires 山火 Hill fires burn a lot of trees.山火烧了大量的树木。15.on the screen 在屏幕上 There is a fly on the screen.在屏幕上有一只

8、苍蝇。16.on the next page 在下一页 The text is on the next page.课文在下一页。应掌握的句型1、What kind of people may cause hill fires? 哪种人会引起山火?a)cause sth. 使产生,使发生,引起e. g. What caused this accident? 是什么引起这次事故?b)cause sb. to do使某人做某事e. g. He often causes me to wash clothes for him. 他经常让我给他洗衣服。2、What did early men use fi

9、re for? 早期人类用火做什么?3、What may happen if we are not careful with fire? 如果我们不注意防火可能会发生什么事?教学过程1 Leading in the new lesson: Last term we have learnt a lot about fire. How to cook food? As we all know, we must use fire. But how to make a fire? (Help the Ss answer like this: with wood, charcoal, gas and e

10、lectricity.) A free talk for today: Fire is useful or harmful? (divide the Ss in two groups to discuss and then debate)2 Presentation: In order to know fire well, Alice, Peter and we are going to do a project about fire today. Because we have some questions to think about, first, lets search on the

11、internet and weve got some information about fire; second, lets look at the questions here. Whats your idea? 3 Practice: ask the Ss to discuss with their partner and choose some representatives to report in class. The questions are like this: (1). How did early men make a fire?(2). What did early me

12、n use fire for?(3). Nowadays, do people use fire to cook food?(4). What do workers use fire for in factories?(5). What do people do to rubbish in some places?(6). What may happen if we are not careful with fire?(7). What kind of people may cause hill fires?4. Homework: a report about fire in your mi

13、nd. 板书设计The natural elements1.Controlling fire Page 2be injured natural adj.cigarette ends element a project about control question to think about injure v.on my computer cigarette n.get some information about end n.make a fire project careful with question n.hill fires information n

14、.on the screenon the next pagethe answers to the questions课上练习 Page 187课后练习I.将下列短语翻译成汉语1. early men2. use fire for3. cook food 4. be careful with 5. hill fires6. make a fire7. get some information about8. on the computer9. think about10. do a project about fireII. 选择并抄写单词1Ive got some on my computer

15、 about fire. (information; informations)2. Nowadays, do people use fire to food? (cook; cooking)3. What kind of people may hill fires? (cause; causing)4. Can you tell me the answers the questions? (of; to)5. He was in the fire. (injured; injure)III. 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正误(T/F)Fire can help people in many w

16、ays, but it can also be very dangerous. Fire can heat (加热)water, warm houses, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things, too. It can burn trees, houses, animals, or people. Sometimes big fires can burn forests. Nobody knows for sure how people began to use fire. But there are a lot of inter

17、esting stories about the first time a man or a woman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man very , very long time ago. He went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down. Today people know how to make a fire with matches. Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches

18、can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper, and then it might burn a house. A small fire can become a big fire very fast. Fire kill many people every year. So you must be careful with matches. You should also learn to put out fires. Fires need oxygen. Without oxygen they will die. Th

19、ere is oxygen in the fire. Cover a fire with water, sand or something with your coat. This keeps the air away from a fire and kill it. Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it will burn you. ( ) 1.We are sure how people started a fire. ( ) 2.Children mustnt play with

20、 matches because they can burn a house. ( ) 3.When you are going to put out a fire, you should cover it only with water. ( ) 4.We must be careful with fire, or it will die. ( ) 5.Fire can be both helpful and dangerous.The answers 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 TModule 1 Unit 1 Page 3应掌握的词汇1.useful adj. 有用的 It is

21、 very useful to learn English well.2.harmful adj. 有害的 Smoking is very harmful. v. 发现 Early men discovered fire many years ago.4.wild adj. 野生的;野的 We should protect the wild animals.5.boil v. 煮沸 We use fire to boil some water.6.melt v. 使熔化 We use fire to melt metals.7.metal n. 金属 Metals can

22、 be made into different shapes.8.shape n. 形状 The shape of the bottle is very n. 玻璃 The window is made of glass.10.vase n. 花瓶 Please put the flowers into the beautiful vase.11.put v. 放;安置 They put the big box under the bed.12.amount n. 数量 He spent a large amount of time playing comput

23、er games.13.destroy v. 破坏;毁坏 Fire can destroy everything .14.everything pron. 每件东西;一切 Everything begins to grow in spring.15.lose v. 失去;丧失 Be careful, or else you will lose your purse.16.careless adj. 粗心的 Why are so careless?17.seriously adv. 严重地 The player was seriously injured yesterday.18.drop v.

24、 丢;扔 Dont drop the cigarette ends everywhere.19.everywhere adv. 到处 We can see beautiful lights everywhere.认识词汇thoughtless adj. 欠考虑的;轻率的应掌握的短语1.information about fire 关于火的信息 Today we will learn some information about fire.今天我们将学习一些关于火的信息。 careful 小心 Be careful when you cross the road.当你横穿马路时要小心。3

25、.start a fire 生火 How did early men start a fire?猿人如何生火?4.millions of years ago 几百万年前 Some animals disappeared millions of years ago.一些动物在几百万年前就消失了。5.a large piece of wood 一大块木头 The old man is sitting on a large piece of wood.这个老人正做在一大块木头。6.dry leaves 干燥的树叶 In autumn, we collect the dry leaves to coo

26、k food.在秋天,我们收集干树叶做饭。 first 首先 At first, let me introduce myself.首先,让我做一下自我介绍。8.raw meat 生肉 Early men ate raw meat at first.猿人刚开始吃生肉。9.cooked meat 熟肉 Nowadays we usually eat cooked meat.现在我们通常吃烹调过的肉。10.protect from 保护免受 We must protect the animals from the accidents.我们必须保护动物不受事故的伤害。11.wild anima

27、ls 野生动物 We must protect wild animals.我们必须保护野生动物。12.give sb. light 给某人以光明 Fire can give us light.火能给我们以光明。13.keep sb. warm 保暖 Fire can also keep us warm.火能使我们保持温暖。14.boil water 烧水 Please boil some water to drink.请烧些水喝。15.melt metals 熔化金属 Fire can melt metals.火能熔化金属。 that 以便 I get up early so tha

28、t I can catch the first bus.我早起是为了能赶上头班公共汽车。 made into 被制成 Wood can be made into tables.木头能被制作成桌子。18.different shapes 不同的形状 Glass can be made into different shapes.玻璃能被制作成不同的形状。19.make glass 制造玻璃 The workers in the factory make glass every day.这个工厂的工人每天制造玻璃。20.blow glass 吹玻璃 Have you every seen

29、 workers blowing glass?你是否看到过工人吹玻璃吗?21.putonto 把放在上 Please put the book onto the desk.请把书放到桌子上。22.burn rubbish 燃烧垃圾 Dont burn rubbish here.请不要在这燃烧垃圾。23.lose ones life 失去某人的生命 The young man lost his life in the accident.这个年轻人在事故中失去了生命。24.careless people 粗心大意的人 Careless people forget to put out the ba

30、rbecue fires. 粗心大意的人忘记扑灭烧烤的火。应掌握的句型1. Millions of years ago, early men used a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire.数百万年前,古人用棍棒,一大块木头和干叶子取火。a)millions of +n. s 数以百万计的,成百万上千万的hundreds of 数以百计的,成百上千的thousands of 数以千计的,成千上万的b)a large piece of wood 一大块木头(wood 是不可数名词un. )woods 树林,树丛

31、(wood加s)e.g. There are forests and woods on the earth. 地球上有森林和树林。c)dry leaves 干叶子dried mushrooms干蘑菇2. Early men found fire very useful. 古人发现火很有用。 find sth/sb. +adj. 发现某事/ 觉得某人e. g. I found this book very useful. 我发现这本书很有用。I find him very handsome. 我觉得他很英俊He found this suitcase heavy. 他发现这个手提箱很沉。3. At night, they used fire to protect their families from wild animals. 在夜晚,他们用火保护家人免受野兽侵袭。protectfrom保护免受e.g. Ill protect you from danger. 我将保护你免受危险。Women usually use white pieces

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