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1、上海市届新七校英语联考上海市2012届新七校联考(英语) 2012.2命题:建平中学参加:复兴中学、建平中学、南洋模范、向明中学、延安中学、上师大附中满分150分 考试时间120分钟第I卷听力部分略II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. When you in

2、fer, you go _ the surface details to see other meanings that the details suggest or imply, but do not state. A. with B. for C. beyond D. between26. Every year, the United States exports “cultural products” to the rest of the world whereas _ only imports similar products from other countries equal to

3、 about one percent of the amount exported. A. they B. it C. one D. that27. John as well as the other staff members who _ working with this world-famous company _ to attend its 100th anniversary. A. is is B. is are C. are is D. are are28. I believe only those who have passed the written exam will be

4、interviewed, _? A. dont I B. havent they C. will they D. wont they29. Anyone whose performance is best received by the public _ be granted an opportunity to show their talents at Great Hall of the People in Beijing. A. need B. shall C. may D. could30. If you travel to another country, on business or

5、 vacation, it is helpful to learn some of the countrys customs _ you dont offend the local people. A. in that B. so that C. on condition that D. except that31. _ several times, the gift was finally accepted by my Chinese host family. A. Turning down B. To turn down C. Having been turned down D. To h

6、ave been turned down32. Generally, only companies with stable growth of sales and solid stock prices over the past five years _ on the list of the Best Big Companies by Forbes. A. will remain B. have remained C. had remained D. remained33. A shopper rarely speaks to a shop assistant except _ for hel

7、p or information, but this is not the case in some countries. A. to ask B. asking C. asked D. ask34. As is known to all, the first bridge _ across the Huangpu River, the Songpu Bridge, needs repairing. A. to build B. to be built C. having been built D. built35. Besides industrial sites, groundwater

8、pollution is also caused by modern farming methods, _ require the use of large amounts of chemicals in the fields. A. as B. what C. that D. which36. He who hasnt gone through ups and downs in life doesnt realize _ life really means to him. A. how B. why C. which D. what37. I envy Mary for her dress

9、bought last weekend; I would like to have paid _ for it. A. as twice much B. much as twice C. twice as much D. as much twice38. _ in the library regulations that any book borrowed should be returned by due time, or the borrower will be fined. A. What is required B. It is required C. What requires D.

10、 It requires39. _ did people in Europe begin to know about chocolate, when Christopher Columbus returned from the first European explorations in the New World. A. Not until after 1492 B. It was not until after 1492 C. Until after 1492 D. It was until after 149240. _ for the boy to talk with his mout

11、h full! A. What bad manners they are B. How bad manners they are C. What bad manners it is D. How bad manners it isSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. beneficial B. inste

12、ad C. involved D. physical E. flowF. confirm G. completely H. necessarily I. affect J. unansweredA recent study shows that more years of school could help students get higher scores on intelligence tests. That was the finding of a study of teenage males in Norway. Now, other research shows that _41_

13、 activity may help students do better in their classes.The research comes as educators in some countries are reducing time for activities like physical education. They are using the time _42_ for academic subjects like math and reading.Researchers at VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam reviewe

14、d the results of fourteen studies, which included more than fifty-five thousand children, aged six to eighteen.Researcher Amika Singh says the studies showed a link between physical activity and scores on subjects such as math, English and reading. “Based on the results of our study we can conclude

15、that being physically active is _43_ for academic performance.”Ms. Singh offers some possible explanations. “There are, first, physiological explanations, like more blood _44_, and so more oxygen to the brain. Being physically active means there are more hormones produced like endorphins. And endorp

16、hins make your stress level lower and your mood improved, which means you also perform better.”Also, students _45_ in organized sports learn rules and how to follow them. This could improve their classroom behaviour and help them keep their mind on their work.The study leaves some questions _46_, ho

17、wever. Ms. Singh says it is not possible to say whether the amounts or kind of activity _47_ the level of academic improvement. This is because of differences among the studies.Also, they were mostly observational studies. An observational study is where researchers do not do controlled comparisons.

18、 They only describe what they observe. So they might observe a link that students who are more active often have better grades. But that does not _48_ mean being active was the cause of those higher grades. Therefore, more high-quality studies are needed to _49_ their findings.Still, the general fin

19、ding was that physically active kids are more likely to do better in school. Ms. Singh says schools should consider that finding before they cut physical education programs.III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A

20、, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Many years ago I was on a bicycle trip through some exceedingly picturesque (如画的) countryside. Suddenly, dark clouds piled up overhead and rain began to fall, but strange to _50_, several hundred yards ahead of me th

21、e sun shone brilliantly. Riding, however, as rapidly as I could, I found it _51_ to get into the clear. The clouds with their rain kept advancing faster than I could race forward. I continued this unequal contest for an exhausting half hour, _52_ realizing that I could not win my way to the bright a

22、rea ahead of me.Then it dawned upon me that I was wasting my strength in unimportant hurry, while paying no attention whatsoever to the landscape _53_ which I was making the trip. The storm could not last forever and the discomfort was not unendurable. Indeed, there was much to look at which might _

23、54_ have escaped me. As I gazed about with sharpened _55_, I saw colours and lines and shapes that would have appeared differently under brilliant light. The rain mists (薄雾) which now _56_ the wooded hills and the fresh clearness of the different greens were entrancing (迷人的). My annoyance at the rai

24、n was gone and my eagerness to _57_ it disappeared. It had provided me with a new view and helped me understand that the _58_ of beauty and satisfaction may be found close at hand within the _59_ of ones own sensibilities.It made me think, then and later, about other matters to which this incident w

25、as related. It helped me realize that there is no sense in my _60_ ever to flee from circumstances and conditions which cannot be avoided but which I might bravely _61_ and frequently mend and often turn to good account. I know that half the battle is won if I can face trouble with courage, _62_ wit

26、h spirit, and triumph with humility. It has become ever clearer to me that danger is far from disaster, that defeat may be the forerunner of final _63_, and that, in the last analysis, all achievement is dangerously weak _64_ based on enduring principles of moral conduct.50. A. ask B. relate C. unde

27、rstand D. call51. A. easy B. likely C. impossible D. comfortable52. A. before B. after C. as D. while53. A. in front of B. on account of C. for the sake of D. at the convenience of54. A. therefore B. consequently C. accordingly D. otherwise55. A. puzzle B. appreciation C. wisdom D. shock56. A. crown

28、ed B. covered C. swept D. floated57. A. enjoy B. embrace C. surround D. escape58. A. resources B. sources C. causes D. courses59. A. comprehension B. distance C. range D. help60. A. requesting B. waiting C. attempting D. expecting61. A. meet B. avoid C. decline D. change62. A. happiness B. joy C. di

29、sappointment D. surprise63. A. failure B. victory C. relief D. decision 64. A. if B. though C. until D. unlessSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.

30、Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance (pocket money). The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.Th

31、e amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. Timing is another consideration. Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance.In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money.At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do th

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