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1、外研版英语中考复习完形填空专题题型集训含答案外研版2018年英语中考复习完形填空专题题型集训含答案外研版2018年英语中考复习专题题型集训:完形填空话题1教育引导Cloze 1(2017河池)拾金不昧One Friday night, a poor young man stood at a gate of the railway station. He played his violin and many people put some 1._ into the hat in front of him.The next day, the young man came to the gate a

2、gain, and put his hat on the ground. But different from 2._ he always did in the past days, he took out a large piece of paper with some words on it and laid it on the ground. It said, “Last night, a lady named Mrs. Sang put an important thing into my hat 3._ mistake. Please come for it.”After about

3、 an hour, 4._ middleaged woman ran to the young man in a hurry and said, “You do come here. I know that you are an honest man and will certainly come here.” They had a talk and the young man made sure she was the 5._ of the lottery(彩票). Then he took out the lottery ticket and gave it to the woman. H

4、er husband bought a lottery ticket every day. Yesterday when she 6._ the lottery he bought won, she was very happy. The 7._ of the lottery ticket was 500, 000 dollars. When she walked past the young man, she took out 50 dollars and put it in the hat. 8._, the lottery ticket was also thrown in.Later,

5、 someone asked the young man, “You play the violin in the railway station every day. Why didnt you just take the prize of the lottery ticket for 9._?” The young man said, “I dont have much money, but I live 10._. But if I lose honesty, I wont be happy forever.1. A. paper B. money C. tickets D. food2

6、. A. what B. who C. which D. where3. A. in B. with C. by D. through4. A. a B. an C. the D. /5. A. role B. owner C. cover D. back6. A. advised B. heard C. doubted D. decided7. A. prize B. color C. size D. weight8. A. Wherever B. WhoeverC. However D. Whenever9. A. myself B. yourself C. herself D. hims

7、elf10. A. lonely B. sadly C. badly D. happilyCloze 2(2017枣庄改编)心怀感恩People once went hungry. A rich man who made bread and cakes sent for twenty of the 1._ children in the town, and told them to take a loaf(条)of bread from a basket every day till the hard days passed. The hungry children came together

8、 2._, and argued for the bread, because each wished to have the largest one. Finally they 3._ without even thanking the good gentleman. But Gretchen, a poorlydressed little girl, did not argue or 4._ with the rest, but remained standing quietly far away from them. 5._ the badmannered girls left, she

9、 took the smallest bread, which alone was left in the basket, kissed the gentlemans hand, and went home. The next day the children were as badmannered as before, and poor, shy Gretchen 6._ a loaf hardly the size of the one she got the first day. When she came home, her mother cut the loaf open. Many

10、 new shining pieces of 7._ fell out of it. Her mother was very surprised and worried, and said, “Take the money back to the good gentleman 8._ once, for it must have got into the dough(生面团) by mistake. Be quick, Gretchen! Be quick!”But when the little girl gave the rich man her mothers 9._, he said,

11、 “No, no, my child, it was no mistake. I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to give you. Always be as satisfied, quiet, and 10._ as you now are. Go home now, and tell your mother that the money is your own.”1. A. kindest B. smartest C. poorest D. thinnest2. A. luckily B. proudly C. sil

12、ently D. excitedly3. A. turned off B. went awayC. got on D. learned from4. A. fight B. play C. talk D. jump5. A. If B. When C. Because D. Unless6. A. brought B. tasted C. received D. noticed7. A. silver B. bread C. gold D. glass8. A. for B. on C. to D. at9. A. mistake B. message C. wallet D. praise1

13、0. A. thankful B. friendlyC. lively D. lovelyCloze 3(2018原创)母亲那双粗糙的手Night after night, she came to help me sleep, even long years after my childhood. I dont remember 1._ it first started making me a little angrymy moms hands pushing my hair that way. But it really made me uncomfortable, for they 2._

14、 rough(粗糙的) against my young skin. 3._, one night, I shouted at her, “Dont do that any more. Your hands are too rough!” She didnt say anything, 4._ she never did it again. Years later, I missed my mothers 5._ and her goodnight kisses on my face. Im not a little girl any more. My mom is 6._ her midse

15、venties, and her rough hands are still doing things for my family and me. Now my own children have 7._. It was late on Thanksgiving Eve. As I slept in my bedroom, a familiar hand ran across my 8._ to push the hair from my head. Then a kiss, ever so softly, touched my brow(额头). Taking my moms hand, I

16、 told her how 9._ I was for that night I had shouted at her. But my mom didnt know what I was 10._ about. She had forgotten it long ago. That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation(感激)for my mothers caring hands. And the guilt(内疚)that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found. 1

17、. A. when B. where C. why D. how2. A. looked B. felt C. seemed D. noticed3. A. Luckily B. Finally C. Generally D. Firstly4. A. so B. or C. but D. while5. A. hands B. words C. smiles D. jobs6. A. on B. in C. at D. for7. A. stayed up B. woken upC. grown up D. put up8. A. nose B. face C. mouth D. leg9.

18、 A. sorry B. tired C. relaxed D. bored10. A. sleeping B. workingC. talking D. washingCloze 4 (2018原创)举手之劳的温暖On a cold December morning, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza store. We had bought many things. We were dressed warmly, and I was feeling a little 1._ as I was carrying our shoppi

19、ng bag. I decided to 2._ something away. I was walking towards a dustbin(垃圾箱) 3._ I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us. He headed over to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it.I suddenly felt very 4._ because I was about to throw away a new drink just because

20、 it was too heavy. I walked up to him and handed the drink and some bread over to him. The man looked up 5._ and took what I gave him. A huge smile 6._ on his face. I felt I couldnt be happier with 7._. And then he said,“Wow, this is my sons lucky day!”With that, he thanked me happily and started of

21、f on his bike. I even heard him singing as he rode away. It gave me a warm 8._ inside. I now understand what it means when someone says, “Giving is getting.”Though it was only a small act, I learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the month. Everyone in the world 9._ help. Everyo

22、ne can give help and everyone can be helped.The look of that mans happiness appears 10._ my mind whenever I have the chance to do something nice. This is the power of kindness.1. A. worried B. interested C. surprised D. tired2. A. throw B. put C. give D. keep3. A. if B. but C. so D. when4. A. nervou

23、s B. happy C. sorry D. proud5. A. in silence B. in surpriseC. in anger D. in excitement6. A. turned B. appeared C. went D. ran7. A. myself B. ourselves C. yourself D. himself8. A. idea B. welcome C. word D. feeling9. A. needs B. gives C. takes D. brings10. A. on B. with C. for D. inCloze 5(2018原创)相互

24、理解One day, the students of Class 6 were reading in the classroom. Mrs. Brown came in and told the whole class that they would have to change the 1._ in March. The naughtiest class in the grade could not believe it. The pupils all disagreed with the decision, so they shouted when Mrs.Brown said it wa

25、s because a new pupil would be 2._ the class. The class was in disorder. “Why must we move to another classroom just because someone new is coming?” one of them asked 3._. Mrs.Brown waited patiently before the class without saying anything. The students saw it and they became quiet. Mrs.Brown told t

26、hem to be 4._ to their new classmate and then she left. The following week, the class understood 5._. The headteacher Mr.White himself brought the new student to their class. In fact, Mr. White pushed the new student to the class because the student was in a wheelchair. Mr. White 6._ the new student

27、, Jeff, and asked them to be friendly to him. He said that Jeff now was a 7._ of the class and they should work together. He added, “A house divided(分开) against itself cannot stand.” Nobody could fully understand what Mr. White meant at first. Over time, they began to understand what their headteach

28、er had meant. Jeff was a bright student and often gave a helping hand to students who did not understand 8._ work. They felt very thankful to him. They took turns to wheel him about 9._ they knew well that when someone did something for you, you 10._ do something back in return. Not only were their

29、results improved, but their behaviour became better. It was a special year Class 6 would never forget. 1. A. partner B. lessonC. teacher D. classroom2. A. leading B. helping C. visiting D. joining3. A. sadly B. angrily C. seriously D. quickly4. A. nice B. useful C. honest D. careful5. A. why B. wher

30、e C. when D. how6. A. mistook B. describedC. introduced D. remembered7. A. hope B. member C. actor D. symbol8. A. his B. her C. their D. our9. A. if B. because C. until D. though10. A. should B. could C. might D. wouldCloze 6(2018原创)梦想的力量Billys favorite color was orange. But he couldnt see what orange looked like. A month after he was born, his mother 1._that his eyes werent as big as a normal babys. “Billy would 2._ be able to see. He is blind.” The doctor said. Even so, with the h

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