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高中英语人教版 选修10Unit 1 SectionⅢ LearningaboutLanguageUsingLanguage.docx

1、高中英语人教版 选修10Unit 1 Section LearningaboutLanguageUsingLanguageSection_Learning_about_Language.高频单词点击1freezing (adj.)冰冻的;严寒的freeze (v.)使冻结;冷冻frozen (adj.)冷冻的freezer (n.)冷冻箱2gratitude (n.)感激;感恩grateful (adj.)感激的3punishment (n.)惩罚;惩处punish(v.)惩罚;惩处.常用句型必备It_was_no_wonder_that Frank Wild, the kindest of

2、men, describes himself as “crying like a baby” when he saw Shackleton return at last with the rescue party.单元语法聚焦The Attribute (定语)1freezing(1)adj.冻结的;冰冻的;极冷的Shut the window; Im freezing!关上窗户,我冷极了!Its freezing outside!外面冷极了!(2)adv.冰冻一样地Its freezing cold outside.外面极为寒冷。(3)n.结冰;冰结In summer, large crop

3、s of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.夏天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶装罐加以保存。(4)freeze v酷寒;使冻结;冻僵;使毛骨悚然Please freeze the fish and meat.请把鱼和肉冷冻起来。It froze hard last night.昨晚冷得厉害。The story froze me with terror.那故事把我吓得毛骨悚然。freezing, frozen(1)freezing表示天气、态度等极冷的、冷淡的。(2)frozen表示食品的冷冻或人的冷淡无情,如a frozen heart冷

4、酷的心,frozen fish冷冻鱼,常用来修饰名词。即境活用1用freeze的适当形式填空(1)What freezing weather it is.(2)The match girl was frozen dead at night.(3)The smile froze on her face at the bad news.2gratitude n感激;感谢out of gratitude 出于感激;报恩地with gratitude 感谢地;感激地He accepted her help with gratitude.他心怀感激地接受了她的帮助。Out of gratitude, h

5、e gave them a lovely bookcase.出于感激,他送给他们一个精致的书橱。grateful adj. 感激的be grateful to sb.for sth. 因某事而感激某人Im grateful to you for your kind offer.对于您善意的帮助,我深表感激。即境活用2 完成句子(1)我感谢所有老师的帮助。I am grateful_to all the teachers for their help.(2)他感激地朝他们笑了笑。He smiled at them with_gratitude.3punishment n惩罚;惩处He was s

6、ent to his room as a punishment.他被罚回到他的房间。The punishment is too much for such a child.对这样一个孩子来说处罚太重了。punish vt. 惩罚;粗鲁地对待;大量消耗punish sb.with/by sth. 通过某事惩罚某人punish sb.for sth. 因为某事惩罚某人She was punished for telling a lie.她因说谎而被处罚了。即境活用3 用punish的适当形式填空(1)The court should make the punishment fit the crim

7、e.(2)They have been punished by law.It_was_no_wonder_that Frank Wild, the kindest of men, describes himself as “crying like a baby” when he saw Shackleton return at last with the rescue party.难怪弗兰克怀尔德最友善的船员描述自己到,当他看到沙克尔顿最终带着救援队返回时,他当时“哭得像个孩子”。“(It is) no wonder (that) .”这一结构意为:难怪,并不奇怪,当然My brother s

8、tudies very hard. (It is) no wonder (that) he has passed the examination.我弟弟学习非常努力,难怪他考试及格了。No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.难怪他不饿,他整天在吃糖果。wonder n 奇迹;惊讶的事v.想知道;使惊讶wonder从句 想知道wonder at/about (doing) sth. 对感到惊讶We all wondered at his rudeness.我们都对他的粗鲁感到惊讶。即境活用4 翻译句子(1)难怪他

9、总是考第一。Its_no_wonder_that_he_always_gets_the_first_in_the_exams.(2)我想知道他在做什么。I_wonder_what_he_is_doing.定语定语是用来说明名词或代词的品质与特征的词。可用来作定语的词有形容词、名词或名词所有格、代词、数词、副词、词组或合成词、不定式(短语)、v.ing形式、过去分词、介词短语以及从句等。1形容词作定语(1)形容词作定语时通常前置。He is an honest and hardworking boy.他是一个诚实、勤勉的男孩。(2)下列情况形容词作定语时要后置。表语形容词作定语时须后置,如ali

10、ve,asleep,awake等。people alive活着的人the man awake醒着的那个人present, proper, left作定语时后置。all the people present所有在场的人形容词修饰不定代词时须后置。something necessary必要的东西(3)多个形容词的排序为:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老。颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。a big old stone bridge一座大而老的石桥(4)复合形容词作定语时,连字符连接的名词必须是单数。a twentymeterlong bridge一座20米长的桥2名词作定语(1)woman, man作

11、定语时,当所修饰词为单数时,它们用单数;当所修饰词为复数时,它们用复数,但boy, girl一律用单数。They are women pilots.她们是女飞行员。(2)名词作定语时,一般用单数,但某些常用复数的词,当它们用作定语时,也须用复数。如:arms production武器生产;clothes shop服装商店;sales department营业部。3代词作定语His proposal is worth considering.他的建议值得考虑。Whose book is this?这是谁的书?4数词作定语(1)数词作定语通常前置。I have 3 pencils.我有3支铅笔。(

12、2)基数词作定语可以后置。the year 20082008年Room 315315房间5副词作定语副词作定语通常后置。She met me on her way home.她在回家的路上碰到我。the window above上面的窗户6介词短语作定语介词短语作定语一般要后置。Well have a report on current affairs on Sunday morning.我们周日上午要听形势报告。7不定式(短语)作定语不定式作定语表示将来的动作,或者修饰其前有序数词的名词。不定式作定语要后置。Thats the teaching plan for you to discuss

13、.这就是供你讨论的那份教学计划。Zhai Zhigang is the first Chinese to walk in space.翟志刚是第一个在太空行走的中国人。There are many problems to deal with.有许多问题要解决。8v.ing形式作定语ving形式包括动名词和现在分词两种。(1)v.ing形式作定语,一个单词时要前置,短语作定语时要后置。a rising sun一颗冉冉升起的太阳the woman living in the next door住在隔壁的女人(2)现在分词作定语表示主动或正在进行的动作。a crying child一个在哭泣的孩子(

14、3)动名词作定语表示名词的功能。a walking stick拐杖9过去分词(短语)作定语过去分词作定语表被动或已经完成的动作。一个单词时要前置,短语作定语时要后置。fallen leaves落叶the stolen car那辆被盗的汽车boiled water开水a robot designed by him 他设计的机器人10从句作定语引导定语从句的词有关系代词who, whom, whose, that, as, which及关系副词when, where, why。During holiday seasons, I will live in the countryside, where

15、 air is fresh and people are friendly.在假期,我会住在乡下,那里空气新鲜,人们友好。The number of people who/that lost homes reached as many as 250,000.无家可归的人数达到25万。This is the girl whose father is a professor.这就是那个女孩,她父亲是个教授。China is a developing country, as is known to all.众所周知,中国是个发展中国家。That is the reason why he is lea

16、ving so soon.那就是他那么快就离开的原因。.完成句子1The doctor did_all_he_could (竭尽所能) to save the wounded soldier.2Many students signed up for the 800metrelong (800米长) race in the sports meeting to be held next week.3He hasnt slept at all for three days.It_is_no_wonder/No_wonder_(that) (难怪) he is tired out.4How do yo

17、u deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?The key to_solving (解决) the problem is to meet the demandmade (提出的) by the customers.5My wife has planted some beautiful_little_red_roses (漂亮的红色小玫瑰) in our garden.6The actress had never experienced such a situation, where_she_was_sur

18、rounded_and_questioned (她被围住并被提问的地方) by many reporters.7There are 500 women_workers (女工人) in my shoe factory.8He accepted the money given by the government with_great_gratitude (非常感激地)9He was_punished_for_cheating (由于作弊而受到惩罚) in the examination.10Close the window, please. It is freezing_cold (极为寒冷).

19、完形填空When I was eighteen, I couldnt wait to get my first job, which meant I made the first step toward adulthood.But it was difficult to get a work permit. One day I was dropped off by my parents at the _1_, where applicants took their physical tests for work permits. Although I had night blindness,

20、my vision was clearer during the day, which helped me walk _2_ by myself. Then the doctor began the _3_. He looked into my eyes with a bright light. “I suggest your parents take you to an eye specialist,” he said,“I _4_ you have a retinal (视网膜) disease. If you do, youll never _5_ a day in your life

21、. ”My parents did take me to specialists. After much time and money spent seeking an _6_ result, it was determined that I had an eye disease that slowly _7_ a person of sight. But still, during daylight, I could walk without _8_. I could read, but not for hours. My eyes began to _9_ and words slippe

22、d off the page when I read more than a few pages. However, no matter how tired my eyes became, I never gave up reading. I knew the _10_ of great writers as well as the most popular music stars. Their words were powerful, which _11_ me to try writing. Soon writing brought me a lot of _12_ each time I

23、 completed a paper.Then an important phone call from an editor changed my life. An article I _13_ appeared in a local newspaper. The newspaper, to my _14_, continued to print my work. Next, a book series published several of my essays. I got interested in writing and _15_ up with each acceptance. On

24、 the pages, readers never knew of my blindness _16_ I chose to present it. For me, finding my voice through writing gave me the pride and satisfaction I _17_ so many years ago. Now, I have numerous essays and articles in _18_.Should I be thanking that misguided doctor? By falsely predicting that I c

25、ould never work a day, he fueled my _19_ into success. He set the bar too _20_ and focused on what I wouldnt be able to do. Yet I proved what I could do.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者患有视网膜疾病,医生说他因此可能无法工作了,但是他没有放弃对文学的追求,看书写作,出版了很多文学作品,最终取得了事业上的成功。1A.station BcompanyCclinic Dlab解析:选C根据下文中的“applicants took their phy

26、sical tests”可知,此处指作者在医院或诊所进行招工体检。故选C,意为“诊所”。2A.silently BproudlyCsuddenly Deasily解析:选D根据上文中的“my vision was clearer during the day”可知,此处指作者在白天走路很容易。故选D,意为“容易地”。3A.operation BtreatmentCexamination Dargument解析:选C根据下文“He looked into my eyes with a bright light.”可知,此处指医生开始给作者做检查。故选C。4A.suspect Backnowled

27、geCconfirm Dadvocate解析:选A根据上文中的“I suggest your parents take you to an eye specialist”可知,医生怀疑作者患有视网膜疾病。故选A。 BworkClive Dsleep解析:选B根据本文最后一段中的“By falsely predicting that I could never work a day”可知,此处指医生认为作者将来某一天将不能工作。故选B。6A.urgent BobviousCaccurate Dordinary解析:选C根据上文中的“My parents did take me to

28、 specialists. After much time and money spent”可知,父母要寻找一种精确的结果。故选C。7A.reminded BrobbedCwarned Dinformed解析:选B根据上文中的“I had an eye disease”可知,眼疾会慢慢夺去作者的视力。rob sb. of sth.为固定结构,意为“抢夺某人某物”,符合语境。8A.assistance BmedicineCallowance Dbalance解析:选A根据上文中的“But still, during daylight, I could walk”可知,此处指作者白天能够走路,所以

29、不需要帮助。 BshineCwiden Dtear解析:选D根据上文“I could read, but not for hours.”及下文中的“words slipped off the page”并结合选项可知,此处指作者长时间看书,眼睛会流泪。故选D。10A.houses BhabitsCnames Daddresses解析:选C根据上文中的“I never gave up reading”并结合选项可知,此处指作者对著名的作家和流行音乐巨星的名字很熟悉。故选C。11A.asked BpermittedCforced Dencouraged解析:选D根据上文中的“The

30、ir words were powerful”可知,此处指作者尝试写作是受到了著名作家和流行音乐巨星的鼓舞。故选D。12A.pleasure BworryCtrouble Dstress解析:选A根据语境可知,作者热爱写作,所以每完成一次写作都会给作者带来无穷的乐趣。故选A,意为“快乐,乐趣”。13A.admitted BpennedCwanted Ddescribed解析:选B根据空格前的“An article”及空格后的“appeared in a local newspaper”可知,此处指作者所写的文章刊登在当地一家报纸上。故选B,意为“写”。14A.shame BadmirationCdelight Ddisappointment解析:选C根据空格后的“continued to print my work”可知,此处指令作者开心的是,这家报纸继续印刷了他的作品。to ones delight为固定结构,意为“令某人开心的是”。15A.gave BlitCcame Dput解析:选B句意:我对写作很感兴趣,文章每次被接受我都很开心。light up意为“(使)变得喜悦”,符合语境。故选B。16A.although BafterCsince Dunless解析:选D句意:除非我愿意让读者知道,否则读者永远不会知道我失明了。D项意为“除非

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