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高二英语Unit10教案 2.docx

1、高二英语Unit10教案 2科目 英语 年级 高二文件high2 unit10.doc标题 At the Tailors Shop (在裁店缝)章节 第十单元 关键词 高二英语第十单元 内容 一、教法建议【抛砖引玉】 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南Advice And Suggestions (劝告和建议) Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 1. There seems to be something wrong with it . I cant possibly wear it . 这好象有点毛病,我不能穿了。 2. I would like you to change

2、this for a new one . 我很想让你把这个给我换个新的。 3. You sold me so old a bike that I cant use it . I insist that you give me my money back . 你买给了我如此破旧的自行车,我就不能用。我要求你退我款。 4. Its not our fault . Im afraid I cant do that . Why cant you do something about it ? 这不是我的错,恐怕我作不了主,你能不能灵活点 ? 5. Could you give me some advi

3、ce on English study ? 我想征求一下关于学习英语的建议。 6. I d like your advice about / on this plan . 7. What do you think I should do ? 8. Youd better not trouble him . 你最好不要麻烦他。 9. Lets help him with the luggage . 10. Why not ask him to go with us ? 11. How / What about seeing a film ? 去看电影怎么样 ? 12. I strongly ad

4、vise you to keep your promise . 13. Im afraid I cant follow your advice . 14. Thats impossible , but thank you all the same . 这不可能,但还是要谢谢你的。 15. Why dont you put off the meeting till next week ? 你为何不把会议推迟到下周 ? Model Dialogues 交际示范A A:Hello . You look tired today . What happened ? B:I went to bed too

5、 late . I was reading a novel and forgot the time . A:Really ? You need a rest tonight . B:Yes , I think so . A:Youd better go to bed earlier if you can . B:Yes , youre right .B A:Ive lost my ruler . Have you seen it anywhere ? B:Sorry , I havent . Youd better try your desk . A:Yes , I did , but I d

6、idnt find it . B:Why dont you ask Jim ? He was using a ruler just now . A:Thanks . Ill go and ask him . 单元核心句型结构1. It looks / seems as if 看起来好象 It looks as if it is going to rain . 看起来天要下雨。 测试要点:as if = as though 后 接虚拟语气。如: He talks as if he had been there many times . 他谈话的样子好象是他已经去过那里好多次了。 When a p

7、encil is partly in a glass of water , it looks as if it were broken . 当一支铅笔部分放入一杯水中,它看起来就像是断了似的。2. I insist (that) 测试要点: 我认为应该(宾语从句用虚拟); I insist he ( should ) write a letter of thanks to the school . 我坚持认为他应该向学校写个感谢信。 我坚持说(宾语从句不用虚拟)。 He insisted that he didnt steal the money . 他坚持说他没有偷那笔钱。3. I shou

8、ld like / would like sb to do sth 很乐意让某人干 I should like you go shopping this weekend . 我倒很想让你周末去买东西。 测试要点: should like /love + to do 与简略回答。如: Would you like to go swimming this Sunday ? Id like / love to . (用 to 代替 go swimming ) should like / love sb to 很想让某人去干 Wed like our teacher to point out and

9、correct our mistakes in our exercises . 我们很想让老师指出并改正我们作业中的错误。 should like / love + to be + done 喜欢被 Little Jim would like to be taken to Beijing next Christmas .4. Why dont you do ? = Why not do ? 为何不 ? Why dont you (= Why not ) have a look at the other blouses ? 为何不挑选一下别的衬衫 ? 单元误点警示 单元词组 take place

10、 透射出的隐型被动 在第 38 课中的词组 take place (发生)属“隐形被动”范畴 ,不用被动语态的形式。中学英语教材中还有一些不用“be/get + 过去分词”的结构,其具体表现形式如下: 有些词(组)常用主动形式表达被动意义 (break out ,take place ,belong to ,shut off ,turn off ,work out制定 ,add up to , run out 用完 ,give out耗尽 ,等) 如: The lights on the wall turned off . The incident took place in Dec.1936

11、 . 动词不定式作定语,一方面与所修饰的名词或代词有动宾关系, 另一方面又与句子的主 语有逻辑上的主谓关系时,不定式常用主动式代表被表式。如: Do you have any letters to post ? (对比:Manager wang , Ill go to the post office . Do you have any letters to be posted) ? 某些表示感觉、状态或特征的连系动词(look, sound, taste, smell, feel, become, appear, prove, turn out等)的主动形式常表被动意义。如: Do you l

12、ike the material ? Yes , it _ very soft . (NMET 94) A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt 答案:C His theory proved correct . Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth . 有些动词由“vt”变成的“vi”时, 常用主动形式与方式状语连用表被动意义,这类动词的主语常是物,该类常用动词有:sell , lock , fill , dry , run , open , cut , read, wear , write , transl

13、ate , wash , shut , blow , digest , begin 等。如: The door blew open . The book sells well . This cloth wears long . The story wont translate well . The food wont digest . The suitcase wont lock easily . 表“需要”的动词 (need , want , require , deserve , bear , demand) 后用动名词的主动形式,或不定式的被动式表被动;在 be worth 后只接动名词

14、的主动形式表被动。如: What do you think of the book ? Oh , excellent. Its worth _ a second time . (MET89) A. to read B. to the read C. reading D. being read 答案:C Your coat demands (requires , needs , wants) washing . (washing = to be washed) He certainly deserves sending (= to be sent) to prison . This teleph

15、one directory is well worth buying . 一些介词加上具有动作意义的名词,常可表被动意义。如: Several new railways are under _ (建议 ) in China . (NMET96) 答案:construction 常考的此类介词短语有:on showon exhibition , on sale , on fire , out of sight , in sight , under discussion , in the charge of , in the possession of , without help , witho

16、ut permission , under arrest , under repair , under consideration , under development 等。 有些以-able ,-ible 结尾的形容词 ( visible 可见的, invisible 无形的,breakable 的, drinkable 可饮用的 readable 可读的, acceptable 可接受的,respectable可尊敬的,countable 可数的,sensible可觉察的,等) 如: The water in this well is drinkable(=fit to drink) .

17、 (19) Many things are invisible to us . 由过去分词转化而来的形容词 (pleased , interested , satisfied , frightened , worried, dressed , surprised , wounded , broken) 仍含有被动意义。如: The girls are always dressed well . The boy cried , with a glass broken . 使役动词 have/get宾语过去分词 ,表示该分词的动作由别人来完成。如: Good morning. Can I help

18、 you ? Id like to have this package _ , Madame . (MET89) A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed 答案:D Ill get my hair cut on Sunday . 有些名词以 -ee 结尾含被动意义 (以-er , -or 结尾却含主动意义) 。如:trainee受训者(trainer训练员),employe(e)雇员(employor雇主),addressee收件人 (addresser, addressor发件人) ,rejectee被弃者 (rejecter

19、抛弃者) 等。 当不定式在作表语(或宾补)的形容词(heavy , light , interesting , pleasant , simple, comfortable, dangerous , strong , big , small , sweet , smooth , nice , fit , important , impossible , necessary , good , easy, hard , difficult 等) 后面作状语, 且不定式与句中主语 (或宾语)在逻辑上有动宾关系时,常用主动形式表被动含义。如: The chair looks rather hard ,

20、 but in fact, it is very comfortable to _ . (MET88) A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on 答案:B They found the article hard to understand . (注意:当不定式中的动词为不及物动词时需补上适当的介词。又如:This river is dangerous to swim in) 动词happen , last持续 ,let出租 ,blame责备 ,seek寻求 , 等用主动形式表达被动意义。如: It is I who am to blame . This h

21、ouse is to let . 此房出租。 有些动词 (look , bake , burn , print)的进行时态表被动意义。如: Bread is baking . The fish is cooking .【指点迷津】 单元重点新词透视1. run ( ran , run ) 作不及物动词意思是“颜色退色”。褪 Will the colours run if the dress is washed ? 这衣服洗起来会不会掉颜色 ? The red on his face ran . 他脸上的红润不见了。 Some colours run quickly in the sun . 有

22、些颜色在阳光下很快就褪色了。测试要点 run forward 向前跑去。run first 跑了第一。run a temperature 发烧。run a factory 办工厂。run into 跑进,偶然遇到。sth + run out = become used up (主语常是时间、食物、金钱) 用完了 。sb + run out of + sth 用完了。例如: His money soon ran out . 他的钱很快就用完了。 He is always running out of money before payday . 他老是发工资的日子还没有到就把钱给花完了。 Last

23、 Sunday he ran into his old friend in the street . 上星期天他在街上遇到他的老朋友。2. foolish 愚蠢的,傻的,卤莽的,可笑的,荒谬的 Its foolish of me to do so . 我这样做真蠢。 Thats a foolish action . 那是各愚蠢的行为。 You look foolish in that dress . It was foolish of her to act that way . = How foolish of her to act that way . 她那样做该有多笨啊 !测试要点 辨析

24、foolish (愚蠢), stupid (笨), silly(傻) foolish 强调缺乏智力、智慧或者判断力,像愚人似的做出不合常理的事来。 I think its foolish of her to let pass such a fine opportunity to go abroad . 我认为她放弃这样一个出国的好机会是十分愚蠢的。 stupid 常用于生气和责骂时,用于人的性格时指智力或反应迟钝。 What a stupid boy he is ! 他是个多么笨的孩子啊 ! You are not stupid , just lazy ! 你不笨,就是懒 ! He is st

25、upid in learning maths . 他学数学很笨。 silly 指智力低能,所做所为太无见识,因而常招致讥笑,含“聪明一世,糊涂一时”。 I felt silly because I didnt know what to say . 我觉得很傻,因为我不知道说什么好。 Dont ask such silly questions ! 别再问这样傻的问题了。3. insist vt.& vi. 坚持;坚决认为;坚决要求 He insisted that I was wrong . 他坚持认为我错了。测试要点(1) insist on + doing 坚持做 She insisted

26、on going to Beijing herself . 她坚持自己去北京。 Mother insisted on our going to Dalian by train . 母亲坚持要我们乘火车去大连。(2) insist 后不接不定式,接宾语从句。表示坚持认为应该作某事时用可以省略 should 的虚拟语气;表示坚持说明自己的看法时不用虚拟语气。 He insisted that he wasnt a thief . He insisted that I (should) finish this job alone . He insists that he has done right

27、 . 他坚信自己做对了。(3) insist on 主要是“坚持”意见、看法、主张。stick to 常指“坚持”原则、计划、决定,含有继续干或者接着干之意。 He insisted on this point . 他坚持这一点。 He insisted on knowing the fact . 他坚决要知道事实的真相。 But Einstein stuck to his theory and went on with his research . We must stick to our plan . Lao Chen always sticks to his promise .4. de

28、pend 依赖,依靠,信赖,相信测试要点(1) depend on / upon 依靠 ,信赖(不用被动语态,但在否定句中常用不定式的被动式) He is a man to depend on . He isnt a man to be depended on . China doesnt depend on foreign countries . Whether we will hold the sports meet depends on the weather . You can depend on this newspaper . You may depend on it that h

29、e will want to come . Whether we can go for a picnic depends on our money .(2) depend on sb for sth ; depend on sb to do sth He depends on his neighbour for help . All living things depend on the sun for their growth . 万物生长靠太阳。(3) depend on / upon it 毫无疑问,没错 Depend on it , we will win this match .(4) It (all) depends (on) + 从句“要看而定” It depends on whether you want to do it or not . It depends what you think of it .5. choice 选择,抉择 When you make friends , make a careful choice .测试要点 have no choice

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