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1、采矿工程英语词汇常用采矿工程词汇(分类按汉语拼音顺序排列)煤柱尺寸 pillar dimension灰色关联分析 gray relationship analysis地质构造 geological tectonic水文地质 hydrogeology极不规则煤层 extremely anomalistic coal seam预紧力、预应力 pre-tightening force, pre-stress含水的 hydrous水力采煤 hydraulic cutting coal主(副)井 main (auxiliary) shaft敏感性 sensitivity国内外 at home and a

2、broad瓦斯抽放 gas drainage机电一体化 mechanical-electrical integration稳定性 stability微地震 micro-seism动载 dynamic loading流变特征 rheological characteristic蠕变 creep人工神经网络 artificial neural network定位 orientation保水开采 mining without detroying water resource高压注水 water injection with high pressure中硬煤层 medium hard coal sea

3、m层次分析法 hierarchy anallysis proceeding煤与瓦斯突出 coal and gas bursting模糊综合评判 fuzzy comprehensive evaluation综(放)采工作面 full-mechanized (caving) mining face炮采工作面 blasting mining face机采工作面 mechanized mining face(急)倾斜煤层 (steeply) inclined coal seam走向 strike倾向 direction dip,dip,inclination矿山压力 underground press

4、ure支承压力 abutment pressure上覆岩层 overlying rock strata薄、中厚、厚煤层 thin,medium thick,thick coal seam(松散)含水层 (loose) aquifer裂缝带 crack zone垮落带 caving zone顶、底板 roof,floor顶煤 top coal(掩护式)液压支架 (shield) powered support割煤机 coal cutter刮板机 scrapper胶带输送机 belt conveyor片帮 coal slide冒顶 roof fall岩爆(矿震、冲积矿压)rock burst自燃

5、spontaneous combustion防水(砂)煤柱 water(sand)-proof coal pillar陷落柱 collapse column煤(岩)巷 coal(rock) roadway沿空巷道 roadway along gob围岩 surrounding rock突水 water bursting三软 soft roof,soft coal,soft floor地应力 ground stress(开采)地表沉陷 (mining) surface subsidence高产高效 high production and high efficiency回风巷 ventilatio

6、n roadway运输巷 transportation roadway火成岩(岩浆岩)igneous rock厚冲积层 thick alluvium条带开采 strip mining移动、变形 movement,distortion极限平衡区 limit equilibrium area可靠性,可行性,合理性,适应性 reliability, feasibility, rationality,adaptability采出率、回收率 mining rate,recovery rate埋管注氮 nitrogen injection with buried pipe复合顶板 combined roo

7、f断层 fault喷浆 grouting动压 dynamic pressure地质灾害 geological disasterEH-4电导率成像系统 EH-4 electro-conducibility imaging system透气性(渗透性)permeability倾向性 liability井下 underground设备配套 equipment match选型设计 lectotype design撤架 dismantling supports加固 reinforcing安全阀 safety valve积水 seeper柔性支架 flexible support伪斜 apparent d

8、ip绞车房 hoist room(winder chamber)暗立(斜)井 blind (slope) shaft底臌 floor heave破碎顶板 cracked roof解放层 protective coal seam电阻应变仪 resistance strain instument坑口电厂 pithead power plant1煤炭科学技术总论采矿系统工程 mining system engineering采矿系统优化模型 model of mining system optimization采矿岩石学 mining rock mechanics采煤 coal mining, co

9、al extraction, coal getting 采煤学 coal mining地下开采 underground mining矸石 refuse, waste, dirt, debris固体可燃矿产 solid combustible mineral褐煤 lignite, brown coal化石燃料 fossil fuel洁净煤技术 clean coal technology矿 underground mine矿床模型 model of mineral deposits矿井 underground mine矿井通风学 mine ventilation, underground vent

10、ilation 矿区 mining area矿山 mine矿山测量学 mine surveying矿山电气工程 mine electric engineering, mine electro-technics矿山机械工程 mine mechanical engineering矿山建设 mine construction矿山提升学 mine hoisting, winding 矿山运输学 mine transportation, mine haulage 矿田 mine filed露天开采, 露天开采学 surface mining露天矿 surface mine煤 coal煤当量 coal e

11、quivalent煤的综合利用 comprehensive utilization of coal, coal utilization煤化学 coal chemistry煤矿 coal mine, colliery煤矿安全 mine safety煤矿机械 coal mine machinery煤转化 coal conversion煤炭地下技术 underground coal gasification煤炭环境保护 coal environmental control, environmental protection in coal mining煤炭技术 coal technology煤炭加工

12、 coal processing煤炭科学 coal science煤田 coalfield煤田地质勘探 coal exploration, coal prospecting煤田地质学 coal geology煤岩学 coal petrology石煤 stone-like coal无烟煤 anthracite选煤 coal preparation, coal cleaning烟煤 bituminous coal硬煤 hard coal 2地质测量 A级储量 grade A reservesB级储量 grade B reservesC级储量 grade C reservesD级储量 grade D

13、 reserves边界角 limit angle采场验收测量 pit acceptance survey采出率 ratio recovery采动系数 factor of full extraction采掘工程平面图 mine map采煤工作面测量 coal face survey采区测量 mining district survey采区联系测量 transfer survey in mining district超前影响角 advance angle of influence沉井凿井法施工测量 construction survey for drop shaft sinking充分采动 ful

14、l subsidence, critical/supercritical extraction充分采动角 ZHANGCHIZZubsidence储量管理 reserves management导入高程测量 elevation transfer survey导水断裂带 water conducted zone点下对中 centering under roof station地表移动 surface movement, ground movement地表移动观测站 observation station of ground movement地表移动盆地 subsidence trough, sub

15、sidence basin顶板测点 roof station定向连接测量 connection survey for shaft orientation定向连接点 connection point for shaft orientation动用储量 mining-employed reserves冻结凿井法施工测量 construction survey for shaft sinking by freezing method断层几何制图 fault geometrisation断裂带 fractured zone防水煤岩柱 safety pillar under water-bodies非充

16、分采动 subcritical extraction刚性结构措施 structure rigidity-strengthening measures工业场地平面图 mine yard plan贯通测量 holing-through survey光电测距导线 EDM traverse拐点偏移距 deviation of inflection point滑动层 sliding layer缓冲沟 buffer trench灰分等值线图 isogram of ash content回采煤量 workable reserves激光指向 laser guide几何定向 orientation by sha

17、ft plumbing近井点 near shaft control point井底车场平面图 shaft bottom plan井上下对照图 location map, site plan井田区域地形图 topographic map of underground mine field井筒煤柱开采 shaft pillar extraction井筒延深测量 shaft deepening survey井下测量 underground survey井下平面控制测量 underground horizontal control survey开采沉陷 mining subsidence开拓煤量 de

18、veloped reserves抗变形建筑物 deformation resistant structure垮落带 caving zone矿区控制测量 control survey of mining area矿山工程测量 mine survey矿体几何学 geometry of ore deposits矿体几何制图 geometrisation of ore deposits矿田区域地形图 topographic map of mine field立井定向 shaft orientation立井施工测量 construction survey for shaft sinking立井十字中线标

19、定 setting out cross line of shaft center立井中心标定 setting out shaft center联系测量 transfer survey连接三角形法 connection triangle method裂缝角 angle of break临界变形值 critical deformation values露天矿测量 open-pit survey煤层等厚线图 isothickness map of coal seam煤层等深线图 isobath map of coal seam煤层褶皱几何制图 fold geometrisation of coal

20、seam瞄直法 alignment method逆转点法 reversal point method柔性结构措施 structure yielding measures三量 Three Class of Reserves设计损失 allowable loss实际损失储量 actual loss of reserves水平移动系数 displacement factor损失率 loss percentage投点 shaft plumbing陀螺方位角 gyroscopic azimuth陀螺经纬仪定向 gyroscopic orientation survey弯曲带 sagging zone围护

21、带 safety berm下沉系数 subsidence factor巷道坡度线标定 sitting out roadway gradient巷道碎部测量 detail survey for mine workings巷道验收测量 footage measurement of roadway巷道中线标定 setting out center line of roadway岩层移动 strata movement移动角 angle of critical deformation移动盆地主断面 major cross-section of subsidence trough影响传播角 propag

22、ation angle中天法 transit method主要影响半径 major influence radius主要影响角正切 tangent of major influence angle注浆凿井法施工测量 construction survey for grouting sinking准备煤量 prepared reserves钻井凿井法施工测量 construction survey for shaft boring最大下沉角 angle of maximum subsidence最大下沉速度角 angle of maximum subsidence velocity 3地下开采

23、安全平盘 safety berm安全水头 safety water head暗井 blind shaft, staple shaft薄煤层 thin seam爆破采煤工艺 blast-winning technology爆破装煤 blasting loading变形压力 rock deformation pressure闭路供水 closed-circuit water supply闭式落煤顺序 close-type winning sequence不规则垮落带 irregularly caving zone部分开采 partial extraction侧支撑压力 side abutment

24、pressure采场延伸 pit deepening采动裂隙 mining-induced fissure采动应力 mining-induced stress采垛 winning-block采垛角 angle of winning-block采段 extracting zone采段流煤上山 extracting block coal-water rise采高 mining height采掘带 cut采掘区 block采宽 cut width采矿站 ore station采空区 goaf, gob, waste采装 loading采煤方法 coal wining method, coal min

25、ing method采煤工作面 coal face, working face采区 district, panel采区车场 district station, district inset采区准备 preparation in district采区设计 mining-district design, panel design采区上山 district rise采区石门 district cross-cut采区下山 district dip仓储采煤法 shrinkage stoping长壁放顶采煤法 longwall mining with sublevel caving长壁工作面 longwa

26、ll face超前巷道 advance heading充采比 stowing ratio充填倍线 stowing gradient充填步距 stowing interval充填沉缩率 setting ratio充填法 stowing method充填能力 stowing capacity冲击地压 rock burst, pressure bump承压含水层上采煤 coal mining above aquifer初撑力强度 setting load density, SLD初次放顶 initial caving初次来压 first weighting出气孔 production well出气强

27、度 production well capacity出入沟 main access储量备用系数 reserve factor of mine reserve垂直切片 terrace cut slice大巷 main roadway带压开采 mining under safe water pressure of aquifer单侧沟 hillside ditch单煤层大巷 main roadway for single seam单体液压支柱 hydraulic prop倒台阶采煤法 overhand mining底板 floor底板载荷集度 floor load intensity底帮 foot

28、 slope底部境界线 floor boundary line底鼓 floor heave地表境界线 surface boundary line地下煤气发生场 underground gasifier地下气化工作面 underground gasification face 地下气化效率 efficiency of underground gasification叠加应力 superimposed stress顶板 roof顶板单位破碎度 specific roof flaking ratio顶板回弹 roof rebound顶板垮落 roof caving顶板垮落角 roof caving

29、angle顶板冒落 roof fall顶板破碎度 roof flaking ratio顶板弱化 roof weakening顶板台阶下沉 roof step顶板稳定性 roof stability顶板压力 roof pressure顶帮 top slope顶底板移近量 roof-to-floor convergence顶底板移近率 roof-to-floor convergence ratio动压巷道 workings subject to dynamic pressure动载系数 dynamic load coefficient端帮 end slope端面距 tip-to-face dist

30、ance端面冒顶 roof flaking短壁采煤法 shortwall mining断壁工作面 shortwall face墩柱 heavy-duty pier, breaker props房顶柱 breaker props房式采煤法 room mining, chamber mining房柱式采煤法 room and pillar mining封闭圈 closed level放采比 drawing ratio放顶 caving the roof放顶距 caving interval 放煤步距 drawing internal放煤顺序 drawing sequence非工作帮 non-working slope非工作帮坡面 non working slope face风力充填 pneumatic stowing分层开采 slicing分层巷道 slice drift, sliced gateway分带 strip分带集中斜巷 strip main incline drift分带斜巷 strop inclined drift分段 sublevel分段平巷 sublevel entry, longitudinal subdrift分级提运 separate transport

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