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1、重油发电机组安装施工组织设计1 机务部分施工方案Construction Scheme for the Machinery section 1.1 主厂房行车吊装 Main building bridge crane installation 1.1.1 吊装步骤The Lifting Process1) 将履带吊开至标识位置,松钩,挂钢丝绳。Rising the crawler crane up to the mark position, loosen the hook and suspension the steel wire ropes.2) 将钢丝绳按照标识位置将固定端的行车大梁绑扎好

2、,确保起吊时大梁平稳,必要时可利用链条葫芦调平。Making the steel wire ropes in accordance with the mark position and bidding crane runaway buckstay of the fixed ends.Then keeping the buckstay rise smoothly when hanging up the crawler crane. It necessary to use the chain block with steel structure adjust the balance.3) 利用吊车

3、将该行车大梁吊至大跑车轨道上,并用钢丝绳、枕木和垫块将大梁固定平稳。Using crane hang up the crane runaway buckstay to the track of bridge motor, at the same time, using steel wire ropes, sleeper and cushion block fix and keep the crane runaway buckstay stably.4) 用同样的方法吊装扩建端的大梁和两条大梁的连接件组合体,同样放置在大跑车轨道上。Using the same way lift the buck

4、stay of extension ends and the connection piece unit of two buckstays then put these onto the track of bridge motor5) 将两片大梁连接组合。Conntecting and composing the two buckstays6) 将小跑车吊到大梁轨道上就位。Lifting “the small racing bike” to the track of buckstay, and it will be positioned on this track7) 将驾驶室吊至行车下。Li

5、fting the driving room to underside of the buckstay8) 利用卷扬机将驾驶室吊至行车大梁端头下面,并与行车连接。Using the winding engine lift the driving room below the buckstay ends, and then connects with the crane runaway9) 将行车向里拖运至合适的位置并锁定。Pulling the crane runaway inner of the structure, then find the suitable place and shoc

6、k it.10) 接电源,运入试吊重物,进行行车试吊。Connecting the electrical power, and try to lift the heavy.1.2 柴油发电机组吊装Generator unit installation 1.2.1 发电设备安装Generator equipment installation 工艺流程:Construction flow基础检查划线拖运轨道制作安装柴油机安装发电机安装设备中心找正设备连接二次灌浆设备中心复查Inspection to the foundationsetting outmaking and installing th

7、e track used to haul equipmentinstall diesel engine install generatorAdjusting and positioning the equipmentequipment attachmentsecondary grouting reexamining the center of equipment1.2.1.1 柴油机安装 Install diesel engine 基础检查、清理并复核中心线;Examining foundation, cleaning and recheck the central line 按照图纸文件要求

8、打制垫铁基础,配制、安装垫铁,垫铁与基础接触密实四角无翘动。The packing iron foundation should be forged according to the drawing and files and confected and installed the packing iron.The packing iron and the base foundation should touch close-grained. 设备经检查无变形等重大缺陷; Inspecting the equipments and dont find serious defects 采用行车将

9、柴油机吊装就位;Using bridge crane to position the diesel engine 使用水平仪、千斤顶等调整设备,直至设备纵横中心线及轴承水平标高符合设计图纸要求;Using gradienter, jack adjust the equipment, until the center and level elevation of the equipment meet the requirement of the drawing1.2.1.2 按照以上步骤将发电机安装就位;Follow the steps above to position the

10、generator : 柴油机与发电机设备连接;Connect the diesel engine and generator 基础二次灌浆;The basa foundation secondary grouting1.2.1.5 设备中心线及水平标高复查;Reexamine the center line and level elevation of the equipment 弹性支座安装。 Install platform1.2.2 机械辅助系统安装Install auxiliary machinery system1.2.2.1 机械辅助

11、系统主要包括辅助模块、轻质燃油系统、重质燃油系统、压缩空气系统、冷却系统、充气系统、排气系统、混油水系统、水处理系统、机房附属消防系统、燃油加热蒸汽发电系统及其他辅助系统(具体安装方法可参考润滑油系统与燃油系统的安装);Auxiliary machinery system include auxiliary modules, light fuel system, heavry fuel system, compress air system, cooling system, aeration system, exhaust system, mixing oil and water system

12、, water treatment system, fire extinguisher system and other auxiliary system (specific installantion method please consult lubricating oil system and fuel system installation ) 充气及排气模块、冷却水箱、油过滤器及进油管宜与烟道同步安装,连接对口过程中严禁强拉或附加外力,避免设备变形和移位;Inflatable and exhaust modules, cooling water tank, oil fi

13、lters etc. should be installed synchronization with tewel. Connecting the equipment should not pull seriously so as to avoid shifting and metamorphosing of the equipment.其他辅助系统可根据设备到货及土建施工情况分散安装。Other auxiliary system will be installed separately according to actual situation.1.3 烟道制作安装及烟囱吊装 Gas duc

14、t fabrication and installation, chimney lifting1.3.1 烟道制作Gas duct fabrication 作业前应做的准备工作和必须具备的条件 Preparative Work and Essential Qualifications 设计施工图纸满足现场施工并已会审,单线图已标注焊缝编号;并根据施工图纸和技术要求编制材料需用计划。 Drawing meets the requirement of construction and be approved; Draw out material plan according to the draw

15、ing and technical requirement. 制定详细的管道安装工序和工序控制点(见证点“W”,停工待检点“H”)。Establish detailed piping installation procedure and control post of the working procedure (witness point “W”, stop work to wait examining “H”) 施工方案经批准并已作技术安全交底, 施工组织健全,施工人员熟悉本专业的施工工艺程序、质量标准和安全作业措施。 Construction scheme has be approved

16、 and do technical clarifications before construction, construction organization is integrate,workers are familiar with construction sequence、quality standard and safe measure. 管子、管件、管道附件及密封紧固件应符合国家现行有关标准,具有出厂合格证。Pipe, pipe component, sealing component and related equipment meet national current stan

17、dard and possess certification. 施工机具准备:链条葫芦2t/1t各4只,尼龙吊带2条,25t汽车吊1台,焊机3台,10t千斤顶4个,割炬、砂轮机、水平尺、线锤、榔头、卷尺、对口钳若干,空压机1台,卷管机1台,焊条烘箱1个。Prepare construction tools and machinery: cutting torch, grinding machine, leveling instrument, wrench, hammer, tape, several pincers, a air compressor, a pipe roller, a wel

18、ding rod oven. 施工方法及步骤Construction method and pocess 烟道制作所采用的钢材,应具有质量证明书,并应符合设计的要求。当对钢材的质量有疑问时,应按国家现行有关标准的规定进行抽样检验。The rolled steel used to make gas duct should possess certification and meet the design requirement. If doubt about the rolled steel quality, it will do sampling inspection acco

19、rding to related national rule. 施工前应对钢材表面质量进行检查,除应符合国家现行有关标准的规定外,尚应符合下列规定:当钢材表面有锈蚀、麻点或划痕等缺陷时,其深度不得大于该钢材厚度负偏差值的1/2;Inspect the surface of the rolled steel before construction, tally with national current related standard, and also conform to de follow stipulation: when the rooled steel surface has de

20、fect just like rustiness, scratch as so on, the defect depth should not greater than than the1/2 D-value of the rolled steel. 在烟道制作前,放样和号料应根据工艺要求预留制作和安装时的焊接收缩余量及切割等加工余量。 In pre-production, setting out the flue and feed should be set aside under the technological requirements of the manufacture and i

21、nstallation of welding contraction allowance and cutting machining allowance. 下料切割前应将钢材切割区域表面的铁锈、污物等清除干净,气割后应清除熔渣和飞溅物;切割时根据卷管的弧度方向和焊接方向将钢板对应边开出单边坡口,坡口加工宜采用机械方法,也可采用氧乙炔焰等加工方法,在采用氧乙炔焰加工坡口或切割后,必须除去坡口表面的氧化皮,熔渣及影响接头质量的表面层,并将凹凸不平处打磨平整;The steel material under the cutting area before cutting the surface ru

22、st, dirt and other clean, gas cutting shall be removed after the slag and flying material; cutting paper tube according to the arc direction and the direction of the steel plate welded out single slope corresponding port side , groove mechanical methods should be adopted, it can be used and other pr

23、ocessing methods oxyacetylene flame, using oxyacetylene flame in the processing or cutting groove, the groove surface to remove oxide, slag and impact of joint quality of the surface layer, Department polished smooth and rugged; 下料完毕后在卷管时,应逐渐轧小钢板的弧度,不可一次将钢板弧度变化过大,卷管将完成时应随时测量管道的椭圆度,对超标的地方及时进行处理和修正,将烟

24、道椭圆度控制在规范要求的范围内。After the feeding tube in volume, should gradually rolling small plate in radians, not once to plate radians changes too large, the volume should be completed at any time the ovality measurement pipeline, on the local time for processing and the flue ellipse control requirements in t

25、he specification range. 烟道卷制完成并测量确认无误后,即可进行烟道的焊接。焊接质量的好坏,将直接影响到以后的运行安全及使用寿命,故焊条型号的选用应严格遵守设计文件的要求,进货的焊条应具备制造厂的质量证明书(合格证)及质保书。为保证焊接质量,焊条在施焊前必须按照焊条质量管理规程的规定进行烘烤,烘烤时严格遵照规定的时间和温度。Roll to complete and measure the flue checked and verified, can be welded to the flue. The quality of the welding quality, wil

26、l directly affect the safe operation of the future, and life, so the choice of electrode type should strictly comply with the requirements of design documents, purchase the welding rod should have the manufacturers quality certificate (qualifying certificate) and warranty book . To ensure the weldin

27、g quality, welding electrode in the facilities must follow before the rod of quality management procedures provisions of baking, baking in strict accordance with the stipulated time and temperature. 焊接时应将坡口及其内、外侧表面不小于15mm范围内的油垢、铁锈、毛刺及其它杂物等清除干净,并不得有裂纹、夹层等缺陷。Welding when Groove and medial and lateral

28、surface is not less than the 15mm range of oily dirt, rust, Burr and other incidentals, clean, and no defects such as cracks, sandwich. 焊接检验按照DL5007-92电力建设施工及验收技术规范(火力发电厂焊接篇)要求,采用1超声检验,若有不合格应对相应的地方立即进行返修,返修后重新进行超声检验直至合格。 Welding inspection in accordance with DL5007-92 the electricity construction sp

29、ecifications for construction and acceptance (part 1) thermal power plant welding requirements, with 1% ultrasonic examination, if they have not qualified to deal with the appropriate place to rework immediately, refurbished ultrasound examination upon until qualified. 1.3.2 烟道安装Gas duct installatio

30、n 安装条件要求Installation requirement 烟道已制作完成,并经验收合格。Gas duct has been fabricated and be acceptance check 发电机组设备已吊装就位。Generator unit has been installed 烟囱已吊装就位。Chimney has been installed 安装原则Installation principle 根据现场设备到货及安装情况,烟道安装方法可采用从烟囱中间向两侧安装,也可以从一侧向另一侧安装; According to the on-site eq

31、uipment arrival and installation status, the flue installation method can be used from the middle to install on both sides of the chimney, or from one side to the other side of the installation; 组合件组合后应对整体组件的尺寸进行检查(复核边长、对角线、焊接焊缝以及变形数据等);Assemblies are combined to deal with the size of the overall co

32、mponent checks (diagonal length, review, welding, and transform data, etc.); 组合件完成后,应清除组合件内部杂物,组合件应有适当的刚度,做好临时加固,焊接吊装吊耳等,并经验收认可;Assembly is completed, you should clear the Assembly internal debris, the Assembly should have appropriate stiffness, stopgap reinforcement, welding hoisting etc, and experience your authorized; 焊口应平整光滑,严密不漏,焊渣、药皮应清除干净,安装焊口应预留在便于施工及安装的地方;Assembly is completed, yo

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