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1、Unit2知识点 选修八 Unit2 知识点单词1. differ :vi 不同,相异;意见不合differ from : 与不同differ in : 在方面不同differ with sb on/about sth :与某人在某事上意见不同be different from :不同于be different in : 在不同make a/no difference (to): 有/无关系(影响、作用) 中文与英文在许多方面不同。 Chinese differs from English in many different aspects. The husband differs with

2、his wife on who is to take charge of the money. It makes no difference to me 与我无关 whether you are going to stay.2.undertake :v 从事,承担,负责,保证(undertook,undertaken)Undertake a task/responsibility :承担任务/责任Undertake to do sth : 承诺/答应/着手做某事Undertake that : 保证 She will undertake the organization work 将负责组织工

3、作of the whole project. I undertake to pay back the money in a week 保证一周内还钱 The travel agent undertook that you would enjoy the trip保证你会喜欢这次旅行.3 object :vi 反对;不赞成,抗议 N 物体,目标,对象 Objection :n 不赞成,反对,异议 Objective :adj 客观的;基于事实的 Object to sb/sth :反对,抗议 Object that :抗议 Have an/no objection to (doing) sth

4、: (不)反对 Raise a storm of objections : 引起一阵强烈的反对 There is no objection to sth :没设么不可以的 犀利哥是同情的对象。 Brother sharp is an object of pity.母亲反对说,吉米身体太虚弱,不能承担那份工作. Mother objected that Jimmy was too weak to take up the job. 我们反对因为一个人的错误而惩罚整体. We object to punishing a whole group for one persons fault. 他反对我提

5、出的建议。 He have an objection to what I proposed.4 obtain : v. 获得;赢得 他没有获得奖学金. He failed to obtain a scholarship. obtain/acquire/gain/earn/achieve/getObtain :“获得,买到”。指通过努力或请求而得到,含有满足要求 或得达到目的的意味,用于正式语体中。Acquire :“经过努力逐步获得才能、知识、习惯等,也可用于表示 对财物等的获得”,强调“一经获得就会长期持有”的含义。Gain :“通过较大努力获得某种利益或好处;亦可指军事上的武力夺取等”。E

6、arn:“挣得,赢得”,指因工作等而得到报酬或待遇。Achieve:“得到;获得”,多指成就、目标、幸福的取得Get :是最普遍,使用范围最广的词,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力. 我终于设法弄到了这个报告的副本 I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.我们应该努力养成好习惯。 We should try to acquire good habits.他发现赚点额外收入很容易。 He found it easy to earn extra money然而,只有共同奋斗才能实现目标 But we can only achiev

7、e our goals together上星期天你收到我的电报了吗 ? Did you get my telegram last Sunday ? () 5.altogether : adv 完全地 (用于否定句中表部分否定) 他对自己的新房子不尽满意。 He was not altogether pleased with is new house . 全部,合计 (in total) I spent 100 altogether on the present.总之 Altogether,the meeting was a success.6 .Owe : vt 欠 (账,钱,人情等);把归功

8、于 Owing :adj 未付的,欠的 Owe sb sth =owe sth to sb欠某人某物 Owe to 欠 ;把归功于 Owing to 因为,由于 你欠我一个礼物。 You owe me a present. 体育课因雨取消了。 Owing to the rain , PE class was cancelled .刘璇把她的成功归于她的努力练习。 Liuxuan owes her success to hard practice .7 bother vt. 烦扰;打扰; vi.操心;麻烦; n.麻烦,麻烦的事;引起麻烦的人或事 bother sb. with/about sth

9、. 为某事打扰或烦扰某人 bother to do . 费力做 bother with/about sth. 操心做某事 It bothers sb that/ to do sth 做某事使某人不安我不能因为自己那点小事就去打扰他 I cant bother him with my little affairs. 你不必特地来我办公室. You neednt bother to come to my office. 那问题已经困扰了我几个星期. The problem has been bothering me for weeks 别为我担心 Dont bother yourself abou

10、t me. 我毫不费力地找到了那座房子. I found the house without any bother. 8 strike : v 打,击;突然想到;罢工;(钟)敲/鸣;划(火柴); (灾难,疾病)侵袭,爆发; It strikes sb 某人突然想到(sth strikes sb) Be/go on strike :罢工 Strike into ones heart :使刻骨铭心当我路过的时候,钟敲12点。 When I was passing by, I heard the clock striking 12.我突然想起我没关煤气。 It struck me that I di

11、d not turn off the gas.趁热打铁。 Strike while the iron is hot.非典袭击了那个地区。 SARS struck the area.9 resist v.抵抗;对抗 resistance n. 抵抗,反抗;抵抗力 resistant adj. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的 resist sth. 抵制;阻挡某事 resist doing sth. 反对做某事 cant resist doing sth. 忍不住做某事 be resistant to sb./sth. 对某人/某事有抵抗力 健康的身体能抵御疾病 A healthy body resists

12、disease. 我忍不住要笑 I could hardly resist laughing 这种作物具有抗寒性. This plant is resistant to cold weather 词组 1. Pay off :偿清债款;得到好结果;付清工资解雇 最后,他的努力得到了回报 At last, his hard work paid off. 你的计划成功了吗?Did your plan pay off? pay for :为付款;为付出代价 Pay back :还钱;报复 Pay a/the price for : 因受害/付代价After ten years of hard wor

13、king she finally paid off her debt.Our efforts are sure to pay off .Have you paid the milkman this week?I will pay you back next week.2 cast down :使沮丧;使不愉快 Cast out:驱逐;赶走 Cast off :抛弃;摆脱掉He was cast down for several days after he heard the bad news.You really must cast off all these bad habits.3 in

14、favour of : 赞成;支持 Do sb a favour=do a favour for sb 帮某人忙 In sbs favour :对某人有利 Be in/out favour with sb : 有(没有)某人的好感/支持我赞成现在停止的工作I am in favour of stopping work now. 目前她没有媒体的支持Shes not in favour with the media just now.这一决定对他有利The decision went in his favour.4 (be) bound to (do) : 一定或注定(做)按照合同规定,你必须在

15、月底前付款。You are bound by he contract to pay before the end of the month.Be bound up to sth 忙于某事;热衷于某事物Be bound up with sth 与某事物关系密切Be bound for 去;准备去5 in vain 白费力气,枉费心机我们的所有努力都付诸东流了。All our efforts were in vain.6 in good/poor condition 情况/状况很好/很坏此船的现状不适宜远航The ship is in poor condition to make a long v

16、oyage.In condition 健康状况良好Out of condition 健康状况不佳Incondition 处于状况On condition that 在条件下,如果On this/that condition 在这个/那个条件下On/under no condition 无论如何都不,决不they agreed to lend us the car on condition that (条件是)we returned it before the weekend .(condition)我们绝不在公共场所抽烟On no condition shall we smoke in pub

17、lic places.7 have a(n)impact on 对有影响本拉登的死对美国有影响。The death of Bin Landen has an impact on America.影响表示法:Affect sb/sth :影响Have/exert a(n)influence on 对有影响Have a(n)effecton 对有影响Have/make a(n)impact on 对有影响8 open sbs eyes to sth 使某人看清或意识到某事;使某人长见识或开眼界旅游真的使人开阔眼界 Travelling really opens your eyes. 句子1 clo

18、ning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.克隆植物简单,但克隆动物非常复杂。While在句中作并列连词,作“然而”解,连接并列分句,表示前后意义上的对比。注意,此时while放在第一分句或第二分句前均可。While作连词的用法作并列连词,意为“而,却”,表对比作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,从句谓语是延续性动词作从属连词,引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”eg i admit his good points,i can see his bad ones.A Because B If C Once

19、D While some people come here for a short break, others have decided to stay forever.A Because B If C Once D WhileMary made coffee her guests were finishing their meal.A so what B although C while D as if2 Altogether Dolly lived six and half years, half the length of the life of the original sheep.多

20、莉总共活了六年半其原型羊寿命的一半。本句中half the length of 是表达倍数比较的具体形式:倍数+the+名词(表示量度)+of。This type of car use three times more petrol than that type does.(比那种车子油耗多了3倍)(than)The number of students in our school is than A three times bigger;that B three times larger; that C three times large;those D three times bigger

21、;oneStaying in a hotel costs renting a room in a dormitory for a week.A twice more than B twice as much as C twice as many are D more than twice as much 3 This is because the cloning of mammal is still a new science and its story only began seriously in 1950s as this list shows:这是因为克隆哺乳动物还是一门新的科学句中and连接两个并列分句。第一个分句中because引导表语从句,第二个分句中as引导定语从句。() This/That is because 这是因为(because从句说明原因) This/That is why这就是为什么(why从句说明结果) He was ill. Thiss why he was sent to the hospital.(这就是为什么他被送到医院) He was late again. Thats because he was caught in a heavy traffic jam.(那是因为他被困在严重额交通阻塞中)

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