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1、新概念英语第三册笔记第47课上课教案043138Lesson 47 Too high a price 代价是否太高New words and expression 生词和短语pollution n.污染相应词型:pollute, polluted, pollution, polluterair polluti on water pollutio n no ise polluti on information pollutionpollutant n.污染物 chemical polluta ntpollute v.污染More and more water is bee n polluted.

2、Pollution is the major problem we are faced with.Gases from cars are one of the polluters of air polluti Pek ing is heavily polluted. pollute on es mind 污染心灵polluter A polluter is someoneor something that pollutes the environment. 污染者; 污染源 innocent adj.无害的,无污染的 an innocent glass of wateroverp

3、opulated adj.人口多的 overpeopledpopulate v.居住于 If an area is populated by certain people or animals 聚居; 栖息eg. The north-east of the U.S.A is populated mainly by farmers.美国东北部的居民主要是农民。densely populated 人口多的(人口密度过大的) /heavily populated /thickly populated / over populatedsparsely populated spasli 人口稀少的 稀疏

4、地; 贫乏地 /thinly populated /under populatedshift population 流动人口 population explosion 人口爆炸sparsely-populated community 人口稀疏的地区 =sparsely-peopled population 人口数量What the populati on in your coun try? The city has a populati on of two millio n.populous p?pj?l?s adj.正式,强调一个地区人口众多,拥挤The narrow street is p

5、opulous with people.The most populous provi nee in China is SiChua n.over-industrialized adj.过度工业化的commercializatio n 商品化-(z)atio n 化industrialization 工业化 denationalization 私有化 desertification 沙漠化sheer ?(r) adj.纯粹的,不掺杂的 (只做定语)1.pure unmixed 纯粹的ADJ n强调2.steep sti:p陡峭的;完全垂直的It is very difficult for us

6、 to climb sheer mountain. The cliff is so sheer that you can climb it.plete 完全的 What are you talking about sheer nonsense?4.Tran spare nt tr ?ns p?r?nt透明的 ladies and girls would like to wear sheer silk stock in gs.sheer luck 实在是运气 sheer stupidity 太蠢了the sheer weight 净重 the sheer size 净尺寸 the sheer v

7、olume 总体积 (use to emphasize how heavy or big someth ing is)eg. The sheer area of China is bigger tha n the whole Europe.mere仅仅(程度低)a mere 20 miles 仅 20 英里 a mere childworldwide adv.在全世界 (adj.全世界的adv.在世界各地)natio nwide adj.全国范围的,举国上下的world wide web 万维网overwhelm ,?v?welm v.制服,使不知所措 (淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮 )1、

8、 (强烈地影响而 ) 使不知所措 If you are overwhelmed by a feeling or event, it affects you very strongly,2、 彻底制服 ;击败 If a group of people overwhelm a place or another group, they gain complete control or victory over them.He was overwhelmed by grief.悲伤至极 Grief seized him.Your kindn ess quite overwhelms me. ( I a

9、ppreciates your kindn ess.)The problem overwhelmes (is bey on d/above) me.辨析: conq uer 征服,占领,克服 He conq uered the city.口头上表达克服困难: overcome, get rid of (difficulties)be overwhelmed with sorrow 不胜悲伤 be overwhelmed with his generosity 不胜感激(对他的慷慨) overwhel ming majority 压倒多数 overwhel ming victory 压倒性的胜禾

10、 Upollute v.污染pesticide n.杀虫剂-cide -icide 杀死Genocide d?en?sa?d种族灭绝 犹太人,塞黑,卢旺达Suicide insecticide ?n sekt?sa?d杀虫剂 herbicide h?: b?sa?d除草剂Herb h?:b 草本植物,香草,草药 herbal adj.草药的;草本的 herbal esse nee草本精华Chinese herbal prescription 中草药组方fertilizer n.肥料 (天然或化学的)fertilize vt施肥;使受精;使授粉词根:fertileadj. fertile富饶的,

11、肥沃的;能生育的n. fertility多产;肥沃;农经生产力;丰饶fertilizer 肥料肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展者 =fertiliser化肥(等于fertilizer )fertilisation 受精(等于 fertilization );施肥fertile soil肥沃的土壤fertile imagi nati on 丰富的想象力 fertile mi nd活跃的思维 fertile brain活跃的大脑productive adj.高产量的a productive hen a productive writer sterile stera?l adj.贫瘠的 (不育的;无菌的;

12、贫瘠的;不毛的; )salmonella ,s?lm?nel?| n.沙门氏菌 通常寄居在人或动物肠道内。它主要污染动物性食品,包括禽畜类、蛋类、奶类及其制品。如果没有彻底加热,则可能感染。fun gus f?g?s n.菌,真菌,菌类植物 术语,菌类edible fungus 食用菌;木耳 Chinese caterpillar fungus 冬虫夏草Edible ebl? adj.可食用的、适宜食用的 Edible Mushroom 食用菌In edible adj.不可以吃的、不适宜食用的disinfectant ,d?s?n ekt?nt n.杀菌剂bacteria (系bacteri

13、um的复数形式),泛指任何在动植物体中广泛传播的微生物细菌,其中有的对生命体无 害,有的能导致传染病或严重疾病,如天花、霍乱等。 n.病菌,细菌germ d?:m微生物的俗称,专指引起人体生命的病菌。 n病菌virus技术用语,特指病毒或过滤性病原体。 n.病毒,(引起传染病)bug非正式用词,指细菌或由病毒所引起的传染病。microbe ma?kr?b本义指在显微镜下才能见到的微生物,现在多指引起疾病的细菌。 n.微生物Musty m ?st? a.陈腐的,落伍的;发霉的,有霉味的 在发霉的意义上=mouldyMould m ?ld n.模具,铸模;(人的)个性,类型;霉,霉菌;耕作土壤,腐

14、殖土 v.(用模具)浇铸,塑造;对施加影响;将塑造成;紧贴于,吻合(轮廓);使长霉 词根: mould adj. mouldy发霉的;旧式的;腐朽的musty rooms musty book musty bread musty foodstale : ste?l陈的(not fresh) 食物,空气,地方,活动,主义等不新鲜,缺乏新鲜感等stale bread 陈的面包 a stale job 乏味的工作 stereotyped adj.老一套的,过了时的 routi ne adj.平淡乏味的listeria l ?st?ri? n.利斯特杆菌 是产生致命性细菌食物中毒的原因之一李斯特菌在环

15、境中无处不在,在绝大多数食品中都能找到李斯特菌。肉类、蛋类、禽类、海产品、乳制品、 蔬菜等都已被证实是李斯特菌的感染源。E.coli大肠杆菌 大多数肠道杆菌是正常菌群。当免疫力降低 (老人小孩),成为条件致病菌而引起疾病常在肉类、乳品、生蔬菜、海鲜等食物中出现。vegetarian n.吃素的人n. vegan (英)严格的素食主义者 vi: g?nvegetaria nism ,ved? te?ri ?n?z?m素食主义vegetation: plants in general 植物,草本vegetable n.蔬菜 huma n vegetable 植物人carnivorous k an?

16、v?r?s adj.食肉的;肉食性的organically-grown adj.有机培植(不施化肥和其他化学药品培植)orga nic adj.有机的 orga nic vegetablesgreen food: unpolluted foodorga n n.1) 器官 internal organs 内部器官 (组织或者人体 digestive organs digest vt 消化 digestion 消化2) organization 机构 the organ of government3) 风琴;管风琴insidious ?ns?di?s adj.暗中为害的(to cause ser

17、ious harm without being noticed 阴险的 臆伏的;暗中为害的) insidious enemies 暗中的敌人 insidious obstacles 隐藏的障碍 insidious disease 隐患urban adj.城市的Urb=city urban adj. 城市的,都市的 urbanize 城市化 urbanization 者E市化;文雅化Rural r?r(?)l adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的Rustic r?st?k adj. 1、乡村的;2、纯朴的,质朴的;3、粗野的;手工粗糙的 n.乡下人;乡巴佬Downtown a.&ad 在

18、市中心,往市中心 (尤指商业中心区)n.市中心区;(市中)商业区 美式英语 Uptown adj.&adv在(或向)市郊住宅区的;市郊住宅区的;富人区的 n.住宅区,远离商业区的市区burglar n.窃贼各类小偷pickpocket扒手 burglar入室窃贼 shoplifter商店窃贼 thief小偷(泛指)其他罪犯smuggler 走私犯 kidnapper 绑匪 hijacker 劫机犯 pirate 海盗burglar指夜间撬窗破门行窃的人。gan gster指结伙进行各种非法活动的武装歹徒。thief普通用词含义广泛,一般专指盗窍者。bandit指在乡间或小林地区结帮活动,使用恐

19、吓或暴力行窃的人。现指有组织或单独进行抢窃的盗匪。 robber指以暴力或威胁等手段强行夺取他人财物的人。scream v.尖叫scream atprofound pr?a? nd adj.极度的 (adj.极度的,深度的,深远的 )替换词:deep, complete Yesterday he had a profo und sleep.inten se, extreme He is afflicted with profo und an xieties.Kno wledgable He is a profo und scholar.profo und, deep这组词都有“深的”的意思,其

20、区别是:profound语气较强,较为庄重,多指抽象的事物,多用于比喻。deep普通用词,指由上到下,或由表及里的深度,可指具体或抽象事物。have a profound influence oneg. Educati on has profo und in flue nee on childre n.profound impressi on 深刻的印象 profound sorrow 深深的悲痛profound sleep 熟睡 profound idea 深刻地想法 profound sile nee 极其宁静a profo und apology 由衷的歉意 a profo und bo

21、w 深深地鞠了一躬irritation n.烦躁irritate ?te?:使烦躁(激怒;刺激) noises always irritate us.1、 If something irritates you, it keeps annoying you. 激怒2、 If something irritates a part of your body, it causes it to itch or become sore.刺激 irritated感到烦躁的 irritating令人烦躁的词根: irritateadj. irritating刺激的;气人的;使愤怒的irritated恼怒的,生

22、气的irritant刺激的;刺激性的irritative刺激的;刺激性的;使发怒的n. irritation刺激;刺激物;激怒;兴奋irritant 医刺激物,医刺激剂irritability 过敏性;易怒;兴奋性trouble指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。annoy强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打拢或恼怒。disturb较正式用词,多用被动态。指拢乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,是程度较深 的烦恼。bother指使人烦恼而引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。irritate语气比annoy强得多,指激怒,使发怒,多指一种短时间的反应。ince

23、ssantly ?n?sesntli adv连续不断的perpetual struggle, perma nent job, eter nal love, con ti nuance rain, con ti nu al, continu ally, con sta nt struggleincessant ?n?sesnt=continuous侧重连续不断的 六级单词It has been raining incessantly for 3 hours. There is a week of incessant rains.ceaseless =en dless, none stop, un

24、 broke nunin terrupted adj.不间断的;连续的 Un disturbed adj.镇定的;未被扰乱的;泰然自若的 也可引申出Last ni ght I had an unin terrupted party. He gave us a talk unin terrupted.con ti nuous a.不停的,连续不断的,强调中间不停顿。Our homes and offices need a continuous supply of electricity.我们的家庭以及办公室需要不间断的供电。constant a.不断的,经常的,强调始终如一地经常出现。Every

25、th ing in the uni verse is in con sta nt moti on. 宇宙中的万物都在不断地运动。con ti nual a.连续不断的;频繁的。表示时断时续的发生。That dogs barking is a continual annoyanee.那条狗不停地叫,真是烦死人了。incessant a不停的,持续不断的,强调令人厌烦地重复出现,中间有可能有停顿。In cessa nt no ise makes me appreciate sile nee持续不断的噪声骚扰使我喜欢安静的环境。whine wa?i v.发呜呜声1、 vi&n 哀鸣 hi ngor

26、some one whines, they make a long, high-pitched no ise,2、 vt&vi If some one whines, they compla in in an annoying way about someth ing uni mporta nt.( 为小事) 令人 厌烦地抱怨表不满Whiny= whi ney 烦躁的;爱抱怨的;常发牢骚的helicopter n.直升飞机helicopter指直升飞机。plane本义为平面,在航空专业里通常用 aeroplane。plane较通俗用词。airplane为美国英语的用词。aeroplane和ai

27、rplane专指普通飞机,不包括 helicopter(直升飞机)。aeroplane为英国英语的拼法。aircraft常用作集体名词,也可指一架飞机,其含义包括直升飞机和飞艇等。jet指喷气式飞机,也用 jet planemaximum ?m?ks?m?m adj.最大的 (Maximum is also a noun. 最大值)vt. maximize取最大值;对极为重视 maximise把增加到最大限度;尽量增大(等于 maximize)n. maximization 数极大化,最大化minimum ?m?n?n?m n.最小值;最低限度;最小化;最小量 adj.最小的;最低的vt. m

28、inimize 使减到最少;小看,极度轻视n minimization减到最小限度;估到最低额;轻视technology n.技术technological技术的;工艺的 technician技师,技术员;技巧纯熟的人这组词都有“技术”的意思,其区别是:technique多指具体的某种技术和技巧。techno logy含义比tech nique广泛,泛指生产工艺、科学技术。contribution n.贡献con tribute v.捐献,贡献 to give mon ey, help, ideas or someth ingcon tribute money con tribute food

29、 con tribute cloth ingeg. A large sum of money was con tributed to the disaster-hit area from all walks of life.con tribute a suggestio n 出了一个好建议con tribute a poem to the magaz ine 为一家杂志投了一篇诗稿con tribute to 有助于,促使eg. Cigarette is major factor contributing to cancer.attribute sth to sb/sth 扌把归于eg. Th

30、e in crease in birth rate is attributed to an improveme nt of medical care.distribute sth among/to 分发eg. Clothes and food had bee n distributed among refugees.tribute n.贡品pay tribute to 对表示感谢mobile ?m?ba? adj.可移动的(to move or travel easily可移动的;机动的;非固定的 )n手机、摩拜单车 1 可移动的 2、行动方便的(mobility N-U 行动方便)(If y

31、ou are mobile, you can move or travel easily from place to place)3、流动性的(指工作、住所或社会地位可变动的 )(mobility N-UN 流动性 日本匠人精神?)mobile phone 移动电话 mobile library 流动图书馆 mobile shop 移动商店 mobile clinic 移动诊所automobile ?tf?bi?l汽车n. mobilizatio n 动员;调动vi. mobilize m ?b?laN组织;动员起来 mobilise 动员起来(等于 mobilize )vt. mobilize动员,调动;集合,组织;使流通;使松动 mobilise动员;调动;使流通snore v.打鼾 (v./n.打鼾)eg. My roommates snore drives me nu ts.sn肝 v. breathe

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