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1、闽教版小学英语四年级第三册教案汇总(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)Lesson 1CONTENTS: U1 L1 Learn to say.AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: Introduce the school.2.LANGUAGE: Where is our classroom? In the new building. Class One, Grade Four. This is our librarymusic roomcomputer room.3.VOCABULARY: classroom, building, really, grade, lucky, cl

2、ean, bright, library, music, room, piano, LANGUAGE FOCUS: Where is our classroom? In the new building. Class One, Grade Four.DIFFICULT POINT: This is our librarymusic roomcomputer room.AIDS: tape, recorder, cards, some photos.PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPUOROSESWarm up1. Make a dialogue.2, Sing a song

3、The Morning Song1 T: The new term begins, welcome back to our school. Nice to see you again.S: Nice to see you too.Ss say and do the action.2 Sing the morning song. 通过对话、歌曲使学生很快回到课堂中来。自然引入新课的教学。Revision1, Review the words: nice, again, all right, new, 2, Review the sentence Where is ?1. Ss look and

4、say2. T chooses a card of the word and asks the Ss to guess what it is.3. 通过实物演示,复习句子Where is ?通过每节课的滚动复习,保证学生牢固掌握所学知识,达到学以致用。PresentationConsolidation1. Show the task2. Introduce the school.3. Learn the new words: classroom, building, really, grade, lucky, clean, bright, library, music, room, piano

5、,4. Listen and point1. Play a game1 Show the picture on the blackboard, let the students look at the picture and listen to the tape.1. 教师扮演王涛,与学生进行对话,T Where is our classroom?S In the new building.T Really? Lets go and groupsThis is our . Ss learn to say the words Where is our classroom? Class One,

6、Grade Four. This is our library 1. Ask the Ss to listen to the tape. 2. Listen and point3. Listen and repeat 4. Show the cards on the blackboard in two lines: classroom, building, really, grade, lucky, clean, bright, library, music, room, piano,5. Ss talk about their school in groups then act it out

7、.6. 评选优秀介绍员。呈现任务,激发学生的学习欲望,使学生明确本课的教学目的。学单词时,做到词不离句,在本课的句型里理解、学习、运用新词汇。培养学生静听的习惯,检查学生的听力情况。学生在完成这个任务,体验成功的喜悦的同时,不仅提高了学生的语言实践能力,而且对于学生的英语综合素质有很大的帮助。Assignment1. Listen to the tape and repeat.4. Talk about your classroom and school.5. Copy the words.教学追记:Lesson 2CONTENTS: Unit1 Lesson2 Ask and answer

8、&Look and read & Sing a song &Listen and learn the English sounds AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: Introduce your class.2.LANGUAGE: Are you in Class_,Grade_? Yes, I am. No, I am not. What class are you in? I am in _.3.VOCABULARY scienceLANGUAGE FOCUS: Are you in Class_,Grade_? Yes, I am. No, I am not.DIFFICULT POI

9、NT: What class are you in? I am in _.AIDS: tape, recorder, cards, some photos.PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPUOROSESWarm up1. Greeting2. Sing a song3. Sharing timeT-Ss 3. Sing a songThe Morning Song激发学生的学习热情,挖掘学生自身的潜能,为学生提供展示个性和能力的舞台。RevisionReview the words: classroom, building, really, grade, lucky, cl

10、ean, bright, library, music, room, piano, 1. Ss look and say2. T chooses a card of the word and asks the Ss to guess what it is.通过每节课的滚动复习,保证学生牢固掌握所学知识,达到学以致用。PresentationConsolidation Presentation1. Ask and answer.2 Look and read 3, Sing a song4. Listen and learn the English sounds. 1. T shows a ca

11、rd and asks the Ss: “Are you in Class Two, Grade Four?” Let the students answer “Yes, I am. No, I am not.2. 用更多的卡片进行不同方式的操练。TSs, SsT, Ss-Ss3. Play a Guess game1, Ss look at the pictures and listening to the tape.2, Guess 3, Ss read after the teacher.4, Listen to the tape again.5 Listen and point. 6D

12、o pair work 1, Do pair work,and say something about it.2. Read each line of the text and and repeat.5, Listen carefully to the tape.1. Read the song.2. Explain the song.3. Listen to the tape.4. Sing after the tape.1, 介绍b, p. ar 的 发音。2. Read the sentences.3. Read the words.3. Listen to the tape.3, Wr

13、ite the words.通过游戏,调动学生的学习积极性和参与热情,同时进一步复习所学的单词。通过游戏,引导学生积极思考,开发学生的智慧,增强课堂的趣味性。Rhyme不仅对训练学生的语音、语感和语流有很大的帮助,而且也能帮助学生更好地掌握的重点句型和难点句型。教学中巧妙进行听音学法的指导,使学生养成良好的英语听音习惯,加强对学生听音理解能力的培养。Assignment1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Copy the words.教学追记:Lesson 3 CONTENTS: U2 L3 Activity 1 & Activity 2 & Activit

14、y 3AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: 介绍值日情况。2.LANGUAGE: Please turn on the lightfan. Are you on duty today? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Whos on duty today?3.VOCABULARY: early, on duty. turn on. fan. sit down. DIFFICULT POINT: Are you on duty today? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Whos on duty today?AIDS: tape, recorder, card

15、s, some photos.PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPUOROSESWarm up1. Greeting2. Sing a song.T-Ss Sing a song The Music Room通过音乐,使学生很快回到课堂中来,同时,自然引入新课的教学。RevisionReview the words of unit 1.4. Ss look and say5. T chooses a card of the word and asks the Ss to guess what it is.通过每节课的滚动复习,保证学生牢固掌握所学知识,达到学以致用。Presen

16、tationConsolidation1. Show the task2. Learn to say. 3. Ask and answer 4. Look and sayPlay a game.今天我们班要举行一个值日报告会,看谁的值日报告做的最好。同时我们还要评选优秀的介绍员。1. Look at the pictures and say sth about it in Chinese.2. T says it in English.3. Ss read after the T.4. 分角色朗读。5. Ss do pair work.6. Listen to the tape.7. Read

17、 after the tape.8. Ss learn to say the words1. Listen and repeat2. Do Activity 2 in pairs.3. Ss talk about sth in groups then act it out.1. Listen to the tape.2. 让学生说说这段话的大概意思。3. Listen and repeat4. 分角色朗读。5. Do pair work.4. 评选优秀介绍员。呈现任务,激发学生的学习欲望,使学生明确本课的教学目的。培养学生静听的习惯,检查学生的听力情况。学生在完成这个任务,体验成功的喜悦的同时

18、,不仅提高了学生的语言实践能力,而且对于学生的英语综合Assignment1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Copy the words.教学追记:Lesson 4CONTENTS:On dutyAIMS:1、Function: Study duty. Study the pronunciation of “t、d” and “ir” in a word.2、Language: Sally is cleaning the blackboard. Li Hong is sweeping the floor. Lets close the windows3、V

19、ocabulary: over、close、clean、sweep、turn off 、turn onand so on.LANGUAGE FOCUS:Sally is cleaning the blackboard. Li Hong is sweeping the floor. Lets close the windowsDIFFICULT POINT:How to use the present tense.AIDS:recorder、some cards、tape.PEOCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSESWarming upSing songs.Sing a s

20、ong: and do the action.歌曲营造轻松活泼的课堂气氛。 RevisionReport (On duty).Integrate Lesson3、Look and say. 创设英语情景,激发学习兴趣。 Presentation1、Learn to say.1、Work in a group, discuss the question: What do you do after school every day?Render the result. Encourage the students to say.鼓励学生畅所欲言,给予学生充分表达的空间。2、T: (Celebrat

21、e the students do so many significative thing.)Do you want know what do Li Hong and Sally do after school?对学生的行为给予肯定,为新课的导入做好铺垫。3、Listen to the tape, and then think about what do Li Hong and Sally do after school?听音初步感知课文内容。4、Learn to the new content: clean the blackboard、sweep the floor、close the w

22、indow、turn off the lights、Lets、Please在理解课文的同时学习新内容。5、Listen to the tape again, and then recite the whole text. Imitate the speech and the intonation earnestly.在理解的基础上模仿课文录音,巩固课文内容。6、Practice: -1.通过练习巩固,学以致用。2、Listen, read and match.1、Review the sentences.复习句子,为听音连线做准备。2、Listen to the tape, and then

23、match the sentences and the letters. Remind the students to look into the pictures earnestly.在观察图画的同时做好听音连线练习,训练了学生的观察能力和理解能力。3、Describe the content of the pictures.深化课文。3、Listen and learn the English sounds.1、 Study the pronunciation of “t、d” in a word. Learn the pronunciation via listen and read.通

24、过认知和感悟的途径去掌握正确的读音,发现其发音规律,符合学生的认知特点。2、Listen to the tape, and then read after it. The teacher gives to appraise in season.教师的及时评价能给学生的学习带来极大的活力。3、 Study the pronunciation of “ir” in a word.Review the words: bird、girl、skirt、shirt.Let the students think of what characteristic do these words have?在复习单词

25、读音的过程中找出他们的相同之处。4、The teacher of “ir” in a word.教师在学生自主探究后加以总结深化。Assignment1、Listen to the tape.Read aloud the text, and then exercise in actual scene.作业分层设计,鼓励学生与家长合作学习,亲子互动,学以致用。2、Practice. 教学追记:Lesson 5CONTENTS:Numbers.AIMS:1、Function: Talking about numbers 13-20. 2、Language: Who is on duty today

26、? Number Thirteen and Number Fourteen.3、Vocabulary: thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen、twenty.LANGUAGE FOCUS:Who is on duty today? Number Thirteen and Number Fourteen.DIFFICULT POINT:The pronunciations of affix “-teen” and “-ty”.AIDS:wall map、recorder、some cards、tape、VCD.P

27、EOCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSESWarming up1、Tongue twister.Content: Tim needs a the desk. Daisys dog is near the door.举行绕口令比赛能营造轻松活泼的课堂气氛。 2、TPR game.Content: Clean the desk, please. Turn on the light, please. Please open the window. Sweep the floor, please. Please close the door. Please turn off th

28、e fan.比一比谁的耳朵灵,谁的动作反应快,激发学生兴趣。RevisionNumber off.1、Number off: Say numbers in order.2、Claim: Right、quick.3、Comment and appraise. 以游戏的形式巩固复习,并对游戏成果进行评价,学生兴趣盎然。Presentation1、Learn to say.1、The teacher calls the roll: thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen、twenty. The students go

29、 to the dais if theyre the numbers.以点名上台的方式引导学生初步认知13-20的数字。2、The teacher leads the other students to call the roll: 13-20. The students go back to their seat if they called the roll.通过点名回座位的形式,全班学生再次学习数字13-20的。3、Read the words while the students listen to the tape. Remind the students to notice the

30、 pronunciations of affix “-teen” and “-ty”.听录音感知课文内容,同时注意解决本课的难点。2、Look and say.1、Discuss these question in a group: What are they doing? What are their numbers? Who is in the lead?小组活动、讨论,有利于增进合作学习力度。2、Report the result.结果汇报,使学生的学习学有所用,同学间互相帮助,激发学习兴趣。3、The teacher asks seven students to come to the dais, and then provides them with numbers: thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen、twenty.模拟真实,进行情景教学,与此同时,复习数字13-20。4、The teacher utters the injunction: “Jump!” The whole students enounce the number of the student w

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