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1、word完整版外研版高中英语必修三Module1Europe基本知识2Book 3 Module 1 Europe重点单词1across prep.横过;穿过2continental adj.大陆的;大洲的continent n大洲3face vt.面向;面对facial adj.面部的4range n山脉5situated adj.坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的situation n状况,位置6symbol n象征;符号symbolic adj.象征性的7located adj.位于locate v位于location n位置;场所8project n计划;项目;工程9civilizatio

2、n n文明civilize v使文明;有修养civilized adj.有教养的10ancient adj.古代的11opposite prep.在对面12sign vt.签署signature n签名13agreement n协议;契约agree v同意disagreement n(反义词)不同意14govern vt.统治;治理government n政府governor n统治者15geographical adj.地理的geography n地理学16feature n特点重点短语1off the coast of 在离海岸不远的地方 on the coast of 在海岸上2be l

3、ocated/situated in 位于3be famous for 因而闻名 be well known to sb. 为某人所熟知4be known as 作为而闻名5work on 工作;干活6because of 因为 as a result of 由于;因为 owing to由于;因为; due to 因为7ever since 自从以来 since then 从那时起一直到现在8refer to 意指,涉及9in terms of 据;依照 according to 根据;按照10on (the) one hand , on the other hand 一方面.,另一方面11l

4、ittle by little 逐渐地 step by step 一点一点地 one by one 一个一个地12with a population of 有人口 _common with 与有共同之处14have control over/of 对加以控制 under the control 在控制之下 take/gain control of 取得对的控制 lost control of失去对的控制keep control of 保持对的控制 beyond control 无法控制 in control of 管理 in the control of 失去控制15. of

5、 all time有史以来 all the time 一直;始终 at times 有时;偶尔 at one time 一度;曾经16. in common 共同 in common with和相同 common practice 惯例 common sense 常识17. compare with/to 与相比较 compare notes 交换意见 by comparison 相比之下 in comparison with/to 与 相比Word study:1. range n. 排;连续;山脉;(变化等的)幅度;(知识等的)范围;区域;射程v. 排列,使排队;(动植物)分布;(在一定范

6、围内)变化,变动Between France and Spain is another mountain range the Pyrenees.a wide range of 广泛的;各种各样的 a full range of 各种within/in range of在的范围内 beyond/out of ones range超越了 的范围range 在范围内变动,包括(由到)之间的各类事物range between.and. 在和范围内变动range over 范围涉及 rangein rows 把排成队eg. (1)The child was now out of her

7、 range of vision.这孩子已经走出了她的视线。(2)There is a full range of activities for children.这里有给孩子们提供的各种活动。(3)Estimates of the damage range between $ 1 million and $ 5 million.估计损失在100万到500万美元之间。(4)She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to swimming instructor. 她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练。2. situate

8、d = located adj. 坐落(某处)的;位于(某处的) situate vt. 使位于,使处于 situation n. 情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置;形势,立场be situated on / in/ at 位于 的;处于地位(境遇、状态)的be located at/ in/ on位于 的;处于位置be badly/well situated境况困难/良好be in an embarrassing situation处境尴尬 save the situation 挽回局势the international situation国际(国内)形势feel out the situat

9、ion 摸清底细 (情况) location n. 位置,场所,所在地on location 拍摄外景的,拍摄外景中eg. (1)The school is situated in the suburbs. 这所学校位于郊外。(2)He was very badly situated. 他处于困境中。(3)I am now in a difficult situation. 我现在处境困难。辨析:situate /locate(1) be situated on/ in / at 与be located on/ in / at意义相同,都可表示“位于的,坐落在的”意思Where will th

10、e school be situated /located?(2) situated 做为形容词用时,可用于描述人或事物,意思是“处于境况”。- How are you situated? 你情况如何?- Very badly. 坏极了(3) locate 还可以表示“确定某物的位置,找出的场所”之意。We located the island on the map.3. symbol n. 象征;符号The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris.Generally, we

11、 use X as the symbol for an unknown quantity.symbol /sign/ signal (1) symbol指作为象征意义或表达某种深邃意义的特殊事物。(2) sign指人们公认的事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆。(3) signal指为某一目的而有意义的信号。4. opposite prep. 在对面 adj. 相对的,对面的,对立的,相反的adv. 在对面n. 反义词,对立的事物,相反的人The people sitting opposite us looked very familiar.The library is on the opposi

12、te side of the road from our school.opposition n. 反对,敌对,相反 oppositely adv. 相对地,对立地be opposite from与相反;不相容 be opposite to在对面;与相反just the opposite恰恰相反 be opposed to反对; 反抗in opposition to sb./sth. 反对eg.(1)The people sitting opposite us looked familiar.坐在我们对面的人看上去面(2)Light is opposite to shadow.光亮与阴暗是相反

13、的。(3)Mary isnt shy at alljust the opposite in fact.玛丽一点都不腼腆,事实上正好相反。(4)We sat opposite,talking.我们相对而坐,说着话。5. head n. 领导;领袖;头; v. 带领;向方向前进In the United Kingdom, for example, the head of state is a king or queen.When the engine caught fire, I just lost my head.当head意为“领导;领袖;头;头脑”时是可数名词;但作为量词,表示“多少头”时不

14、可用复数。keep ones head 保持冷静 lose ones head 头脑不清醒,慌张a clear/cool head 冷静/清醒的头脑 hold ones head high 昂首挺胸 from head to foot 从头到脚;全身;完全 head for/ toward朝;向6. In terms of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China?(a). in terms ofwith regard to/according to/in the light of据;依照;在方

15、面The job is great in teams of salary, but it has its e to terms和解;妥协;让步 come to terms with甘心忍受be on good/bad terms with与关系很好(坏)in the long (short) term从长远(眼前)来看in any terms 无论如何,在任何情况下be in terms 在谈判(交涉)中keep on good (friendly) terms with sb. 与某人保持良好(友好)关系,交朋友keep terms with sb. 与某人交往;与某人保持友好关系be on

16、 equal terms 关系平等 on ones terms 依照某人的条件eg. (1)It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科学的字眼来表达它是很难的。(2)The figures are expressed in terms of a percentage.那些数字是以百分数表示的。(3) In terms of money, her loss was small.从金钱的角度来讲,她的损失是很小的。7. little by little一点一点地,慢慢地,逐渐地bit by bit一点一点地 quite a litt

17、le美口大量,丰富little more than和无差别(一样)by little and littlelittle by little逐渐地,一点点地a little 一点儿 a bit of一点儿 a little bit 少量的a little more /less 有点多/少 quite a bit 颇多eg. (1)Little by little things returned to normal. 情况逐渐恢复正常。(2)Graham was more than _a little_frightened by what he had seen. 格雷厄姆被他看到的事吓了一大跳。

18、【拓展】:not a little/not a bit(1)not a little许多;很very She was _not a little_ tired after the long journey. 经过长途跋涉,她非常累。(2)not a bit一点儿也不not at allIm _not a bit_tired now.我现在一点儿也不累。Really, David is _not a bit_ like his brother as far as generosity is concerned.的确,就慷慨大方这一点来说,大卫一点也不像他哥哥。8. last: vi 持续 The

19、 rainy season lasted until July.耐久 The coat lasts well.vt. 熬过时候;度过,足够维持 The food will last us three days.9. influence vt. 影响;对起作用;左右n. 影响;作用;影响力have an influence on sb./sth. 对产生影响have influence over sb./ sth.对有影响力under the influence of 受影响 under the influence 喝醉的10. compare v. 关于compare短语: compared

20、with和比较(作状语,放于句首或句末)compare A to B 把A比作B compare A with B 把A和B作比较11on the other hand 另一方面;反过来说at hand在手边,在附近;即将到来,即将发生 at first hand第一手地,直接地at second hand第二手的;间接的;旧的;用过的 on every hand四面八方,四周on the one hand.; on the other hand. 一方面;另一方面at any handin any hand在任何情况下;无论如何eg. (1) He is an able man, but o

21、n the other hand he demands too much of people.他是一个能干的人,但是另一方面,他对人要求太多了。(2)On the one hand he loves her very much; on the other hand , he hates her pride. 他一方面非常喜欢她,另一方面又讨厌她的骄傲。【拓展】:on the other hand / on the contrary(1)on the other hand表示“另一方面”,说明同一件事的两个方面,并不表示相反的对立面。 多用以引出相互矛盾的观点、意见等。(2)on the con

22、trary表示“相反的”,用于对比指出与前面事情截然相反的方面。相当于the opposite is true: not at all。eg. (1)Im sure you like your new job. 我相信你喜欢你的新工作。On the contrary ,its very dull. 正相反,新工作很乏味。(2)I want to sell the house, but on the other hand I cant bear the thought of moving.我想卖掉房子,但另一方面我又无法容忍搬家的想法。12sign n. 记号,符号;迹象;征兆;痕迹v. 签(名

23、);做手势;做记号signature n. 签名 traffic signs 交通标志a sign of rain下雨的预兆 talk by signs用手势交谈make/give a sign to对做手势 sign in/out签到/签退sign for/up签字领取/报名参加 sign sb. to do sth. 打手势让某人做某事sign (your name) here, (1)There were no signs of life on the island.那个岛上没有生物存在的迹象。(2)Nobody moved until I gave the sig

24、n.在我发信号之前,谁也没动。(3)He signs (to/for) me to stop.他打手势让我停下。(4)This is a registered letter, and someone will have to sign for it. 这是一封挂号信,必须有人签收才行。(5)Im thinking of signing up for the philosophy course this term. 我正在考虑这学期报名参加哲学课。13. The United Kingdom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe.1 o

25、ff the coast of 离陆地不远的海上 2 on the coast 指在离海面附近的陆地上I once stayed in a town on the south coast of England.He died in a shipwreck off the south coast.句中的off是介词,译为“与相离,脱离”eg. He lives in a villagea little away off the road. 他住在离大路不远的村子里。 It will be a good thing when those old cars are off the roads.那些旧

26、车不再上路将是件大好事from指从某个起点离开或行为从某个起点开始;off指离开或脱离某物。continental adj. 大陆的,大陆性的 continent大陆a continental climate大陆性气候 continental breakfast 欧式早餐(只供应面包、咖啡的简单早餐)continental divide 大陆分水岭 continental drift 大陆漂移 continental shelf 大陆架 the Continental Congress 大陆会议continent (C) n.大陆 Asia 亚洲 Africa 非洲 North America

27、 北美洲 South America 南美洲Europe 欧洲 Australia 澳洲 Antarctica 南极洲the New Continent 新大陆,指南北美洲大陆14. France is Europes third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel.3 Europes third largest country 形容词的 最高级 级前加上了序数词third 来修饰,如eg. The second most expensive suit cost me 1000 yuan

28、. 第二贵的西服花了我1000。4 face n. 脸;面,表面 v. 面对,面临;朝向;正视【拓展】 in (the) face of 面对 be faced with 面临/面对make a face (make faces) 做鬼脸;扮怪相 face up to 大胆面向hit sb. in the face 打中某人的脸 save ones face 保全面子lose ones face 失面子 face to face 面对面 with a smile on ones face 面带微笑 fly in the face of 公然反抗eg. (1)_Faced with_diffic

29、ulty, we didnt give in.面对困难,我们没有屈服。(2)The house faces (to the) south. 这房子朝南。(3)Liu Hulan faced the enemy bravely /with courage.刘胡兰勇敢地面对敌人。(4)If anything goes wrong, it is I who will have to face the music. 如果出了什么问题,负责任的是我。15. 三种常见倍数句式:倍数+as+adj/adv(原型)+as倍数+adj/adv(比较级)+than倍数+the size /length /dept

30、h of 16. Twenty percent of the country is covered by islands. Part of /half of /two thirds of /20 percent of + 可数名词复数+ 复数谓语 Part of /half of /two thirds of /20 percent of + 不可数名词+ 单数谓语 eg. Nearly 70 percent of the students wear glasses. 接近70%的学生都戴眼镜。 Half of the food was wasted. 一半的食物都浪费了 cover v. 覆盖 cover A with B= A is covered with/by被.所覆盖from cover to cover 从头到尾 under cover 被守护17. be situated(located) on/in 位于某处 more than超过;不仅仅 be famous for因而出名 be famous as作为而出名be famous to 为所熟知 two-thirds三分之二t

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