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1、译林英语八年级上册语法复习及练习含答案情态动词的用法 一、 情态动词的类型 (一) )might(may)、could(can、must 只做情态动词的有: 、1 need 可做情态动词也可做实义动词的有: 、2 )should(shall)、would(will 可做情态动词也可做助动词的有: 、3 、4ought to 、haveto 可做情态动词的某些特征的有: (二) 情态动词的特征must 构成谓语:必须和行为动词或系动词连用,但不能单独做谓语,有一定的词义, 、1 ()must go home )X(home)例外,用于第三人称单数时用 have to 无人称和数的变化( 、2ha

2、s to He must stay there. We must stay there. He has towalk home. We have to walk home. She may lose her way 后接动词原形: 、3 具有助动词的作用,可用来构成否定句、疑问句及用于简明答语 、4 Yes, I can. Can you sing an English song ?情态动词的用法 (三) 的用法 could、can、1 表示能力,译为:能,会。如: )1( 你会打篮球么? Can you playbasketball? 表怀疑、猜测,常用于否定句和疑问句当中,如: )2( 他

3、不可能在房间里。 t be in the room. He。ca如n:may表请求或允许,多用于口语,意为 “可以 ”,相当于 )3( 你现在可以走了。 You can(may) go now.的过去式,可以表示过去的能力。如: can 是 could )4( I could swim when I was sevenyears old. 。t ca和n can 开头的一般疑问句,其肯定回答和否定回答分别用 can 以 )5( )的用法 might(过去式 may、21( )表推测,意为 “可能,也许 ”,用于肯定句中。如: 他明天可能会来。 He may come tomorrow. )表请

4、求、许可,意为“可以 “。如: 2( 我可以借用你的书么? May I borrow yourbook? ,不用 t must其n 否定回答用 的一般疑问句时, 主语为第一人称 表请求,用于 may 注意: ,意为 “不可以,不许,禁止“,如:may not是,可以。 / Yes, you may(can). 不可以 t Noy,ou mustnMay I go now? 祝你成功 May you succeed.) 表祝愿。如:3(,否定句也用 can 表示推测,意为一定,一般用于肯定句。在疑问句和否定句一般应用表示不可能。如: t can表示可能不,而 may not,但 may 有人在敲

5、门。 heres someonenokcking onthe door. T 肯定是吉姆。 It must be Jim.开头的疑问句,肯定回答用 must 表示禁止,意为不允许。以 t mus:tn在否定句中,注意 don或者 t need,n而否定回答则常用 must 。如:t mus,tn意为不必,而不用 thaveto 我今天必须完成工作么?Must I finishthe work today? 不 , 你 不 必thaveto. t/youdon you,n eNeodn need 对)4(need 用助动词提问或否定;为实义动词, need 说明 todo 后加 need 词性的

6、判断:提问或否定,肯定 need 为情态动词,用 need 后加动词原形,则 need 表被动;若 doing后加 。如: t need,n否定回答用 must 回答用 你不必这么早来学校。 neednt come toschool so early. You 的用法 hadbetter 、5 hadbetternotdosth动词原形,表示最好做某事,否定式用 hadbetter+ )的用法would(will)、should(shall 、6( 用于第一人称,表示征求意见、询问。用于第二、三人称,表示命令如: shall)1 ?我打开窗户好么? Shall I openthewindow

7、?我们在这儿吃饭好么?Shallwehavelunchhere 课堂上你必须听讲。 You shall listen tothe teacher in class. 常用来表示义务、责任。如: should)2( 我们应该遵守交通规则。 Weshouldobeytrafficlaws(. 用于第二人称表示询问、请求,也可以表达现在的意愿。如: will )3 你能把这本书递给我么? Willyou pass me the book? 用来表示过去的意愿或委婉的询问。如: would )4( ?你能告诉我去东站的路么? Wouldyoutellmethewaytothestation 易混点清单

8、 、71(beableto 和 can )表 beableto),但 could(只用于现在时和过去式 can表示能力时用法相同, beableto 和 can 。如:有现在时,过去时和将来时示经过努力后,能够做到 我们下 周能 回来 。 Wewillbeabletocomebacknextweek. The firespread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able toget out.去年不会说中文但今年会。 , but now he can. Jimim couldn tspeak Chinese last yearJ

9、表示可能性的区别 may 和 can )2( 表可能。如: may 在肯定句中用 你最好问问警察,他可能知道。 You had better ask the policeman. He may know,. 若语气不肯定,表 cannot 在否定句中,若语气肯定,表示不可能时用 。maynot 示可能不时用 李老师不可能在,他去北京度假了。 tbein the room. He has gone to Beijing for a visit. MrLican 表示委婉语气 might,would,should,could ) 3(would,should,could 等过去式有时不表示过去,而

10、是表示更委婉客气的语气,如: might, 你能告诉我去公园的路么?Would you tell me the way to the park? maybe 和 maybe )4(为副词, “大概,也许 ”,相当 Maybe,用在句中。 be 为情态动词,后面跟动词原形 may ,用于句首。 perhaps于 can )5(t mustn和 t 表达 “禁止,不允许 ”的含义,不是用来表推测的,在肯 t mus,tnt ca表n 否定推测时应用 表推测,意为 “一定 ”。must 定句中 Must I gotolawschoolandbea lawyer like you,Dad?D _, s

11、on. Yourefree to you_,Nomakeyour own decision. D. needn t C. shouldn t B. muscantA. Is Mr Brown driving here?A I mnot sure.He_ come by train. D. must C. need B. shall mayA. Lookat the young lady in red. Is it Mrs King?D No,it_ be her. She is wearing a white dress today. A. D.cant C. must B. may can

12、May I stop my car here?No,you_. 1B D. dont have to C. neednt B. mustnt A.cant 2. Must we clean the house now?No, you _. A D.cant C. mustnt B. may not A. neednt 3. John_his fatherabout his failure in the exam. C D. dares not to tell B. dares nottellingC. dare not tell A. dares not tell 4. You_return

13、the booknow. You can keep it next week if you like. C D. may not C.neednt B. mustnt A. cant5. Johnny, you_play with the knife, you_hurt yourself. BD. cant.shouldnt B. mustnt.mayC. shouldnt, must A.wont.cant 6. The fire spread through the hotel very quicklybuteveryone_ get out. D D. was able to C. co

14、uld B. wouldA. had to C7. Would you go out for a walk with me?No, I_. Mygirl friend is coming. D. shouldnt C. wont B. shall not A.wouldnt 8. Man_die without water. A B. can A. will D.shall C. need 9. If he started at 9 0clock, he_be there bynow. D D. must C. ought to B. shall A. need 10. I mailed th

15、eletter two weeks ago. She_it. D D. must have received B.cant receive C. might receive A. must receive 11.The professorgave orders that the experiment _ before 5:30p.m. A D.would be finished B. will finishC. must be finished A. be finished12. There was plenty of time. You_. D B. mustnt havehurriedC.

16、 neednt hurry A. mustnt hurry D. neednt havehurried ) boy. He_go to school though it was raining har勤d.奋的 13. Tom was a diligent(A D. wasnt able to C. couldnt B.could A. was able to 14. _I go back before lunch?No, I dontthink you_. C B. Do.need to C. Must.have to D. May .ought to A. Need.must 15. Th

17、e teacher_do all the exercises,but a student_. A D. cant.must B. may not.mustC.neednt.neednt A. neednt.must 16. Would you open thewindow please ?Yes, I_. A B. would A. will D. can C. do17. A lion_only attack a human being when it is hungry. C D.shall C. will B. can A. should 18. Must I finish this n

18、ovel thismorning ?No, you_. C A. mustnt B. might not C. dont have toD. cant 19. The taxi _ only hold six passengers.It is full.You_take the next one. B A. may.may B. can.may C.may.can D. must.can 20. I_a little earlier, but I met a friendof mine on the way. C D. must have come B. may have come C.cou

19、ld have come A. may come 21. I wish to go home now,_I? AD. do C. must B. cant A. may 22. He must have finished hishomework, _he? D A. mustnt B. didnt C. neednt D. hasnt23. This pen looks like mine, yet it isnt. Whose_it be? B C. mayB. can A. must D. might 24. He didnt do well in the exam.He_hard at

20、his lessons. B D. has worked B. ought to haveworkedC. would have worked A. must have worked 25. I wonderhow he_that to the teacher. D C. not dare say B. dare saying A.dare to say D. dared say 26. Mr Baker, a number of students wantto see you. _ they wait here or outside? C D. Are C. Shall B.Will A.

21、Should 27. You_the trees. Look, it is raining now. BA.mustnt have watered B. neednt have wateredC. could havewatered D. might have watered 28. I_give you an answertomorrow. I promise! B B. will A. must D. shall C. may 29. As asoldier, you_do as the head tells you. B D. ought C. may B.shall A. will 3

22、0. The streets are all dry. It_ during the night. AD. shouldnt have rained A. cant have rained B. must have rainedC.couldnt rain 现在完成时 二、定义:某个动作发生在过去,但对现在仍然有影响和结果,这个动作或状态可能已 (一) 经结束,但 影响可能还要持 续下去。 , 疑问句应 将 not 后加have/has 动词过去分词,否定式在 have/has+其构成形式是:(二) 放在句子主语之前。 have/has 现在完成时的用法(三) yet, already, 表示

23、过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响和结果,常用的时间状语有: )1(,thesedays,never, just 等。如:recently,inthepastyears 你去过北京么? Have you everbeen to Beijing? 中国已经在科技方面 made great progress inscience and technology. Chinahasalready 取得了巨大的进步。我爸爸刚下班回来了。 My father has just come back from work. 2(表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和表示一段时间的状语连用。 ) 如:sinc

24、e 1991 时间点 ”(表时间段),since+、“fortwoyears 时间段 ”如 for+“他们已经离开这里两年了。 Theyhavelefttherefortwoyears. 年开始他就一直住在美国。 1960 从 He has lived in America since1960. 年了。 6 我们学习英语已经 We have studied English forsix years. for )3(引导的短语都表示 “一段时间 ”,所以谓语动词应该时延续性动词,不 since 和,study,work,live 有:延续性东西表示该动词可以一直持续进行,能用非延续性动词。等,非

25、延续性动词是指该动词所表示的动作不能持续,在短暂的时间里 stay,teachborrow 完成的,有: 等。buy,lend,die,leave,get,arrive,come,她来了。 Shehascome. 我已经买了一块手表。 I have bought a watch. 她已经来了一个小时了。She has been for an hour. 我 去年就买了 一块 手表。Ihavehadawatchsincelastyear. 表示将来某一时间之前已经完成的动作。现在完成时可以在条件或时间状语从句中, )4( Hewill come as soon as he has finishe

26、d the homework. 他一完成家庭作 业 就 来 。 我 们 将 一 直 在 这 里 等 着 直 到 雨 停 。Weshallwaithereuntiltherainhasstopped. 现在完成时和一般过去时的用法比较 (四)一般过去时只表示动作发生在过去,和现在不发生联系,它可以和表示过去的某个 )1(时间的状语连用。而现在完成时表示某种动作发生在过去,但对现在仍有影响,强 调的是现在情况,不能和表过去时间的状语连用。如:Wehavevisitedthefarm. (现在对农场有所了解) (说明上周参观农场这件事) Wevisitedthefarmlastweek. 如果询问某

27、事发生的时间、地点,只用一般过去时。如: )2( 你是什么时候找到了你的包? When did you find your bag? 我下午找到了它。Ifounditintheafternoon. 从去年开始他一直住北京(现在也住着)Hehaslivedin Beijing since lastyear. 去年以前他住在北京(现在是否住不知道) Helivedin Beijingbeforelastyear.的区别 have/hasgone 和 have/has been (五)的意思是 “去过,到过 ”,表示曾经去过某处,但现在人不在那, have/has been to意思是 “去了 ”,

28、表示已经去了某地,现在人可能在去的途中或已经 have/hasgoneto 到达。如:她已经到北京去了。 (她已前往北京,或在途中,或已到 Shehasgoneto Beijing. 达。现在人不在这里)她曾到北京。 (她过去到过北京表示一种经历,表示说 She has been to Beijing. 话的时候她还在这里)讲的时过去的情况,强调过去与否,着重到目前为止的某个have/has been to 总之,指现在人不在 “这里 ”,只用于第三人称,不用于第一、 have/hasgoneto结果,而 。havebeento 第二人称,不能用来代替 his Both 、1B sad . M

29、aybe they_whats happened to him . look parents haveknown . knew . .will know must know . He has_ been to Shanghai , has he ?、2B . still .ever .never already . ?Have you met Mr Li _、3C just . a moment ago . .before ago . The famous writer _ one new book in the past two year . 、4D writing .was writing

30、 . is written .has .wrote _ a lot so far . Our country 、5C Yes . I hope it will beeven _ . . . has changed ; well . changed ; better . has changed ; betterchanged ; good _in this schoolfor two years . Zhao Lan _already、6C . was ; studying .are ; studying . has ; studied . will ; study We _Xiao Li since she was a little、7C girl . known had . .know knew . known . have Harry Potter is a verynice film .I_ it twice . 、8B . see will . .see saw . seen have States . United

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