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1、英美文学选读模拟试题3答案英美文学选读模拟试题(三)一、单项选择题1.“All is not lost: the unconquerable will, and the study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: and what is else not to be overcome?”A. Dr. Faustus B. Paradise Lost C. Paradise Regained D. TamburlaineJohn Milton: Paradise Lost Renaissance p

2、eriod2.Who, disregarding grammar and punctuation, always used “i” instead of “I” to refer to himself as a protest against self importance?A. Cummings B. Wallance Stevens C. F. Scott. Fitzgerald D. Ernest Hemingway3.Which of the following best describes the speaker of T.S Eliots “the love song of J.

3、Alfred Prufrock”?A. He is a man of an action. B. He is a man of apathy. C. He is a man of inactivity.D. All the above are not true.T.S Eliot:Modern period the love song of J.Alfred Prufrock4.William Wordsworth asserts that poetry originates from. A. form B. thoughts C. artistic devices D. emotion詩當然

4、是感情5.“My Last Duchess” is a poem that best exemplifies Robbert Brownings. A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English language B. excellent choice of wordsC. mastering of the metrical devicesD. use of the dramatic monologueRobert Browning:”My Last Duchess” The Victorian Period6.“Man shall find gr

5、ace.” But he must lay hold of it by an act of free will. The freedom of the will is the keystone of _s creed.A.John Milton B.Jonathan SwiftC.Henry FieldingD.Samuel JohnsonJohn milton 在paradise lost 中,貫穿了基督教人文主義的傳統,意欲揭露撒旦的行為,並為上帝對人類的懲罰的辯護,在人類愛情與精神道德義務之間的矛盾中展示了彌爾頓對自由與決擇的關心人類應找到體面與尊嚴,可同時人類必須要保持意志自由,意志上

6、的自由是Milton作品的主旨他的詩作是想讓讀者明白圣經中不變的真理,即掌握天機的上帝是公正的,他允許亞當同夏娃受到引誘,並讓他們自主選擇罪惡與不可避免的懲罰。由此,又為基督自愿獻身開辟了道路,這也顯示出上帝欲將人類從罪惡與苦難中拯救出來的同情心7.In Coleridges “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” the mariner suffers the horror of death, because _.A.he experiences a shipwreckB.he is tortured with starvationC.he undergoes

7、much sufferingD.he kills an albatross古航海家之歌,講述了一位水手的曆險故事,這位水手不顧法律,打死了一只信天翁8.Henry James fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with themeB.national themeC.European themeD.regional theme9.In Hardys “Wessex” novels, there is an apparent _ touch in his description of the sim

8、ple and beautiful though primitive rural life.A.nostalgic B.humorousC.romanticD.sarcastic10.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between _ and _centuries.A.14th-mid-17thB.16th-mid-17thC.14th-mid-18thD.16th-mid-19th11.Of the following poems by T.S.Eliot, which is hailed as a landmark and a

9、 model of the 20th century English poetry?A.Poems 1909-1925B.The Hollow MenC.Prufrock and Other ObservationsD.The Waste Land12.“It is not so expressed, But what of that? Twere good you do so much for charity.” “What of that” in the above sentence means _.A.this is very importantB.this is not importa

10、ntC.this is trueD.this is not true13.Which of the following poems is a landmark in English Poetry?A.“Lyrical Ballads and Samuel Taylor Coleridge” by William Wordsworth.B.“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William WordsworthC.“Remorse” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.D.“Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman.14.

11、Which of the following writings is praised by Hemingway as a book from which “all modern American literature comes”?A.Tom Sawyer.B.Huckleberry Finn.C.The Gilded Age.D.Life on the Mississippi.15.In which of the following works, Hemingway presents his philosophy about life and death through the depict

12、ion of the bull-fight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy?A.The Green Hills of Africa.B.The Snows of Kilimanjaro.C.To have and Have Not.D.Death in the Afternoon.午后的死亡中,海明威通過描寫斗牛,表明了他和生死觀16.The protagonist of the poem “Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is a kind of tragic figure caught in a sense of deaf

13、ted idealism and tortured by satisfied desires. Of the following descriptions of him, which isnt suitable for him?A.He is neurotic.神經質的B.He is self-important.C.He is illogical.不合邏輯的D.He is a man of an action.17.“Shall I compare thee to a summers day? /Thou art more lovely and more temperate: /Rough

14、winds do shake the darling buds of May, /And summers lease hath all too short a date”, the above beautiful sonnets was written by _.A.John DonneB.John MiltonC.William ShakespeareD.Francis Bacon18.Here is a sentence from an essay, “Read not to contradict and confuse, nor to believe and take for grant

15、ed, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider”. The essay must be _.A.Of Studies by Francis BaconB.The Advancement of Learning by Francis BaconC.Novum Organum by Francis BaconD.Essays by Francis Bacon19.Which of the following is considered to be a better-structured novel?A.Women in L

16、oveB.Sons and LoversC.The RainbowD.Lady Chatterleys lover20.With so many poems such as “The Sparrows Nest,” “To a Skylark,” “To the Cuckoo” and “To a Butterfly”, William Wordsworth is regarded as a “_”.A.poet of geniusB.royal poetC.worshipper of natureD.conservative poet21.In the first part of Gulli

17、vers Travels, Gulliver told his experience in _.A.LilliputB.BrobdingnagC.HouyhnhnmD.England22.“To be, or not to be-that is the question; whethertis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?” Who sai

18、d these words?A. King LearB. Romeo C. AntonioD. Hamlet23.“to be so distinguished is an honor, which, being very little accustomed to favors from the great, I know not well how to receive or in what terms to acknowledge.”A. ironic B. jealous C. delightful D. humorousSamuel Johnson24.In the theatrical

19、 world of the neoclassical period, was the leading figure among the host of playwrights.A. William Blake B. Richard Brinsley Sheridan C. Ben JohnsonD. George Bernard ShawNeoclassica 造謠學校 The School of Scandal25.Among the works by John Milton, which is indeed the only generally acknowledge epic in En

20、glish literature since Beowulf?A.Paradise Regained B.Samson Agonists C.Areopagitica D.Paradise LostMilton 三部偉大的詩作誕生: Paradise lost: 是Beowulf 之后唯一的一部公認的英國文學中的史詩Samson Agonists 是古希腊詩劇體在英文中的完美體現26.Which writing is a typical example of Shakespeares pessimistic view towards human life and society in his

21、late years?A.The Tempest 暴風雨 B.King LearC.HamletD.Othello暴風雨是他創作后期的代表作,劇中到處都有現實人間不可能發生的事情,狂野的風暴變得有魔法,可以回應不幸的米闌大公普洛斯彼羅的每一個信號,Shakespeare借助了超自然的神話氣氛及夢幻來解決人世間的各種沖突,對shakespeare 來說,人的一生不歸於一場夢幻由此看來,暴風雨典型地反映了他晚年對人生,對社會持有的悲觀態度27.Who, one of the most important poets in his time, is a leading spokesman of th

22、e “imagist movement”?A.J. D. Salinger 塞林杰是戰后孤獨的青年的代言人,他的裸麥田里的接手被認為是學生的經典作品B.Ezra PoundC.Richard Wright D.Ralph Emerson28._ lays the foundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinking and fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge.A.Francis

23、 bacon B.Thomas hardyC.Charles dickens D.William Blake29.Alexander pope strongly advocated , emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.A.idealism B.neoclassicismC.romanticismD.sentimentalism30.Dickenss work

24、s are characterized by a mingling of and pathos.A.metaphor B.passionC.satireD.humor31.“self-conceited”, “cruel” and “tyrannical” are most likely the names of the characters in . A.Robert Brownings My Last Duchess B.Christopher Marlowes Dr. Faustus C.Shakespeares loves Labours lostD.Sheridans the Sch

25、ool for Scandal32.Who is the author of the writing “Moby Dick”?A.S. T .Coleridge B. John Keats C.Henry Fielding D.Herman Melville33.The sentences “studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”, and “some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digest

26、ed;.” are quoted from A.Novum Organum B.Of Studies By Bacon C.The Advancement Of Learning D.Essays34.The advancement of learning is a great tract on .A.history B.literature C.policy D.education35.Most of the poems in Whitmans leaves of grass sing of the “en-mass” and the as well.A.nature

27、lfD.self reliance詩人的主要目的就是在世界上確定自我,更具體地就是要在整個美國確定自我36.Which of the following is not true according to James Joyce?A.Ulysses has become a prime example of modernism in literature.B.Joyce is regarded as the most prominent stream of consciousness novelistC.Joyce is a realistic writer in English literat

28、ure history.D.His novel “a portrait of the artist as a young man” is a naturalistic account of the heros bitter experiences and his final artistic and spiritual liberation.37.The following titles are all related to the subject that escapes from the society and returns to nature except .A.Dreisers Si

29、ster Carrie B.Coppers Leather Stocking TalesC.Thoreaus Walden D.D Mark Twains The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn38.“Wild spirit, which art moving everywhere; destroyer and preserver; hear, O hear!” The two lines are found in . A.Young Goodman Brown By HawthorneB.Ode To The West Wind By Shelley C.Lea

30、ves Of Grass By Walt Whitman D.Ulysses By Joyce39.“Even then he stood there, hidden wholly in that kindness which is night, while the uprising fumes filled the room. When the odor reached his nostrils, he quit his attitude and fumbled for the bed.Whats the use? he said, weakly, as he stretched himself to rest.”The passage is taken from. A.Sons And Lovers By Lawrence B.Jane Eyre By Charlotte BronteC.Sister Carrie By Thoedore Dreiser D.Wuthering Heights By Emily

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