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1、孙老师课堂英语神表一. 牢牢抓住中心围着中心转 如何抓住文章中心 (1) 文章的中心思想第一句,如第二句是 but “.” - today this day now so yet therefore however.应在第二句。 (2) 第二段第一句 but “.” - today this day so yet therefore ,中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。 (3) 如第一段以人物故事开头, 第一段一般是引子,中心应在第二段。 (4) 如第一段第一句以介绍人物开头, 第一句应是引子.中心应第二句。提示(二):如果问题问“下列哪个选项正确/不正确”, 答案常常出现在B, C和D这三

2、个选项中;提示(三):一篇阅读理解题的答案中通常同一个选项成为答案的次数最多不会超过两次提示(四):并列结构通常以逗号加以连接,或出现在and的左右,或出现在一些典型的并列结构中,如:not only .but also。(不但.而且.); both。and。(不但.而且), from .to.(从.到.)三、阅读理解题高频词:1、名词:research(研究), researcher(研究者),study(研究), scientist(科学家),professor(教授),a team leader(团队领导者), finding (研究发现),conclusion(结论) , result

3、(结果),reason(原因), cause (原因), idea(观点), opinion (观点), attitude(态度), factor (因素), problem(问题), question (问题), passage (短文), paragraph (段落),influence /impact/effect (影响) , example (例子), case(情况), remark/comment(评论)2、动词:report(报告), mention(提及), infer(推断), replace(代替),suggest(暗示,建议),show(显示),cause(造成),le

4、ad to(造成), attribute to(把.归因于), have to(不得不), learn (了解), have (something, nothing ) to do with(与.相关/无关), happen/occur/take place (发生), mean (意谓), refer to (指) , start/begin (开始), affect (影响), explain (解释) , think (想,认为),argue(争论), consider/ (把.看作/认为是.), agree to (同意.), object(反对), be able t

5、o do sth.(能够.)3、形容词:true(正确的),false(错误的),related to(与相关), concerned about (关注,关心.), following(下列的), based on (建立在基础上的), active(积极的,活跃的), different(不同的), same(相同的), similar(相似的), indifferent(漠不关心的), interested(感兴趣的), serious(严肃的), positive (肯定的,绝对的), certain (确定的, 必然的), likely(可能的), possible/probable

6、 (可能的), hard (困难的), difficult (困难的), easy (容易的), some(一些的), many(许多的), most(大多数的), few (很少的), little (很少的), either(任一的), neither(两者都不的), all(所有的), whole(所有的, 完整的) secret/reserve/mystery/privacy(秘密的)4、介词短语结构:according to(根据.) , due to (因为), because of (因为), in the opinion of.(根据.的观点)5、副词:partly(部分地),

7、 mostly (主要地,大部分地) , for example/for instance (例如), however(然而), therefore(因此), consequently(因此), moreover (而且), besides(此外) , in addition (另外), as a result(结果), to sum up(总之), in conclusion (总之), hardly/rarely/seldom(几乎不, 很少) ,太.而不能.), much(非常) 6、逻辑连词:but(但是), yet第 3 课阅读理解及神表The Highlands

8、of Scotland注:该文中心即文章题目-苏格兰高地。The drive from England to Scotland provides the traveler with manypleasant changes of scenery. As it is a fairly long journey, it is good to be able totravel with a friend who can drive a car too.A Scotsman traveling with an English friend may tell him thathe is going to

9、 see, in the Highlands, the finest scenery in the world.This may sound exaggerated, but on arriving in the Highlands most peoplereadily agree that the scenery is indeed magnificent.The Highlands are, as the name implies, the hilly or mountainous regionof the country; they form the greater part of th

10、e western half of Scotland north ofGlasgow.On the first night in Scotland a tourist may choose to stay at a hotel in thelittle town of Gallander, which is one of the gateways(通道) to the Highlands.On the following day he can set out to see the various lakes in the neighborhood,and will be delighted w

11、ith the wild and romantic aspect of the countryside.When he returns to his hotel he will be glad to eat a copious (丰盛的) “high tea”.This is a meal which , in Scotland and many parts of northern England, takes theplace of tea and dinner. It consists of one substantial course, followed bybread-and-butt

12、er, with jam or honey, and some kind of cake. Tea is drunk withthe meal, which is taken at about six oclock in the evening. One has a lightsupper late in the evening.The next morning many tourists move on to the west coast, passing on theirway Loch Lomond, one of the largest and most famous of the S

13、cottish lakes.(These are called “lochs”, with the exception of the Lake of Menteith, not farfrom Glasgow.) The road twists and turns, dips and climbs, but is not dangerous.The greatest hazard is the black-faced sheep these animals are as activeand aggressive as goats, and frequently wander recklessl

14、y (鲁莽地) intothe road. The tourist may also see a herd of long-haired Highlands cattle, whichlook fierce but are no more fierce than ordinary cattle. Eventually the road runsalong the coastline of the sea, where you can see little islands and rocky bays.LESSON FOUR236. According to the passage, a Sco

15、tsman traveling with an Englishfriend may tell him thatA The journey from England to Scotland is long.B The Highlands are the most beautiful place in the world.C The Highlands have a lot of hills and mountains.D The Highlands are the most dangerous place in the world.注解:B - 查细节关键词的选择1.查细节-从题干中找到关键词是

16、成败的重要一环(就象在百渡中搜索一样)2.查细节尽量避免用中心词,和常用词作为关键词3. 如答案 A、B、C、D 里有3-4 个相同的词,便是关键词4. 一般发现A、B、C、D 四个选项中,哪个选项出现中心词,一般该选项就是正确答案。注解:该题为细节题,可用四大原则中(2) 选项排除原则。即留取相同项,排除不同项。应此 b 与 d 的相同项最多,然后查字典 beautiful place 便能确定答案足 b。四. 阅读题型四大原则: 此项特别重要1.围着中心转(先读有中心词的选项. 一般就是答案)2. 先读容易的选项(读的懂的)先读短的选项 从 D 向 A 读3. 出现多个数字,特别是阿拉伯数

17、字时,须特别小心!4. 注意:(1) 绝对原则。即有 all, every,only 等绝对的词一般不是正确答案(除非文中也重复同样的词)!All of the above 除外 A and b相对原则,即有 may, might,can could, likely someusually(2) 选项排除原则。即留取相同项,排除不同项。(3) 关键词附近有中文注解特别注意37. The Highlands, as the name suggests, are a region where you can.A) find a lot of hills or mountains. B) find

18、a lot of lakes.C) meet a lot of Scotsmen. D) have a “high tea.”LESSON FOUR338. According to the passage, a tourist in Scotland may choose to spend thefirst nightA) in Glasgow. B) in Gallander.C) at Loch Lomond. D) at the Lake of Menteith.39. In the last paragraph the phrase “twists and turns” sugges

19、ts that the roadisA) not straight. B) not dangerous. C) narrow. D) crowded.注解:有“”为解译词意,查词典解决。40. According to the last paragraph, which of the following statements is trueof the animals?A) Long-haired Highlands cattle dont look fierce.B) Ordinary cattle look dangerous.C) Black-faced sheep are less a

20、ctive than goats.D) Black-faced sheep are as aggressive as goats.注解:题干中有 true 为对错选择,可用 0f 后单词 animals 为关键词定位,如课文中提到并一致为 true,反之为 NOT true 。也可用四大原则中(2) 选项排除原则。即留取相同项,排除不同项。应此 c 与 d 的相同项最多。4. 对错选择解题要领及步骤 true not true1先读 A、B、C、D 以确定思考范围2. 围绕中心选择正确答案3. 如用第三条无法确定答案再到文章中查找答案4. 尽可能确定问题在文章中的位置 (用查细节的方法确定关键

21、词。重复课文-对孙老师特别提示:亲爱的同学们,如果您真的想通过职称考试,请牢记下列重要提示阅读理解应试技巧(职称英语)- -“神表”一. 牢牢抓住英文写作的“三步曲”LESSON FOUR4中心举例说明作者观点或文章结论。二 阅读理解解题程序1. 牢牢抓住中心围着中心转2不读文章,直接读问题分类 -三阅读理解测试要点 擒贼先擒王1. 文章的中心思想 做所有题围着中心转 提问中有-main-ly第一段第一句 有 but “.” - today this day so yet howevertherefore 在这些词后 . 如果第一句是 not 第二句是中心句。第二段第一句 是 but “.”

22、- today this day so yettherefore 在这些词后2. 文章中具体细节(查细节) 看不懂提问就是查细节A - 解题要领1. 细节题一定要查不要读。2. 从问题中确定关键词或从答案中即 A、B、C、D 找到关键词。(能否确定关键词是成败的重要因素关键词可能是一个、两个甚至是三个)3. 用关键词在文章中按顺序找到问题的出处,可能是关键词的重复,以多个关键词的重复为准。(有可能题干中的关键词和文章中的关键词会产生变化即同意词,如“土豆”“马玲薯”, “一碗豆腐” “豆腐一碗”)4. 一旦确定关键词在文章的位置,注意周围中文注释,第一参考位是后面,第二参考位是前面,但一定要注

23、意英文语言重心。5 如果多个细节都有可能,选择有概括性的,结论性的。B - 查细节关键词的选择1.查细节-从题干中找到关键词是成败的重要一环(就象在百渡中搜索一样)2.查细节尽量避免用中心词,和常用词作为关键词3. 如答案 A、B、C、D 里有3-4 个相同的词,便是关键词4. 一般发现 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,哪个选项出现中心词,一般该选项就是正确答案。3. 作者的观点或文章结论最后一句 大多与文章中心一致author attitude opinion段落结论在段落最后一句 imply 暗示 infer 推断 suggest 暗示 learn from for example 1文章的中

24、心思想第一句2. 文章中具体细节(查细节)3. 作者观点或文章结论最后一句4. 对错选择 5. 解释词义 6. 提到未提到LESSON FOUR54. 对错选择解题要领及步骤 true not true1先读 A、B、C、D 以确定思考范围2. 围绕中心选择正确答案3. 如用第三条无法确定答案再到文章中查找答案4. 尽可能确定问题在文章中的位置 (用查细节的方法确定关键词。重复课文-对)5. 解释词义和指出代词所代替的成分 ,题型特点是带“-”1. 先读 A、B、C、D 以确定思考范围2. 找到该词的出处3. 通过原句或上下文推论该词的意思6提到未提到,题型特点NOT mentioned me

25、ntion except首先确定关键词,找到在文章中的位置,逐一排除。四. 阅读题型四大原则: 此项特别重要1.围着中心转(先读有中心词的选项. 一般就是答案)2. 先读容易的选项(读的懂的)先读短的选项 从 D 向 A 读3. 出现多个数字,特别是阿拉伯数字时,须特别小心!4. 注意:(1) 绝对原则。即有 all, every,only 等绝对的词一般不是正确答案(除非文中也重复同样的词)!All of the above 除外 A and b相对原则,即有 may, might,can could, likely someusually(2) 选项排除原则。即留取相同项,排除不同项。(3

26、) 关键词附近有中文注解特别注意五、 如何抓住文章和句子的重心1. 围着中心转-中心 ( 第一句) 结论(最后一句)2. 注意段落结构-段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句)3. 注意连词 - but “.” - today this day so yettherefore however4. 注意主从句 - 宾语从句看从句 状语从句看主句 定语从句看主句(先行词以从句看懂一个就行)5. 并列疑问句或在一段中并列地名、人名、国名、一般最后一个为重心。并列多个形容词修饰名词时,最后一个为重心。(即最接近名词的)LESSON FOUR66. 在答案中 A、B、C、D 有三个至四个重复单词

27、,此单词为重心(即关键词)总结1、初步了解“神表”。2、初步学会对提问分类。36. According to the passage, a Scotsman traveling with an Englishfriend may tell him thatA The journey from England to Scotland is long.B The Highlands are the most beautiful place in the world.C The Highlands have a lot of hills and mountains.D The Highlands a

28、re the most dangerous place in the world.39. In the last paragraph the phrase “twists and turns” suggests that theroad isA) not straight. B) not dangerous. C) narrow. D) crowded.注解:有“”为解译词意,查词典解决。40. According to the last paragraph, which of the following statements is trueof the animals?A) Long-hai

29、red Highlands cattle dont look fierce.B) Ordinary cattle look dangerous.C) Black-faced sheep are less active than goats.D) Black-faced sheep are as aggressive as goats.3、初步学会关键词的选择37. The Highlands, as the name suggests, are a region where you can.A) find a lot of hills or mountains. B) find a lot o

30、f lakes.C) meet a lot of Scotsmen. D) have a “high tea.”LESSON FOUR74、四. 阅读题型四大原则: 此项特别重要1.围着中心转(先读有中心词的选项. 一般就是答案)2. 先读容易的选项(读的懂的)先读短的选项3. 出现多个数字,特别是阿拉伯数字时,须特别小心!4. 注意:(1) 绝对原则。即有 all, every,only 等绝对的词一般不是正确答案(除非文中也重复同样的词)!All of the above 除外 A and b相对原则,即有 may, might,can could, likely someusually(2) 选项排除原则。即留取相同项,排除不同项。(3) 关键词附近有中文注解特别注意孙老师特别提示:请同学们千万先自己做一遍,然后再用后面加有彩色注解的文章听课。阅读理解 02 年试卷练习3.Knitting(编织)My mother knew how to knit (编织), but she never taughtme. She assumed, as did many women of her generation, that knitting was nolonger a skill worth passing down from moth

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