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1、电子元件中英文对照一 电子元器件 Electronic Components1 保险元器件safety device (1) 保险丝座 fuse block (2) 电流保险丝 current fuse (3) 其他保险元器件 other(4) 温度保险丝 temperature fuse(5) 温度开关 temperature switches(6) 自恢复熔断器 since the resumption of fuse2. 变频器transducer (1)PLC 变频器 PLC transducer(2)高性能通用变频器 High-performance Universal transd

2、ucer (3)恒功率变频器 Constant Power Inverter (4)恒转矩变频器 Constant Torque converter (5)专用变频器 Exclusive Inverter 3. 变压器transformer(1)电源变压器Power Transformer (2)隔离变压器the isolation transformer (3)恒压变压器constant voltage transformer (4)脉冲变压器pulse transformer (5)其他变压器other transformers (6)音频变压器Audio transformers (7)

3、自耦变压器autotransformer (8)耦合变压器coupling transformer4. 场效应管voltage controller5. 传感器sensor(1)电磁传感器 Power Transformer (2)光电传感器 Photoelectric Sensors (3)光纤传感器 Fiber Optic Sensors(4)加速度传感器 Accelerometer (5)接近传感器 Proximity sensor (6)料位、液位传感器 Level, liquid level sensor (7)压力传感器 Pressure Sensor (8)振动传感器 Vibra

4、tion Sensor (9)气体传感器 Gas Sensor (10)声波传感器 Acoustic sensor (11)视觉、图像传感器 Visual, image sensor (12)水分、湿度传感器 Moisture and humidity sensor (13)位移传感器 Displacement sensor (14)敏感元件传感器 Sensor sensor 6. 传声器microphone7. 电容器capacitor (1)玻璃电容器 Glass capacitors (2)玻璃釉电容器 Glazed glass capacitors (3)复合介质电容器 Composi

5、te Dielectric Capacitors (4)铝电解电容器 Electrolytic capacitors (5)漆电容器 Paint Capacitor (6)有机薄膜电容器 Organic Thin Film Capacitor (7)云母电容器 Mica capacitors (8)真空电容器 Vacuum Capacitors (9)纸介电容器 Paper Capacitors (10)钽电容器 Tantalum capacitors 8. 电声配件electroacoustic fittings(1)T铁 T-Rail (2)磁钢 Magnets (3)弹波 Bomb wa

6、ve (4)电声网罩 Electro-acoustic enclosures Network (5)防尘盖 Shield (6)鼓纸 Drum paper (7)盆架 Penjia (8)压边 Blankholder (9)音膜、振膜 Music membrane, Diaphragm 9. 电位器potentialmeter(1)带开关电位器 Switch Potentiometers (2)单连、双连电位器 Even single, double-Potentiometers (3)单圈、多圈电位器 Unicyclic, multi-turn potentiometer (4)合成碳膜电位

7、器 Synthesis film Potentiometers (5)金属膜电位器 All metal membrane potential (6)贴片式电位器 Patch-Potentiometers (7)线绕电位器 Wound Potentiometers (8)直滑式电位器 Smooth straight-Potentiometers (9)其他电位器 other10. 电阻器resistor(1)固定电阻器 Fixed resistor (2)可变电阻器 Variable resistor (3)排电阻器 Pai resistor (4)热敏电阻器 PTC thermistors (

8、5)熔断电阻器 Fuse resistor (6)压敏电阻器 Varistors 11. 二极管diode(1)变容二极管 Varactors (2)发光二极管 LED (3)激光二极管 Laser diode (4)开关二极管 Diode Switches (5)快恢复二极管 Fast Recovery Diode (6)普通二极管 Ordinary diodes 12. 蜂鸣器buzzer13. 集成电路integrated circuit(1)报警器IC Alarm IC (2)电动玩具IC electric toys IC(3)电脑IC Computer IC (4)电视机IC TV

9、IC (5)电源模块 Power Module (6)电子琴IC Flower IC (7)录象机IC VCR IC (8)门铃IC doorbell IC(9)其他集成电路 other(10)闪灯IC Flash IC (11)手表IC watches IC(12)通信IC Communications IC (13)温控IC Temperature Control IC (14)音乐IC Music IC (15)音响IC Audio IC (16)影碟机IC Player IC 14. 继电器relay(1)步进继电器 Step Relay (2)大功率继电器 High-Power Re

10、lay (3)热继电器 Thermal Relay (4)电磁类继电器 Electromagnetic relay category (5)信号继电器 Signal Relay (6)干簧式继电器 Dry Reed Relay (7)中间继电器 Intermediate Relay (8)固态继电器 Solid State Relay (9)汽车继电器 Automotive Relay (10)其他继电器 other15. 开关元件switch element(1)IC(2)接线柱 Connection (3)鳄鱼夹 Crocodile folder (4)插座 Outlet (5)接线座 C

11、onnection Block (6)电缆连接器 Cable Connector (7)卡座 Cards(8)电脑连接器 Computer connector (9)端子 Terminals (10)手机连接器 Phone connector (11)端子台 Terminal Blocks (12)线束 Harness (13)光纤连接器 Fiber Connector (14)印刷板连接器 PCB connectors 16. 录音磁头recording head17. 频率元件frequency component(1)调频器 Trance (2)分频器 Frequency Divider

12、 (3)鉴频器 Detector (4)晶体谐振器Crystal Resonator (5)滤波器Filter (6)其他频率元件 other(7)振荡器 Oscillator 18. 三极管triode(1)磁敏三极管 Magnetic Transistor (2)开关三极管Triode switch (3)达林顿三极管Darlington transistor (4)其他三极管 other(5)带阻三极管Band stop triode (6)微波三极管Microwave Transistor (7)低频放大三极管Large low-frequency transistor (8)中高频放

13、大三极管Large high-frequency transistor (9)低噪声放大三极管Large low-noise triode (10)高反压三极管High voltage transistor 19. 受话器receiver20. 稳压器constant voltage regulator21. 显示器monitor(1)led电子显示屏Led electronic screen (2)液晶屏LCD screen (3)led数码管Led digital control (4)背光器件Backlight device (5)点阵Lattice (6)偏光片Polaroid (7)

14、其他显示器件 other(8)手机显示器Mobile Phone Display 22. 扬声器loudspeaker (1)电磁式扬声器Electromagnetic loudspeakers (2)电动式扬声器Electric-powered loudspeaker (3)静电式扬声器Electrostatic Loudspeaker (4)压电式扬声器Piezoelectric Speakers (5)其他扬声器 other23. 印刷线路板Printed Circuie Board(1)刚性线路板Rigid PCB (2)其他印刷线路板Other PWB (3)柔性线路板Flexibl

15、e PCB 24. 整流器rectifier二 机械及设备mechanism1. 包装成型机械 Forming packaging machinery (1)金属包装机械Metal packaging machinery (2)塑料包装机械Plastic Packaging Machinery (3)纸包装机械Paper Packaging Machinery (4)其他包装成型机械Forming other packaging machinery 2. 包装相关设备packing equipment/wrapping equipment (1)包装生产线Packaging Line (2)充

16、填机械Filling machinery (3)打码、喷码机 Jet, code machine (4) 裹包机械Binding Machinery (5) 贴标机械Labeling machinery (6) 集装机械Packaging machinery (7) 捆扎机械Binding Machinery (8) 多功能包装机Multifunctional packaging machine (9) 封口机械Sealing machinery (10) 清洗机械Cleaning Machinery (11) 辅助包装设备Auxiliary packaging equipment (12)

17、杀菌机、干燥机Sterilizing machine, dryer (13) 灌装机械Filling machinery (14) 条码设备Barcode equipment 3. 泵pump(1) 泵配件Pump Accessories (2) 齿轮泵Gear Pump (3) 磁力泵Magnetic Pump (4) 高压泵a high pressure pump (5) 隔膜泵diaphragm pump (6) 管道泵pipeline pump (7) 混流泵mixed-flow pump (8) 计量泵metering pump (9) 空调泵AC Pump(10) 离心泵Pump(

18、11) 流程泵process pump(12) 耐腐蚀泵The non-corrosion pump(13) 排污泵Sewage Pump(14) 屏蔽泵shielding pump(15) 其他泵 other(16) 潜水泵submersible pump(17) 试压泵Pressure Test Pump(18) 往复泵reciprocating pump(19) 涡流泵Eddy pump(20) 污水泵、杂质泵sewage pump, pump impurities(21) 消防泵Fire Pump(22) 油泵pumps(23) 增压泵booster pumps(24) 真空泵vacu

19、um pump(25) 轴流泵Pump(26) 柱塞泵Pump(27) 转子泵rotor pump(28) 自吸泵pump(29) 漩涡泵whirlpool pump4变频器frequency transformer(1) PLC 变频器PLC Inverter(2) 高性能通用变频器high-performance Universal Converter(3) 恒功率变频器Constant Power Inverter(4) 恒转矩变频器constant torque converter(5) 专用变频器special converter5. 传动件driver(1) 齿轮Gear(2) 齿

20、轮箱Gear Box(3) 传动带transmission belt(4) 传动链Transmission Chain(5) 带轮pulley(6) 联轴器coupling(7) 链轮sprocket(8) 蜗杆Worm(9) 其他传动件 other6. 瓷生产加工机械chinaware-product machine7.低压电器Low Voltage electric set(1) 低压断路器low-voltage circuit breakers(2) 低压接触器low pressure contactors(3) 低压开关柜low-voltage switchgear(4) 低压控制器l

21、ow-voltage controller(5) 低压熔断器low-voltage fuse(6) 电磁铁electromagnet(7) 电抗器Reactor(8) 继电器Relay(9) 起动器Starters(10) 主令电器Master appliances(11) 其他低压电器 other7. 电动机motor(1) 电动车用电动机electric vehicle motor(2) 电动工具用电动机electric motors used tools(3) 电动机保护器Motor Protection(4) 机械设备用电动机machinery and equipment used m

22、otor(5) 家电用电动机using electrical home appliances(6) 其他电动机 other(7) 特殊电机the special motor(8) 微型电动机micro-motors8. 电焊,切割设备electric welding and cutter equipment(1) 储能机Energy Storage Machine(2) 焊管机Pipe Machine(3) 等离子焊机Plasma Welding(4) 等离子切割机plasma cutting machine(5) 点焊机spot welder(6) 电烙铁electric iron(7) 电

23、阻焊机resistance welding machine(8) 滚焊机Roll Welder(9) 摩擦焊机friction welding machine(10) 排焊机Pai welder(11) 碰焊机butt-welding machine(12) 焊锡机solder machine(13) 焊线机gold wire machine(14) 滚焊机Roller welder(15) 回流焊接机The return of welding machines(16) 激光焊机Laser Welder(17) 压焊机Pressure welder(18) 塑焊机Plastic Welder(

24、19) 其他电焊、切割设备Other welding, cutting equipment(20) 激光切laser9. 电脑产品制造设备computer components10. 二手制鞋设备second-shoemaking equipment11. 发电机generater/ dynamo(1) 同步发电机synchronous generator(2) 异步发电机asynchronous generator 12. 发电机、发电机组 Generators, Units 13. 阀门valve(1) 安全阀safety valve(2) 单向阀a one-way valve(3) 阀体

25、Valve(4) 截止阀cut-off valve(5) 气动阀Pneumatic Valve(6) 闸阀valve(7) 放料阀Discharge Valve(8) 节流阀Throttle(9) 球阀Ball Valve(10) 针阀needle(11) 底阀bottom valve(12) 隔膜阀Root(13) 流量控制阀flow control valve(14) 燃气阀Gas Valves(15) 止回阀check valve(16) 电磁阀solenoid valve(17) 换向阀Valve(18) 排气阀the valve(19) 手动阀Manual Valves(20) 柱塞

26、阀valve plunger(21) 调节阀Control Valve(22) 减压阀jangled nerves(23) 排污阀Sewage valve(24) 疏水阀Traps(25) 脚踏阀foot valve(26) 膨胀阀EXV(27) 旋塞阀Cock Valve(28) 阀门配Valve Distribution14. 纺织设备和器材 weaving machine15. 风机、排风设备fan/blower/air compressor(1) 风管Duct(2) 风机、排风设备配件fan, ventilation equipment accessories(3) 离子风机ions

27、Fans(4) 排风设备The exhaust equipment(5) 风机盘管fan-coil(6) 风幕机the wind screen machines(7) 风叶Blade(8) 工业风扇Industrial Fan(9) 鼓风机Blower(10) 离子风机ion fan(11) 排风设备The exhaust equipment(12) 其他风机Other Fans(13) 通风机Fans(14) 压缩机 Compressor16. 服装加工设备 apparel machining17. 高压电器 High Voltage Apparatus(1) 防雷避雷产品lightning

28、 products(2) 高压成套电器complete sets of high voltage electrical(3) 高压断路器high voltage circuit breaker(4) 高压接触器high-pressure contactors(5) 高压开关柜High Voltage Switchgear(6) 高压熔断器high voltage fuse(7) 其他高压电器other high voltage apparatus18. 工程与建筑机械 engineering and construction equipment (1) 铲土运输机械scraping trans

29、port machinery(2) 市政和环境卫生机械municipal and sanitation machinery(3) 钢筋和预应力机械mechanical reinforced and prestressed(4) 挖掘机械Mining Machinery(5) 工程机械配件Construction Machinery Accessories(6) 压实机械compaction machinery(7) 混凝土搅拌机械concrete mixing machine(8) 园林和高空作业机械garden machinery and high-altitude operations(9

30、) 凿岩机械drilling(10) 桩工机械piling machinery(11) 混凝土搅拌机械Concrete Mixer(12) 路面机械road machinery(13) 其他工程与建筑机械other engineering and construction machinery(14) 装载机械mechanical loading19工艺礼品加工设备 craftwork and gift processing equipment 20过滤材料 filtration material(1) 滤板(2) 滤芯filter(3) 滤袋Bag(4) 滤料Media(5) 滤膜Membrane(6) 滤片 filter(7) 滤筒 cartridge(8) 滤网 filter21过滤设备 percolator(1) 过滤机Filter(2) 过滤器Filters(3) 滤油机Oil Filter(4) 其他过滤设备Other filtration equipment(5) 汽车滤清器Automotive Filters(6) 压滤设备filtration equipment22化工设备 chemical equipment(1)

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