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广东省届高三英语二轮复习 现在分词专练.docx

1、广东省届高三英语二轮复习 现在分词专练现在分词Review1) Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A) shavings been fined B) to have been fined C) to be fined D) being fined2) My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _ from you sometime.A) to have heard B) to hear C) for hearing D) h

2、earing3) The thief took away the womans wallet without_.A) being seen B) seeing C) him seeing D) seeing him4) People appreciate _with him because he has a good sense of humor.A) to work B) to have worked C) working D) have working5) Ive enjoyed _ to talk with you.A) to be able B) being able C) to be

3、en able D) of being able6) No one can avoid _ by advertisements.A) to be influenced B) being influenced C) influencing D) having influence7) They are considering _ before the prices go up.A) of buying the house B) with buying the house C) buying the house D) to buy the house8) He thought that _.A) t

4、he effort doing the job was not worth B) the effort was not worth in doing the jobC) it was not worth the effort doing the job D) it was not worth the effort by doing the job9) If I had remembered _ the door, the things would not have been stolen.A) to lock B) locking C) to have locked D) having loc

5、ked10) Your shirt needs _. Youd better have it done today.A) iron B) to iron C) ironing D) being ironed11) You cant help _ commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertisement or another.A) to hear B) to be heard C) hearing D) with hearing12) My transistor radio is

6、nt working. It _.A) need repairing B) needs to repair C) needs repairing D) need to be repaired13) It is no use _ me not to worry.A) you tell B) your telling C) for you to have told D) having told14) He is very busy _ his papers. He is far too busy _ callers.A) to receive B) rece

7、iveC) writing.receiving D) to write.for receiving15) The suspect at last admitted _ stolen goods but denied _ them.A) receiving.selling B) to sellC) to selling D) to have have soldKeys: 1)D 2)D 3)A 4)C 5)B 6)B 7)C 8)C 9)A 10)C 11)C 12)C 13)B 14)B 15)AIntroductionS

8、ummer Rain 【爱如夏雨】I can still remember his deep chocolate eyes, his dark brown hair and his clear complexion. That day it was raining. Not a stormy rain or drizzly rain, but a soft gengle summer rain. The kind that came every summer. When the days are hot and the sky is clear; it was refreshing to ha

9、ve the cool drops all over you.He had helped me while I was carrying groceries home to my grandmother. I was walking alone the sidewalk, the rain was getting stronger, and he stepped out from nowhere to hold an old worn-out jacket over me as we walked. When we got to my house he asked my name. I tol

10、d him Sophia. After I had put away the groceries I returned outside to talk to my mystery guy.As we were talking he told me that the reason he helped me was I looked so innocent and sweet in the rain that he was afraid I would melt. With all the wonderful nothings he told me, I fell deeper and deepe

11、r in love with him. Before I knew it, a group of guys came walking down the street and he left to join them.Presentation现在分词(Present Participle),是分词的一种,分词又分为现在分词和过去分词,它们都是非限定动词,即在句子里面不能单独充当谓语,但能充当其它的一些成分(定语,表语,补语和状语),并且它们具有动词的性质。所有否定式都是在ing前面加not,包括独立主格形式现在分词的句法功能定语表语宾语补足语状语现在分词的基本形式一般式doing完成式havin

12、g done完成被动式having been done动名词一般被动式being done1作定语注意1:分词的完成时不可作定语注意2:某些现在分词作定语时,已不再表示动作,已经从分词变为了形容词词性interestingstory/anexcitingmatch这些也可以属于现在分词作定语。2. 作表语Traveling is interesting but tiring. 旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳。The argument is very convincing. 他的论点很令人信服。注:分词作表语时,相当于形容词,不可与构成进行时态和被动语态中的分词混淆起来。它们的形式是一样但可以从意义

13、上予以区别。试比较:The film is moving. 这电影很感人。(表语,说明主语的性质)They are moving next Sunday 他们下个周日搬家。(现在进行时,表示动作)The bookstore is now closed. 书店现在已关门了。(表语,说明主语所处的状态)The bookstore is usually closed at 7:30 p. m. 书店通常在下午7:30关门。(被动语态,表示动作)3作补语两类动词可以加现在分词作宾补1)感官动词:see /hear /watch/feel /notice /observe/keep /find/list

14、en to /look at 2)使役动词:have /get /catch/leave/set值得注意的是:要想用现在分词来作宾补,只能是用于这些词后,但是并不代表这些动词后的宾补形式都要用现在分词(有些后面可以加不带to的不定式作宾补)eg. I saw him singing now. Dont have the students studying all day. 在see, hear, feel watch, notice等动词后即可用现在分词构成复合宾语,也可用不定式构成复合宾语。差别在于:现在分词表示动作正在发生或进行;不定式时表示动作已经发生,动作的过程已经结束。如:I saw

15、 him go upstairs. 我看见他上楼了。(看见上楼的整个过程,说明他上楼这件事)I saw him going upstairs.我看见他走上楼。(看见正在向楼上走去,说明他上楼的情景。)注意:宾语与作宾补的现在分词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即宾语是现在分词动作的发出者4. 作状语作时间、条件、原因、让步状语时要位于句首,且与后面用逗号隔开,能转换为一个相应的状语从句作结果、方式、伴随状语时要位于句尾,且与前面用逗号隔开,有时也可以不用注意:分词作状语时的逻辑主语(即分词动作的发出者)一般要与句中主语保持一致。这个是重点,是考试和高考的常考点,大家必须记住1)作时间状语eg. Wa

16、lking in the street, I saw him.当我在街上走时,我看到他了。可以转化为一个时间状语从句When/While I was walking in the street, I saw him.当我要表达正在进行的动作时,我们可以在分词前面加上when/while 那么上面的例句就可以改写为When/While walking in the street, I saw him.重新注意一下所给出的例子Walking in the street, I saw him.我是翻译成 “当我在街上走时,我看到他了。”而不可以翻译为”当他在街上走时,他看到我了。”(这个是因为”分词

17、作状语时,其逻辑主语一般要与句中主语保持一致”)但是有的同学问了,那我要是想翻译成“当他在街上走时,我看到他了”那应该怎么做那?可以用状语从句来做啊,因为从句是万能的啊When/While he was walking in the street, I saw him. 当他走在街上,我看到他。在这里在告诉大家另外的一个方法He walking in the street, I saw him. 他走在街上,我看见他这是分词的独立主格形式,我们以后会介绍2)作条件状语e.g. Working hard, you will succeed. (只要)努力工作,你就会成功3)作原因状语e.g. B

18、eing ill, she stayed at home. (因为)生病,她留在家里注意:being是常用来作原因状语的4)作让步状语e.g. Having failed many times, he didnt lost heart. 有很多次失败,他没有灰心。5)作结果状语e.g. His friend died, getting him a lot of money. 他的朋友死了,(所以)给了他很多钱。6)作方式状语e.g. Please answer the question using another way. 请用另一种方式回答这个问题。7)作伴随状语e.g. Look at t

19、he people lying on the beach.看那些人正躺在沙滩上。Focused Practice1. The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.A. to play B. play C. to be playing D. playing2. When passing me he pretended _ me.A. to see B. not having seen C. to have not seen D. not to have seen3. The children insisted _ there on foot.

20、A. they going B. they would go C. on their going D. going4. He still remembers _ to Shanghai when he was very young.A. taking B. being taken C. taken D. having taken5._ the railway station, we had a break, only _ the train had left.A. Arriving at; to find B. Coming to; discovering thatC. On arriving

21、 at; finding out D. Hurrying to; to have found out6. With the boy _ the way, we had no trouble _ the way _ to Zhongshan Park.A. leading; finding; leading B. to lead; found; to lead C. led; finding; led D. leading; found; led7. I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A. to

22、 have sailed B. to sail C. sailing D. sail8. If you wave your book in front of your face, you can feel the air _ against your face.A. moved B. moving C. moves D. to move9. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need.A. persuade B. persuading C. being pers

23、uaded D. be persuaded10. There was terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light.A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed11. Did you hear her _ this pop song this time the other day?Yes, and I heard this song _ in English.A. sing; singing B. sung; sung C. sung; singing D. singing; s

24、ung12. With the cooking _ , I went on _ some sewing.A. done; to do B. being done; doing C. to be done; doing D. to have done; doing13. It is no use _ your past mistakes.A. regretting B. regret C. to regret D. regretted14. I would appreciate _ back this afternoon.A. you to call B. you call C. your ca

25、lling D. youre calling15. Climbing mountains was _ ,so we all felt _ .A. tiring; tired B. tired; tiring C. tiring; tiring D. tired; tired16._ maps properly, you need a special pen.A. Drawn B. Drawing C. To draw D. Be drawing17. There is a river _ around our school.A. to run B. run C. running D. to b

26、e running18. How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taken19. Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle.A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding20. Whats troubling them is _ enough experienced workers.A. that

27、 they have to B. they have not C. their not having D. not their having21._ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill.A. Not knowing B. Knowing not C. Not having known D. Having not know22. The government forbids _ such bad books.A. published B. to publish C. publish D.

28、 publishing23. The rare fish, _ from the cooking pot, has been returned to the sea. (上海2011)A. saved B. saving C. to be saved D. having saved24. At one point I made up my mind to talk to Uncle Sam. Then I changed my mind, _ that he could do nothing to help. (上海2011)A. to realize B. realized C. reali

29、zing D. being realizedKeys: D D C B A A C B C B D A A C A C C C C C A D A CSummer Rain (continued) I didnt want him to leave. What I wanted was for him to stay with me forever. After he left I never saw him again. I didnt even ask his name. I went outside and sat on the porch. The summer rain had re

30、turned but my mystery love had not. I sat there watching as my cold saline tears rolled down my warm checks and rushed down into the stream of rain below me.After the rain stopped I went back inside and wrote in my journal about the exciting experience I had that day. Now here it is a year later, I look back

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