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1、*学院 *专业 外国文学2(双语)试卷C第 1 页(共6 页)答案见题后。*大学*学院*专业*学年度第*学期期末考试外国文学 2(双语)试卷 C_号学_ 名姓) 线() 封() 密(效无题答班_级_院学_内线封密答卷说明:1、本试卷共 5 个大题,满分 100 分,120 分钟完卷。2、本次考试为闭卷考试。题号一二三四五总分总分人分数得分评卷人3、本试卷适用于*级*班。一、单项选择题:(共 22 分,每小题 2 分)()1.The hero of the novel Great Expectations is .A. PipB. Old GrandetC. Marquis de la Mole

2、D. Eugne de Rastignac()2.The Lady of the Camellias was written by .A. W. FaulknerB. N. HawthorneC. A. Dumas filsD. W. Whitman()3.The heroine of the novel The Red and The Black isA. Madame de BeausantB. Madame. de. RenalC. Marquis de la MoleD. Julien Sorel()4.Charles Dickens declared his consideratio

3、n on the French Revolution in .A. David CopperfieldB. Bleak HouseC. Hard TimesD. The Tale of Two Cities()5.Which of the following works is written by Mrs. Gaskell?A. CarmenB. Mary BartonC. Moby DickD. Martin Eden()6.The novel The Brothers of Karamazovwas written by .A.F. M. DostoevskyB.L. N. Tolstoy

4、C.Thomas HardyD. Mark Twain()7.The the autobiographical trilogy Childhood, Boyhood andYouth were written by .A.F. M. DostoevskyB.L. N. TolstoyC.T. HardyD.M. Gorky()8.Uncle Toms Cabin was written by .A. William FaulknerB. Nathaniel HawthorneC. Harriet Beecher StoweD. Walt Whitman()9. Mark Twain expre

5、sses his abiding skepticism about human nature in .He describes a town that has been famous for its honesty, but everybody lies in order to get a big bag of gold.A. The Man That Corrupted HadleyburgB. The Adventures of Tom SawyerC. The Mysterious StrangerD. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court()

6、10.Which of the following works is written by Hans Anderson?A. The Little MermaidB. Scarlet LetterC. Moby DickD. The Charterhouse of Parma()11.The novel Vanity Fairwas sub-titled .A. The Chronicle of 1830B. A Sentimental Novel (From the Recollections of a Dreamer)C. A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented

7、D. A Novel without a Hero得分评卷人二、多项选择题:(共 7 小题,每小题3 分,共 21 分,少选、多选均不能得分)()1. The representative writers of symbolist literature include .A.RimbaudB. VerlaineC.MallarmeD. Merimee()2.The works written by Mrime are .A. CarmenB. The Three MusketeersC. Chronicle of the Reign of Charles IXD. Tamango()3.The

8、 works written by Gustave Flaubert are .A. Lducation SentimentaleB. EmmaC. Madame BovaryD. Salammbo()4. The heroines created in English novels are .A. Mathilde de la MoleB. Catherine EarnshawC. Jane EyreD. Becky Sharp()5.which of the following works appear in Wessex Novels?A. The Return of the Nativ

9、eB. Tess of the DUrbervillesC. Jude the Obscure.D.BEL-AMI()6.Which of the following titles are names of collected works?A. The Human ComedyB. Rougon-Macquart CycleC. Wuthering HeightsD. Ghosts()7. The Russian squires inDead Souls include .A. ManilofB. PliushkinC. KorobotchkinaD. Nozdref得分评卷人三、归类题:在下

10、列选项的每一列中各选一个表示作家、作品、人物及相关背景知识的名词组成一组,将它们的序号依次连接起来,然后放在相应题号前的括号内。每小题3 分,共 18 分)()1. The night of Mdan1.Dickens1. Sydney Carton()2.A Dolls House 2. The Cherry Orchard2. Maupassant()3.Anton Chekhov3. surprise endings3. The cop and the Anthem()4.David Copperfield4. Walt Whitman4. play()5.O Henry5.The So

11、cial Problem Drama5.Ibsen()6. Leaves of Grass6. Naturalism6. collection of poems得分评卷人四、名词解释题:(共 3 小题,每小题6 分,共 18 分,至少应有 2 题以英文回答。)1. Naturalism2. Realism3. The Confessional Nobles*学院 *专业 外国文学2(双语)试卷C第 1 页(共6 页)五、论述题:(共 21 分)请结合至少两部19 世纪批判现实主义文学作品中的人物形象分析人与环境的关系。答案及评分标准一、单项选择题( 共 22 分,每小题 2 分)1-5 ACB

12、DB 6-11 ABCAAD 二、多项选择题( 共 21 分,每小题 3 分, 多选、少选均不能得分) 1-4 ABC ACD ACD BCD 5-7 ABC AB ABCD 三、归类题(共 18 分,每小题 3 分)162, 255, 324, 411, 533, 646 四、名词解释题:(共 18 分,每题 6 分,至少应有 2 题以英文回答,否则酌情扣分。参考得分点如下) 1. 19 世纪后期在法国出现的文学流派,以左拉为代表人物,主张真实客观,强调人的自然属性。2. 19 世纪中后期兴起于欧美的文艺思潮,主张客观反映社会现实,以人道主义为思想武器。3. 托尔斯泰笔下具有作者自传色彩的系列主人公形象,多为贵族出身,忏悔并图赎罪,在思想上不断探索人生真谛。五、论述题本大题共 21 分,可用汉语回答,开放式答案,可参考以下要点给分。1. 议论角度自定,但须结合两部文学作品。 2 、涉及作品的内容必须与题目要求的论题有关。 3 、有符合题意的观点,且对观点进行了论证。4. 论证条理性,语言流畅。*学院 *专业 外国文学2(双语)试卷C第 1 页(共6 页)

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