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1、最新大学英语3专升本综合测试2大学英语3(专升本)综合测试2总分:100分得分:0分一、单选题1. It was getting_, he had to stop to have a rest.(1分)(A) very darker (B) dark and dark(C) darker and darker (D) darkest and darkest参考答案:C2. Theres lots of fruit _ the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree.(1分)(A) in (B) at (C) under (D) on参考答案:D3. I

2、n _, the northerners have a particular liking for dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.(1分)(A) common (B) total (C) general(D) particular参考答案:C4. Would you like something _?(1分)(A) drink (B) to drink (C) drinking(D) for drinking参考答案:B5. How can he _ if he is not _ ?(1分)(A) listen; hearin

3、g (B) hear; listening(C) be listening; heard (D) be hearing; listened to参考答案:B6. The computer system suddenly _while he was searching for information on the Internet.(1分)(A) broke down(B) broke out(C) broke up(D) broke in参考答案:A7. How much has the company _this year?(1分)(A) brought in(B) brought down

4、(C) brought out(D) brought about参考答案:A8. The old houses are being pulled down to _a new office block.(1分)(A) make room for(B) make use of(C) take the place of (D) supply with参考答案:A9. _no need _the radio as Im used to studying with it on.(1分)(A) Its; to turn down(B) Its; turning up(C) Theres; to turn

5、 off (D) Theres; turning off参考答案:D10. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket_ the desert.(1分)(A) covering (B) covered (C) cover(D) to cover参考答案:A11. . _is the population of Paris?(1分)(A) How many(B) How much (C) How (D) What参考答案:D12. The red flower goes from one to_ in the class.(1分)(A)

6、the other(B) others (C) another(D) other参考答案:C13. Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs _ day.(1分)(A) other (B) the other (C) the third (D) a third参考答案:D14. The Chinese women volleyball players _both in and out of China.(1分)(A) are thought good of (B) are highly thought of(C) a

7、re well thought (D) are ill thought of参考答案:B15. As the busiest woman there, she made_ her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.(1分)(A) this (B) that (C) one(D) it参考答案:D二、阅读理解Much of the worlds coffee is grown in Brazil. Not long ago an unseasonable frost swept through coffee

8、 plantations there. The result affected people in many countries for a long time to come.At first, reports of serious damage were received. These led to a sharp rise in the price of coffee, which had not been a highly profitable crop. Growers in other countries made extra efforts to increase their e

9、xports to profit from the expected shortage. However, they were hampered by smugglers who wished to avoid government controls. The price of coffee fell slightly.Then large restaurants and hotels began to buy coffee to build up stocks for future use. The price rose sharply and public resistance devel

10、oped. Housewives organized a boycott of coffee. This led to a rise in the price of tea and a fall in the price of coffee. Much to the dismay of growers, the price fell sharply. Their response was rather surprising. Instead of selling their stocks of coffee, they began to buy on the open market. Thei

11、r motive was clear. They wanted to force the price of coffee up, and one way of doing this was to reduce the amount of coffee available for sale to the public.Luckily for coffee-drinkers, this move failed. Restaurants and hotels stopped buying coffee. Large numbers of small growers had to sell their

12、 crops to keep alive. The large growers found that they were buying more coffee than they were growing. They abandoned their efforts and let the normal law of supply and demand decided the price. Meanwhile, millions of people had changed to cheaper drinks and would not switch back to coffee.(10分)16)

13、. Who suffered most from the recent unseasonable frost?(2分)(A) The restaurants and hotels.(B) The coffee growers in Brazil.(C) Smugglers.(D) The coffee growers in other countries.参考答案:B17). Financially, who gained most from the crop failure in Brazil?(2分)(A) the public as a whole.(B) The coffee grow

14、ers in Brazil.(C) The housewives.(D) The coffee growers in other countries参考答案:D18). This passage mainly deals with _ .(2分)(A) the effect of weather on a crop such as coffee(B) the housewives reaction to the rise in the price of coffee(C) the reasons for changes in the price of coffee(D) the methods

15、 the coffee growers adopted to raise the price of coffee参考答案:C19). the outcome of the changes in the price of coffee was that _ .(2分)(A) the demand for coffee decreased (B) there was a fall in the price of tea(C) many people switched back to coffee(D) the growers decided not to grow coffee in future

16、参考答案:A20). Which of the following factors made the coffee price fall?(2分)(A) The building up of stocks by restaurants and hotels.(B) The reducing amount of coffee available for sale.(C) The boycott of coffee organized by housewives.(D) The news of the great damage caused by the bad weather.参考答案:CThe

17、 process by means of which human beings can arbitrarily make certain things stand for other tings may be called the symbolic process. Everywhere we turn, we see the symbolic process at work. Stripes on the sleeve can be made to stand for military rank; rings of gold or pieces of paper can stand for

18、wealth; crossed sticks can stand for a set of religious beliefs. There are few thing that men do or want to do, possess or want to possess, that have not, in addition to their mechanical or biological value, a symbolic value.All fashionable clothes are highly symbolic: materials, cut, and ornament a

19、re dictated only to a slight degree by considerations of warmth, comfort or practicability. The more we dress up in fine clothes, the more we restrict our freedom of action. Food is also highly symbolic. Specific foods are used to symbolize specific festivals. For example, moon cakes are eaten to ce

20、lebrate the Chinese mid-autumn festival as the Chinese think that on the Mid-Autumn Day (August 15th of the lunar year), the moon is at its brightest. We select our furniture to serve as visible symbols of our taste, wealth, and social position. We trade in perfectly good cars for later models not a

21、lways to get better transportation, but to give evidence to the community that we can afford it.I once had an eight-year-old car in good running condition. A friend of mine, a repairman who knew the condition of the car, kept urging me to trade it for a new model. “But why?” I asked, “The old cars i

22、n fine shape still.” The repairman answered scornfully, “Yeah, but what the hell. All youve got is transportation.”Recently, the term “transportation car” has begun to appear in advertisements, for example, “4B Dodge-Runs perfectly well: transportation car. Leaving, must sell. $100”. Apparently it m

23、eans a car that has no symbolic value and is good only for getting you there and bringing you back-a poor kind of vehicle indeed!(10分)21). According to the passage, people dress themselves in fashionable clothes chiefly to _(2分)(A) comfort and warm themselves(B) display their well-developed figures(

24、C) restrict their freedom of action (D) show that they are rich enough to buy them参考答案:D22). Nowadays people often sell their old cars in good running condition and buy new ones _(2分)(A) just to hold more people (B) because they want to celebrate specific festivals(C) just to show their wealth(D) be

25、cause they are moving to a new place参考答案:C23). The term “transportation car” we now often come across in advertisements refers to a car which _(2分)(A) is made by a transport company(B) transports goods only(C) has only practical value(D) is transported by other vehicles参考答案:C24). According to the wr

26、iter, people eat specific food at specific time simply to _(2分)(A) show their high social position(B) keep themselves healthy(C) celebrate a certain traditional occasion(D) prove that they are wealthy参考答案:C25). In the last paragraph of the passage, “Leaving, must sell.” Means that _(2分)(A) the adver

27、tiser is on his way to the market for selling his car(B) the car has not any symbolic value at all(C) the car is ready to leave and has to be sold (D) the owner is going to leave the place so he has to sell the car参考答案:DIn the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to m

28、ove from one country to another. While some newly independent countries have understandably restricted most jobs to local people, other countries have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the case in the Middle East, where increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to

29、call in outsiders to improve local facilities. Thus the Middle East has attracted oil-workers from the U.S.A. and Europe. It has brought in construction workers and technicians from many countries, including South Korea and Japan.In view of the difficult living and working conditions in the Middle E

30、ast, it is not surprising that the pay is high to attract suitable workers. Many engineers and technicians can earn at least twice as much money in the Middle East as they can in their own country, and this is a major attraction. An allied benefit is the low taxation or complete lack of it. This inc

31、reases the net amount of pay received by visiting workers and is very popular with them.Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating advantage. For example, the difficult living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers have to depend on each other for safety and comfort. In a similar way, many migrant workers can save large sums of money partly because of the lack of entertainment facilities. The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely presents an i

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