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裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第39课.docx

1、裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第39课Lesson 39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈? Why did Mr. Gilbert telephone Dr. Millington? While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone

2、. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. He asked if Mr. Gilberts operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been

3、. He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. Then Dr. Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient. No, the patient answered, I am Mr. John Gilbert.参考译文当约翰.吉尔伯特住院的时候,他问医生他的手术是否成功,

4、但医生拒绝告诉他。第二天,这位病人要了一部床头电话。当房里只剩他一个人时,他挂通了医院的交换台,要求与米灵顿医生讲话。当这位医生接过电话时,吉尔伯特先生说他想询问一个病人的情况,是一位名叫约翰.吉尔伯特的先生。他问吉尔伯特先生的手术中否成功,医生告诉他手术很成功。然后他又问吉尔伯特先生什么时候可以回家,医生说他在医院还必须再住上两个星期。之后,米灵顿医生问打电话的人是否是病人的亲属。“不是,”病人回答说,“我就是约翰.吉尔伯特先生。”一、New words and expressions 生词和短语operation n. 手术successful adj. 成功的following adj.

5、 下一个patient n. 病人alone adj. 独自的exchange n. (电话的)交换台inquire v. 询问,打听certain adj. 某个caller n. 打电话的人relative n. 亲戚operation n手术operate V1)操作,操纵(机器等),运作,运转( control,run)operate a machine操纵一台机器operate the lift开电梯例:This sewing machine doesnt operate properly.这台缝纫机不太好用了。2)经营,管理(run, manage)operate a compan

6、y经营一家公司例: The company operate ten factories.这家公司管理十个厂子。The business operate in various counties.那家企业在许多国家都有业务。3)动手术operate on sb for-为谁动手术例 : The surgeon decided to operate on her for appendicitis(盲肠)promptly.这个外科医生决定立刻为她做盲肠手术physician 内科医生operation n手术,运转,操作operation instruments 手术器械例:I had an oper

7、ation on my heart./I underwent an operation on my heart.我做了一次心脏手术。the operation of an old machine IH机器的运转bring into operation /put into operationvt.实施(法律,计划等),运作(机械等)come into operation V1 实施,开始运转例: The new rules will come into operation next month./The new rules will be put into operation next mont

8、h.新的规章制度下个月开始实施。successful adj成功的,结果圆满的,顺利的:(考试)及格的,发运的,功成名就的反义词:unsuccessfulsuccessful trial 一次成功的尝试successful candidate当选者例:The performance was successful 演出十分成功。succeed v. -failsuccess n-failuresuccessful adj. -failedsuccessfully adv.follow v1)跟随,跟着例: A man is running, followed by three dogs.一个人在

9、奔跑着,后面跟着三条狗。The duckling (小鸭子) followed its mother everywhere.小鸭子跟着妈妈,妈妈走到哪,它就跟到哪。Monday follows Sundays 是期一在星期日的后面。Be slow please. I can t follow you/I can t catch you.I can t understand you请慢点,我跟不上你的速度。2) 沿着follow this road沿着这条路走3)采纳follow one s advice/follow one s suggestion采纳某人的建议follow the crow

10、d随大流following1) adj接着的(next in time or in turn)例: Answer the following questions.回答一下面的问题。in the following year在翌年(在下一年)tomorrow在间接引语中换成the next / the following day2) prep.例: Following the meeting, coffee will be served.会后将招待咖啡。patient1) n(让医生诊治的)病人例: The hospital has a lot of patients.这家医院病人很多。insa

11、ne patients精神病人2) adj有耐心的,能忍受的,能容忍的反义词:impatientbe patient with sb 对某人有耐心be patient of sth 对某事有耐心例: You should be more patient with others.你应该对别人更耐心一些。He was patient of hardships.他很能吃苦。Patiently adv.patience n 忍耐,耐性,毅力反义词:impatienceThis kind of work requires much patience.这种下作需要极大的耐心She has no patie

12、nce with her nosy neighbors.nosy neighbors爱管闲事的邻居们她对那些爱管闲事的邻居已经不耐烦了。nosy adj(贬)过分好奇的,多管闲事的(nosey)I warn you. Im beginning to lose my patience.I m becoming impatient 我警告你,我已经失去耐心了twister: A doctor must be patient to his patients. If he is impatient to his patients, he will lose his patients because o

13、f his impatience.医生必须对病人有耐心,如果他对病人不耐烦,会因为对病人的不耐烦而失去病人。alone1) adj. 独自的,单独的(不能置于名词前)例:He likes being alone 他喜欢一个人呆着。His house stands alone on a hill他的房子孤零零的在山上。2) adv独自地例:I live alone 我一个人住。She lives alone in an apartment 她独自住在一座公寓里面。3)adv只有,仅仅例: You cannot live on meat alone. Eat more vegetable.你不能仅

14、仅吃肉,多吃些蔬菜。She alone was able to answer the question.只有她能回答这个问题。let alone更不用说let-alone别打扰(管,理,惹)(某人,某物),让一个人待着例:Let me alone 别理我。lonely 寂寞的,孤独的alone提及人时,只表示“一个人”之意:on ones own例: Im living alone, but l don t feel lonely.我一个人住但我不感觉孤独。exchange1)n,交换,互换,交流,交易例: Is five apples for five eggs a fair exchang

15、e?五个苹果换一个鸡蛋是一个公平的交易吗?an exchange of glances互使眼色They made a silent exchange of smile 他们默默相互微笑。2) n兑换:汇率:交流the exchange of dollars for pounds把美元兑换成英镑the rate of exchange /the exchange rate汇率3)n交易所the Stock Exchange证券交易所the stock market 证券交易市场4) n电话交换台(telephone exchange)5) vt交换,互换(问候等)例: Mary exchange

16、d seats with John.Mary和John换了座位。We only exchanged a few words because we were in a hurry.因为我们都很着急,所以我们只说了几句话。工often exchange information with him我总和他交迹流信息。Ive just bought this tie, but can I exchange it for that one?我刚刚买了这条领带,可是我想换另那条行吗?同义词:interchange nV交换,互换inquire(enquire)v询问,查询(比ask正式)inquire st

17、h of sb向某人询问消息inquire about sb/sth询问关于某人某事的消息相当于ask for information打听消息例: He inquired of the policeman the way.他想那个警察询问道路。I inquired of him whether he would come to the party.我问他是否能来参加这个party。Id like to inquire about the trains for London.我想打听去伦敦的火车。inquire sb s name询问某人的名字I want to inquire about a

18、certain patient.我想询问关于某个病人的情况。inquiry n询问a letter of inquiry 询问函例: I made inquiries about my lost umbrella in all the stores Ive visited.我在我去过的所有店里面打听我丢了的雨伞。certain1) adj确定的,有把握的,常可与sure通用例: They are sure to be late/They are certain to be late.他们一定会迟到的Im sure that theyll be late/l m certain that the

19、yll to be late 我确信他们会迟到的。One thing is sure; theyll be late./ One thing is certain: they ll be late.有一件事情时确定的,那就是他们会迟到的certain的语气比sure强,当it做主语,只用certain。例: it is certain that theyll be late.他们会迟到这件事情时确信的2) adj (未指明真实名称的)某一个,(说出名称但不很熟悉的)某一个,一位姓的人,置于名词前。例: A certain Mr. Brown called while you were out.

20、当你不在的时候,一位姓Brown的先生打电话过来了。For certain reasons, Ill be absent for the meeting.由于某些原因,我这次会议不能出席。some修饰单数可数名词,表示“某个”Some man tit the door is asking it see you.门口某个人想要见你。for some reason /for a certain reason 由于某种原因3) adj可靠的,确实的,无怀疑余地的反义词:uncertaincertain evidence可靠的证据a certain remedy有效地治疗方法Nothing is mo

21、re certain than death死亡之事无人能逃逃。caller n打电话的人call v1)叫,喊2)call out to sb for sth向某人大声喊叫He called out to her 他大声的喊她。call the roll 点名call your name 叫你的名字3)给取名call the baby Sophia 管这个小孩叫索菲亚call at 拜访call on 拜访(某人)call off 取消例:The game was called off because of the rain.由于大雨, 比赛被取消了call box/telephone boo

22、th/telephone box公共电话亭call girl 应召女郎caller 打电话的人;访问者relative)n亲戚,亲属a close relative /a near relative近亲a distant relative 远亲2)adj.相关的the facts relative lo the problem与问题相关的事实3) adj相对的,比较的反义词: absolute; absolutely/of course例: They are living in relative comfort.他们住的相对比较舒适。relation n亲戚:关系relationship二、关

23、键句型Key Structures直接引语和间接引语:在引用一个疑问句时,除了注意人称,状语等的变更和时态一致外,还要注意把引语中的语序变为陈述的语序,也就是说把主语放在谓语的前面:1) The secretary asked Whats your occupation? 秘书问道,你是做什么职业的The secretary asked what my occupation was.2) He asked : Where are you to get off, John? 他问John你要在哪下车呢?He asked John where he was get off.3) He asked:

24、 How are you getting along?他问你们相处的怎么样啊?He asked us how we getting along以上例子都是有关特殊疑问句的,如果引的是个一般疑问句,选择问句或反意问句,在引语前要用连词whether或if:.4) He asked: Are you sure your mother will come?他问道你确信你的母亲会来吗?He asked me whether I was sure my mother would come.5) He asked :Are you a teacher or a student?“他问道,你是老师还是学生呢

25、?He asked me whether I was a teacher or a student6) Youve already got well. havent you? she asked.她问你已经好了,是吗?She asked whether I had already got well.Exercise将下列引语变为间接引语1)I am very tiredhe said。 他说他非常累He said that he was very tired.2)Are you tired?she asked她问你累吗?She asked whether I was tired.3) When

26、 will Jack arrive? Tom asked.汤姆问杰克什么时候到?Tom asked when Jack would arrive.4) Have you ever been abroad? Catherine asked凯瑟琳问我出过国吗?Catherine asked whether I had ever been abroad.5) Why didnt you write to me? Jane asked.我你为什么不给我写信呢?Jane asked why I hadnt written to her.三、 课文讲解TextWhile John Gilbert was

27、in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so.所问的原句是:”Was my operation successful?”while conj.1)当时候,和同时,只要例:He took d bath while I was preparing dinner.我在准备饭的时候他洗了个澡。She called while I was out 当我不住的时候她打电话来了You II want for noth

28、ing while I am alive.只要我活着,你就不会缺任何东西。2)当while所引导的从句与主句主语相同,且while从句的动词为be时,whi l e从句的主语和be动词有时被省略。例: He watched TV while he was eating.7He watched TV while eating他一边看电视一边吃饭。3)虽然,然而,另一方面例: While I understand your viewpoint, I don t agree with you虽然我明白你的观点,但是我不同意你。I earn only 50 dollars a week, while

29、she earns 80 dollars.我每周只挣50美元而她每周挣80美元。in hospital 住院(表示抽象概念)in the hospital 在医院(表示方位)be at school 在课堂上,在求学(表示抽象概念)be at the school 在学校(表示方位)ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事ask for sth/sb 要求要ask for a bedside telephone 要一部床头电话ask for Doctor Millington 要 Doctor Millington来接电话refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事例:He refuse

30、d to help me 他拒绝帮助我。The machine refused to start.机器不工作了。The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. when he was alone he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked Tor Doctor Millington.the following day /the next day第二天1) bedside1)adj.床边的枕边的bedside table床头柜床头灯bedside lamp2)n床边例: She was unable to be at his bedside when he died.当他去世的时候,她没能在他身边When the doctor answered the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert.when he was alone 相当于when he was on his own 当他一个人的时候answer the phone 接电话answer a letter 回信answer a question 回答一个问题

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