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1、新视野英语第四册翻译汉译英英译汉doc1人人都知道她生性骄傲。(by nature)It is known to all that she is proud by nature.2 你只有一次机会,所以最好充分利用它!(make the most of)Youll only get one chance, so youd better make the most of it.3事故导致两名乘客死亡。(result inThe accident resulted in the death of two passengers.4. 有个好老师后,他的情况完全不一样了。(make all the d

2、ifference)Having a good teacher has made all the difference for him.1. 你的女儿渴望得到你的爱,你为什么对她那么冷淡?(be hungry for)Your daughter is hungry for your love. Why are you so cold to her?2. 尽管我们之间几乎没什么共同之处,但你仍然是我最好的朋友。(have in common)Although we have little in common, you are still my best friend.3. 她完全失去了控制,失声

3、痛哭起来。(lose ones control)She lost all her control and burst into tears.4. 我不明白到底是什么使他陷入绝望。(sink into despair)I did not understand what on earth made him sink into despair1. 很不幸,只有20人来上我的课。(no more than)No more than twenty people came to my class, unfortunately.2. 这位知名教授专门从事儿童早期教育。(specialize in)The f

4、amous professor specialized in the education of children at an early age.3. 她说她恨她的丈夫,或者大意如此的话。(to that effect)She said she hated her husband, or words to that effect.4. 我们已采取了一切必要措施来纠正这些错误。(remedy)We have done whatever is necessary to remedy these mistakes.1. 在演艺界要达到顶峰可不容易。(make it)Its hard to make

5、it to the top in the show business. 2. 她生活中曾经跌宕起伏,但她总能振作起来。(pull oneself together)She had her ups and downs, but she had always managed to pull herself together. 3. 他从来没有乘过船。(on board)He has never been on board a ship before. 4. 我无法照你的意见做,不过还得谢谢你的忠告。(nevertheless)I cant follow your advice. Neverthel

6、ess thank you for giving it1. 他想长大后当公司经理。(grow up)He wants to be a company manager when he grows up. 2. 这首歌代代相传。(hand down)This song is handed down from generation to generation. 3. 我们不得不耐着性子看完那部沉闷的电影。(sit through)We had to sit through that boring movie. 4. 你要不停地学习才能跟上这个忙碌的社会。(on the go)You must kee

7、p studying to catch up with this society that is on the go1. 她羞怯地看了他一眼。(give sb. a look)She gave him a shy look. 2. 看上去好像全镇的人都来看这场戏了。(seem like)It seemed like the whole town had come to the show. 3. 如果你想这样做,你就是如履薄冰了。(be/skate on thin ice)If you try that, youll really be on thin ice. 4. 我不得不克制住自己,没把坏

8、消息告诉他。(restrain from)I had to restrain myself from telling him the bad news.1. 这些便宜的包也很好,何必非买那个贵的。(make sense)It doesnt make sense to buy that expensive bag when those cheap ones are just as good. 2. 我们还是把事实真相告诉她吧,她迟早会发现的。(sooner or later)Wed better tell her the truth. Shell find it out sooner or la

9、ter. 3. 英语老师建议我从中级课程开始学习。(intermediate)My English teacher suggested that I start with the intermediate course. 4. 这处房产已经易主。(ownership)This estate is under new ownership.英译汉1. After twenty-two years of working for a major bank, a downsizing wave resulted in the elimination of over one hundred jobs, m

10、ine being one of them.供职于一家大银行22年后,我突然失去了工作。一次裁员潮导致一百多名员工失去工作,其中便有我。2. Not being a graduate had never held me back in my career with the bank, but now it was a personal goal I longed to achieve.没有大学文凭并没有影响到我在银行的职业生涯,但获得学位确实是我的平生夙愿。3. Now, instead of working towards materialistic things and personal

11、glory, my heart and life are firmly linked around people I care about.现在,我工作不再是为了“名利”,我的身心与我所关心的人紧紧地连在一起。4. As I think about the meaning of my belief change is good, change is progress, I realize that I have accepted the change, and am making the most of it.当我细细琢磨我的信条“变是好事,变是进步”时,我意识到我已接受了“变”,并在充分利用

12、“变”。1. I am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was taken from my homeand brought here with thousands of other Jews.自从我被从家中带走,并与成千上万的其他犹太人一起被关到这里以来,我已濒临死亡,只能活一天算一天,活一小时算一小时。2. I want to look away, oddly ashamed for this stranger to see me like this, but I cannot t

13、ear my eyes from hers.我想把目光挪开,被一个陌生人这样打量,我感到特别害臊,但我的视线无法从她的双眼移开。3. In my world of death this apple is an expression of life, of love. I glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance.在这充满死亡的世界中,这个苹果无疑表达的是生命和爱。我抬起头时,看见那个女孩在远处消失了。4. Months pass and the nightmare continues. But the me

14、mory of this girl sustains me through the terror, the pain, the hopelessness.一晃过了数月,噩梦仍在继续。但对这个小女孩的回忆支撑着我度过了那恐怖、痛苦和无望的岁月。1.The application letter should be brief, no more than one page in length. It should be easy to read and include only the necessary information.求职申请信应该简洁明了,长度不超过一页。求职申请信还应该清晰易读,只需

15、把必不可少的信息写上即可。2. The style you choose is really a matter of personal preference, as there are many different styles to choose from. 选择哪种格式其实是个人喜好问题,因为有许多格式可供选择。 3. If you are cold calling a company, then you should make it clear that you are applying for any current or future employment opportunities

16、.假如你是未经预先通知、自己登门求职的,那么你应该说明如果现在的职位已满,你还有意申请以后的工作机会。 4. The interview, then, is where you can really get the position youve always wanted. Good luck!面试就是你真正获得朝思暮想职位的时机。祝你好运!1. As I rushed toward my seat, passengers looked up at me with the nervous expressions of creatures who know they are about to d

17、ie.当我冲向座位时,乘客们惊恐万状地抬头望着我,那是意识到自已即将死去的表情。 2. I was ready to faint, but when I saw the face of the girl next to me, I pulled myself together. 我眼看要晕倒了。但看见邻座女孩那张面孔,我又振作起来。 3. Among the many feelings going through my head during those 20 minutes was pridepride in how welleverybody on board was behaving.在

18、那20分钟里,我脑海中掠过许多情感,其中之一就是骄傲。我为机上乘客个个都表现出色而骄傲。 4. When my name was finally called to board my new flight, I felt almost tearful to be parting from the people whose lives had so intensely, if briefly, touched mine.当最终叫到我的名字,要我登上另一架飞机时,我差不多是含泪和他们告别的。尽管相识时间短暂,但他们深深地打动了我。1. My generation, the generation t

19、hat came of age in the 1950s and 1960s, may be the last to appreciate being surrounded by millions of words working together to create plots of every kind.我这一代,即在20世纪50年代和60年代长大成人的这一代,也许是喜欢被营造各种情节的无数文字包围的最后一代。 2. Recently, the head of the University of Illinoiss branch campus in Chicago reinforced t

20、he reality of such a problem in saying that 10 percent of the freshmen at his university could read no better than the average student in elementary school. 最近,伊利诺伊州大学芝加哥分校校长的一番话证实了这个问题的存在。他说在他的大学,10%的新生只有普通小学生的阅读水平。 3. To listen to a record, to sit through a movie, to watch cartoons on televisionth

21、ese activities all require nothing of the cultural consumer, save his mere presence.听音乐、看电影、看电视上的卡通片,这些活动对文化消费者没有任何要求,只需到场即可。 4. Ultimately, in an age when everything seems to be disposable, the book one keeps and reads time and again is nothing more than a primitive item from the past with little o

22、r no place in a society that is always on the go.处于一个任何东西都可用完就扔掉的时代,一本被珍藏并反复阅读的书最终不过是旧时代的古物,在高速运转的时代几无立足之处了1. I say, Im going to miss you, and she gives me one of her looks and leaves the room.我说:“我会想念你的。”但她瞥了我一眼就离开了房间。 2. Her face, once so open and trusting, is almost hostile now.她那张曾经坦诚、信赖的面孔现在变得几

23、乎带有敌意了。 3. Some say the tighter your bond with your child, the greater her need to break away, to establish her own identity in the world.有人说你和孩子的关系越密切,她就越需要摆脱这种关系,以确立自己在这个世界上的身份。 4. Your daughter will come back to you. This is just a phase shes going through.你女儿会回到你身边的。这不过是她正在经历的一个阶段而已。1. No matter

24、 how small or humble the home, a British person considers the place where they live to be their own little corner of the world.不管房子多么小或多么寒酸,英国人总是把他们的家看成是这个世界上属于自己的一个小角落。 2. So, most people negotiate a loan, called a mortgage, with a bank. This loan is then paid back in regular installments over a lo

25、ng period of timeoften twenty-five years.因此,绝大多数人与银行协商贷款,称为抵押贷款。这种贷款在一段较长时期内(通常是25年)分期偿还。 3. Even though Britains population is not growing very fast, the number of new houses and flats built every year is not quite enough to meet the demand. Consequently, prices rise.虽然英国人口增长不快,但每年修建的房屋和公寓难以满足需求。因此,房屋价格上涨。 4. Another feature of British home ownership, which is puzzling to many people from other countries, is the desire to trade up.英国人的房屋所有权的另一个特点是“卖旧房买新房”的愿望,这让其他国家的许多人迷惑不解。

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